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diff --git a/doc/RefMan-syn.tex b/doc/RefMan-syn.tex
index ad761f53c..8a0599731 100755
--- a/doc/RefMan-syn.tex
+++ b/doc/RefMan-syn.tex
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ expressions.
& $|$ & {\sl quotation} & \\
{\sl meta} & ::= & \verb+$+{\ident} & \\
{\sl path} & ::= & \nelist{{\tt\#}{\ident}}{} \verb+.+ {\sl kind} & \\
{\sl kind} & ::= & \verb+cci+ $~|~$\verb+fw+ $~|~$ \verb+obj+ & \\
{\sl name} & ::= & \verb+<>+ ~$|$~ {\ident} ~$\mid$~ {\sl meta} & \\
@@ -112,6 +113,7 @@ environment.
As we will see later, metavariables may denote an AST or an AST list
(when used with the \verb+$LIST+ special token).
So, we introduce two types of variables: \verb+Ast+ and
\verb+List+. The type of variables is checked statically: an
expression referring to undefined metavariables, or using metavariables
@@ -127,8 +129,9 @@ the system.
Nevertheless there are some application nodes that have some special
meaning for the system. They are build on \verb+(+{\sl
special-tok}~{\sl meta}\verb+)+, and cannot be confused with regular
-nodes since {\sl special-tok} begins with a \verb+$+. There is a
-description of these nodes below.
+nodes since {\sl special-tok} begins with a \verb+$+.
+There is a description of these nodes below.
@@ -205,9 +208,12 @@ the variable \verb+$idl+ is bound to the list \verb+[x y z]+, the
expression \verb+(Intros ($LIST $idl) a b c)+ will build the AST
\verb+(Intros x y z a b c)+. Note that \verb+$LIST+ does not occur in
the result.
% Ameliorer le style!
-Since we know the type of variables, the \verb+$LIST+ is not really
+Since we know the type of variables, the \verb+$LIST+
+is not really
necessary. We enforce this annotation to stress on the fact that the
variable will be substituted by an arbitrary number of AST's.
@@ -222,6 +228,7 @@ The other special operators ({\tt\$VAR}, {\tt\$NUM}, {\tt\$STR},
%\item \verb+($SLAM $l body)+ is used to denote an abstraction where
% the elements of the list variable \verb+$l+ are the variables
% simultaneously abstracted in \verb+body+.
% The production to recognize a lambda abstraction of the form
% $[x_1,\ldots,x_n:T]body$ use the operator \verb+$SLAM+:
@@ -830,6 +837,7 @@ Grammar tactic ne_identarg_list : ast list :=
-> [ $id ($LIST $idl) ]
| ne_idl_single [ identarg($id) ] -> [ $id ].
Note that the grammar type must be recalled in every extension
command, or else the system could not discriminate between a single
@@ -907,6 +915,11 @@ with constr10 : ast :=
| inject_com91 [ constr91($c) ] -> [$c].
Check (x:nat)nat.
+Reset Initial.
But the factorization does not work, thus the product rule is never
selected since identifiers match the {\tt constr10} grammar. The
@@ -919,6 +932,7 @@ Grammar constr constr0 : ast :=
[(PROD $c1 [$c]$c2)].
Check (x:nat)nat.
\noindent We could have checked it explicitly with a {\tt case} in
the right-hand side of the rule, but the error message in the
@@ -1050,6 +1064,10 @@ write one.
Let's define the constant \verb+Xor+ in Coq:
+ Reset Initial.
Definition Xor := [A,B:Prop] A/\~B \/ ~A/\B.
@@ -1266,7 +1284,9 @@ Internally the AST of this term is the same as the AST of the
term \verb+(explicit_comp nat nat nat (Id nat) (Id nat) O)+.
When the system retrieves our rule it tries to match an application of
six arguments with an application of five arguments (the AST of
-\verb+(explicit_comp $_ $_ $_ $f $g)+). Then, the matching fails and
+\verb+(explicit_comp $_ $_ $_ $f $g)+).
+ Then, the matching fails and
the term is printed using the rule for application.
Note that the idea of adding a new rule for \verb+explicit_comp+ for
@@ -1297,6 +1317,7 @@ Syntax constr level 10:
[<<(APPLIST explicit_comp $_ $_ $_ $f $g ($LIST $l))>>]
-> [ [<hov 0> $f:L "o" $g:L (APPTAIL ($LIST $l)):E ] ].
Now we can see that this rule works for any application of the
diff --git a/doc/Reference-Manual.tex b/doc/Reference-Manual.tex
index 516a3f9d9..1d324b786 100644
--- a/doc/Reference-Manual.tex
+++ b/doc/Reference-Manual.tex
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
\input{./macros.tex}% extension .tex pour htmlgen
\input{./title.tex}% extension .tex pour htmlgen