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2 files changed, 129 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/omega/omega.ml b/plugins/omega/omega.ml
index f655c176f..2a018fa3f 100644
--- a/plugins/omega/omega.ml
+++ b/plugins/omega/omega.ml
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ type afine = {
type state_action = {
st_new_eq : afine;
- st_def : afine;
+ st_def : afine; (* /!\ this represents [st_def = st_var] *)
st_orig : afine;
st_coef : bigint;
st_var : int }
diff --git a/plugins/romega/refl_omega.ml b/plugins/romega/refl_omega.ml
index a8741b690..6ef53837c 100644
--- a/plugins/romega/refl_omega.ml
+++ b/plugins/romega/refl_omega.ml
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ and oequation = {
e_depends: direction list; (* liste des points de disjonction dont
dépend l'accès à l'équation avec la
direction (branche) pour y accéder *)
- e_omega: afine (* la fonction normalisée *)
+ e_omega: OmegaSolver.afine (* normalized formula *)
(* \subsection{Proof context}
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ type environment = {
type solution = {
s_index : int;
s_equa_deps : IntSet.t;
- s_trace : action list }
+ s_trace : OmegaSolver.action list }
(* Arbre de solution résolvant complètement un ensemble de systèmes *)
type solution_tree =
@@ -362,12 +362,15 @@ let reified_of_proposition env f =
try reified_of_oprop env f
with reraise -> pprint stderr f; raise reraise
+let reified_of_eq env (l,r) =
+ app coq_p_eq [| reified_of_formula env l; reified_of_formula env r |]
(* \subsection{Omega vers COQ réifié} *)
let reified_of_omega env body constant =
let coeff_constant =
app coq_t_int [| Z.mk constant |] in
- let mk_coeff {c=c; v=v} t =
+ let mk_coeff {c;v} t =
let coef =
app coq_t_mult
[| reified_of_formula env (Oatom v);
@@ -422,8 +425,8 @@ let rec vars_of_prop = function
type nformula =
- { coefs : (atom_index * bigint) list;
- cst : bigint }
+ { coefs : (atom_index * Bigint.bigint) list;
+ cst : Bigint.bigint }
let scale n { coefs; cst } =
{ coefs = List.map (fun (v,k) -> (v,k*n)) coefs;
@@ -667,46 +670,53 @@ let rec hyps_used_in_trace = function
hyps_used_in_trace act1 @@ hyps_used_in_trace act2
| _ -> hyps_used_in_trace l
-(* Extraction des variables déclarées dans une équation. Permet ensuite
- de les déclarer dans l'environnement de la procédure réflexive et
- éviter les créations de variable au vol *)
+(** Retreive variables declared as extra equations during resolution
+ and declare them into the environment.
+ We should consider these variables in their introduction order,
+ otherwise really bad things will happen. *)
-let rec variable_stated_in_trace = function
- | [] -> []
- | act :: l ->
- match act with
- | STATE action ->
- (*i nlle_equa: afine, def: afine, eq_orig: afine, i*)
- (*i coef: int, var:int i*)
- action :: variable_stated_in_trace l
- | SPLIT_INEQ (_,(_,act1),(_,act2)) ->
- variable_stated_in_trace act1 @ variable_stated_in_trace act2
- | _ -> variable_stated_in_trace l
-let add_stated_equations env tree =
- (* Il faut trier les variables par ordre d'introduction pour ne pas risquer
- de définir dans le mauvais ordre *)
- let stated_equations =
- let cmpvar x y = Int.compare x.st_var y.st_var in
- let rec loop = function
- | Tree(_,t1,t2) -> List.merge cmpvar (loop t1) (loop t2)
- | Leaf s -> List.sort cmpvar (variable_stated_in_trace s.s_trace)
- in loop tree
- in
- let add_env st =
- (* On retransforme la définition de v en formule reifiée *)
+let state_cmp x y = Int.compare x.st_var y.st_var
+module StateSet =
+ Set.Make (struct type t = state_action let compare = state_cmp end)
+let rec stated_in_trace = function
+ | [] -> StateSet.empty
+ | [SPLIT_INEQ (_,(_,t1),(_,t2))] ->
+ StateSet.union (stated_in_trace t1) (stated_in_trace t2)
+ | STATE action :: l -> StateSet.add action (stated_in_trace l)
+ | _ :: l -> stated_in_trace l
+let rec stated_in_tree = function
+ | Tree(_,t1,t2) -> StateSet.union (stated_in_tree t1) (stated_in_tree t2)
+ | Leaf s -> stated_in_trace s.s_trace
+let digest_stated_equations env tree =
+ let do_equation st (vars,gens,eqns,ids) =
+ (** We turn the definition of [v]
+ - into a reified formula : *)
let v_def = oformula_of_omega st.st_def in
- (* Notez que si l'ordre de création des variables n'est pas respecté,
- * ca va planter *)
+ (** - into a concrete Coq formula
+ (this uses only older vars already in env) : *)
let coq_v = coq_of_formula env v_def in
+ (** We then update the environment *)
set_reified_atom st.st_var coq_v env;
- (* Le terme qu'il va falloir introduire *)
- let term_to_generalize = app coq_refl_equal [|Lazy.force Z.typ; coq_v|] in
- (* sa représentation sous forme d'équation mais non réifié car on n'a pas
- * l'environnement pour le faire correctement *)
+ (** The term we'll introduce *)
+ let term_to_generalize =
+ EConstr.of_constr (app coq_refl_equal [|Lazy.force Z.typ; coq_v|])
+ in
+ (** Its representation as equation (but not reified yet,
+ we lack the proper env to do that). *)
let term_to_reify = (v_def,Oatom st.st_var) in
- (st.st_var, term_to_generalize,term_to_reify,st.st_def.id) in
- List.map add_env stated_equations
+ (st.st_var::vars,
+ term_to_generalize::gens,
+ term_to_reify::eqns,
+ CCEqua st.st_def.id :: ids)
+ in
+ let (vars,gens,eqns,ids) =
+ StateSet.fold do_equation (stated_in_tree tree) ([],[],[],[])
+ in
+ (List.rev vars, List.rev gens, List.rev eqns, List.rev ids)
(* Calcule la liste des éclatements à réaliser sur les hypothèses
nécessaires pour extraire une liste d'équations donnée *)
@@ -740,46 +750,43 @@ let filter_compatible_systems required systems =
let rec equas_of_solution_tree = function
- Tree(_,t1,t2) -> (equas_of_solution_tree t1)@@(equas_of_solution_tree t2)
+ | Tree(_,t1,t2) ->
+ (equas_of_solution_tree t1)@@(equas_of_solution_tree t2)
| Leaf s -> s.s_equa_deps
-(* [really_useful_prop] pushes useless props in a new Pprop variable *)
-(* Things get shorter, but may also get wrong, since a Prop is considered
- to be undecidable in ReflOmegaCore.concl_to_hyp, whereas for instance
- Pfalse is decidable. So should not be used on conclusion (??) *)
-let rec coq_of_oprop = function
- | Pequa(t,_) -> t
- | Ptrue -> app coq_True [||]
- | Pfalse -> app coq_False [||]
- | Pnot t1 -> app coq_not [|coq_of_oprop t1|]
- | Por(_,t1,t2) -> app coq_or [|coq_of_oprop t1; coq_of_oprop t2|]
- | Pand(_,t1,t2) -> app coq_and [|coq_of_oprop t1; coq_of_oprop t2|]
- | Pimp(_,t1,t2) ->
- (* No lifting here, since Omega only works on closed propositions. *)
- Term.mkArrow (coq_of_oprop t1) (coq_of_oprop t2)
- | Pprop t -> t
+(** [maximize_prop] pushes useless props in a new Pprop atom.
+ The reified formulas get shorter, but be careful with decidabilities.
+ For instance, anything that contains a Pprop is considered to be
+ undecidable in [ReflOmegaCore], whereas a Pfalse for instance at
+ the same spot will lead to a decidable formula.
+ In particular, do not use this function on the conclusion.
+ Even in hypotheses, we could probably build pathological examples
+ that romega won't handle correctly, but they should be pretty rare.
-let really_useful_prop equas c =
+let maximize_prop equas c =
let rec loop c = match c with
- | Pequa(_,e) -> if IntSet.mem e.e_omega.id equas then Some c else None
- | Pnot t1 ->
- begin match loop t1 with None -> None | Some t1' -> Some (Pnot t1') end
- | Por(i,t1,t2) -> binop (fun (t1,t2) -> Por(i,t1,t2)) t1 t2
- | Pand(i,t1,t2) -> binop (fun (t1,t2) -> Pand(i,t1,t2)) t1 t2
- | Pimp(i,t1,t2) -> binop (fun (t1,t2) -> Pimp(i,t1,t2)) t1 t2
- | Ptrue | Pfalse | Pprop _ -> None
- and binop f t1 t2 =
- begin match loop t1, loop t2 with
- None, None -> None
- | Some t1',Some t2' -> Some (f(t1',t2'))
- | Some t1',None -> Some (f(t1',Pprop (coq_of_oprop t2)))
- | None,Some t2' -> Some (f(Pprop (coq_of_oprop t1),t2'))
- end
- in
- match loop c with
- | None -> Pprop (coq_of_oprop c)
- | Some t -> t
+ | Pequa(t,e) -> if IntSet.mem e.e_omega.id equas then c else Pprop t
+ | Pnot t ->
+ (match loop t with
+ | Pprop p -> Pprop (app coq_not [|p|])
+ | t' -> Pnot t')
+ | Por(i,t1,t2) ->
+ (match loop t1, loop t2 with
+ | Pprop p1, Pprop p2 -> Pprop (app coq_or [|p1;p2|])
+ | t1', t2' -> Por(i,t1',t2'))
+ | Pand(i,t1,t2) ->
+ (match loop t1, loop t2 with
+ | Pprop p1, Pprop p2 -> Pprop (app coq_and [|p1;p2|])
+ | t1', t2' -> Pand(i,t1',t2'))
+ | Pimp(i,t1,t2) ->
+ (match loop t1, loop t2 with
+ | Pprop p1, Pprop p2 -> Pprop (Term.mkArrow p1 p2) (* no lift (closed) *)
+ | t1', t2' -> Pimp(i,t1',t2'))
+ | Ptrue -> Pprop (app coq_True [||])
+ | Pfalse -> Pprop (app coq_False [||])
+ | Pprop _ -> c
+ in loop c
let rec display_solution_tree ch = function
Leaf t ->
@@ -938,6 +945,28 @@ and decompose_tree_hyps trace env ctxt = function
(CCEqua equation.e_omega.id :: ctxt) l in
app coq_e_extract [|mk_nat index; mk_direction_list path; cont |]
+let solve_system env index list_eq =
+ let system = List.map (fun eq -> eq.e_omega) list_eq in
+ let trace =
+ OmegaSolver.simplify_strong
+ (new_omega_eq,new_omega_var,display_omega_var)
+ system
+ in
+ (* Hypotheses used for this solution *)
+ let vars = hyps_used_in_trace trace in
+ let splits = get_eclatement env (IntSet.elements vars) in
+ if !debug then
+ begin
+ Printf.printf "SYSTEME %d\n" index;
+ display_action display_omega_var trace;
+ print_string "\n Depend :";
+ IntSet.iter (fun i -> Printf.printf " %d" i) vars;
+ print_string "\n Split points :";
+ List.iter display_depend splits;
+ Printf.printf "\n------------------------------------\n"
+ end;
+ {s_index = index; s_trace = trace; s_equa_deps = vars}, splits
(* \section{La fonction principale} *)
(* Cette fonction construit la
trace pour la procédure de décision réflexive. A partir des résultats
@@ -947,36 +976,14 @@ résolution globale du système et enfin construit la trace qui permet
de faire rejouer cette solution par la tactique réflexive. *)
let resolution unsafe env (reified_concl,reified_hyps) systems_list =
- let num = ref 0 in
- let solve_system list_eq =
- let index = !num in
- let system = List.map (fun eq -> eq.e_omega) list_eq in
- let trace =
- simplify_strong
- (new_omega_eq,new_omega_var,display_omega_var)
- system in
- (* Hypotheses used for this solution *)
- let vars = hyps_used_in_trace trace in
- let splits = get_eclatement env (IntSet.elements vars) in
- if !debug then begin
- Printf.printf "SYSTEME %d\n" index;
- display_action display_omega_var trace;
- print_string "\n Depend :";
- IntSet.iter (fun i -> Printf.printf " %d" i) vars;
- print_string "\n Split points :";
- List.iter display_depend splits;
- Printf.printf "\n------------------------------------\n"
- end;
- incr num;
- {s_index = index; s_trace = trace; s_equa_deps = vars}, splits in
if !debug then Printf.printf "\n====================================\n";
- let all_solutions = List.map solve_system systems_list in
+ let all_solutions = List.mapi (solve_system env) systems_list in
let solution_tree = solve_with_constraints all_solutions [] in
if !debug then begin
display_solution_tree stdout solution_tree;
- (* Collect all hypotheses used in the solution tree *)
+ (** Collect all hypotheses used in the solution tree *)
let useful_equa_ids = equas_of_solution_tree solution_tree in
let equations = List.map (get_equation env) (IntSet.elements useful_equa_ids)
@@ -990,37 +997,35 @@ let resolution unsafe env (reified_concl,reified_hyps) systems_list =
let useful_vars = vars_of_equations equations @@ vars_of_prop reified_concl
- (* variables a introduire *)
- let to_introduce = add_stated_equations env solution_tree in
- let stated_vars = List.map (fun (v,_,_,_) -> v) to_introduce in
- let l_generalize_arg = List.map (fun (_,t,_,_) -> EConstr.of_constr t) to_introduce in
- let hyp_stated_vars = List.map (fun (_,_,_,id) -> CCEqua id) to_introduce in
- (* L'environnement de base se construit en deux morceaux :
- - les variables des équations utiles (et de la conclusion)
- - les nouvelles variables declarées durant les preuves *)
- let all_vars_env = (IntSet.elements useful_vars) @ stated_vars in
- let basic_env =
+ (** Parts coming from equations introduced by omega: *)
+ let stated_vars, l_generalize_arg, to_reify_stated, hyp_stated_vars =
+ digest_stated_equations env solution_tree
+ in
+ (** The final variables are either coming from:
+ - useful hypotheses (and conclusion)
+ - equations introduced during resolution *)
+ let all_vars_env = (IntSet.elements useful_vars) @ stated_vars
+ in
+ (** We prepare the renumbering from all variables to useful ones.
+ Since [all_var_env] is sorted, this renumbering will preserve
+ order: this way, the equations in ReflOmegaCore will have
+ the same normal forms as here. *)
+ let reduced_term_env =
let rec loop i = function
| [] -> []
| var :: l ->
let t = get_reified_atom env var in
IntHtbl.add env.real_indices var i; t :: loop (succ i) l
- loop 0 all_vars_env in
- (* Since [all_vars_env] is sorted, this renumbering of variables
- should have preserved order *)
- let env_terms_reified = mk_list (Lazy.force Z.typ) basic_env in
- (* On peut maintenant généraliser le but : env est a jour *)
- let l_reified_stated =
- List.map (fun (_,_,(l,r),_) ->
- app coq_p_eq [| reified_of_formula env l;
- reified_of_formula env r |])
- to_introduce in
+ mk_list (Lazy.force Z.typ) (loop 0 all_vars_env)
+ in
+ (** The environment [env] (and especially [env.real_indices]) is now
+ ready for the coming reifications: *)
+ let l_reified_stated = List.map (reified_of_eq env) to_reify_stated in
let reified_concl = reified_of_proposition env reified_concl in
let l_reified_terms =
- (fun p ->
- reified_of_proposition env (really_useful_prop useful_equa_ids p))
+ (fun p -> reified_of_proposition env (maximize_prop useful_equa_ids p))
let env_props_reified = mk_plist env.props in
@@ -1029,7 +1034,7 @@ let resolution unsafe env (reified_concl,reified_hyps) systems_list =
(l_reified_stated @ l_reified_terms) in
let reified =
app coq_interp_sequent
- [| reified_concl;env_props_reified;env_terms_reified;reified_goal|]
+ [| reified_concl;env_props_reified;reduced_term_env;reified_goal|]
let initial_context =
List.map (fun id -> CCHyp{o_hyp=id;o_path=[]}) useful_hypnames in
@@ -1067,7 +1072,3 @@ let total_reflexive_omega_tactic unsafe =
resolution unsafe env reified_goal systems_list
with NO_CONTRADICTION -> CErrors.error "ROmega can't solve this system"
end }
-(*i let tester = Tacmach.hide_atomic_tactic "TestOmega" test_tactic i*)