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6 files changed, 240 insertions, 198 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/closure.ml b/kernel/closure.ml
index 08b0cd065..e61f94939 100644
--- a/kernel/closure.ml
+++ b/kernel/closure.ml
@@ -412,10 +412,10 @@ let contract_cofixp env (i,(_,_,bds as bodies)) =
* (APP (l,(APP ...))) forbidden
-type stack =
+type cbv_stack =
- | APP of cbv_value list * stack
- | CASE of constr * constr array * case_info * cbv_value subs * stack
+ | APP of cbv_value list * cbv_stack
+ | CASE of constr * constr array * case_info * cbv_value subs * cbv_stack
(* Adds an application list. Collapse APPs! *)
let stack_app appl stack =
@@ -717,6 +717,83 @@ let cbv_norm infos constr =
(**** End of call by value ****)
+(* The type of (machine) stacks (= lambda-bar-calculus' contexts) *)
+type 'a stack =
+ | EmptyStack
+ | ConsStack of 'a array * int * 'a stack
+let empty_stack = EmptyStack
+let decomp_stack = function
+ | EmptyStack -> None
+ | ConsStack (v, n, s) ->
+ Some (v.(n), (if n+1 = Array.length v then s else ConsStack (v, n+1, s)))
+let append_stack v s = if Array.length v = 0 then s else ConsStack (v,0,s)
+let rec app_stack = function
+ | f, EmptyStack -> f
+ | f, ConsStack (v, n, s) ->
+ let args = if n=0 then v else Array.sub v n (Array.length v - n) in
+ app_stack (appvect (f, args), s)
+let rec list_of_stack = function
+ | EmptyStack -> []
+ | ConsStack (v, n, s) ->
+ let args = if n=0 then v else Array.sub v n (Array.length v - n) in
+ Array.fold_right (fun a l -> a::l) args (list_of_stack s)
+let array_of_stack s =
+ let rec stackrec = function
+ | EmptyStack -> []
+ | ConsStack (v, n, s) ->
+ let args = if n=0 then v else Array.sub v n (Array.length v - n) in
+ args :: (stackrec s)
+ in Array.concat (stackrec s)
+let rec stack_assign s p c = match s with
+ | EmptyStack -> EmptyStack
+ | ConsStack (v, n, s) ->
+ let q = Array.length v - n in
+ if p >= q then
+ ConsStack (v, n, stack_assign s (p-q) c)
+ else
+ let v' = Array.sub v n q in
+ v'.(p) <- c;
+ ConsStack (v', 0, s)
+let rec stack_tail p s =
+ if p = 0 then s else
+ match s with
+ | EmptyStack -> failwith "stack_shop"
+ | ConsStack (v, n, s) ->
+ let q = Array.length v - n in
+ if p >= q then stack_tail (p-q) s
+ else ConsStack (v, n+p, s)
+let rec stack_nth s p = match s with
+ | EmptyStack -> raise Not_found
+ | ConsStack (v, n, s) ->
+ let q = Array.length v - n in
+ if p >= q then stack_nth s (p-q)
+ else v.(p+n)
+let rec stack_args_size = function
+ | EmptyStack -> 0
+ | ConsStack (v, n, s) -> Array.length v - n + stack_args_size s
+(* Version avec listes
+type stack = constr list
+let decomp_stack = function
+ | [] -> None
+ | v :: s -> Some (v,s)
+let append_stack v s = v@s
(* Lazy reduction: the one used in kernel operations *)
@@ -999,11 +1076,12 @@ let rec strip_frterm n v stack =
match v.term with
| FLIFT (k,f) -> strip_frterm (k+n) f stack
| FApp (f,args) ->
- strip_frterm n f ((Array.map (lift_freeze n) args)::stack)
+ strip_frterm n f
+ (append_stack (Array.map (lift_freeze n) args) stack)
| FCast (f,_) -> (strip_frterm n f stack)
- | _ -> (n, v, Array.concat stack)
+ | _ -> (n, v, stack)
-let strip_freeze v = strip_frterm 0 v []
+let strip_freeze v = strip_frterm 0 v empty_stack
(* Same as contract_fixp, but producing a freeze *)
@@ -1038,9 +1116,9 @@ let copy_case ci p ft bl =
(* Check if the case argument enables iota-reduction *)
type case_status =
- | CONSTRUCTOR of int * fconstr array
+ | CONSTRUCTOR of int * fconstr stack
| COFIX of int * int * (fconstr array * name list * fconstr array) *
- fconstr array * constr array * freeze subs
+ fconstr stack * constr array * freeze subs
@@ -1048,14 +1126,14 @@ let constr_or_cofix env v =
let (lft_hd, head, appl) = strip_freeze v in
match head.term with
| FConstruct ((indsp,i),_) ->
- let args = snd (array_chop (mindsp_nparams env indsp) appl) in
+ let args = stack_tail (mindsp_nparams env indsp) appl in
| FCoFix (bnum, def, bds, env) -> COFIX (lft_hd,bnum,def,appl, bds, env)
-let fix_reducible env unf_fun n appl =
- if n < Array.length appl & n >= 0 (* e.g for Acc_rec: n = -2 *) then
- let v = unf_fun appl.(n) in
+let fix_reducible env unf_fun n stack =
+ if n < stack_args_size stack & n >= 0 (* e.g for Acc_rec: n = -2 *) then
+ let v = unf_fun (stack_nth stack n) in
match constr_or_cofix env v with
| CONSTRUCTOR _ -> true
| _ -> false
@@ -1083,7 +1161,7 @@ and whnf_frterm info ft =
let uf = unfreeze info f in
{ norm = uf.norm; term = FLIFT(k, uf) }
| FCast (f,_) -> whnf_frterm info f (* remove outer casts *)
- | FApp (f,appl) -> whnf_apply info f appl
+ | FApp (f,appl) -> whnf_apply info f (append_stack appl empty_stack)
| FFlex (FConst (sp,vars)) ->
let cst = (sp, Array.map term_of_freeze vars) in
if red_under info.i_flags (CONST [sp]) then
@@ -1152,23 +1230,27 @@ and whnf_frterm info ft =
| FFix _ | FCoFix _ | FInd _ | FConstruct _ | FLambda _ | FProd _ -> ft
(* Weak head reduction: case of the application (head appl) *)
-and whnf_apply info head appl =
+and whnf_apply info head stack =
let head = unfreeze info head in
- if Array.length appl = 0 then
+ if stack = empty_stack then
- let (lft_hd,whd,args) = strip_frterm 0 head [appl] in
+ let (lft_hd,whd,lstack) = strip_frterm 0 head stack in
match whd.term with
| FLambda (_,_,_,t,subs) when red_under info.i_flags BETA ->
- let vbody = contract_subst lft_hd t subs args.(0) in
- whnf_apply info vbody (array_tl args)
+ (match decomp_stack lstack with
+ | Some (c, stack') ->
+ let vbody = contract_subst lft_hd t subs c in
+ whnf_apply info vbody stack'
+ | None -> assert false)
| FFix ((reci,bnum), _, _, _) as fx
when red_under info.i_flags IOTA
& fix_reducible info.i_env
- (unfreeze (infos_under info)) reci.(bnum) args ->
+ (unfreeze (infos_under info)) reci.(bnum) lstack ->
let fix = contract_fix_vect fx in
- whnf_apply info (lift_freeze lft_hd fix) args
- | _ ->
+ whnf_apply info (lift_freeze lft_hd fix) lstack
+ | _ ->
+ let appl = array_of_stack stack in
{ norm = (is_val head) & (array_for_all is_val appl);
term = FApp (head, appl) }
diff --git a/kernel/closure.mli b/kernel/closure.mli
index c38c6aaa0..8bb25554b 100644
--- a/kernel/closure.mli
+++ b/kernel/closure.mli
@@ -82,7 +82,97 @@ type 'a subs =
| SHIFT of int * 'a subs
| LIFT of int * 'a subs
-(*s Call by value functions *)
+(*s A [stack] is a context of arguments, arguments are pushed by
+ [append_stack] one array at a time but popped with [decomp_stack]
+ one by one *)
+type 'a stack
+val empty_stack : 'a stack
+val append_stack : 'a array -> 'a stack -> 'a stack
+val decomp_stack : 'a stack -> ('a * 'a stack) option
+val list_of_stack : 'a stack -> 'a list
+val array_of_stack : 'a stack -> 'a array
+val stack_assign : 'a stack -> int -> 'a -> 'a stack
+val stack_args_size : 'a stack -> int
+val app_stack : constr * constr stack -> constr
+val stack_tail : int -> 'a stack -> 'a stack
+val stack_nth : 'a stack -> int -> 'a
+(*s Call-by-value reduction *)
+(* Entry point for cbv normalization of a constr *)
+type 'a cbv_infos
+val create_cbv_infos : flags -> env -> 'a evar_map -> 'a cbv_infos
+val cbv_norm : 'a cbv_infos -> constr -> constr
+(*s Lazy reduction. *)
+(* [fconstr] is the type of frozen constr *)
+type fconstr
+(* [fconstr] can be accessed by using the function [frterm_of] and by
+ matching on type [frterm] *)
+type frterm =
+ | FRel of int
+ | FAtom of constr
+ | FCast of fconstr * fconstr
+ | FFlex of frreference
+ | FInd of inductive_path * fconstr array
+ | FConstruct of constructor_path * fconstr array
+ | FApp of fconstr * fconstr array
+ | FFix of (int array * int) * (fconstr array * name list * fconstr array)
+ * constr array * fconstr subs
+ | FCoFix of int * (fconstr array * name list * fconstr array)
+ * constr array * fconstr subs
+ | FCases of case_info * fconstr * fconstr * fconstr array
+ | FLambda of name * fconstr * fconstr * constr * fconstr subs
+ | FProd of name * fconstr * fconstr * constr * fconstr subs
+ | FLetIn of name * fconstr * fconstr * fconstr * constr * fconstr subs
+ | FLIFT of int * fconstr
+ | FFROZEN of constr * fconstr subs
+and frreference =
+ | FConst of section_path * fconstr array
+ | FEvar of (existential * fconstr subs)
+ | FVar of identifier
+ | FFarRel of int
+val frterm_of : fconstr -> frterm
+(* To lazy reduce a constr, create a ['a clos_infos] with
+ [create_cbv_infos], inject the term to reduce with [inject]; then use
+ a reduction function *)
+(* Global and local constant cache *)
+type 'a clos_infos
+val create_clos_infos : flags -> env -> 'a evar_map -> 'a clos_infos
+val clos_infos_env : 'a clos_infos -> env
+val inject : constr -> fconstr
+(* Reduction function *)
+(* [norm_val] is for strong normalization *)
+val norm_val : 'a clos_infos -> fconstr -> constr
+(* [whd_val] is for weak head normalization *)
+val whd_val : 'a clos_infos -> fconstr -> constr
+(* [fhnf] and [fnf_apply] are for weak head normalization but staying
+ in [fcontr] world to perform step by step weak head normalization *)
+val fhnf: 'a clos_infos -> fconstr -> int * fconstr * fconstr stack
+val fhnf_apply : 'a clos_infos ->
+ int -> fconstr -> fconstr stack -> int * fconstr * fconstr stack
+(* [search_frozen_value] unfolds references in a [fconstr] *)
+val search_frozen_value : 'a clos_infos -> frreference -> fconstr option
+(*i This is for cbv debug *)
type cbv_value =
| VAL of int * constr
| LAM of name * constr * constr * cbv_value subs
@@ -92,75 +182,32 @@ type cbv_value =
val shift_value : int -> cbv_value -> cbv_value
-(*i Private ??
-val contract_fixp : cbv_value subs -> fixpoint -> cbv_value subs * constr
-type stack =
+type cbv_stack =
- | APP of cbv_value list * stack
- | CASE of constr * constr array * case_info * cbv_value subs * stack
+ | APP of cbv_value list * cbv_stack
+ | CASE of constr * constr array * case_info * cbv_value subs * cbv_stack
-val stack_app : cbv_value list -> stack -> stack
-val under_case_stack : stack -> bool
-val strip_appl : cbv_value -> stack -> cbv_value * stack
+val stack_app : cbv_value list -> cbv_stack -> cbv_stack
+val under_case_stack : cbv_stack -> bool
+val strip_appl : cbv_value -> cbv_stack -> cbv_value * cbv_stack
-val red_allowed : flags -> stack -> red_kind -> bool
+val red_allowed : flags -> cbv_stack -> red_kind -> bool
val reduce_const_body :
- (cbv_value -> cbv_value) -> cbv_value -> stack -> cbv_value * stack
-(*i Private ??
-val fixp_reducible :
- (cbv_value -> cbv_value) -> flags -> fixpoint -> stack -> bool
-(* normalization of a constr: the two functions to know... *)
-type 'a cbv_infos
-val create_cbv_infos : flags -> env -> 'a evar_map -> 'a cbv_infos
-val cbv_norm : 'a cbv_infos -> constr -> constr
+ (cbv_value -> cbv_value) -> cbv_value -> cbv_stack -> cbv_value * cbv_stack
(* recursive functions... *)
val cbv_stack_term : 'a cbv_infos ->
- stack -> cbv_value subs -> constr -> cbv_value
+ cbv_stack -> cbv_value subs -> constr -> cbv_value
val cbv_norm_term : 'a cbv_infos -> cbv_value subs -> constr -> constr
val cbv_norm_more : 'a cbv_infos -> cbv_value subs -> cbv_value -> cbv_value
val norm_head : 'a cbv_infos ->
- cbv_value subs -> constr -> stack -> cbv_value * stack
-val apply_stack : 'a cbv_infos -> constr -> stack -> constr
+ cbv_value subs -> constr -> cbv_stack -> cbv_value * cbv_stack
+val apply_stack : 'a cbv_infos -> constr -> cbv_stack -> constr
val cbv_norm_value : 'a cbv_infos -> cbv_value -> constr
+(* End of cbv debug section i*)
-(*s Lazy reduction. *)
-type freeze = {
- mutable norm: bool;
- mutable term: frterm }
-and frterm =
- | FRel of int
- | FAtom of constr
- | FCast of freeze * freeze
- | FFlex of frreference
- | FInd of inductive_path * freeze array
- | FConstruct of constructor_path * freeze array
- | FApp of freeze * freeze array
- | FFix of (int array * int) * (freeze array * name list * freeze array)
- * constr array * freeze subs
- | FCoFix of int * (freeze array * name list * freeze array)
- * constr array * freeze subs
- | FCases of case_info * freeze * freeze * freeze array
- | FLambda of name * freeze * freeze * constr * freeze subs
- | FProd of name * freeze * freeze * constr * freeze subs
- | FLetIn of name * freeze * freeze * freeze * constr * freeze subs
- | FLIFT of int * freeze
- | FFROZEN of constr * freeze subs
-and frreference =
- | FConst of section_path * freeze array
- | FEvar of (existential * freeze subs)
- | FVar of identifier
- | FFarRel of int
-val frterm_of : freeze -> frterm
+(*i This is for lazy debug *)
+type freeze = fconstr
val is_val : freeze -> bool
val lift_frterm : int -> freeze -> freeze
@@ -181,44 +228,25 @@ val applist_of_freeze : freeze array -> constr list
(* contract a substitution *)
val contract_subst : int -> constr -> freeze subs -> freeze -> freeze
-(* Global and local constant cache *)
-type 'a clos_infos
-val create_clos_infos : flags -> env -> 'a evar_map -> 'a clos_infos
-val clos_infos_env : 'a clos_infos -> env
-(* Calculus of Constructions *)
-type fconstr = freeze
-val inject : constr -> fconstr
val strip_frterm :
- int -> fconstr -> fconstr array list -> int * fconstr * fconstr array
-val strip_freeze : fconstr -> int * fconstr * fconstr array
+ int -> fconstr -> fconstr stack -> int * fconstr * fconstr stack
+val strip_freeze : fconstr -> int * fconstr * fconstr stack
(* Auxiliary functions for (co)fixpoint reduction *)
val contract_fix_vect : frterm -> fconstr
val copy_case : case_info -> fconstr -> fconstr -> fconstr array -> fconstr
(* Iota analysis: reducible ? *)
type case_status =
- | CONSTRUCTOR of int * fconstr array
+ | CONSTRUCTOR of int * fconstr stack
| COFIX of int * int * (fconstr array * name list * fconstr array) *
- fconstr array * constr array * freeze subs
+ fconstr stack * constr array * freeze subs
-(* Reduction function *)
-val norm_val : 'a clos_infos -> fconstr -> constr
-val whd_val : 'a clos_infos -> fconstr -> constr
-val fhnf: 'a clos_infos -> fconstr -> int * fconstr * fconstr array
-val fhnf_apply : 'a clos_infos ->
- int -> fconstr -> fconstr array -> int * fconstr * fconstr array
-val search_frozen_value : 'a clos_infos -> frreference -> fconstr option
(* recursive functions... *)
val unfreeze : 'a clos_infos -> fconstr -> fconstr
val whnf_frterm : 'a clos_infos -> fconstr -> fconstr
val whnf_term : 'a clos_infos -> fconstr subs -> constr -> fconstr
-val whnf_apply : 'a clos_infos -> fconstr -> fconstr array -> fconstr
+val whnf_apply : 'a clos_infos -> fconstr -> fconstr stack -> fconstr
+(* End of cbn debug section i*)
diff --git a/kernel/reduction.ml b/kernel/reduction.ml
index 4df8de1a2..43a671536 100644
--- a/kernel/reduction.ml
+++ b/kernel/reduction.ml
@@ -14,13 +14,8 @@ open Closure
exception Elimconst
-(* The type of (machine) stacks (= lambda-bar-calculus' contexts) *)
-type stack =
- | EmptyStack
- | ConsStack of constr array * int * stack
(* The type of (machine) states (= lambda-bar-calculus' cuts) *)
-type state = constr * stack
+type state = constr * constr stack
type 'a contextual_reduction_function = env -> 'a evar_map -> constr -> constr
type 'a reduction_function = 'a contextual_reduction_function
@@ -36,61 +31,6 @@ type 'a contextual_state_reduction_function =
type 'a state_reduction_function = 'a contextual_state_reduction_function
type local_state_reduction_function = state -> state
-let empty_stack = EmptyStack
-let decomp_stack = function
- | EmptyStack -> None
- | ConsStack (v, n, s) ->
- Some (v.(n), (if n+1 = Array.length v then s else ConsStack (v, n+1, s)))
-let append_stack v s = if Array.length v = 0 then s else ConsStack (v,0,s)
-let rec app_stack = function
- | f, EmptyStack -> f
- | f, ConsStack (v, n, s) ->
- let args = if n=0 then v else Array.sub v n (Array.length v - n) in
- app_stack (appvect (f, args), s)
-let rec list_of_stack = function
- | EmptyStack -> []
- | ConsStack (v, n, s) ->
- let args = if n=0 then v else Array.sub v n (Array.length v - n) in
- Array.fold_right (fun a l -> a::l) args (list_of_stack s)
-let appterm_of_stack (f,s) = (f,list_of_stack s)
-let rec stack_assign s p c = match s with
- | EmptyStack -> EmptyStack
- | ConsStack (v, n, s) ->
- let q = Array.length v - n in
- if p >= q then
- ConsStack (v, n, stack_assign s (p-q) c)
- else
- let v' = Array.sub v n q in
- v'.(p) <- c;
- ConsStack (v', 0, s)
-let rec stack_nth s p = match s with
- | EmptyStack -> raise Not_found
- | ConsStack (v, n, s) ->
- let q = Array.length v - n in
- if p >= q then stack_nth s (p-q)
- else v.(p+n)
-let rec stack_args_size = function
- | EmptyStack -> 0
- | ConsStack (v, n, s) -> Array.length v - n + stack_args_size s
-(* Version avec listes
-type stack = constr list
-let decomp_stack = function
- | [] -> None
- | v :: s -> Some (v,s)
-let append_stack v s = v@s
(*** Reduction Functions Operators ***)
@@ -101,6 +41,8 @@ let rec whd_state (x, stack as s) =
| IsCast (c,_) -> whd_state (c, stack)
| _ -> s
+let appterm_of_stack (f,s) = (f,list_of_stack s)
let whd_stack x = appterm_of_stack (whd_state (x, empty_stack))
let whd_castapp_stack = whd_stack
@@ -204,7 +146,7 @@ let rec stacklam recfun env t stack =
| _ -> recfun (substl env t, stack)
let beta_applist (c,l) =
- stacklam app_stack [] c (append_stack (Array.of_list l) EmptyStack)
+ stacklam app_stack [] c (append_stack (Array.of_list l) empty_stack)
(* Iota reduction tools *)
@@ -734,6 +676,9 @@ let convert_forall2 f v1 v2 c =
then array_fold_left2 (fun c x y -> f x y c) c v1 v2
else raise NotConvertible
+let convert_stacks f v1 v2 c =
+ convert_forall2 f (array_of_stack v1) (array_of_stack v2) c
(* Convertibility of sorts *)
let sort_cmp pb s0 s1 =
@@ -771,15 +716,15 @@ and eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 appr2 =
(match kind_of_term a1, kind_of_term a2 with
| (IsSort s1, IsSort s2) ->
- (Array.length v1 = 0 && Array.length v2 = 0)
+ (stack_args_size v1 = 0 && stack_args_size v2 = 0)
(sort_cmp cv_pb s1 s2)
| (IsMeta n, IsMeta m) ->
bool_and_convert (n=m)
- (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2)
+ (convert_stacks (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2)
v1 v2)
| IsXtra s1, IsXtra s2 ->
bool_and_convert (s1=s2)
- (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2)
+ (convert_stacks (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2)
v1 v2)
| _ -> fun _ -> raise NotConvertible)
@@ -787,14 +732,14 @@ and eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 appr2 =
| (FRel n, FRel m) ->
(reloc_rel n el1 = reloc_rel m el2)
- (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2)
+ (convert_stacks (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2)
(* 2 constants, 2 existentials or 2 local defined vars or 2 defined rels *)
| (FFlex fl1, FFlex fl2) ->
(* try first intensional equality *)
(bool_and_convert (fl1 = fl2)
- (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2))
+ (convert_stacks (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2))
(* else expand the second occurrence (arbitrary heuristic) *)
(fun u ->
match search_frozen_value infos fl2 with
@@ -820,7 +765,7 @@ and eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 appr2 =
(* other constructors *)
| (FLambda (_,c1,c2,_,_), FLambda (_,c'1,c'2,_,_)) ->
- (Array.length v1 = 0 && Array.length v2 = 0)
+ (stack_args_size v1 = 0 && stack_args_size v2 = 0)
(ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2 c1 c'1)
(ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos (el_lift el1) (el_lift el2) c2 c'2))
@@ -829,7 +774,7 @@ and eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 appr2 =
| (FProd (_,c1,c2,_,_), FProd (_,c'1,c'2,_,_)) ->
- (Array.length v1 = 0 && Array.length v2 = 0)
+ (stack_args_size v1 = 0 && stack_args_size v2 = 0)
(ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2 c1 c'1) (* Luo's system *)
(ccnv cv_pb infos (el_lift el1) (el_lift el2) c2 c'2))
@@ -845,19 +790,19 @@ and eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 appr2 =
(ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2 c1 c2)
(convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2) cl1 cl2)
- (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2)
+ (convert_stacks (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2)
| (FInd (op1,cl1), FInd(op2,cl2)) ->
bool_and_convert (op1 = op2)
(convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2) cl1 cl2)
- (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2))
+ (convert_stacks (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2))
| (FConstruct (op1,cl1), FConstruct(op2,cl2)) ->
bool_and_convert (op1 = op2)
(convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2) cl1 cl2)
- (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2))
+ (convert_stacks (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2))
| (FFix (op1,(tys1,_,cl1),_,_), FFix(op2,(tys2,_,cl2),_,_)) ->
let n = Array.length cl1 in
bool_and_convert (op1 = op2)
@@ -867,7 +812,7 @@ and eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 appr2 =
(convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos
(el_liftn n el1) (el_liftn n el2))
cl1 cl2)
- (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2)
+ (convert_stacks (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2)
v1 v2)))
| (FCoFix (op1,(tys1,_,cl1),_,_), FCoFix(op2,(tys2,_,cl2),_,_)) ->
let n = Array.length cl1 in
@@ -878,7 +823,7 @@ and eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 appr2 =
(convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos
(el_liftn n el1) (el_liftn n el2))
cl1 cl2)
- (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2)
+ (convert_stacks (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2)
v1 v2)))
| _ -> (fun _ -> raise NotConvertible)
diff --git a/kernel/reduction.mli b/kernel/reduction.mli
index 7828ff940..600cdd823 100644
--- a/kernel/reduction.mli
+++ b/kernel/reduction.mli
@@ -14,20 +14,7 @@ open Closure
exception Elimconst
-(*s A [stack] is a context of arguments, arguments are pushed by
- [append_stack] one array at a time but popped with [decomp_stack]
- one by one *)
-type stack
-val empty_stack : stack
-val append_stack : constr array -> stack -> stack
-val decomp_stack : stack -> (constr * stack) option
-val list_of_stack : stack -> constr list
-val stack_assign : stack -> int -> constr -> stack
-val stack_args_size : stack -> int
-val app_stack : constr * stack -> constr
-type state = constr * stack
+type state = constr * constr stack
type 'a contextual_reduction_function = env -> 'a evar_map -> constr -> constr
type 'a reduction_function = 'a contextual_reduction_function
@@ -58,7 +45,7 @@ val strong_prodspine : local_reduction_function -> local_reduction_function
val stack_reduction_of_reduction :
'a reduction_function -> 'a state_reduction_function
-val stacklam : (state -> 'a) -> constr list -> constr -> stack -> 'a
+val stacklam : (state -> 'a) -> constr list -> constr -> constr stack -> 'a
(*s Generic Optimized Reduction Function using Closures *)
@@ -148,9 +135,9 @@ val whd_programs : 'a reduction_function
type fix_reduction_result = NotReducible | Reduced of state
-val fix_recarg : fixpoint -> stack -> (int * constr) option
+val fix_recarg : fixpoint -> constr stack -> (int * constr) option
val reduce_fix : local_state_reduction_function -> fixpoint
- -> stack -> fix_reduction_result
+ -> constr stack -> fix_reduction_result
(*s Conversion Functions (uses closures, lazy strategy) *)
diff --git a/pretyping/evarconv.ml b/pretyping/evarconv.ml
index c90dcddb1..f0b50aa0d 100644
--- a/pretyping/evarconv.ml
+++ b/pretyping/evarconv.ml
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ open Util
open Names
open Term
open Reduction
+open Closure
open Instantiate
open Environ
open Typing
diff --git a/pretyping/tacred.ml b/pretyping/tacred.ml
index 1e162a4bd..715cb798a 100644
--- a/pretyping/tacred.ml
+++ b/pretyping/tacred.ml
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ open Term
open Inductive
open Environ
open Reduction
+open Closure
open Instantiate
@@ -582,8 +583,6 @@ let rec substlin env name n ol c =
| (IsRel _|IsMeta _|IsVar _|IsXtra _|IsSort _
|IsEvar _|IsConst _|IsMutInd _|IsMutConstruct _) -> (n,ol,c)
-open Closure
let unfold env sigma name =
clos_norm_flags (unfold_flags name) env sigma