diff options
15 files changed, 194 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/type_errors.ml b/kernel/type_errors.ml
index 8ca7135aa..a4661433e 100644
--- a/kernel/type_errors.ml
+++ b/kernel/type_errors.ml
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ type type_error =
| IllFormedBranch of constr * int * constr * constr
| Generalization of (name * typed_type) * constr
| ActualType of constr * constr * constr
- | CantAply of string * unsafe_judgment * unsafe_judgment list
+ | CantApplyBadType of (int * constr * constr)
+ * unsafe_judgment * unsafe_judgment list
+ | CantApplyNonFunctional of unsafe_judgment * unsafe_judgment list
| IllFormedRecBody of std_ppcmds * name list * int * constr array
| IllTypedRecBody of int * name list * unsafe_judgment array
* typed_type array
@@ -73,8 +75,11 @@ let error_generalization k env nvar c =
let error_actual_type k env c actty expty =
raise (TypeError (k, context env, ActualType (c,actty,expty)))
-let error_cant_apply k env s rator randl =
- raise (TypeError (k, context env, CantAply (s,rator,randl)))
+let error_cant_apply_not_functional k env rator randl =
+ raise (TypeError (k, context env, CantApplyNonFunctional (rator,randl)))
+let error_cant_apply_bad_type k env t rator randl =
+ raise (TypeError (k, context env, CantApplyBadType (t,rator,randl)))
let error_ill_formed_rec_body k env str lna i vdefs =
raise (TypeError (k, context env, IllFormedRecBody (str,lna,i,vdefs)))
diff --git a/kernel/type_errors.mli b/kernel/type_errors.mli
index 7ffbd312e..a97541980 100644
--- a/kernel/type_errors.mli
+++ b/kernel/type_errors.mli
@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ type type_error =
| IllFormedBranch of constr * int * constr * constr
| Generalization of (name * typed_type) * constr
| ActualType of constr * constr * constr
- | CantAply of string * unsafe_judgment * unsafe_judgment list
+ | CantApplyBadType of (int * constr * constr)
+ * unsafe_judgment * unsafe_judgment list
+ | CantApplyNonFunctional of unsafe_judgment * unsafe_judgment list
| IllFormedRecBody of std_ppcmds * name list * int * constr array
| IllTypedRecBody of int * name list * unsafe_judgment array
* typed_type array
@@ -71,9 +73,12 @@ val error_generalization :
val error_actual_type :
path_kind -> env -> constr -> constr -> constr -> 'b
-val error_cant_apply :
- path_kind -> env -> string -> unsafe_judgment
- -> unsafe_judgment list -> 'b
+val error_cant_apply_not_functional :
+ path_kind -> env -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment list -> 'b
+val error_cant_apply_bad_type :
+ path_kind -> env -> int * constr * constr ->
+ unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment list -> 'b
val error_ill_formed_rec_body :
path_kind -> env -> std_ppcmds
diff --git a/kernel/typeops.ml b/kernel/typeops.ml
index 6c7e1bbe5..1a6c1d885 100644
--- a/kernel/typeops.ml
+++ b/kernel/typeops.ml
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ let cast_rel env sigma cj tj =
(* Type of an application. *)
let apply_rel_list env sigma nocheck argjl funj =
- let rec apply_rec typ cst = function
+ let rec apply_rec n typ cst = function
| [] ->
{ uj_val = applist (j_val_only funj, List.map j_val_only argjl);
uj_type = typ;
@@ -327,18 +327,19 @@ let apply_rel_list env sigma nocheck argjl funj =
match whd_betadeltaiota env sigma typ with
| DOP2(Prod,c1,DLAM(_,c2)) ->
if nocheck then
- apply_rec (subst1 hj.uj_val c2) cst restjl
+ apply_rec (n+1) (subst1 hj.uj_val c2) cst restjl
let c = conv_leq env sigma hj.uj_type c1 in
let cst' = Constraint.union cst c in
- apply_rec (subst1 hj.uj_val c2) cst' restjl
+ apply_rec (n+1) (subst1 hj.uj_val c2) cst' restjl
with NotConvertible ->
- error_cant_apply CCI env "Type Error" funj argjl)
+ error_cant_apply_bad_type CCI env (n,hj.uj_type,c1)
+ funj argjl)
| _ ->
- error_cant_apply CCI env "Non-functional construction" funj argjl
+ error_cant_apply_not_functional CCI env funj argjl
- apply_rec funj.uj_type Constraint.empty argjl
+ apply_rec 1 funj.uj_type Constraint.empty argjl
(* Fixpoints. *)
diff --git a/parsing/astterm.ml b/parsing/astterm.ml
index dcc0177a2..ad4e07dc8 100644
--- a/parsing/astterm.ml
+++ b/parsing/astterm.ml
@@ -125,11 +125,25 @@ let dbize_ctxt ctxt =
| Nvar (loc,s) ->
(* RRef (dummy_loc,RVar (ident_of_nvar loc s)) *)
- VAR (ident_of_nvar loc s)
+ RRef (loc, RVar (ident_of_nvar loc s))
| _ -> anomaly "Bad ast for local ctxt of a global reference") ctxt
Array.of_list l
+let dbize_constr_ctxt =
+ Array.map
+ (function
+ | VAR id ->
+ (* RRef (dummy_loc,RVar (ident_of_nvar loc s)) *)
+ RRef (dummy_loc, RVar id)
+ | _ -> anomaly "Bad ast for local ctxt of a global reference")
+let dbize_rawconstr_ctxt =
+ Array.map
+ (function
+ | RRef (_, RVar id) -> VAR id
+ | _ -> anomaly "Bad ast for local ctxt of a global reference")
let dbize_global loc = function
| ("CONST", sp::ctxt) ->
RRef (loc,RConst (dbize_sp sp,dbize_ctxt ctxt))
@@ -145,10 +159,11 @@ let dbize_global loc = function
[< 'sTR "Bad ast for this global a reference">])
let ref_from_constr = function
- | DOPN (Const sp,ctxt) -> RConst (sp, ctxt)
- | DOPN (Evar ev,ctxt) -> REVar (ev, ctxt)
- | DOPN (MutConstruct (spi,j),ctxt) -> RConstruct ((spi,j), ctxt)
- | DOPN (MutInd (sp,i),ctxt) -> RInd ((sp,i), ctxt)
+ | DOPN (Const sp,ctxt) -> RConst (sp, dbize_constr_ctxt ctxt)
+ | DOPN (Evar ev,ctxt) -> REVar (ev, dbize_constr_ctxt ctxt)
+ | DOPN (MutConstruct (spi,j),ctxt) ->
+ RConstruct ((spi,j), dbize_constr_ctxt ctxt)
+ | DOPN (MutInd (sp,i),ctxt) -> RInd ((sp,i), dbize_constr_ctxt ctxt)
| VAR id -> RVar id (* utilisé pour coe_value (tmp) *)
| _ -> anomaly "Not a reference"
@@ -630,10 +645,10 @@ let ctxt_of_ids ids =
Array.of_list (List.map (function id -> VAR id) ids)
let rec pat_of_ref metas vars = function
- | RConst (sp,ctxt) -> RConst (sp, ctxt)
- | RInd (ip,ctxt) -> RInd (ip, ctxt)
- | RConstruct(cp,ctxt) ->RConstruct(cp, ctxt)
- | REVar (n,ctxt) -> REVar (n, ctxt)
+ | RConst (sp,ctxt) -> RConst (sp, dbize_rawconstr_ctxt ctxt)
+ | RInd (ip,ctxt) -> RInd (ip, dbize_rawconstr_ctxt ctxt)
+ | RConstruct(cp,ctxt) ->RConstruct(cp, dbize_rawconstr_ctxt ctxt)
+ | REVar (n,ctxt) -> REVar (n, dbize_rawconstr_ctxt ctxt)
| RAbst _ -> error "pattern_of_rawconstr: not implemented"
| RVar _ -> assert false (* Capturé dans pattern_of_raw *)
diff --git a/parsing/printer.ml b/parsing/printer.ml
index bad9c3866..5a4f8ae5b 100644
--- a/parsing/printer.ml
+++ b/parsing/printer.ml
@@ -119,16 +119,17 @@ let fprtype a =
(* For compatibility *)
let fterm0 = fprterm_env
-let pr_constant cst = gentermpr (ast_of_constant cst)
-let pr_existential ev = gentermpr (ast_of_existential ev)
-let pr_inductive ind = gentermpr (ast_of_inductive ind)
-let pr_constructor cstr = gentermpr (ast_of_constructor cstr)
+let pr_constant env cst = gentermpr (ast_of_constant (unitize_env env) cst)
+let pr_existential env ev = gentermpr (ast_of_existential (unitize_env env) ev)
+let pr_inductive env ind = gentermpr (ast_of_inductive (unitize_env env) ind)
+let pr_constructor env cstr =
+ gentermpr (ast_of_constructor (unitize_env env) cstr)
open Pattern
let pr_ref_label = function (* On triche sur le contexte *)
- | ConstNode sp -> pr_constant (sp,[||])
- | IndNode sp -> pr_inductive (sp,[||])
- | CstrNode sp -> pr_constructor (sp,[||])
+ | ConstNode sp -> pr_constant (Global.context()) (sp,[||])
+ | IndNode sp -> pr_inductive (Global.context()) (sp,[||])
+ | CstrNode sp -> pr_constructor (Global.context()) (sp,[||])
| VarNode id -> print_id id
let pr_cases_pattern t = gentermpr (Termast.ast_of_cases_pattern t)
diff --git a/parsing/printer.mli b/parsing/printer.mli
index d6e785c8f..75ac36c08 100644
--- a/parsing/printer.mli
+++ b/parsing/printer.mli
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ val prtype : typed_type -> std_ppcmds
val pr_rawterm : Rawterm.rawconstr -> std_ppcmds
val pr_cases_pattern : Rawterm.cases_pattern -> std_ppcmds
-val pr_constant : constant -> std_ppcmds
-val pr_existential : existential -> std_ppcmds
-val pr_constructor : constructor -> std_ppcmds
-val pr_inductive : inductive -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_constant : 'a assumptions -> constant -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_existential : 'a assumptions -> existential -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_constructor : 'a assumptions -> constructor -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_inductive : 'a assumptions -> inductive -> std_ppcmds
val pr_ref_label : constr_label -> std_ppcmds
val pr_pattern : constr_pattern -> std_ppcmds
val pr_pattern_env : 'a assumptions -> constr_pattern -> std_ppcmds
diff --git a/parsing/termast.ml b/parsing/termast.ml
index f4b707193..9adc75473 100644
--- a/parsing/termast.ml
+++ b/parsing/termast.ml
@@ -86,48 +86,44 @@ let stringopt_of_name = function
| Name id -> Some (string_of_id id)
| Anonymous -> None
-let ast_of_constant_ref (sp,ids) =
+let ast_of_constant_ref pr (sp,ids) =
let a = ope("CONST", [path_section dummy_loc sp]) in
- if !print_arguments then ope("INSTANCE",a::(List.map ast_of_ident ids))
+ if !print_arguments then ope("INSTANCE",a::(array_map_to_list pr ids))
else a
-let ast_of_constant (ev,ids) = ast_of_constant_ref (ev,ids_of_ctxt ids)
-let ast_of_existential_ref (ev,ids) =
+let ast_of_existential_ref pr (ev,ids) =
let a = ope("EVAR", [num ev]) in
if !print_arguments or !print_evar_arguments then
- ope("INSTANCE",a::(List.map ast_of_ident ids))
+ ope("INSTANCE",a::(array_map_to_list pr ids))
else a
-let ast_of_existential (ev,ids) = ast_of_existential_ref (ev,ids_of_ctxt ids)
-let ast_of_constructor_ref (((sp,tyi),n) as cstr_sp,ids) =
+let ast_of_constructor_ref pr (((sp,tyi),n) as cstr_sp,ids) =
let a = ope("MUTCONSTRUCT",[path_section dummy_loc sp; num tyi; num n]) in
- if !print_arguments then ope("INSTANCE",a::(List.map ast_of_ident ids))
+ if !print_arguments then ope("INSTANCE",a::(array_map_to_list pr ids))
else a
-let ast_of_constructor (ev,ids) = ast_of_constructor_ref (ev,ids_of_ctxt ids)
-let ast_of_inductive_ref ((sp,tyi) as ind_sp,ids) =
+let ast_of_inductive_ref pr ((sp,tyi) as ind_sp,ids) =
let a = ope("MUTIND", [path_section dummy_loc sp; num tyi]) in
- if !print_arguments then ope("INSTANCE",a::(List.map ast_of_ident ids))
+ if !print_arguments then ope("INSTANCE",a::(array_map_to_list pr ids))
else a
-let ast_of_inductive (ev,ctxt) = ast_of_inductive_ref (ev,ids_of_ctxt ctxt)
-let ast_of_ref = function
- | RConst (sp,ctxt) -> ast_of_constant_ref (sp,ids_of_ctxt ctxt)
+let ast_of_ref pr = function
+ | RConst (sp,ctxt) -> ast_of_constant_ref pr (sp,ctxt)
| RAbst (sp) ->
ope("ABST", (path_section dummy_loc sp)
::(List.map ast_of_ident (* on triche *) []))
- | RInd (ind,ctxt) -> ast_of_inductive_ref (ind,ids_of_ctxt ctxt)
- | RConstruct (cstr,ctxt) -> ast_of_constructor_ref (cstr,ids_of_ctxt ctxt)
+ | RInd (ind,ctxt) -> ast_of_inductive_ref pr (ind,ctxt)
+ | RConstruct (cstr,ctxt) -> ast_of_constructor_ref pr (cstr,ctxt)
| RVar id -> ast_of_ident id
- | REVar (ev,ctxt) -> ast_of_existential_ref (ev,ids_of_ctxt ctxt)
+ | REVar (ev,ctxt) -> ast_of_existential_ref pr (ev,ctxt)
(* conversion of patterns *)
+let adapt (cstr_sp,ctxt) = (cstr_sp,Array.of_list ctxt)
let rec ast_of_cases_pattern = function (* loc is thrown away for printing *)
| PatVar (loc,Name id) -> nvar (string_of_id id)
| PatVar (loc,Anonymous) -> nvar "_"
@@ -135,10 +131,12 @@ let rec ast_of_cases_pattern = function (* loc is thrown away for printing *)
let args = List.map ast_of_cases_pattern args in
[nvar (string_of_id id);
- ope("PATTCONSTRUCT", (ast_of_constructor_ref cstr)::args)])
+ (ast_of_constructor_ref ast_of_ident (adapt cstr))::args)])
| PatCstr(loc,cstr,args,Anonymous) ->
- (ast_of_constructor_ref cstr)::List.map ast_of_cases_pattern args)
+ (ast_of_constructor_ref ast_of_ident (adapt cstr))::
+ List.map ast_of_cases_pattern args)
let ast_dependent na aty =
match na with
@@ -205,7 +203,7 @@ let ast_of_app impl f args =
let rec ast_of_raw = function
- | RRef (_,ref) -> ast_of_ref ref
+ | RRef (_,ref) -> ast_of_ref ast_of_raw ref
| RMeta (_,n) -> ope("META",[num n])
| RApp (_,f,args) ->
let (f,args) =
@@ -737,8 +735,16 @@ let ast_of_constr at_top env t =
with Detyping.StillDLAM ->
old_bdize at_top env t'
+let ast_of_constant env = ast_of_constant_ref (ast_of_constr false env)
+let ast_of_existential env = ast_of_existential_ref (ast_of_constr false env)
+let ast_of_inductive env = ast_of_inductive_ref (ast_of_constr false env)
+let ast_of_constructor env = ast_of_constructor_ref (ast_of_constr false env)
let rec ast_of_pattern env = function
- | PRef ref -> ast_of_ref ref
+ | PRef ref -> ast_of_ref (ast_of_constr false env) ref
| PRel n ->
(try match fst (lookup_rel n env) with
| Name id -> ast_of_ident id
diff --git a/parsing/termast.mli b/parsing/termast.mli
index e0b8069d9..7961ee7fb 100644
--- a/parsing/termast.mli
+++ b/parsing/termast.mli
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ val ast_of_constr : bool -> unit assumptions -> constr -> Coqast.t
val bdize_no_casts : bool -> unit assumptions -> constr -> Coqast.t
-val ast_of_constant : constant -> Coqast.t
-val ast_of_existential : existential -> Coqast.t
-val ast_of_constructor : constructor -> Coqast.t
-val ast_of_inductive : inductive -> Coqast.t
+val ast_of_constant : unit assumptions -> constant -> Coqast.t
+val ast_of_existential : unit assumptions -> existential -> Coqast.t
+val ast_of_constructor : unit assumptions -> constructor -> Coqast.t
+val ast_of_inductive : unit assumptions -> inductive -> Coqast.t
(* For debugging *)
val print_implicits : bool ref
diff --git a/pretyping/coercion.ml b/pretyping/coercion.ml
index 15577dd9e..c98eeab16 100644
--- a/pretyping/coercion.ml
+++ b/pretyping/coercion.ml
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ let inh_cast_rel env isevars cj tj =
uj_kind = whd_betadeltaiota env !isevars tj.uj_type }
let inh_apply_rel_list nocheck env isevars argjl funj vtcon =
- let rec apply_rec acc typ = function
+ let rec apply_rec n acc typ = function
| [] ->
let resj =
{ uj_val=applist(j_val_only funj,List.map j_val_only (List.rev acc));
@@ -190,14 +190,14 @@ let inh_apply_rel_list nocheck env isevars argjl funj vtcon =
inh_conv_coerce_to env isevars c1 hj
with Failure _ | Not_found ->
- error_cant_apply CCI env "Type Error"
- (j_nf_ise env !isevars funj)
+ error_cant_apply_bad_type CCI env (n,c1,hj.uj_type)
+ (j_nf_ise env !isevars funj)
(jl_nf_ise env !isevars argjl))
- apply_rec (hj'::acc) (subst1 hj'.uj_val c2) restjl
+ apply_rec (n+1) (hj'::acc) (subst1 hj'.uj_val c2) restjl
| _ ->
- error_cant_apply CCI env "Non-functional construction"
+ error_cant_apply_not_functional CCI env
(j_nf_ise env !isevars funj) (jl_nf_ise env !isevars argjl)
- apply_rec [] funj.uj_type argjl
+ apply_rec 1 [] funj.uj_type argjl
diff --git a/pretyping/detyping.ml b/pretyping/detyping.ml
index 34ffa2f95..901e60b8c 100644
--- a/pretyping/detyping.ml
+++ b/pretyping/detyping.ml
@@ -314,13 +314,15 @@ let rec detype avoid env t =
| IsAppL (f,args) ->
RApp (dummy_loc,detype avoid env f,List.map (detype avoid env) args)
| IsConst (sp,cl) ->
- RRef(dummy_loc,RConst(sp,cl))
+ RRef(dummy_loc,RConst(sp,Array.map (detype avoid env) cl))
| IsEvar (ev,cl) ->
- RRef(dummy_loc,REVar(ev,cl))
+ RRef(dummy_loc,REVar(ev,Array.map (detype avoid env) cl))
| IsAbst (sp,cl) ->
anomaly "bdize: Abst should no longer occur in constr"
- | IsMutInd (ind_sp,cl) -> RRef (dummy_loc,RInd (ind_sp,cl))
- | IsMutConstruct (cstr_sp,cl) -> RRef (dummy_loc,RConstruct (cstr_sp,cl))
+ | IsMutInd (ind_sp,cl) ->
+ RRef (dummy_loc,RInd (ind_sp,Array.map (detype avoid env) cl))
+ | IsMutConstruct (cstr_sp,cl) ->
+ RRef (dummy_loc,RConstruct (cstr_sp,Array.map (detype avoid env) cl))
| IsMutCase (annot,p,c,bl) ->
let synth_type = synthetize_type () in
let tomatch = detype avoid env c in
diff --git a/pretyping/pretyping.ml b/pretyping/pretyping.ml
index 2f059f6c1..5d64f6e23 100644
--- a/pretyping/pretyping.ml
+++ b/pretyping/pretyping.ml
@@ -212,11 +212,11 @@ let pretype_var loc env lvar id =
let trad_metamap = ref []
let trad_nocheck = ref false
-let pretype_ref loc isevars env lvar = function
+let pretype_ref pretype loc isevars env lvar = function
| RVar id -> pretype_var loc env lvar id
| RConst (sp,ctxt) ->
- let cst = (sp,ctxt_of_ids ctxt) in
+ let cst = (sp,Array.map pretype ctxt) in
make_judge (mkConst cst) (type_of_constant env !isevars cst)
| RAbst sp -> failwith "Pretype: abst doit disparaître"
@@ -246,11 +246,11 @@ let pretype_ref loc isevars env lvar = function
make_judge cstr (type_of_existential env !isevars cstr)
| RInd (ind_sp,ctxt) ->
- let ind = (ind_sp,ctxt_of_ids ctxt) in
+ let ind = (ind_sp,Array.map pretype ctxt) in
make_judge (mkMutInd ind) (type_of_inductive env !isevars ind)
| RConstruct (cstr_sp,ctxt) ->
- let cstr = (cstr_sp,ctxt_of_ids ctxt) in
+ let cstr = (cstr_sp,Array.map pretype ctxt) in
let (typ,kind) = destCast (type_of_constructor env !isevars cstr) in
{uj_val=mkMutConstruct cstr; uj_type=typ; uj_kind=kind}
@@ -266,7 +266,9 @@ let rec pretype vtcon env isevars lvar lmeta cstr =
match cstr with (* Où teste-t-on que le résultat doit satisfaire tycon ? *)
| RRef (loc,ref) ->
- pretype_ref loc isevars env lvar ref
+ pretype_ref
+ (fun c -> (pretype empty_tycon env isevars lvar lmeta c).uj_val)
+ loc isevars env lvar ref
| RMeta (loc,n) ->
diff --git a/pretyping/rawterm.ml b/pretyping/rawterm.ml
index 78b87426f..a3382f5cd 100644
--- a/pretyping/rawterm.ml
+++ b/pretyping/rawterm.ml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ type rawsort = RProp of Term.contents | RType
(*i Pas beau ce constr dans rawconstr, mais mal compris ce ctxt des ref i*)
type rawconstr =
- | RRef of loc * constr array reference
+ | RRef of loc * rawconstr array reference
| RMeta of loc * int
| RApp of loc * rawconstr * rawconstr list
| RBinder of loc * binder_kind * name * rawconstr * rawconstr
diff --git a/pretyping/rawterm.mli b/pretyping/rawterm.mli
index 1cff2989f..5fb28fea0 100644
--- a/pretyping/rawterm.mli
+++ b/pretyping/rawterm.mli
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ type cases_pattern =
type rawsort = RProp of Term.contents | RType
type rawconstr =
- | RRef of loc * constr array reference
+ | RRef of loc * rawconstr array reference
| RMeta of loc * int
| RApp of loc * rawconstr * rawconstr list
| RBinder of loc * binder_kind * name * rawconstr * rawconstr
diff --git a/toplevel/fhimsg.ml b/toplevel/fhimsg.ml
index 45a922d7f..49a50b485 100644
--- a/toplevel/fhimsg.ml
+++ b/toplevel/fhimsg.ml
@@ -148,23 +148,45 @@ let explain_actual_type k ctx c ct pt =
'sTR"does not have type"; 'bRK(1,1); pt; 'fNL;
'sTR"Actually, it has type" ; 'bRK(1,1); pct >]
-let explain_cant_apply k ctx s rator randl =
- let pe = pr_ne_ctx [< 'sTR"in environment" >] k ctx in
- let pr = P.pr_term k ctx rator.uj_val in
- let prt = P.pr_term k ctx rator.uj_type in
+let explain_cant_apply_bad_type k ctx (n,exptyp,actualtyp) rator randl =
+ let ctx = make_all_name_different ctx in
+ let pe = pr_ne_env [< 'sTR"in environment" >] k ctx in
+ let pr = prterm_env ctx rator.uj_val in
+ let prt = prterm_env ctx rator.uj_type in
+ let term_string = if List.length randl > 1 then "terms" else "term" in
+ let many = match n mod 10 with 1 -> "st" | 2 -> "nd" | _ -> "th" in
+ let appl = prlist_with_sep pr_fnl
+ (fun c ->
+ let pc = prterm_env ctx c.uj_val in
+ let pct = prterm_env ctx c.uj_type in
+ hOV 2 [< pc; 'sPC; 'sTR": " ; pct >]) randl
+ in
+ [< 'sTR"Illegal application (Type Error): "; pe; 'fNL;
+ 'sTR"The term"; 'bRK(1,1); pr; 'sPC;
+ 'sTR"of type"; 'bRK(1,1); prt; 'sPC ;
+ 'sTR("cannot be applied to the "^term_string); 'fNL;
+ 'sTR" "; v 0 appl; 'fNL;
+ 'sTR"The ";'iNT n; 'sTR (many^" term of type ");
+ prterm_env ctx actualtyp;
+ 'sTR" should be of type "; prterm_env ctx exptyp >]
+let explain_cant_apply_not_functional k ctx rator randl =
+ let ctx = make_all_name_different ctx in
+ let pe = pr_ne_env [< 'sTR"in environment" >] k ctx in
+ let pr = prterm_env ctx rator.uj_val in
+ let prt = prterm_env ctx rator.uj_type in
let term_string = if List.length randl > 1 then "terms" else "term" in
- let appl =
- prlist_with_sep pr_fnl
- (fun c ->
- let pc = P.pr_term k ctx c.uj_val in
- let pct = P.pr_term k ctx c.uj_type in
- hOV 2 [< pc; 'sPC; 'sTR": " ; pct >]) randl
+ let appl = prlist_with_sep pr_fnl
+ (fun c ->
+ let pc = prterm_env ctx c.uj_val in
+ let pct = prterm_env ctx c.uj_type in
+ hOV 2 [< pc; 'sPC; 'sTR": " ; pct >]) randl
- [< 'sTR"Illegal application ("; 'sTR s; 'sTR"): "; pe; 'fNL;
+ [< 'sTR"Illegal application (Non-functional construction): "; pe; 'fNL;
'sTR"The term"; 'bRK(1,1); pr; 'sPC;
'sTR"of type"; 'bRK(1,1); prt; 'sPC ;
'sTR("cannot be applied to the "^term_string); 'fNL;
- 'sTR" "; v 0 appl >]
+ 'sTR" "; v 0 appl; 'fNL >]
(* (co)fixpoints *)
let explain_ill_formed_rec_body k ctx str lna i vdefs =
@@ -243,8 +265,10 @@ let explain_type_error k ctx = function
explain_generalization k ctx nvar c
| ActualType (c, ct, pt) ->
explain_actual_type k ctx c ct pt
- | CantAply (s, rator, randl) ->
- explain_cant_apply k ctx s rator randl
+ | CantApplyBadType (s, rator, randl) ->
+ explain_cant_apply_bad_type k ctx n rator randl
+ | CantApplyNonFunctional (rator, randl) ->
+ explain_cant_apply_not_functional k ctx rator randl
| IllFormedRecBody (i, lna, vdefj, vargs) ->
explain_ill_formed_rec_body k ctx i lna vdefj vargs
| IllTypedRecBody (i, lna, vdefj, vargs) ->
diff --git a/toplevel/himsg.ml b/toplevel/himsg.ml
index 644616dd2..b824c20ab 100644
--- a/toplevel/himsg.ml
+++ b/toplevel/himsg.ml
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ let msg_bad_elimination ctx k = function
let explain_elim_arity k ctx ind aritylst c p pt okinds =
- let pi = pr_inductive ind in
+ let pi = pr_inductive ctx ind in
let ppar = prlist_with_sep pr_coma (prterm_env ctx) aritylst in
let pc = prterm_env ctx c in
let pp = prterm_env ctx p in
@@ -115,24 +115,45 @@ let explain_actual_type k ctx c ct pt =
'sTR"does not have type"; 'bRK(1,1); pt; 'fNL;
'sTR"Actually, it has type" ; 'bRK(1,1); pct >]
-let explain_cant_apply k ctx s rator randl =
+let explain_cant_apply_bad_type k ctx (n,exptyp,actualtyp) rator randl =
let ctx = make_all_name_different ctx in
let pe = pr_ne_env [< 'sTR"in environment" >] k ctx in
let pr = prterm_env ctx rator.uj_val in
let prt = prterm_env ctx rator.uj_type in
let term_string = if List.length randl > 1 then "terms" else "term" in
- let appl =
- prlist_with_sep pr_fnl
- (fun c ->
- let pc = prterm_env ctx c.uj_val in
- let pct = prterm_env ctx c.uj_type in
- hOV 2 [< pc; 'sPC; 'sTR": " ; pct >]) randl
+ let many = match n mod 10 with 1 -> "st" | 2 -> "nd" | _ -> "th" in
+ let appl = prlist_with_sep pr_fnl
+ (fun c ->
+ let pc = prterm_env ctx c.uj_val in
+ let pct = prterm_env ctx c.uj_type in
+ hOV 2 [< pc; 'sPC; 'sTR": " ; pct >]) randl
- [< 'sTR"Illegal application ("; 'sTR s; 'sTR"): "; pe; 'fNL;
+ [< 'sTR"Illegal application (Type Error): "; pe; 'fNL;
'sTR"The term"; 'bRK(1,1); pr; 'sPC;
'sTR"of type"; 'bRK(1,1); prt; 'sPC ;
'sTR("cannot be applied to the "^term_string); 'fNL;
- 'sTR" "; v 0 appl >]
+ 'sTR" "; v 0 appl; 'fNL;
+ 'sTR"The ";'iNT n; 'sTR (many^" term of type ");
+ prterm_env ctx actualtyp;
+ 'sTR" should be coercible to type "; prterm_env ctx exptyp >]
+let explain_cant_apply_not_functional k ctx rator randl =
+ let ctx = make_all_name_different ctx in
+ let pe = pr_ne_env [< 'sTR"in environment" >] k ctx in
+ let pr = prterm_env ctx rator.uj_val in
+ let prt = prterm_env ctx rator.uj_type in
+ let term_string = if List.length randl > 1 then "terms" else "term" in
+ let appl = prlist_with_sep pr_fnl
+ (fun c ->
+ let pc = prterm_env ctx c.uj_val in
+ let pct = prterm_env ctx c.uj_type in
+ hOV 2 [< pc; 'sPC; 'sTR": " ; pct >]) randl
+ in
+ [< 'sTR"Illegal application (Non-functional construction): "; pe; 'fNL;
+ 'sTR"The term"; 'bRK(1,1); pr; 'sPC;
+ 'sTR"of type"; 'bRK(1,1); prt; 'sPC ;
+ 'sTR("cannot be applied to the "^term_string); 'fNL;
+ 'sTR" "; v 0 appl; 'fNL >]
(* (co)fixpoints *)
let explain_ill_formed_rec_body k ctx str lna i vdefs =
@@ -215,15 +236,15 @@ let explain_var_not_found k ctx id =
(* Pattern-matching errors *)
let explain_bad_constructor k ctx cstr ind =
- let pi = pr_inductive ind in
- let pc = pr_constructor cstr in
- let pt = pr_inductive (inductive_of_constructor cstr) in
+ let pi = pr_inductive ctx ind in
+ let pc = pr_constructor ctx cstr in
+ let pt = pr_inductive ctx (inductive_of_constructor cstr) in
[< 'sTR "Expecting a constructor in inductive type "; pi; 'bRK(1,1) ;
'sTR " but found the constructor " ; pc; 'bRK(1,1) ;
'sTR " in inductive type "; pt >]
let explain_wrong_numarg_of_constructor k ctx cstr n =
- let pc = pr_constructor (cstr,[||]) in
+ let pc = pr_constructor ctx (cstr,[||]) in
[<'sTR "The constructor "; pc;
'sTR " expects " ; 'iNT n ; 'sTR " arguments. ">]
@@ -264,8 +285,10 @@ let explain_type_error k ctx = function
explain_generalization k ctx nvar c
| ActualType (c, ct, pt) ->
explain_actual_type k ctx c ct pt
- | CantAply (s, rator, randl) ->
- explain_cant_apply k ctx s rator randl
+ | CantApplyBadType (t, rator, randl) ->
+ explain_cant_apply_bad_type k ctx t rator randl
+ | CantApplyNonFunctional (rator, randl) ->
+ explain_cant_apply_not_functional k ctx rator randl
| IllFormedRecBody (i, lna, vdefj, vargs) ->
explain_ill_formed_rec_body k ctx i lna vdefj vargs
| IllTypedRecBody (i, lna, vdefj, vargs) ->
@@ -390,7 +413,7 @@ let error_not_allowed_case_analysis dep kind i =
[< 'sTR (if dep then "Dependent" else "Non Dependent");
'sTR " case analysis on sort: "; print_sort kind; 'fNL;
'sTR "is not allowed for inductive definition: ";
- pr_inductive i >]
+ pr_inductive (Global.context()) i >]
let error_bad_induction dep indid kind =
[<'sTR (if dep then "Dependent" else "Non dependend");