diff options
6 files changed, 120 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/lib/cWarnings.ml b/lib/cWarnings.ml
index 720f54606..68664d1ab 100644
--- a/lib/cWarnings.ml
+++ b/lib/cWarnings.ml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ let warnings : (string, t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 97
let categories : (string, string list) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 97
let current_loc = ref Loc.ghost
-let flags = ref "default"
+let flags = ref ""
let set_current_loc = (:=) current_loc
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ let set_warning_status ~name status =
let w = Hashtbl.find warnings name in
Hashtbl.replace warnings name { w with status = status }
- with Not_found -> warn_unknown_warning name
+ with Not_found -> ()
let reset_default_warnings () =
Hashtbl.iter (fun name w ->
@@ -74,6 +74,13 @@ let set_all_warnings_status status =
Hashtbl.replace warnings name { w with status })
+let set_category_status ~name status =
+ let names = Hashtbl.find categories name in
+ List.iter (fun name -> set_warning_status name status) names
+let is_all_keyword name = CString.equal name "all"
+let is_none_keyword s = CString.equal s "none"
let parse_flag s =
if String.length s > 1 then
match String.get s 0 with
@@ -82,39 +89,94 @@ let parse_flag s =
| _ -> (Enabled, s)
else CErrors.error "Invalid warnings flag"
-let rec do_all_keyword = function
- | [] -> []
- | (status, name as item) :: items ->
- if CString.equal name "all" then
- (set_all_warnings_status status; do_all_keyword items)
- else item :: do_all_keyword items
-let rec do_categories = function
- | [] -> []
- | (status, name as item) :: items ->
- try
- let names = Hashtbl.find categories name in
- List.iter (fun name -> set_warning_status name status) names;
- do_categories items
- with Not_found -> item :: do_categories items
+let string_of_flag (status,name) =
+ match status with
+ | AsError -> "+" ^ name
+ | Disabled -> "-" ^ name
+ | Enabled -> name
+let string_of_flags flags =
+ String.concat "," (List.map string_of_flag flags)
+let set_status ~name status =
+ if is_all_keyword name then
+ set_all_warnings_status status
+ else
+ try
+ set_category_status ~name status
+ with Not_found ->
+ try
+ set_warning_status ~name status
+ with Not_found -> ()
+let split_flags s =
+ let reg = Str.regexp "[ ,]+" in Str.split reg s
+let check_warning ~silent (_status,name) =
+ is_all_keyword name ||
+ Hashtbl.mem categories name ||
+ Hashtbl.mem warnings name ||
+ (if not silent then warn_unknown_warning name; false)
+(** [cut_before_all_rev] removes all flags subsumed by a later occurrence of the
+ "all" flag, and reverses the list. *)
+let rec cut_before_all_rev acc = function
+ | [] -> acc
+ | (_status,name as w) :: warnings ->
+ cut_before_all_rev (w :: if is_all_keyword name then [] else acc) warnings
+let cut_before_all_rev warnings = cut_before_all_rev [] warnings
+(** [uniquize_flags_rev] removes flags that are subsumed by later occurrences of
+ themselves or their categories, and reverses the list. *)
+let uniquize_flags_rev flags =
+ let rec aux acc visited = function
+ | (_,name as flag)::flags ->
+ if CString.Set.mem name visited then aux acc visited flags else
+ let visited =
+ try
+ let warnings = Hashtbl.find categories name in
+ CString.Set.union visited (CString.Set.of_list warnings)
+ with Not_found ->
+ visited
+ in
+ aux (flag::acc) (CString.Set.add name visited) flags
+ | [] -> acc
+ in aux [] CString.Set.empty flags
+(** [normalize_flags] removes unknown or redundant warnings. If [silent] is
+ true, it emits a warning when an unknown warning is met. *)
+let normalize_flags ~silent warnings =
+ let warnings = List.filter (check_warning ~silent) warnings in
+ let warnings = cut_before_all_rev warnings in
+ uniquize_flags_rev warnings
+let flags_of_string s = List.map parse_flag (split_flags s)
+let normalize_flags_string s =
+ if is_none_keyword s then s
+ else
+ let flags = flags_of_string s in
+ let flags = normalize_flags ~silent:false flags in
+ string_of_flags flags
let rec parse_warnings items =
- List.iter (fun (status, name) -> set_warning_status ~name status) items
+ CList.iter (fun (status, name) -> set_status ~name status) items
(* For compatibility, we accept "none" *)
-let parse_flags s =
- if CString.equal s "none" then begin
+let parse_flags s =
+ if is_none_keyword s then begin
Flags.make_warn false;
- set_all_warnings_status Disabled
+ set_all_warnings_status Disabled;
+ "none"
else begin
Flags.make_warn true;
- let reg = Str.regexp "[ ,]+" in
- let items = List.map parse_flag (Str.split reg s) in
- let items = do_all_keyword items in
- let items = do_categories items in
- parse_warnings items
+ let flags = flags_of_string s in
+ let flags = normalize_flags ~silent:true flags in
+ parse_warnings flags;
+ string_of_flags flags
let set_flags s =
- flags := s; reset_default_warnings (); parse_flags s
+ reset_default_warnings (); let s = parse_flags s in flags := s
diff --git a/lib/cWarnings.mli b/lib/cWarnings.mli
index 351554284..3f6cee31b 100644
--- a/lib/cWarnings.mli
+++ b/lib/cWarnings.mli
@@ -6,29 +6,16 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-type status =
- Disabled | Enabled | AsError
-type 'a repr = {
- print : 'a -> Pp.std_ppcmds;
- kind : string;
- enabled : bool;
- *)
+type status = Disabled | Enabled | AsError
val set_current_loc : Loc.t -> unit
val create : name:string -> category:string -> ?default:status ->
('a -> Pp.std_ppcmds) -> ?loc:Loc.t -> 'a -> unit
-val emit : 'a t -> 'a -> unit
-type any = Any : string * string * 'a repr -> any
-val dump : unit -> any list
- *)
val get_flags : unit -> string
val set_flags : string -> unit
+(** Cleans up a user provided warnings status string, e.g. removing unknown
+ warnings (in which case a warning is emitted) or subsumed warnings . *)
+val normalize_flags_string : string -> string
diff --git a/library/goptions.ml b/library/goptions.ml
index 35616558a..9dc0f4058 100644
--- a/library/goptions.ml
+++ b/library/goptions.ml
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ let get_locality = function
| Some false -> OptGlobal
| None -> OptDefault
-let declare_option cast uncast append
+let declare_option cast uncast append ?(preprocess = fun x -> x)
{ optsync=sync; optdepr=depr; optname=name; optkey=key; optread=read; optwrite=write } =
check_key key;
let default = read() in
@@ -275,10 +275,11 @@ let declare_option cast uncast append
subst_function = subst_options;
discharge_function = discharge_options;
classify_function = classify_options } in
- (fun l m v -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (options (l, m, v)))
+ (fun l m v -> let v = preprocess v in Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (options (l, m, v)))
(fun _ m v ->
- match m with
+ let v = preprocess v in
+ match m with
| OptSet -> write v
| OptAppend -> write (append (read ()) v))
@@ -381,9 +382,9 @@ let msg_option_value (name,v) =
| BoolValue false -> str "off"
| IntValue (Some n) -> int n
| IntValue None -> str "undefined"
- | StringValue s -> str s
+ | StringValue s -> str "\"" ++ str s ++ str "\""
| StringOptValue None -> str"undefined"
- | StringOptValue (Some s) -> str s
+ | StringOptValue (Some s) -> str "\"" ++ str s ++ str "\""
(* | IdentValue r -> pr_global_env Id.Set.empty r *)
let print_option_value key =
diff --git a/library/goptions.mli b/library/goptions.mli
index ca2df0710..3b3651f39 100644
--- a/library/goptions.mli
+++ b/library/goptions.mli
@@ -122,13 +122,19 @@ type 'a option_sig = {
(** When an option is declared synchronous ([optsync] is [true]), the output is
a synchronous write function. Otherwise it is [optwrite] *)
+(** The [preprocess] function is triggered before setting the option. It can be
+ used to emit a warning on certain values, and clean-up the final value. *)
type 'a write_function = 'a -> unit
-val declare_int_option : int option option_sig -> int option write_function
-val declare_bool_option : bool option_sig -> bool write_function
-val declare_string_option: string option_sig -> string write_function
-val declare_stringopt_option: string option option_sig -> string option write_function
+val declare_int_option : ?preprocess:(int option -> int option) ->
+ int option option_sig -> int option write_function
+val declare_bool_option : ?preprocess:(bool -> bool) ->
+ bool option_sig -> bool write_function
+val declare_string_option: ?preprocess:(string -> string) ->
+ string option_sig -> string write_function
+val declare_stringopt_option: ?preprocess:(string option -> string option) ->
+ string option option_sig -> string option write_function
(** {6 Special functions supposed to be used only in vernacentries.ml } *)
diff --git a/parsing/g_vernac.ml4 b/parsing/g_vernac.ml4
index 5e2856b2f..8f86abcf3 100644
--- a/parsing/g_vernac.ml4
+++ b/parsing/g_vernac.ml4
@@ -876,11 +876,16 @@ GEXTEND Gram
| "Set"; table = option_table; v = option_value ->
begin match v with
| StringValue s ->
- let (last, prefix) = List.sep_last table in
- if String.equal last "Append" && not (List.is_empty prefix) then
- VernacSetAppendOption (prefix, s)
+ (* We make a special case for warnings because appending is their
+ natural semantics *)
+ if CString.List.equal table ["Warnings"] then
+ VernacSetAppendOption (table, s)
- VernacSetOption (table, v)
+ let (last, prefix) = List.sep_last table in
+ if String.equal last "Append" && not (List.is_empty prefix) then
+ VernacSetAppendOption (prefix, s)
+ else
+ VernacSetOption (table, v)
| _ -> VernacSetOption (table, v)
| "Set"; table = option_table ->
diff --git a/toplevel/vernacentries.ml b/toplevel/vernacentries.ml
index 4de1d9595..c03f183ff 100644
--- a/toplevel/vernacentries.ml
+++ b/toplevel/vernacentries.ml
@@ -1491,7 +1491,7 @@ let _ =
optwrite = (fun b -> Constrintern.parsing_explicit := b) }
let _ =
- declare_string_option
+ declare_string_option ~preprocess:CWarnings.normalize_flags_string
{ optsync = true;
optdepr = false;
optname = "warnings display";