diff options
3 files changed, 22 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/tools/coqdep.ml b/tools/coqdep.ml
index 08c42b7eb..f90620b2f 100644
--- a/tools/coqdep.ml
+++ b/tools/coqdep.ml
@@ -495,9 +495,9 @@ let coqdep () =
(Envars.xdg_dirs (fun x -> Pp.msg_warning (Pp.str x)));
List.iter (fun s -> add_dir add_coqlib_known s []) Envars.coqpath;
- List.iter (fun (f,d) -> add_mli_known f d) !mliAccu;
- List.iter (fun (f,d) -> add_mllib_known f d) !mllibAccu;
- List.iter (fun (f,_,d) -> add_ml_known f d) !mlAccu;
+ List.iter (fun (f,d) -> add_mli_known f d ".mli") !mliAccu;
+ List.iter (fun (f,d) -> add_mllib_known f d ".mllib") !mllibAccu;
+ List.iter (fun (f,suff,d) -> add_ml_known f d suff) !mlAccu;
warning_mult ".mli" iter_mli_known;
warning_mult ".ml" iter_ml_known;
if !option_sort then begin sort (); exit 0 end;
diff --git a/tools/coqdep_common.ml b/tools/coqdep_common.ml
index d7532dba6..25fd49082 100644
--- a/tools/coqdep_common.ml
+++ b/tools/coqdep_common.ml
@@ -103,9 +103,17 @@ let safe_hash_add clq q (k,v) =
For the ML files, the string is the basename without extension.
+let warning_ml_clash x s s' suff =
+ eprintf
+ "*** Warning: %s%s already found in %s (discarding %s%s)\n" x suff
+ (match s with None -> "." | Some d -> d)
+ ((match s' with None -> "." | Some d -> d) // x) suff
let mkknown () =
let h = (Hashtbl.create 19 : (string, dir) Hashtbl.t) in
- let add x s = if Hashtbl.mem h x then () else Hashtbl.add h x s
+ let add x s suff =
+ try let s' = Hashtbl.find h x in warning_ml_clash x s' s suff
+ with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add h x s
and iter f = Hashtbl.iter f h
and search x =
try Some (Hashtbl.find h x)
@@ -428,11 +436,13 @@ let rec suffixes = function
| dir::suffix as l -> l::suffixes suffix
let add_caml_known phys_dir _ f =
- match get_extension f [".ml";".mli";".ml4";".mllib";".mlpack"] with
- | (basename,(".ml"|".ml4")) -> add_ml_known basename (Some phys_dir)
- | (basename,".mli") -> add_mli_known basename (Some phys_dir)
- | (basename,".mllib") -> add_mllib_known basename (Some phys_dir)
- | (basename,".mlpack") -> add_mlpack_known basename (Some phys_dir)
+ let basename,suff =
+ get_extension f [".ml";".mli";".ml4";".mllib";".mlpack"] in
+ match suff with
+ | ".ml"|".ml4" -> add_ml_known basename (Some phys_dir) suff
+ | ".mli" -> add_mli_known basename (Some phys_dir) suff
+ | ".mllib" -> add_mllib_known basename (Some phys_dir) suff
+ | ".mlpack" -> add_mlpack_known basename (Some phys_dir) suff
| _ -> ()
let add_known recur phys_dir log_dir f =
diff --git a/tools/coqdep_common.mli b/tools/coqdep_common.mli
index 3c1cd4fbe..9a10be317 100644
--- a/tools/coqdep_common.mli
+++ b/tools/coqdep_common.mli
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ val mliAccu : (string * dir) list ref
val mllibAccu : (string * dir) list ref
val vAccu : (string * string) list ref
val addQueue : 'a list ref -> 'a -> unit
-val add_ml_known : string -> dir -> unit
+val add_ml_known : string -> dir -> string -> unit
val iter_ml_known : (string -> dir -> unit) -> unit
val search_ml_known : string -> dir option
-val add_mli_known : string -> dir -> unit
+val add_mli_known : string -> dir -> string -> unit
val iter_mli_known : (string -> dir -> unit) -> unit
val search_mli_known : string -> dir option
-val add_mllib_known : string -> dir -> unit
+val add_mllib_known : string -> dir -> string -> unit
val search_mllib_known : string -> dir option
val vKnown : (string list, string) Hashtbl.t
val coqlibKnown : (string list, unit) Hashtbl.t