path: root/vernac
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authorGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2017-09-26 23:57:40 +0200
committerGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2017-09-26 23:57:40 +0200
commitb9740771e8113cb9e607793887be7a12587d0326 (patch)
treef69105ad9813738abd10ae824756947940a7dc6d /vernac
parent4b6383889d4d38de4c9a28bee960b30114a51b16 (diff)
parent3c964a60d698134c21adc77cbb69ce1528350682 (diff)
Merge PR #688: Binding universe constraints in Definition/Inductive/etc...
Diffstat (limited to 'vernac')
13 files changed, 118 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/vernac/class.ml b/vernac/class.ml
index be682977e..3915148a0 100644
--- a/vernac/class.ml
+++ b/vernac/class.ml
@@ -222,9 +222,10 @@ let build_id_coercion idf_opt source poly =
Id.of_string ("Id_"^(ident_key_of_class source)^"_"^
(ident_key_of_class cl))
+ let univs = (snd (Evd.universe_context ~names:[] ~extensible:true sigma)) in
let constr_entry = (* Cast is necessary to express [val_f] is identity *)
- (definition_entry ~types:typ_f ~poly ~univs:(snd (Evd.universe_context sigma))
+ (definition_entry ~types:typ_f ~poly ~univs
~inline:true (mkCast (val_f, DEFAULTcast, typ_f)))
let decl = (constr_entry, IsDefinition IdentityCoercion) in
diff --git a/vernac/classes.ml b/vernac/classes.ml
index ab1892a18..c21345a2a 100644
--- a/vernac/classes.ml
+++ b/vernac/classes.ml
@@ -111,14 +111,14 @@ let instance_hook k info global imps ?hook cst =
Typeclasses.declare_instance (Some info) (not global) cst;
(match hook with Some h -> h cst | None -> ())
-let declare_instance_constant k info global imps ?hook id pl poly evm term termtype =
+let declare_instance_constant k info global imps ?hook id decl poly evm term termtype =
let kind = IsDefinition Instance in
let evm =
let levels = Univ.LSet.union (Univops.universes_of_constr termtype)
(Univops.universes_of_constr term) in
Evd.restrict_universe_context evm levels
- let pl, uctx = Evd.universe_context ?names:pl evm in
+ let pl, uctx = Evd.check_univ_decl evm decl in
let entry =
Declare.definition_entry ~types:termtype ~poly ~univs:uctx term
@@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ let declare_instance_constant k info global imps ?hook id pl poly evm term termt
instance_hook k info global imps ?hook (ConstRef kn);
-let new_instance ?(abstract=false) ?(global=false) ?(refine= !refine_instance) poly ctx (instid, bk, cl) props
- ?(generalize=true)
- ?(tac:unit Proofview.tactic option) ?hook pri =
+let new_instance ?(abstract=false) ?(global=false) ?(refine= !refine_instance)
+ poly ctx (instid, bk, cl) props ?(generalize=true)
+ ?(tac:unit Proofview.tactic option) ?hook pri =
let env = Global.env() in
let ((loc, instid), pl) = instid in
- let uctx = Evd.make_evar_universe_context env pl in
- let evars = ref (Evd.from_ctx uctx) in
+ let evd, decl = Univdecls.interp_univ_decl_opt env pl in
+ let evars = ref evd in
let tclass, ids =
match bk with
| Decl_kinds.Implicit ->
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ let new_instance ?(abstract=false) ?(global=false) ?(refine= !refine_instance) p
nf t
Pretyping.check_evars env Evd.empty !evars (EConstr.of_constr termtype);
- let pl, ctx = Evd.universe_context ?names:pl !evars in
+ let pl, ctx = Evd.check_univ_decl !evars decl in
let cst = Declare.declare_constant ~internal:Declare.InternalTacticRequest id
(None,poly,(termtype,ctx),None), Decl_kinds.IsAssumption Decl_kinds.Logical)
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ let new_instance ?(abstract=false) ?(global=false) ?(refine= !refine_instance) p
let term = Option.map nf term in
if not (Evd.has_undefined evm) && not (Option.is_empty term) then
- declare_instance_constant k pri global imps ?hook id pl
+ declare_instance_constant k pri global imps ?hook id decl
poly evm (Option.get term) termtype
else if Flags.is_program_mode () || refine || Option.is_empty term then begin
let kind = Decl_kinds.Global, poly, Decl_kinds.DefinitionBody Decl_kinds.Instance in
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ let new_instance ?(abstract=false) ?(global=false) ?(refine= !refine_instance) p
let hook = Lemmas.mk_hook hook in
let ctx = Evd.evar_universe_context evm in
ignore (Obligations.add_definition id ?term:constr
- ?pl typ ctx ~kind:(Global,poly,Instance) ~hook obls);
+ ~univdecl:decl typ ctx ~kind:(Global,poly,Instance) ~hook obls);
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ let new_instance ?(abstract=false) ?(global=false) ?(refine= !refine_instance) p
the refinement manually.*)
let gls = List.rev (Evd.future_goals evm) in
let evm = Evd.reset_future_goals evm in
- Lemmas.start_proof id ?pl kind evm (EConstr.of_constr termtype)
+ Lemmas.start_proof id ~pl:decl kind evm (EConstr.of_constr termtype)
(fun _ -> instance_hook k pri global imps ?hook));
(* spiwack: I don't know what to do with the status here. *)
diff --git a/vernac/classes.mli b/vernac/classes.mli
index fc2fdbbf3..fcdb5c3bc 100644
--- a/vernac/classes.mli
+++ b/vernac/classes.mli
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ val declare_instance_constant :
Impargs.manual_explicitation list -> (** implicits *)
?hook:(Globnames.global_reference -> unit) ->
Id.t -> (** name *)
- Id.t Loc.located list option ->
+ Univdecls.universe_decl ->
bool -> (* polymorphic *)
Evd.evar_map -> (* Universes *)
Constr.t -> (** body *)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ val new_instance :
?refine:bool -> (** Allow refinement *)
Decl_kinds.polymorphic ->
local_binder_expr list ->
- typeclass_constraint ->
+ Vernacexpr.typeclass_constraint ->
(bool * constr_expr) option ->
?generalize:bool ->
?tac:unit Proofview.tactic ->
diff --git a/vernac/command.ml b/vernac/command.ml
index b611edc41..120f9590f 100644
--- a/vernac/command.ml
+++ b/vernac/command.ml
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ let warn_implicits_in_term =
let interp_definition pl bl p red_option c ctypopt =
let env = Global.env() in
- let ctx = Evd.make_evar_universe_context env pl in
- let evdref = ref (Evd.from_ctx ctx) in
+ let evd, decl = Univdecls.interp_univ_decl_opt env pl in
+ let evdref = ref evd in
let impls, ((env_bl, ctx), imps1) = interp_context_evars env evdref bl in
let ctx = List.map (fun d -> map_rel_decl EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr d) ctx in
let nb_args = Context.Rel.nhyps ctx in
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ let interp_definition pl bl p red_option c ctypopt =
let body = nf (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn c ctx) in
let vars = Univops.universes_of_constr body in
let evd = Evd.restrict_universe_context !evdref vars in
- let pl, uctx = Evd.universe_context ?names:pl evd in
+ let pl, uctx = Evd.check_univ_decl evd decl in
imps1@(Impargs.lift_implicits nb_args imps2), pl,
definition_entry ~univs:uctx ~poly:p body
| Some ctyp ->
@@ -133,20 +133,20 @@ let interp_definition pl bl p red_option c ctypopt =
let vars = Univ.LSet.union (Univops.universes_of_constr body)
(Univops.universes_of_constr typ) in
let ctx = Evd.restrict_universe_context !evdref vars in
- let pl, uctx = Evd.universe_context ?names:pl ctx in
+ let pl, uctx = Evd.check_univ_decl ctx decl in
imps1@(Impargs.lift_implicits nb_args impsty), pl,
definition_entry ~types:typ ~poly:p
~univs:uctx body
- red_constant_entry (Context.Rel.length ctx) ce !evdref red_option, !evdref, pl, imps
+ red_constant_entry (Context.Rel.length ctx) ce !evdref red_option, !evdref, decl, pl, imps
-let check_definition (ce, evd, _, imps) =
+let check_definition (ce, evd, _, _, imps) =
check_evars_are_solved (Global.env ()) evd Evd.empty;
-let do_definition ident k pl bl red_option c ctypopt hook =
- let (ce, evd, pl', imps as def) =
- interp_definition pl bl (pi2 k) red_option c ctypopt
+let do_definition ident k univdecl bl red_option c ctypopt hook =
+ let (ce, evd, univdecl, pl', imps as def) =
+ interp_definition univdecl bl (pi2 k) red_option c ctypopt
if Flags.is_program_mode () then
let env = Global.env () in
@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ let do_definition ident k pl bl red_option c ctypopt hook =
let ctx = Evd.evar_universe_context evd in
let hook = Lemmas.mk_hook (fun l r _ -> Lemmas.call_hook (fun exn -> exn) hook l r) in
- ignore(Obligations.add_definition
- ident ~term:c cty ctx ?pl ~implicits:imps ~kind:k ~hook obls)
+ ignore(Obligations.add_definition
+ ident ~term:c cty ctx ~univdecl ~implicits:imps ~kind:k ~hook obls)
else let ce = check_definition def in
ignore(DeclareDef.declare_definition ident k ce pl' imps
@@ -269,15 +269,15 @@ let do_assumptions_unbound_univs (_, poly, _ as kind) nl l =
let do_assumptions_bound_univs coe kind nl id pl c =
let env = Global.env () in
- let ctx = Evd.make_evar_universe_context env pl in
- let evdref = ref (Evd.from_ctx ctx) in
+ let evd, decl = Univdecls.interp_univ_decl_opt env pl in
+ let evdref = ref evd in
let ty, impls = interp_type_evars_impls env evdref c in
let nf, subst = Evarutil.e_nf_evars_and_universes evdref in
let ty = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr ty in
let ty = nf ty in
let vars = Univops.universes_of_constr ty in
let evd = Evd.restrict_universe_context !evdref vars in
- let pl, uctx = Evd.universe_context ?names:pl evd in
+ let pl, uctx = Evd.check_univ_decl evd decl in
let uctx = Univ.ContextSet.of_context uctx in
let (_, _, st) = declare_assumption coe kind (ty, uctx) pl impls false nl id in
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ let push_types env idl tl =
type structured_one_inductive_expr = {
ind_name : Id.t;
- ind_univs : lident list option;
+ ind_univs : Vernacexpr.universe_decl_expr option;
ind_arity : constr_expr;
ind_lc : (Id.t * constr_expr) list
@@ -525,8 +525,8 @@ let interp_mutual_inductive (paramsl,indl) notations cum poly prv finite =
List.iter check_param paramsl;
let env0 = Global.env() in
let pl = (List.hd indl).ind_univs in
- let ctx = Evd.make_evar_universe_context env0 pl in
- let evdref = ref Evd.(from_ctx ctx) in
+ let evd, decl = Univdecls.interp_univ_decl_opt env0 pl in
+ let evdref = ref evd in
let impls, ((env_params, ctx_params), userimpls) =
interp_context_evars env0 evdref paramsl
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ let interp_mutual_inductive (paramsl,indl) notations cum poly prv finite =
let constructors = List.map (fun (idl,cl,impsl) -> (idl,List.map nf' cl,impsl)) constructors in
let ctx_params = Context.Rel.map nf ctx_params in
let evd = !evdref in
- let pl, uctx = Evd.universe_context ?names:pl evd in
+ let pl, uctx = Evd.check_univ_decl evd decl in
List.iter (fun c -> check_evars env_params Evd.empty evd (EConstr.of_constr c)) arities;
Context.Rel.iter (fun c -> check_evars env0 Evd.empty evd (EConstr.of_constr c)) ctx_params;
List.iter (fun (_,ctyps,_) ->
@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ let check_mutuality env evd isfix fixl =
type structured_fixpoint_expr = {
fix_name : Id.t;
- fix_univs : lident list option;
+ fix_univs : universe_decl_expr option;
fix_annot : Id.t Loc.located option;
fix_binders : local_binder_expr list;
fix_body : constr_expr option;
@@ -916,8 +916,8 @@ let build_wellfounded (recname,pl,n,bl,arityc,body) poly r measure notation =
let lift_rel_context n l = Termops.map_rel_context_with_binders (liftn n) l in
Coqlib.check_required_library ["Coq";"Program";"Wf"];
let env = Global.env() in
- let ctx = Evd.make_evar_universe_context env pl in
- let evdref = ref (Evd.from_ctx ctx) in
+ let evd, decl = Univdecls.interp_univ_decl_opt env pl in
+ let evdref = ref evd in
let _, ((env', binders_rel), impls) = interp_context_evars env evdref bl in
let len = List.length binders_rel in
let top_env = push_rel_context binders_rel env in
@@ -1018,14 +1018,16 @@ let build_wellfounded (recname,pl,n,bl,arityc,body) poly r measure notation =
let binders_rel = nf_evar_context !evdref binders_rel in
let binders = nf_evar_context !evdref binders in
let top_arity = Evarutil.nf_evar !evdref top_arity in
- let hook, recname, typ =
+ let pl, plext = Option.cata
+ (fun d -> d.univdecl_instance, d.univdecl_extensible_instance) ([],true) pl in
+ let hook, recname, typ =
if List.length binders_rel > 1 then
let name = add_suffix recname "_func" in
let hook l gr _ =
let body = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkApp (Evarutil.e_new_global evdref gr, [|make|])) binders_rel in
let ty = it_mkProd_or_LetIn top_arity binders_rel in
let ty = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr ty in
- let pl, univs = Evd.universe_context ?names:pl !evdref in
+ let pl, univs = Evd.universe_context ~names:pl ~extensible:plext !evdref in
(*FIXME poly? *)
let ce = definition_entry ~poly ~types:ty ~univs (EConstr.to_constr !evdref body) in
(** FIXME: include locality *)
@@ -1051,7 +1053,7 @@ let build_wellfounded (recname,pl,n,bl,arityc,body) poly r measure notation =
Obligations.eterm_obligations env recname !evdref 0 fullcoqc fullctyp
let ctx = Evd.evar_universe_context !evdref in
- ignore(Obligations.add_definition recname ~term:evars_def ?pl
+ ignore(Obligations.add_definition recname ~term:evars_def ~univdecl:decl
evars_typ ctx evars ~hook)
let interp_recursive isfix fixl notations =
@@ -1067,11 +1069,12 @@ let interp_recursive isfix fixl notations =
| None , acc -> acc
| x , None -> x
| Some ls , Some us ->
- if not (CList.for_all2eq (fun x y -> Id.equal (snd x) (snd y)) ls us) then
+ let lsu = ls.univdecl_instance and usu = us.univdecl_instance in
+ if not (CList.for_all2eq (fun x y -> Id.equal (snd x) (snd y)) lsu usu) then
user_err Pp.(str "(co)-recursive definitions should all have the same universe binders");
Some us) fixl None in
- let ctx = Evd.make_evar_universe_context env all_universes in
- let evdref = ref (Evd.from_ctx ctx) in
+ let evd, decl = Univdecls.interp_univ_decl_opt env all_universes in
+ let evdref = ref evd in
let fixctxs, fiximppairs, fixannots =
List.split3 (List.map (interp_fix_context env evdref isfix) fixl) in
let fixctximpenvs, fixctximps = List.split fiximppairs in
@@ -1121,7 +1124,7 @@ let interp_recursive isfix fixl notations =
let fixctxs = List.map (fun (_,ctx) -> ctx) fixctxs in
(* Build the fix declaration block *)
- (env,rec_sign,all_universes,evd), (fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes), List.combine3 fixctxs fiximps fixannots
+ (env,rec_sign,decl,evd), (fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes), List.combine3 fixctxs fiximps fixannots
let check_recursive isfix env evd (fixnames,fixdefs,_) =
check_evars_are_solved env evd Evd.empty;
@@ -1144,14 +1147,14 @@ let declare_fixpoint local poly ((fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes),pl,ctx,fiximps) ind
if List.exists Option.is_empty fixdefs then
(* Some bodies to define by proof *)
let thms =
- List.map3 (fun id t (ctx,imps,_) -> ((id,pl),(t,(List.map RelDecl.get_name ctx,imps))))
+ List.map3 (fun id t (ctx,imps,_) -> (id,(t,(List.map RelDecl.get_name ctx,imps))))
fixnames fixtypes fiximps in
let init_tac =
Some (List.map (Option.cata (EConstr.of_constr %> Tactics.exact_no_check) Tacticals.New.tclIDTAC)
fixdefs) in
let evd = Evd.from_ctx ctx in
Lemmas.start_proof_with_initialization (Global,poly,DefinitionBody Fixpoint)
- evd (Some(false,indexes,init_tac)) thms None (Lemmas.mk_hook (fun _ _ -> ()))
+ evd pl (Some(false,indexes,init_tac)) thms None (Lemmas.mk_hook (fun _ _ -> ()))
else begin
(* We shortcut the proof process *)
let fixdefs = List.map Option.get fixdefs in
@@ -1164,8 +1167,8 @@ let declare_fixpoint local poly ((fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes),pl,ctx,fiximps) ind
List.map_i (fun i _ -> mkFix ((indexes,i),fixdecls)) 0 fixnames in
let evd = Evd.from_ctx ctx in
let evd = Evd.restrict_universe_context evd vars in
+ let pl, ctx = Evd.check_univ_decl evd pl in
let fixdecls = List.map Safe_typing.mk_pure_proof fixdecls in
- let pl, ctx = Evd.universe_context ?names:pl evd in
ignore (List.map4 (DeclareDef.declare_fix (local, poly, Fixpoint) pl ctx)
fixnames fixdecls fixtypes fiximps);
(* Declare the recursive definitions *)
@@ -1178,14 +1181,14 @@ let declare_cofixpoint local poly ((fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes),pl,ctx,fiximps) n
if List.exists Option.is_empty fixdefs then
(* Some bodies to define by proof *)
let thms =
- List.map3 (fun id t (ctx,imps,_) -> ((id,pl),(t,(List.map RelDecl.get_name ctx,imps))))
+ List.map3 (fun id t (ctx,imps,_) -> (id,(t,(List.map RelDecl.get_name ctx,imps))))
fixnames fixtypes fiximps in
let init_tac =
Some (List.map (Option.cata (EConstr.of_constr %> Tactics.exact_no_check) Tacticals.New.tclIDTAC)
fixdefs) in
let evd = Evd.from_ctx ctx in
Lemmas.start_proof_with_initialization (Global,poly, DefinitionBody CoFixpoint)
- evd (Some(true,[],init_tac)) thms None (Lemmas.mk_hook (fun _ _ -> ()))
+ evd pl (Some(true,[],init_tac)) thms None (Lemmas.mk_hook (fun _ _ -> ()))
else begin
(* We shortcut the proof process *)
let fixdefs = List.map Option.get fixdefs in
@@ -1196,8 +1199,8 @@ let declare_cofixpoint local poly ((fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes),pl,ctx,fiximps) n
let fiximps = List.map (fun (len,imps,idx) -> imps) fiximps in
let evd = Evd.from_ctx ctx in
let evd = Evd.restrict_universe_context evd vars in
- let pl, ctx = Evd.universe_context ?names:pl evd in
- ignore (List.map4 (DeclareDef.declare_fix (local, poly, CoFixpoint) pl ctx)
+ let pl, ctx = Evd.check_univ_decl evd pl in
+ ignore (List.map4 (DeclareDef.declare_fix (local, poly, CoFixpoint) pl ctx)
fixnames fixdecls fixtypes fiximps);
(* Declare the recursive definitions *)
cofixpoint_message fixnames
@@ -1280,7 +1283,7 @@ let do_program_recursive local p fixkind fixl ntns =
| Obligations.IsFixpoint _ -> (local, p, Fixpoint)
| Obligations.IsCoFixpoint -> (local, p, CoFixpoint)
- Obligations.add_mutual_definitions defs ~kind ?pl ctx ntns fixkind
+ Obligations.add_mutual_definitions defs ~kind ~univdecl:pl ctx ntns fixkind
let do_program_fixpoint local poly l =
let g = List.map (fun ((_,wf,_,_,_),_) -> wf) l in
diff --git a/vernac/command.mli b/vernac/command.mli
index 8d17f27c3..afa97aa24 100644
--- a/vernac/command.mli
+++ b/vernac/command.mli
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ val do_constraint : polymorphic ->
(** {6 Definitions/Let} *)
val interp_definition :
- lident list option -> local_binder_expr list -> polymorphic -> red_expr option -> constr_expr ->
+ Vernacexpr.universe_decl_expr option -> local_binder_expr list -> polymorphic -> red_expr option -> constr_expr ->
constr_expr option -> Safe_typing.private_constants definition_entry * Evd.evar_map *
- Universes.universe_binders * Impargs.manual_implicits
+ Univdecls.universe_decl * Universes.universe_binders * Impargs.manual_implicits
-val do_definition : Id.t -> definition_kind -> lident list option ->
+val do_definition : Id.t -> definition_kind -> Vernacexpr.universe_decl_expr option ->
local_binder_expr list -> red_expr option -> constr_expr ->
constr_expr option -> unit Lemmas.declaration_hook -> unit
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ val declare_assumption : coercion_flag -> assumption_kind ->
global_reference * Univ.Instance.t * bool
val do_assumptions : locality * polymorphic * assumption_object_kind ->
- Vernacexpr.inline -> (plident list * constr_expr) with_coercion list -> bool
+ Vernacexpr.inline -> (Vernacexpr.ident_decl list * constr_expr) with_coercion list -> bool
(* val declare_assumptions : variable Loc.located list -> *)
(* coercion_flag -> assumption_kind -> types Univ.in_universe_context_set -> *)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ val do_assumptions : locality * polymorphic * assumption_object_kind ->
type structured_one_inductive_expr = {
ind_name : Id.t;
- ind_univs : lident list option;
+ ind_univs : Vernacexpr.universe_decl_expr option;
ind_arity : constr_expr;
ind_lc : (Id.t * constr_expr) list
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ val do_mutual_inductive :
type structured_fixpoint_expr = {
fix_name : Id.t;
- fix_univs : lident list option;
+ fix_univs : Vernacexpr.universe_decl_expr option;
fix_annot : Id.t Loc.located option;
fix_binders : local_binder_expr list;
fix_body : constr_expr option;
@@ -127,24 +127,24 @@ type recursive_preentry =
val interp_fixpoint :
structured_fixpoint_expr list -> decl_notation list ->
- recursive_preentry * lident list option * Evd.evar_universe_context *
+ recursive_preentry * Univdecls.universe_decl * Evd.evar_universe_context *
(EConstr.rel_context * Impargs.manual_implicits * int option) list
val interp_cofixpoint :
structured_fixpoint_expr list -> decl_notation list ->
- recursive_preentry * lident list option * Evd.evar_universe_context *
+ recursive_preentry * Univdecls.universe_decl * Evd.evar_universe_context *
(EConstr.rel_context * Impargs.manual_implicits * int option) list
(** Registering fixpoints and cofixpoints in the environment *)
val declare_fixpoint :
locality -> polymorphic ->
- recursive_preentry * lident list option * Evd.evar_universe_context *
+ recursive_preentry * Univdecls.universe_decl * Evd.evar_universe_context *
(Context.Rel.t * Impargs.manual_implicits * int option) list ->
Proof_global.lemma_possible_guards -> decl_notation list -> unit
val declare_cofixpoint : locality -> polymorphic ->
- recursive_preentry * lident list option * Evd.evar_universe_context *
+ recursive_preentry * Univdecls.universe_decl * Evd.evar_universe_context *
(Context.Rel.t * Impargs.manual_implicits * int option) list ->
decl_notation list -> unit
diff --git a/vernac/indschemes.ml b/vernac/indschemes.ml
index facebd096..90168843a 100644
--- a/vernac/indschemes.ml
+++ b/vernac/indschemes.ml
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ let _ =
let define id internal ctx c t =
let f = declare_constant ~internal in
- let _, univs = Evd.universe_context ctx in
+ let _, univs = Evd.universe_context ~names:[] ~extensible:true ctx in
let univs =
if Flags.is_universe_polymorphism () then Polymorphic_const_entry univs
else Monomorphic_const_entry univs
diff --git a/vernac/lemmas.ml b/vernac/lemmas.ml
index 590fa6213..4b36c2d07 100644
--- a/vernac/lemmas.ml
+++ b/vernac/lemmas.ml
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ let retrieve_first_recthm uctx = function
(NamedDecl.get_value (Global.lookup_named id),variable_opacity id)
| ConstRef cst ->
let cb = Global.lookup_constant cst in
- let (_, uctx) = UState.universe_context uctx in
+ let (_, uctx) = UState.universe_context ~names:[] ~extensible:true uctx in
let inst = Univ.UContext.instance uctx in
let map (c, ctx) = Vars.subst_instance_constr inst c in
(Option.map map (Global.body_of_constant_body cb), is_opaque cb)
@@ -209,11 +209,11 @@ let compute_proof_name locality = function
locality == Global && Nametab.exists_cci (Lib.make_path_except_section id)
user_err ?loc (pr_id id ++ str " already exists.");
- id, pl
+ id
| None ->
- next_global_ident_away default_thm_id (Proof_global.get_all_proof_names ()), None
+ next_global_ident_away default_thm_id (Proof_global.get_all_proof_names ())
-let save_remaining_recthms (locality,p,kind) norm ctx body opaq i ((id,pl),(t_i,(_,imps))) =
+let save_remaining_recthms (locality,p,kind) norm ctx binders body opaq i (id,(t_i,(_,imps))) =
let t_i = norm t_i in
match body with
| None ->
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ let save_remaining_recthms (locality,p,kind) norm ctx body opaq i ((id,pl),(t_i,
| Discharge ->
let impl = false in (* copy values from Vernacentries *)
let k = IsAssumption Conjectural in
- let c = SectionLocalAssum ((t_i,ctx),p,impl) in
+ let c = SectionLocalAssum ((t_i,Univ.ContextSet.of_context ctx),p,impl) in
let _ = declare_variable id (Lib.cwd(),c,k) in
(Discharge, VarRef id,imps)
| Local | Global ->
@@ -231,7 +231,6 @@ let save_remaining_recthms (locality,p,kind) norm ctx body opaq i ((id,pl),(t_i,
| Global -> false
| Discharge -> assert false
- let ctx = Univ.ContextSet.to_context ctx in
let decl = (ParameterEntry (None,p,(t_i,ctx),None), k) in
let kn = declare_constant id ~local decl in
(locality,ConstRef kn,imps))
@@ -249,12 +248,11 @@ let save_remaining_recthms (locality,p,kind) norm ctx body opaq i ((id,pl),(t_i,
match locality with
| Discharge ->
let const = definition_entry ~types:t_i ~opaque:opaq ~poly:p
- ~univs:(Univ.ContextSet.to_context ctx) body_i in
+ ~univs:ctx body_i in
let c = SectionLocalDef const in
let _ = declare_variable id (Lib.cwd(), c, k) in
(Discharge,VarRef id,imps)
| Local | Global ->
- let ctx = Univ.ContextSet.to_context ctx in
let local = match locality with
| Local -> true
| Global -> false
@@ -368,7 +366,7 @@ let start_proof_univs id ?pl kind sigma ?terminator ?sign c ?init_tac ?(compute_
let rec_tac_initializer finite guard thms snl =
if finite then
- match List.map (fun ((id,_),(t,_)) -> (id,EConstr.of_constr t)) thms with
+ match List.map (fun (id,(t,_)) -> (id,EConstr.of_constr t)) thms with
| (id,_)::l -> Tactics.mutual_cofix id l 0
| _ -> assert false
@@ -376,11 +374,11 @@ let rec_tac_initializer finite guard thms snl =
let nl = match snl with
| None -> List.map succ (List.map List.last guard)
| Some nl -> nl
- in match List.map2 (fun ((id,_),(t,_)) n -> (id,n, EConstr.of_constr t)) thms nl with
+ in match List.map2 (fun (id,(t,_)) n -> (id,n, EConstr.of_constr t)) thms nl with
| (id,n,_)::l -> Tactics.mutual_fix id n l 0
| _ -> assert false
-let start_proof_with_initialization kind ctx recguard thms snl hook =
+let start_proof_with_initialization kind ctx decl recguard thms snl hook =
let intro_tac (_, (_, (ids, _))) =
Tacticals.New.tclMAP (function
| Name id -> Tactics.intro_mustbe_force id
@@ -405,7 +403,7 @@ let start_proof_with_initialization kind ctx recguard thms snl hook =
(if Flags.is_auto_intros () then Some (intro_tac (List.hd thms)) else None), [] in
match thms with
| [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "No proof to start.")
- | ((id,pl),(t,(_,imps)))::other_thms ->
+ | (id,(t,(_,imps)))::other_thms ->
let hook ctx strength ref =
let ctx = match ctx with
| None -> Evd.empty_evar_universe_context
@@ -417,22 +415,24 @@ let start_proof_with_initialization kind ctx recguard thms snl hook =
let body,opaq = retrieve_first_recthm ctx ref in
let subst = Evd.evar_universe_context_subst ctx in
let norm c = Universes.subst_opt_univs_constr subst c in
- let ctx = UState.context_set (*FIXME*) ctx in
+ let binders, ctx = Evd.check_univ_decl (Evd.from_ctx ctx) decl in
let body = Option.map norm body in
- List.map_i (save_remaining_recthms kind norm ctx body opaq) 1 other_thms in
+ List.map_i (save_remaining_recthms kind norm ctx binders body opaq) 1 other_thms in
let thms_data = (strength,ref,imps)::other_thms_data in
List.iter (fun (strength,ref,imps) ->
maybe_declare_manual_implicits false ref imps;
call_hook (fun exn -> exn) hook strength ref) thms_data in
- start_proof_univs id ?pl kind ctx (EConstr.of_constr t) ?init_tac (fun ctx -> mk_hook (hook ctx)) ~compute_guard:guard
+ start_proof_univs id ~pl:decl kind ctx (EConstr.of_constr t) ?init_tac (fun ctx -> mk_hook (hook ctx)) ~compute_guard:guard
let start_proof_com ?inference_hook kind thms hook =
let env0 = Global.env () in
- let levels = Option.map snd (fst (List.hd thms)) in
- let evdref = ref (match levels with
- | None -> Evd.from_env env0
- | Some l -> Evd.from_ctx (Evd.make_evar_universe_context env0 l))
- in
+ let decl = fst (List.hd thms) in
+ let evd, decl =
+ match decl with
+ | None -> Evd.from_env env0, Univdecls.default_univ_decl
+ | Some decl ->
+ Univdecls.interp_univ_decl_opt env0 (snd decl) in
+ let evdref = ref evd in
let thms = List.map (fun (sopt,(bl,t)) ->
let impls, ((env, ctx), imps) = interp_context_evars env0 evdref bl in
let t', imps' = interp_type_evars_impls ~impls env evdref t in
@@ -448,16 +448,16 @@ let start_proof_com ?inference_hook kind thms hook =
let evd, nf = Evarutil.nf_evars_and_universes !evdref in
let thms = List.map (fun (n, (t, info)) -> (n, (nf t, info))) thms in
let () =
- match levels with
- | None -> ()
- | Some l -> ignore (Evd.universe_context evd ?names:l)
+ if not decl.Misctypes.univdecl_extensible_instance then
+ ignore (Evd.universe_context evd ~names:decl.Misctypes.univdecl_instance ~extensible:false)
+ else ()
let evd =
if pi2 kind then evd
else (* We fix the variables to ensure they won't be lowered to Set *)
Evd.fix_undefined_variables evd
- start_proof_with_initialization kind evd recguard thms snl hook
+ start_proof_with_initialization kind evd decl recguard thms snl hook
(* Saving a proof *)
@@ -506,11 +506,13 @@ let save_proof ?proof = function
let ids_def = Environ.global_vars_set env pproof in
Some (Environ.keep_hyps env (Idset.union ids_typ ids_def))
| _ -> None in
- let names = Proof_global.get_universe_binders () in
+ let decl = Proof_global.get_universe_decl () in
let evd = Evd.from_ctx universes in
- let binders, ctx = Evd.universe_context ?names evd in
- Admitted(id,k,(sec_vars, pi2 k, (typ, ctx), None),
- (universes, Some binders))
+ let binders, ctx = Evd.check_univ_decl evd decl in
+ let poly = pi2 k in
+ let binders = if poly then Some binders else None in
+ Admitted(id,k,(sec_vars, poly, (typ, ctx), None),
+ (universes, binders))
Proof_global.apply_terminator (Proof_global.get_terminator ()) pe
| Vernacexpr.Proved (is_opaque,idopt) ->
diff --git a/vernac/lemmas.mli b/vernac/lemmas.mli
index a8c09c0fe..1e23c7314 100644
--- a/vernac/lemmas.mli
+++ b/vernac/lemmas.mli
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ val call_hook :
(** A hook start_proof calls on the type of the definition being started *)
val set_start_hook : (EConstr.types -> unit) -> unit
-val start_proof : Id.t -> ?pl:Proof_global.universe_binders -> goal_kind -> Evd.evar_map ->
+val start_proof : Id.t -> ?pl:Univdecls.universe_decl -> goal_kind -> Evd.evar_map ->
?terminator:(Proof_global.lemma_possible_guards -> unit declaration_hook -> Proof_global.proof_terminator) ->
?sign:Environ.named_context_val -> EConstr.types ->
?init_tac:unit Proofview.tactic -> ?compute_guard:Proof_global.lemma_possible_guards ->
unit declaration_hook -> unit
-val start_proof_univs : Id.t -> ?pl:Proof_global.universe_binders -> goal_kind -> Evd.evar_map ->
+val start_proof_univs : Id.t -> ?pl:Univdecls.universe_decl -> goal_kind -> Evd.evar_map ->
?terminator:(Proof_global.lemma_possible_guards -> (Evd.evar_universe_context option -> unit declaration_hook) -> Proof_global.proof_terminator) ->
?sign:Environ.named_context_val -> EConstr.types ->
?init_tac:unit Proofview.tactic -> ?compute_guard:Proof_global.lemma_possible_guards ->
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ val start_proof_com :
unit declaration_hook -> unit
val start_proof_with_initialization :
- goal_kind -> Evd.evar_map ->
+ goal_kind -> Evd.evar_map -> Univdecls.universe_decl ->
(bool * Proof_global.lemma_possible_guards * unit Proofview.tactic list option) option ->
- ((Id.t (* name of thm *) * Proof_global.universe_binders option) *
+ (Id.t (* name of thm *) *
(types (* type of thm *) * (Name.t list (* names to pre-introduce *) * Impargs.manual_explicitation list))) list
-> int list option -> unit declaration_hook -> unit
diff --git a/vernac/obligations.ml b/vernac/obligations.ml
index a4fe49020..89b18d254 100644
--- a/vernac/obligations.ml
+++ b/vernac/obligations.ml
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ type program_info_aux = {
prg_body: constr;
prg_type: constr;
prg_ctx: Evd.evar_universe_context;
- prg_pl: Id.t Loc.located list option;
+ prg_univdecl: Univdecls.universe_decl;
prg_obligations: obligations;
prg_deps : Id.t list;
prg_fixkind : fixpoint_kind option ;
@@ -474,8 +474,7 @@ let declare_definition prg =
(Evd.evar_universe_context_subst prg.prg_ctx) in
let opaque = prg.prg_opaque in
let fix_exn = Hook.get get_fix_exn () in
- let pl, ctx =
- Evd.universe_context ?names:prg.prg_pl (Evd.from_ctx prg.prg_ctx) in
+ let pl, ctx = Evd.check_univ_decl (Evd.from_ctx prg.prg_ctx) prg.prg_univdecl in
let ce =
definition_entry ~fix_exn
~opaque ~types:(nf typ) ~poly:(pi2 prg.prg_kind)
@@ -658,7 +657,7 @@ let declare_obligation prg obl body ty uctx =
Some (TermObl (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_or_clean (mkApp (mkConst constant, args)) ctx)) }
-let init_prog_info ?(opaque = false) sign n pl b t ctx deps fixkind
+let init_prog_info ?(opaque = false) sign n udecl b t ctx deps fixkind
notations obls impls kind reduce hook =
let obls', b =
match b with
@@ -679,7 +678,7 @@ let init_prog_info ?(opaque = false) sign n pl b t ctx deps fixkind
obls, b
{ prg_name = n ; prg_body = b; prg_type = reduce t;
- prg_ctx = ctx; prg_pl = pl;
+ prg_ctx = ctx; prg_univdecl = udecl;
prg_obligations = (obls', Array.length obls');
prg_deps = deps; prg_fixkind = fixkind ; prg_notations = notations ;
prg_implicits = impls; prg_kind = kind; prg_reduce = reduce;
@@ -889,7 +888,7 @@ in
let ctx' = Evd.merge_universe_subst evd (Evd.universe_subst (Evd.from_ctx ctx')) in
Univ.Instance.empty, Evd.evar_universe_context ctx'
- let (_, uctx) = UState.universe_context ctx' in
+ let (_, uctx) = UState.universe_context ~names:[] ~extensible:true ctx' in
Univ.UContext.instance uctx, ctx'
let obl = { obl with obl_body = Some (DefinedObl (cst, inst)) } in
@@ -1068,11 +1067,12 @@ let show_term n =
Printer.pr_constr_env (Global.env ()) Evd.empty prg.prg_type ++ spc () ++ str ":=" ++ fnl ()
++ Printer.pr_constr_env (Global.env ()) Evd.empty prg.prg_body)
-let add_definition n ?term t ctx ?pl ?(implicits=[]) ?(kind=Global,false,Definition) ?tactic
+let add_definition n ?term t ctx ?(univdecl=Univdecls.default_univ_decl)
+ ?(implicits=[]) ?(kind=Global,false,Definition) ?tactic
?(reduce=reduce) ?(hook=Lemmas.mk_hook (fun _ _ _ -> ())) ?(opaque = false) obls =
let sign = Decls.initialize_named_context_for_proof () in
let info = Id.print n ++ str " has type-checked" in
- let prg = init_prog_info sign ~opaque n pl term t ctx [] None [] obls implicits kind reduce hook in
+ let prg = init_prog_info sign ~opaque n univdecl term t ctx [] None [] obls implicits kind reduce hook in
let obls,_ = prg.prg_obligations in
if Int.equal (Array.length obls) 0 then (
Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (info ++ str ".");
@@ -1087,13 +1087,14 @@ let add_definition n ?term t ctx ?pl ?(implicits=[]) ?(kind=Global,false,Definit
| Remain rem -> Flags.if_verbose (fun () -> show_obligations ~msg:false (Some n)) (); res
| _ -> res)
-let add_mutual_definitions l ctx ?pl ?tactic ?(kind=Global,false,Definition) ?(reduce=reduce)
+let add_mutual_definitions l ctx ?(univdecl=Univdecls.default_univ_decl) ?tactic
+ ?(kind=Global,false,Definition) ?(reduce=reduce)
?(hook=Lemmas.mk_hook (fun _ _ _ -> ())) ?(opaque = false) notations fixkind =
let sign = Decls.initialize_named_context_for_proof () in
let deps = List.map (fun (n, b, t, imps, obls) -> n) l in
(fun (n, b, t, imps, obls) ->
- let prg = init_prog_info sign ~opaque n pl (Some b) t ctx deps (Some fixkind)
+ let prg = init_prog_info sign ~opaque n univdecl (Some b) t ctx deps (Some fixkind)
notations obls imps kind reduce hook
in progmap_add n (CEphemeron.create prg)) l;
let _defined =
diff --git a/vernac/obligations.mli b/vernac/obligations.mli
index 5614403ba..11c2553ae 100644
--- a/vernac/obligations.mli
+++ b/vernac/obligations.mli
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ val default_tactic : unit Proofview.tactic ref
val add_definition : Names.Id.t -> ?term:Term.constr -> Term.types ->
Evd.evar_universe_context ->
- ?pl:(Id.t Loc.located list) -> (* Universe binders *)
+ ?univdecl:Univdecls.universe_decl -> (* Universe binders and constraints *)
?implicits:(Constrexpr.explicitation * (bool * bool * bool)) list ->
?kind:Decl_kinds.definition_kind ->
?tactic:unit Proofview.tactic ->
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ val add_mutual_definitions :
(Names.Id.t * Term.constr * Term.types *
(Constrexpr.explicitation * (bool * bool * bool)) list * obligation_info) list ->
Evd.evar_universe_context ->
- ?pl:(Id.t Loc.located list) -> (* Universe binders *)
+ ?univdecl:Univdecls.universe_decl -> (* Universe binders and constraints *)
?tactic:unit Proofview.tactic ->
?kind:Decl_kinds.definition_kind ->
?reduce:(Term.constr -> Term.constr) ->
diff --git a/vernac/record.ml b/vernac/record.ml
index a2e443e5f..4fb607dec 100644
--- a/vernac/record.ml
+++ b/vernac/record.ml
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ let binders_of_decls = List.map binder_of_decl
let typecheck_params_and_fields finite def id pl t ps nots fs =
let env0 = Global.env () in
- let ctx = Evd.make_evar_universe_context env0 pl in
- let evars = ref (Evd.from_ctx ctx) in
+ let evd, decl = Univdecls.interp_univ_decl_opt env0 pl in
+ let evars = ref evd in
let _ =
let error bk (loc, name) =
match bk, name with
@@ -165,9 +165,10 @@ let typecheck_params_and_fields finite def id pl t ps nots fs =
let newps = List.map (EConstr.to_rel_decl evars) newps in
let typ = EConstr.to_constr evars typ in
let ce t = Pretyping.check_evars env0 Evd.empty evars (EConstr.of_constr t) in
+ let univs = Evd.check_univ_decl evars decl in
List.iter (iter_constr ce) (List.rev newps);
List.iter (iter_constr ce) (List.rev newfs);
- Evd.universe_context ?names:pl evars, typ, template, imps, newps, impls, newfs
+ univs, typ, template, imps, newps, impls, newfs
let degenerate_decl decl =
let id = match RelDecl.get_name decl with
diff --git a/vernac/record.mli b/vernac/record.mli
index 9a0c9ef9d..aea474581 100644
--- a/vernac/record.mli
+++ b/vernac/record.mli
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ val declare_structure :
val definition_structure :
inductive_kind * Decl_kinds.cumulative_inductive_flag * Decl_kinds.polymorphic *
- Decl_kinds.recursivity_kind * plident with_coercion * local_binder_expr list *
+ Decl_kinds.recursivity_kind * ident_decl with_coercion * local_binder_expr list *
(local_decl_expr with_instance with_priority with_notation) list *
Id.t * constr_expr option -> global_reference
diff --git a/vernac/vernacentries.ml b/vernac/vernacentries.ml
index c7b8def0e..ee84ff101 100644
--- a/vernac/vernacentries.ml
+++ b/vernac/vernacentries.ml
@@ -1555,7 +1555,7 @@ let vernac_check_may_eval ?loc redexp glopt rc =
let sigma' = Evarconv.solve_unif_constraints_with_heuristics env sigma' in
Evarconv.check_problems_are_solved env sigma';
let sigma',nf = Evarutil.nf_evars_and_universes sigma' in
- let pl, uctx = Evd.universe_context sigma' in
+ let pl, uctx = Evd.universe_context ~names:[] ~extensible:true sigma' in
let env = Environ.push_context uctx (Evarutil.nf_env_evar sigma' env) in
let c = nf c in
let j =