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5 files changed, 66 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/evarconv.ml b/pretyping/evarconv.ml
index 229b40a0d..0fdad5830 100644
--- a/pretyping/evarconv.ml
+++ b/pretyping/evarconv.ml
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ let check_conv_record (t1,l1) (t2,l2) =
(proji, Sort_cs (family_of_sort s)),[]
| _ ->
- let c2 = try global_of_constr t2 with _ -> raise Not_found in
+ let c2 = global_of_constr t2 in
lookup_canonical_conversion (proji, Const_cs c2),l2
with Not_found ->
lookup_canonical_conversion (proji,Default_cs),[]
@@ -109,11 +109,11 @@ let check_conv_record (t1,l1) (t2,l2) =
let params1, c1, extra_args1 =
match list_chop (List.length params) l1 with
| params1, c1::extra_args1 -> params1, c1, extra_args1
- | _ -> assert false in
+ | _ -> raise Not_found in
let us2,extra_args2 = list_chop (List.length us) l2_effective in
- with _ ->
+ with Failure _ | Not_found ->
raise Not_found
(* Precondition: one of the terms of the pb is an uninstantiated evar,
@@ -272,33 +272,42 @@ and evar_eqappr_x env evd pbty (term1,l1 as appr1) (term2,l2 as appr2) =
ise_try evd [f1; f4]
| MaybeFlexible flex1, MaybeFlexible flex2 ->
- let f2 i =
- if flex1 = flex2 then
- ise_list2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) l1 l2
- else (i,false)
- and f3 i =
+ let f1 i =
+ if l1 <> [] && l2 <> [] then
+ ise_list2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV)
+ (flex1::l1) (flex2::l2)
+ else
+ (i,false)
+ and f2 i =
(try conv_record env i
(try check_conv_record appr1 appr2
with Not_found -> check_conv_record appr2 appr1)
with Not_found -> (i,false))
- and f4 i =
+ and f3 i =
(* heuristic: unfold second argument first, exception made
if the first argument is a beta-redex (expand a constant
- only if necessary) *)
- let val2 =
- match kind_of_term flex1 with
- Lambda _ -> None
- | _ -> eval_flexible_term env flex2 in
- match val2 with
+ only if necessary) or the second argument is potentially
+ usable as a canonical projection *)
+ if isLambda flex1 or is_canonical_projection flex2 then
+ match eval_flexible_term env flex1 with
+ | Some v1 ->
+ evar_eqappr_x env i pbty (evar_apprec env i l1 v1) appr2
+ | None ->
+ match eval_flexible_term env flex2 with
+ | Some v2 ->
+ evar_eqappr_x env i pbty appr1 (evar_apprec env i l2 v2)
+ | None -> (i,false)
+ else
+ match eval_flexible_term env flex2 with
| Some v2 ->
evar_eqappr_x env i pbty appr1 (evar_apprec env i l2 v2)
| None ->
match eval_flexible_term env flex1 with
- | Some v1 ->
- evar_eqappr_x env i pbty (evar_apprec env i l1 v1) appr2
- | None -> (i,false)
+ | Some v1 ->
+ evar_eqappr_x env i pbty (evar_apprec env i l1 v1) appr2
+ | None -> (i,false)
- ise_try evd [f2; f3; f4]
+ ise_try evd [f1; f2; f3]
| Flexible ev1, Rigid _ ->
diff --git a/pretyping/recordops.ml b/pretyping/recordops.ml
index 9681a7a63..7dbbf9933 100644
--- a/pretyping/recordops.ml
+++ b/pretyping/recordops.ml
@@ -126,10 +126,11 @@ type cs_pattern =
| Sort_cs of sorts_family
| Default_cs
-let object_table =
- (ref [] : ((global_reference * cs_pattern) * obj_typ) list ref)
+let object_table = ref (Refmap.empty : (cs_pattern * obj_typ) list Refmap.t)
-let canonical_projections () = !object_table
+let canonical_projections () =
+ Refmap.fold (fun x -> List.fold_right (fun (y,c) acc -> ((x,y),c)::acc))
+ !object_table []
let keep_true_projections projs kinds =
map_succeed (function (p,true) -> p | _ -> failwith "")
@@ -183,9 +184,10 @@ let compute_canonical_projections (con,ind) =
let open_canonical_structure i (_,o) =
if i=1 then
let lo = compute_canonical_projections o in
- List.iter (fun (o,_ as x) ->
- if not (List.mem_assoc o !object_table) then
- object_table := x :: (!object_table)) lo
+ List.iter (fun ((proj,cs_pat),s) ->
+ let l = try Refmap.find proj !object_table with Not_found -> [] in
+ let l' = list_add_set (cs_pat,s) l in
+ object_table := Refmap.add proj l' !object_table) lo
let cache_canonical_structure o =
open_canonical_structure 1 o
@@ -241,7 +243,12 @@ let declare_canonical_structure ref =
let outCanonicalStructure x = fst (outCanonStruct x)
-let lookup_canonical_conversion o = List.assoc o !object_table
+let lookup_canonical_conversion (proj,pat) =
+ List.assoc pat (Refmap.find proj !object_table)
+let is_canonical_projection c =
+ try Refmap.mem (global_of_constr c) !object_table
+ with Not_found -> false
let freeze () =
!structure_table, !projection_table, !object_table
@@ -251,7 +258,7 @@ let unfreeze (s,p,o) =
let init () =
structure_table := Indmap.empty; projection_table := Cmap.empty;
- object_table:=[]
+ object_table := Refmap.empty
let _ = init()
diff --git a/pretyping/recordops.mli b/pretyping/recordops.mli
index 348407ae1..d41ede8bb 100755
--- a/pretyping/recordops.mli
+++ b/pretyping/recordops.mli
@@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ val cs_pattern_of_constr : constr -> cs_pattern * int * constr list
val lookup_canonical_conversion : (global_reference * cs_pattern) -> obj_typ
val declare_canonical_structure : global_reference -> unit
+val is_canonical_projection : constr -> bool
val canonical_projections : unit ->
((global_reference * cs_pattern) * obj_typ) list
diff --git a/test-suite/success/CanonicalStructure.v b/test-suite/success/CanonicalStructure.v
index 44d21b83b..b8cae4719 100644
--- a/test-suite/success/CanonicalStructure.v
+++ b/test-suite/success/CanonicalStructure.v
@@ -12,3 +12,20 @@ Record Silly (X : Set) : Set := mkSilly { x : X }.
Definition anotherMk := mkSilly.
Definition struct := anotherMk nat 3.
Canonical Structure struct.
+(* Intertwinning canonical structures and delta-expansion *)
+(* Assia's short example *)
+Open Scope bool_scope.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Structure test_struct : Type := mk_test {dom :> Type; f : dom -> dom -> bool}.
+Notation " x != y":= (f _ x y)(at level 10).
+Canonical Structure bool_test := mk_test (fun x y => x || y).
+Definition b := bool.
+Check (fun x : b => x != x).
diff --git a/test-suite/success/evars.v b/test-suite/success/evars.v
index 082cbfbe1..3bc9c7f9e 100644
--- a/test-suite/success/evars.v
+++ b/test-suite/success/evars.v
@@ -198,6 +198,11 @@ Goal forall x : nat, F1 x -> G1 x.
refine (fun x H => proj2 (_ x H) _).
+(* First-order unification between beta-redex (is it useful ?) *)
+Check fun (y: (forall x:((fun y:Type => bool) nat), True))
+ (z: (fun z:Type => bool) _) => y z.
(* Remark: the following example does not succeed any longer in 8.2 because,
the algorithm is more general and does exclude a solution that it should
exclude for typing reason. Handling of types and backtracking is still to