diff options
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/configure.ml b/configure.ml
index c75c3d7e1..dc146bf06 100644
--- a/configure.ml
+++ b/configure.ml
@@ -300,27 +300,17 @@ let args_options = Arg.align [
"<dir> Where to install doc files";
"-emacslib", arg_string_option Prefs.emacslib,
"<dir> Where to install emacs files";
- "-emacs", Arg.String (fun s ->
- prerr_endline "Warning: -emacs option is deprecated. Use -emacslib instead.";
- Prefs.emacslib := Some s),
- "<dir> Deprecated: same as -emacslib";
"-coqdocdir", arg_string_option Prefs.coqdocdir,
"<dir> Where to install Coqdoc style files";
"-ocamlfind", arg_string_option Prefs.ocamlfindcmd,
"<dir> Specifies the ocamlfind command to use";
"-lablgtkdir", arg_string_option Prefs.lablgtkdir,
"<dir> Specifies the path to the Lablgtk library";
- "-usecamlp5", Arg.Unit (fun () ->
- prerr_endline "Warning: -usecamlp5 option is deprecated. Camlp5 is already a required dependency."),
- " Deprecated: Camlp5 is a required dependency (Camlp4 is not supported anymore)";
Arg.String (fun s -> Prefs.camlp5dir:=Some s),
"<dir> Specifies where is the Camlp5 library and tells to use it";
"-arch", arg_string_option Prefs.arch,
"<arch> Specifies the architecture";
- "-opt", Arg.Unit (fun () ->
- prerr_endline "Warning: -opt option is deprecated. Native OCaml executables are detected automatically."),
- " Deprecated: native OCaml executables detected automatically";
"-natdynlink", arg_bool Prefs.natdynlink,
"(yes|no) Use dynamic loading of native code or not";
"-coqide", Arg.String (fun s -> Prefs.coqide := Some (get_ide s)),
@@ -329,33 +319,18 @@ let args_options = Arg.align [
" Do not try to build CoqIDE MacOS integration";
"-browser", arg_string_option Prefs.browser,
"<command> Use <command> to open URL %s";
- "-nodoc", Arg.Unit (fun () ->
- prerr_endline "Warning: -nodoc option is deprecated. Use -with-doc no instead.";
- Prefs.withdoc := false),
- " Deprecated: use -with-doc no instead";
"-with-doc", arg_bool Prefs.withdoc,
"(yes|no) Compile the documentation or not";
"-with-geoproof", arg_bool Prefs.geoproof,
"(yes|no) Use Geoproof binding or not";
"-byte-only", Arg.Set Prefs.byteonly,
" Compiles only bytecode version of Coq";
- "-byteonly", Arg.Unit (fun () ->
- prerr_endline "Warning: -byteonly option is deprecated. Use -byte-only instead.";
- Prefs.byteonly := true),
- " Deprecated: use -byte-only instead";
- "-debug", Arg.Unit (fun () ->
- prerr_endline "Warning: -debug option is deprecated. Coq is compiled in debug mode by default.";
- Prefs.debug := true),
- " Deprecated: Coq is compiled in debug mode by default";
"-nodebug", Arg.Clear Prefs.debug,
" Do not add debugging information in the Coq executables";
"-profile", Arg.Set Prefs.profile,
" Add profiling information in the Coq executables";
"-annotate", Arg.Set Prefs.annotate,
" Dumps ml annotation files while compiling Coq";
- "-makecmd", Arg.String (fun _ ->
- prerr_endline "Warning: -makecmd option is deprecated and doesn't have any effect."),
- "<command> Deprecated";
"-native-compiler", arg_bool Prefs.nativecompiler,
"(yes|no) Compilation to native code for conversion and normalization";
"-coqwebsite", Arg.Set_string Prefs.coqwebsite,