diff options
7 files changed, 318 insertions, 307 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index dac1b926d..5cf95b7a8 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -512,22 +512,10 @@ tags:
### Special rules
-# lexer (compiled with camlp4 to get optimized streams)
-parsing/lexer.cmo: parsing/lexer.ml
- $(OCAMLC_P4O) -c $<
-parsing/lexer.cmx: parsing/lexer.ml
- $(OCAMLOPT_P4O) -c $<
- rm -f parsing/lexer.ml
-beforedepend:: parsing/lexer.ml
# grammar modules with camlp4
-ML4FILES += parsing/q_coqast.ml4 parsing/g_prim.ml4 parsing/pcoq.ml4
+ML4FILES += parsing/lexer.ml4 parsing/q_coqast.ml4 \
+ parsing/g_prim.ml4 parsing/pcoq.ml4
GRAMMARCMO=lib/pp_control.cmo lib/pp.cmo lib/util.cmo lib/dyn.cmo \
lib/hashcons.cmo parsing/coqast.cmo parsing/lexer.cmo \
diff --git a/parsing/lexer.ml4 b/parsing/lexer.ml4
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..adc15c8a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parsing/lexer.ml4
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+(*i $Id$ i*)
+open Token
+(* Dictionaries: trees annotated with string options, each node being a map
+ from chars to dictionaries (the subtrees). A trie, in other words. *)
+module CharMap = Map.Make (struct type t = char let compare = compare end)
+type ttree = {
+ node : string option;
+ branch : ttree CharMap.t }
+let empty_ttree = { node = None; branch = CharMap.empty }
+let ttree_add ttree str =
+ let rec insert tt i =
+ if i == String.length str then
+ {node = Some str; branch = tt.branch}
+ else
+ let c = str.[i] in
+ let br =
+ match try Some (CharMap.find c tt.branch) with Not_found -> None with
+ | Some tt' ->
+ CharMap.add c (insert tt' (i + 1)) (CharMap.remove c tt.branch)
+ | None ->
+ let tt' = {node = None; branch = CharMap.empty} in
+ CharMap.add c (insert tt' (i + 1)) tt.branch
+ in
+ { node = tt.node; branch = br }
+ in
+ insert ttree 0
+(* Search a string in a dictionary: raises [Not_found]
+ if the word is not present. *)
+let ttree_find ttree str =
+ let rec proc_rec tt i =
+ if i == String.length str then
+ match tt.node with
+ | Some s -> s
+ | None -> raise Not_found
+ else
+ proc_rec (CharMap.find str.[i] tt.branch) (i+1)
+ in
+ proc_rec ttree 0
+(* Lexer conventions on tokens *)
+type error =
+ | Illegal_character
+ | Unterminated_comment
+ | Unterminated_string
+ | Undefined_token
+ | Bad_token of string
+exception Error of error
+let bad_token str = raise (Error (Bad_token str))
+let check_special_token str =
+ let rec loop = parser
+ | [< ' (' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t') >] -> bad_token str
+ | [< _ = Stream.empty >] -> ()
+ | [< '_ ; s >] -> loop s
+ in
+ loop (Stream.of_string str)
+let check_ident str =
+ let rec loop = parser
+ | [< ''$' | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '\192'..'\214' | '\216'..'\246'
+ | '\248'..'\255' | '0'..'9' | ''' | '_'; s >] -> loop s
+ | [< _ = Stream.empty >] -> ()
+ | [< >] -> bad_token str
+ in
+ loop (Stream.of_string str)
+(* Special token dictionary *)
+let token_tree = ref empty_ttree
+let add_special_token str =
+ check_special_token str;
+ token_tree := ttree_add !token_tree str
+(* Keyword identifier dictionary *)
+let keywords = ref empty_ttree
+let find_keyword s = ttree_find !keywords s
+let add_keyword str =
+ check_ident str;
+ keywords := ttree_add !keywords str
+let is_keyword s =
+ try let _ = ttree_find !keywords s in true with Not_found -> false
+(* Adding a new token (keyword or special token). *)
+let add_token (con, str) = match con with
+ | "" ->
+ let normal_token =
+ if String.length str > 0 then
+ match str.[0] with
+ | ' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' | '0'..'9' | '"' -> bad_token str
+ | '_' | '$' | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ else
+ true
+ in
+ if normal_token then add_keyword str else add_special_token str
+ | "METAIDENT" | "IDENT" | "FIELD" | "INT" | "STRING" | "EOI" -> ()
+ | _ ->
+ raise (Token.Error ("\
+the constructor \"" ^ con ^ "\" is not recognized by Lexer"))
+(* Freeze and unfreeze the state of the lexer *)
+type frozen_t = ttree * ttree
+let freeze () = (!keywords, !token_tree)
+let unfreeze (kw,tt) =
+ keywords := kw;
+ token_tree := tt
+let init () =
+ unfreeze (empty_ttree, empty_ttree);
+ List.iter add_keyword
+ [ "Grammar"; "Syntax"; "Quit"; "Load"; "Compile";
+ "of"; "with"; "end"; "as"; "in"; "using";
+ "Cases"; "Fixpoint"; "CoFixpoint";
+ "Definition"; "Inductive"; "CoInductive";
+ "Theorem"; "Variable"; "Axiom"; "Parameter"; "Hypothesis";
+ "Orelse"; "Proof"; "Qed";
+ "Prop"; "Set"; "Type"
+ ]; (* "let" is not a keyword because #Core#let.cci would not parse *)
+ List.iter add_special_token
+ [ ":"; "("; ")"; "["; "]"; "{"; "}"; "_"; ";"; "`"; "``";
+ "()"; "->"; "\\/"; "/\\"; "|-"; ":="; "<->"; "!"; "$"; "%"; "&";
+ "*"; "+"; ","; "@"; "^"; "#"; "\\"; "/"; "-"; "<"; ">";
+ "|"; "?"; "="; "~"; "'"; "<<"; ">>"; "<>"; "::";
+ "<:"; ":<"; "=>"; ">->" ]
+let _ = init()
+(* Errors occuring while lexing (explained as "Lexer error: ...") *)
+let err loc str = Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (Error str)
+(* The string buffering machinery *)
+let buff = ref (String.create 80)
+let store len x =
+ if len >= String.length !buff then
+ buff := !buff ^ String.create (String.length !buff);
+ !buff.[len] <- x;
+ succ len
+let mstore len s =
+ let rec add_rec len i =
+ if i == String.length s then len else add_rec (store len s.[i]) (succ i)
+ in
+ add_rec len 0
+let get_buff len = String.sub !buff 0 len
+(* The classical lexer: idents, numbers, quoted strings, comments *)
+let rec ident len = parser
+ | [< ' ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '\192'..'\214' | '\216'..'\246'
+ |'\248'..'\255' | '0'..'9' | ''' | '_' as c); s >] ->
+ ident (store len c) s
+ | [< >] -> len
+let rec number len = parser
+ | [< ' ('0'..'9' as c); s >] -> number (store len c) s
+ | [< >] -> len
+let escape len c = store len c
+let rec string bp len = parser
+ | [< ''"' >] -> len
+ | [< ''\\'; 'c; s >] -> string bp (escape len c) s
+ | [< _ = Stream.empty >] ep -> err (bp, ep) Unterminated_string
+ | [< 'c; s >] -> string bp (store len c) s
+let rec comment bp = parser
+ | [< ''(';
+ _ = (parser
+ | [< ''*'; _ = comment bp >] -> ()
+ | [< >] -> ());
+ s >] -> comment bp s
+ | [< ''*';
+ _ = parser
+ | [< '')' >] -> ()
+ | [< s >] -> comment bp s >] -> ()
+ | [< ''"'; _ = (parser bp [< _ = string bp 0 >] -> ()); s >] ->
+ comment bp s
+ | [< _ = Stream.empty >] ep -> err (bp, ep) Unterminated_comment
+ | [< '_; s >] -> comment bp s
+(* Parse a special token, using the [token_tree] *)
+let process_chars bp c cs =
+ let rec proc_rec tt =
+ match
+ match Stream.peek cs with
+ | Some c ->
+ (try Some (CharMap.find c tt.branch) with Not_found -> None)
+ | None -> None
+ with
+ | Some tt' -> Stream.junk cs; proc_rec tt'
+ | None -> tt.node
+ in
+ let t =
+ try proc_rec (CharMap.find c !token_tree.branch)
+ with Not_found -> !token_tree.node
+ in
+ let ep = Stream.count cs in
+ match t with
+ | Some t -> (("", t), (bp, ep))
+ | None -> err (bp, ep) Undefined_token
+(* Parse a token in a char stream *)
+let rec next_token = parser bp
+ | [< '' ' | '\n' | '\r'| '\t'; s >] -> next_token s
+ | [< ''$'; len = ident (store 0 '$') >] ep ->
+ (("METAIDENT", get_buff len), (bp,ep))
+ | [< ''.'; t = parser
+ | [< ' ('_' | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '\192'..'\214'
+ | '\216'..'\246' | '\248'..'\255' as c);
+ len = ident (store 0 c) >] -> ("FIELD", get_buff len)
+ | [< >] -> ("", ".") >] ep -> (t, (bp,ep))
+ | [< ' ('_' | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '\192'..'\214'
+ | '\216'..'\246' | '\248'..'\255' as c);
+ len = ident (store 0 c) >] ep ->
+ let id = get_buff len in
+ (try ("", find_keyword id) with Not_found -> ("IDENT", id)), (bp, ep)
+ | [< ' ('0'..'9' as c); len = number (store 0 c) >] ep ->
+ (("INT", get_buff len), (bp, ep))
+ | [< ''"'; len = string bp 0 >] ep ->
+ (("STRING", get_buff len), (bp, ep))
+ | [< ' ('(' as c);
+ t = parser
+ | [< ''*'; _ = comment bp; s >] -> next_token s
+ | [< t = process_chars bp c >] -> t >] -> t
+ | [< 'c; t = process_chars bp c >] -> t
+ | [< _ = Stream.empty >] -> (("EOI", ""), (bp, bp + 1))
+(* Location table system for creating tables associating a token count
+ to its location in a char stream (the source) *)
+let locerr () = invalid_arg "Lexer: location function"
+let loct_create () = ref (Array.create 1024 None)
+let loct_func loct i =
+ match
+ if i < 0 || i >= Array.length !loct then None
+ else Array.unsafe_get !loct i
+ with
+ | Some loc -> loc
+ | _ -> locerr ()
+let loct_add loct i loc =
+ if i >= Array.length !loct then begin
+ let new_tmax = Array.length !loct * 2 in
+ let new_loct = Array.create new_tmax None in
+ Array.blit !loct 0 new_loct 0 (Array.length !loct);
+ loct := new_loct
+ end;
+ !loct.(i) <- Some loc
+let func cs =
+ let loct = loct_create () in
+ let ts =
+ Stream.from
+ (fun i ->
+ let (tok, loc) = next_token cs in
+ loct_add loct i loc; Some tok)
+ in
+ (ts, loct_func loct)
+(* Names of tokens, for this lexer, used in Grammar error messages *)
+let token_text = function
+ | ("", t) -> "'" ^ t ^ "'"
+ | ("IDENT", "") -> "identifier"
+ | ("IDENT", t) -> "'" ^ t ^ "'"
+ | ("INT", "") -> "integer"
+ | ("INT", s) -> "'" ^ s ^ "'"
+ | ("STRING", "") -> "string"
+ | ("EOI", "") -> "end of input"
+ | (con, "") -> con
+ | (con, prm) -> con ^ " \"" ^ prm ^ "\""
+let tparse (p_con, p_prm) =
+ None
+ (*i was
+ if p_prm = "" then
+ (parser [< '(con, prm) when con = p_con >] -> prm)
+ else
+ (parser [< '(con, prm) when con = p_con && prm = p_prm >] -> prm)
+ i*)
diff --git a/parsing/lexer.mli b/parsing/lexer.mli
index 8ecfbd069..b7dc6e25d 100644
--- a/parsing/lexer.mli
+++ b/parsing/lexer.mli
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ type error =
| Illegal_character
| Unterminated_comment
| Unterminated_string
+ | Undefined_token
+ | Bad_token of string
exception Error of error
diff --git a/parsing/lexer.mll b/parsing/lexer.mll
deleted file mode 100644
index 06531fb0f..000000000
--- a/parsing/lexer.mll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-(* $Id$ *)
-open Util
-type error =
- | Illegal_character
- | Unterminated_comment
- | Unterminated_string
-exception Error of error
-(* token trees *)
-module Charmap = Map.Make (struct type t = char let compare = compare end)
-type ttree = { node : string option; branch : ttree Charmap.t }
-let ttree_empty = { node = None; branch = Charmap.empty }
-let ttree_add ttree str =
- let n = String.length str in
- let rec insert tt i =
- if i == n then
- { node = Some str; branch = tt.branch }
- else
- let c = str.[i] in
- let br =
- match
- try Some (Charmap.find c tt.branch) with Not_found -> None
- with
- | Some tt' ->
- Charmap.add c (insert tt' (i + 1)) (Charmap.remove c tt.branch)
- | None ->
- let tt' = { node = None; branch = Charmap.empty } in
- Charmap.add c (insert tt' (i + 1)) tt.branch
- in
- { node = tt.node; branch = br }
- in
- insert ttree 0
-let ttree_find ttree str =
- let n = String.length str in
- let rec proc_rec tt i =
- if i == n then
- match tt.node with
- | Some s -> s
- | None -> raise Not_found
- else
- proc_rec (Charmap.find str.[i] tt.branch) (i+1)
- in
- proc_rec ttree 0
-let kw_table = ref ttree_empty
-let init () =
- kw_table := ttree_empty;
- List.iter
- (fun kw -> kw_table := ttree_add !kw_table kw)
- [ "Grammar"; "Syntax"; "Quit"; "Load"; "Compile";
- "of"; "with"; "end"; "as"; "in"; "using";
- "Cases"; "Fixpoint"; "CoFixpoint";
- "Definition"; "Inductive"; "CoInductive";
- "Theorem"; "Variable"; "Axiom"; "Parameter"; "Hypothesis";
- "Orelse"; "Proof"; "Qed";
- "Prop"; "Set"; "Type" ]
-let _ = init ()
-let add_keyword s = kw_table := ttree_add !kw_table s
-let is_keyword s =
- try let _ = ttree_find !kw_table s in true with Not_found -> false
-type frozen_t = ttree
-let freeze () = !kw_table
-let unfreeze ft = kw_table := ft
-let char_for_backslash =
- match Sys.os_type with
- | "Unix" | "Win32" ->
- begin function
- | 'n' -> '\010'
- | 'r' -> '\013'
- | 'b' -> '\008'
- | 't' -> '\009'
- | c -> c
- end
- | "MacOS" ->
- begin function
- | 'n' -> '\013'
- | 'r' -> '\010'
- | 'b' -> '\008'
- | 't' -> '\009'
- | c -> c
- end
- | x -> error "Lexer: unknown system type"
-let char_for_decimal_code lexbuf i =
- let c = 100 * (Char.code(Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf i) - 48) +
- 10 * (Char.code(Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf (i+1)) - 48) +
- (Char.code(Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf (i+2)) - 48) in
- Char.chr(c land 0xFF)
-let string_buffer = Buffer.create 80
-let string_start_pos = ref 0
-let comment_depth = ref 0
-let comment_start_pos = ref 0
-let blank = [' ' '\010' '\013' '\009' '\012']
-let firstchar =
- ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255']
-let identchar =
- ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255'
- '\'' '0'-'9']
-let symbolchar = ['!' '$' '%' '&' '*' '+' ',' '@' '^' '#']
-let extrachar = symbolchar | ['\\' '/' '-' '<' '>' '|' ':' '?' '=' '~' '\'']
-let decimal_literal = ['0'-'9']+
-let hex_literal = '0' ['x' 'X'] ['0'-'9' 'A'-'F' 'a'-'f']+
-let oct_literal = '0' ['o' 'O'] ['0'-'7']+
-let bin_literal = '0' ['b' 'B'] ['0'-'1']+
-rule token = parse
- | blank+
- { token lexbuf }
- | "$" identchar*
- { ("METAIDENT",Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
- | firstchar identchar*
- { let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
- if is_keyword s then ("",s) else ("IDENT",s) }
- | decimal_literal | hex_literal | oct_literal | bin_literal
- { ("INT", Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
- | "(" | ")" | "[" | "]" | "{" | "}" | "." | "_" | ";"| "`" | "``" | "()"
- | "->" | "\\/" | "/\\" | "|-" | ":=" | "<->" | '\'' | extrachar
- { ("", Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
- | "." blank
- { ("", ".") }
- | "." firstchar identchar*
- { let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
- ("FIELD", String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1)) }
- | ('\\'(symbolchar | '\\' | '-' | '>' | '|' | ':' | '?' | '=' | '<' | '~')+ |
- '/' (symbolchar | '/' | '-' | '>' | '|' | ':' | '?' | '=' | '<' | '~')+ |
- '-' (symbolchar | '\\' | '/' | '-' | '|' | ':' | '?' | '=' | '<' | '~')+ |
- '|' (symbolchar | '\\' | '/' | '|' | '>' | ':' | '?' | '=' | '<' | '~')+ |
- '=' (symbolchar | '\\' | '/' | '|' | '-' | '>' | ':' | '=' | '<' | '~')+ |
- '<' (symbolchar | '\\' | '/' | '|' | '>' | '?' | ':' | '=' | '<' | '~')+ |
- "<-"(symbolchar | '\\' | '/' | '|' | '-' | '?' | ':' | '=' | '<' | '~')+ |
- '~' (symbolchar | '\\' | '/' | '|' | '-' | '>' | ':' | '=' | '<' )+ |
- ':' (symbolchar | '\\' | '/' | '|' | '-' | '>' | ':' | '=' | '<' )+ |
- '\'' symbolchar+ | '>' | '?') extrachar* | "<-"
- { ("", Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
- | symbolchar+ extrachar*
- { ("", Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
- (***
- | '`' [^'`']* '`'
- { let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
- ("QUOTED", String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 2)) }
- ***)
- | "\""
- { Buffer.reset string_buffer;
- let string_start = Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf in
- string_start_pos := string_start;
- string lexbuf;
- ("STRING", Buffer.contents string_buffer) }
- | "(*"
- { comment_depth := 1;
- comment_start_pos := Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf;
- comment lexbuf;
- token lexbuf }
- | eof
- { ("EOI","") }
- | _ { let loc = (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf, Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf) in
- raise (Stdpp.Exc_located (loc, Error Illegal_character)) }
-and comment = parse
- | "(*"
- { comment_depth := succ !comment_depth; comment lexbuf }
- | "*)"
- { comment_depth := pred !comment_depth;
- if !comment_depth > 0 then comment lexbuf }
- | "\""
- { Buffer.reset string_buffer;
- string_start_pos := Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf;
- string lexbuf;
- comment lexbuf }
- | "''"
- { comment lexbuf }
- | "'" [^ '\\' '\''] "'"
- { comment lexbuf }
- | "'\\" ['\\' '\'' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r'] "'"
- { comment lexbuf }
- | "'\\" ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] "'"
- { comment lexbuf }
- | eof
- { let loc = (!comment_start_pos, !comment_start_pos+2) in
- raise (Stdpp.Exc_located (loc, Error Unterminated_comment)) }
- | _
- { comment lexbuf }
-and string = parse
- | '"'
- { () }
- | '\\' ("\010" | "\013" | "\013\010") [' ' '\009'] *
- { string lexbuf }
- | '\\' ['\\' '"' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r']
- { let c = char_for_backslash (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 1) in
- Buffer.add_char string_buffer c;
- string lexbuf }
- | '\\' ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9']
- { Buffer.add_char string_buffer (char_for_decimal_code lexbuf 1);
- string lexbuf }
- | eof
- { let loc = (!string_start_pos, !string_start_pos+1) in
- raise (Stdpp.Exc_located (loc, Error Unterminated_string)) }
- | _
- { Buffer.add_char string_buffer (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0);
- string lexbuf }
-let create_loc_table () = ref (Array.create 1024 None)
-let find_loc t i =
- if i < 0 || i >= Array.length !t then invalid_arg "find_loc";
- match Array.unsafe_get !t i with
- | None -> invalid_arg "find_loc"
- | Some l -> l
-let add_loc t i l =
- while i >= Array.length !t do
- let new_t = Array.create (2 * Array.length !t) None in
- Array.blit !t 0 new_t 0 (Array.length !t);
- t := new_t
- done;
- !t.(i) <- Some l
-let func cs =
- let loct = create_loc_table () in
- let lexbuf =
- Lexing.from_function
- (fun s _ -> match cs with parser
- | [< 'c >] -> String.unsafe_set s 0 c; 1
- | [< >] -> 0)
- in
- let next_token i =
- let tok = token lexbuf in
- let loc = (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf, Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf) in
- add_loc loct i loc; Some tok
- in
- let ts = Stream.from next_token in
- (ts, find_loc loct)
-let is_ident s =
- String.length s > 0 &&
- (match s.[0] with
- | 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '\192'..'\214' | '\216'..'\246'
- | '\248'..'\255' -> true
- | _ -> false)
-let add_token = function
- | ("",kw) -> if is_ident kw then add_keyword kw
- | _ -> ()
-let token_text = function
- | ("", t) -> "'" ^ t ^ "'"
- | ("IDENT", "") -> "identifier"
- | ("IDENT", t) -> "'" ^ t ^ "'"
- | ("INT", "") -> "integer"
- | ("INT", s) -> "'" ^ s ^ "'"
- | ("STRING", "") -> "string"
- | ("EOI", "") -> "end of input"
- | (con, "") -> con
- | (con, prm) -> con ^ " \"" ^ prm ^ "\""
-let tparse (p_con, p_prm) =
- None
- (*i etait en ocaml 2.xx :
- if p_prm = "" then
- parser [< '(con, prm) when con = p_con >] -> prm
- else
- parser [< '(con, prm) when con = p_con && prm = p_prm >] -> prm
- i*)
diff --git a/parsing/pcoq.ml4 b/parsing/pcoq.ml4
index 968a4cba4..5776cb811 100644
--- a/parsing/pcoq.ml4
+++ b/parsing/pcoq.ml4
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ open Util
(* The lexer of Coq *)
(* Note: removing a token.
- We do nothing because remove_token is called only when removing a grammar
- rule with Grammar.delete_rule. The latter command is called only when
+ We do nothing because [remove_token] is called only when removing a grammar
+ rule with [Grammar.delete_rule]. The latter command is called only when
unfreezing the state of the grammar entries (see GRAMMAR summary, file
env/metasyntax.ml). Therefore, instead of removing tokens one by one,
we unfreeze the state of the lexer. This restores the behaviour of the
diff --git a/tools/coq_makefile.ml b/tools/coq_makefile.ml
index 3bbe2d19c..d47aeb014 100644
--- a/tools/coq_makefile.ml
+++ b/tools/coq_makefile.ml
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ let banner () =
## Rocquencourt Lyon ##
## ##
-## Coq V6.1 ##
+## Coq V7 ##
## ##
## ##
diff --git a/toplevel/errors.ml b/toplevel/errors.ml
index 6c76e5e88..cde9421d0 100644
--- a/toplevel/errors.ml
+++ b/toplevel/errors.ml
@@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ let rec explain_exn_default = function
hOV 0 [< 'sTR "Syntax error: Unterminated comment." >]
| Lexer.Error Unterminated_string ->
hOV 0 [< 'sTR "Syntax error: Unterminated string." >]
+ | Lexer.Error Undefined_token ->
+ hOV 0 [< 'sTR "Syntax error: Undefined token." >]
+ | Lexer.Error (Bad_token s) ->
+ hOV 0 [< 'sTR "Syntax error: Bad token"; 'sPC; 'sTR s; 'sTR "." >]
| reraise ->
hOV 0 [< 'sTR "Anomaly: Uncaught exception ";
'sTR (Printexc.to_string reraise); report () >]