path: root/vernac
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authorGravatar Hugo Herbelin <Hugo.Herbelin@inria.fr>2017-09-18 18:14:25 +0200
committerGravatar Hugo Herbelin <Hugo.Herbelin@inria.fr>2017-09-18 20:40:28 +0200
commit46a17141e6a19fff9dfeb1ef18cbba054e34e3c3 (patch)
tree32abe045a5f5b7a9e452f53c3dd2eeddaa2a75f1 /vernac
parent26b9ad1d0423f8dc1dbd4d90557469db6a5eaa03 (diff)
Reporting locations in error messages about notation formats.
Diffstat (limited to 'vernac')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/vernac/metasyntax.ml b/vernac/metasyntax.ml
index 3126b1b14..3b5490e31 100644
--- a/vernac/metasyntax.ml
+++ b/vernac/metasyntax.ml
@@ -99,18 +99,24 @@ let pr_grammar = function
let parse_format ((loc, str) : lstring) =
let len = String.length str in
- let push_token a = function
- | cur::l -> (a::cur)::l
- | [] -> [[a]] in
- let push_white n l =
- if Int.equal n 0 then l else push_token (UnpTerminal (String.make n ' ')) l in
- let close_box i b = function
- | a::(_::_ as l) -> push_token (UnpBox (b,a)) l
- | _ -> user_err Pp.(str "Non terminated box in format.") in
- let close_quotation i =
- if i < len && str.[i] == '\'' && (Int.equal (i+1) len || str.[i+1] == ' ')
- then i+1
- else user_err Pp.(str "Incorrectly terminated quoted expression.") in
+ (* TODO: update the line of the location when the string contains newlines *)
+ let make_loc i j = Option.map (Loc.shift_loc (i+1) (j-len)) loc in
+ let push_token loc a = function
+ | (i,cur)::l -> (i,(loc,a)::cur)::l
+ | [] -> assert false in
+ let push_white i n l =
+ if Int.equal n 0 then l else push_token (make_loc i (i+n)) (UnpTerminal (String.make n ' ')) l in
+ let close_box start stop b = function
+ | (_,a)::(_::_ as l) -> push_token (make_loc start stop) (UnpBox (b,a)) l
+ | [a] -> user_err ?loc:(make_loc start stop) Pp.(str "Non terminated box in format.")
+ | [] -> assert false in
+ let close_quotation start i =
+ if i < len && str.[i] == '\'' then
+ if (Int.equal (i+1) len || str.[i+1] == ' ')
+ then i+1
+ else user_err ?loc:(make_loc (i+1) (i+1)) Pp.(str "Space expected after quoted expression.")
+ else
+ user_err ?loc:(make_loc start (i-1)) Pp.(str "Beginning of quoted expression expected to be ended by a quote.") in
let rec spaces n i =
if i < len && str.[i] == ' ' then spaces (n+1) (i+1)
else n in
@@ -118,81 +124,78 @@ let parse_format ((loc, str) : lstring) =
if i < len && str.[i] != ' ' then
if str.[i] == '\'' && quoted &&
(i+1 >= len || str.[i+1] == ' ')
- then if Int.equal n 0 then user_err Pp.(str "Empty quoted token.") else n
+ then if Int.equal n 0 then user_err ?loc:(make_loc (i-1) i) Pp.(str "Empty quoted token.") else n
else nonspaces quoted (n+1) (i+1)
- if quoted then user_err Pp.(str "Spaces are not allowed in (quoted) symbols.")
+ if quoted then user_err ?loc:(make_loc i i) Pp.(str "Spaces are not allowed in (quoted) symbols.")
else n in
let rec parse_non_format i =
let n = nonspaces false 0 i in
- push_token (UnpTerminal (String.sub str i n)) (parse_token 1 (i+n))
+ push_token (make_loc i (i+n-1)) (UnpTerminal (String.sub str i n)) (parse_token 1 (i+n))
and parse_quoted n i =
if i < len then match str.[i] with
(* Parse " // " *)
| '/' when i+1 < len && str.[i+1] == '/' ->
(* We discard the useless n spaces... *)
- push_token (UnpCut PpFnl)
- (parse_token 1 (close_quotation (i+2)))
+ push_token (make_loc (i-n) (i+1)) (UnpCut PpFnl)
+ (parse_token 1 (close_quotation i (i+2)))
(* Parse " .. / .. " *)
| '/' when i+1 < len ->
let p = spaces 0 (i+1) in
- push_token (UnpCut (PpBrk (n,p)))
- (parse_token 1 (close_quotation (i+p+1)))
+ push_token (make_loc (i-n) (i+p)) (UnpCut (PpBrk (n,p)))
+ (parse_token 1 (close_quotation i (i+p+1)))
| c ->
(* The spaces are real spaces *)
- push_white n (match c with
+ push_white i n (match c with
| '[' ->
- if i <= len then match str.[i+1] with
+ if i+1 < len then match str.[i+1] with
(* Parse " [h .. ", *)
| 'h' when i+1 <= len && str.[i+2] == 'v' ->
- (parse_box (fun n -> PpHVB n) (i+3))
+ (parse_box i (fun n -> PpHVB n) (i+3))
(* Parse " [v .. ", *)
| 'v' ->
- parse_box (fun n -> PpVB n) (i+2)
+ parse_box i (fun n -> PpVB n) (i+2)
(* Parse " [ .. ", *)
| ' ' | '\'' ->
- parse_box (fun n -> PpHOVB n) (i+1)
- | _ -> user_err Pp.(str "\"v\", \"hv\", \" \" expected after \"[\" in format.")
- else user_err Pp.(str "\"v\", \"hv\" or \" \" expected after \"[\" in format.")
+ parse_box i (fun n -> PpHOVB n) (i+1)
+ | _ -> user_err ?loc:(make_loc i i) Pp.(str "\"v\", \"hv\", \" \" expected after \"[\" in format.")
+ else user_err ?loc:(make_loc i i) Pp.(str "\"v\", \"hv\" or \" \" expected after \"[\" in format.")
(* Parse "]" *)
| ']' ->
- ([] :: parse_token 1 (close_quotation (i+1)))
+ ((i,[]) :: parse_token 1 (close_quotation i (i+1)))
(* Parse a non formatting token *)
| c ->
let n = nonspaces true 0 i in
- push_token (UnpTerminal (String.sub str (i-1) (n+2)))
- (parse_token 1 (close_quotation (i+n))))
+ push_token (make_loc i (i+n-1)) (UnpTerminal (String.sub str (i-1) (n+2)))
+ (parse_token 1 (close_quotation i (i+n))))
if Int.equal n 0 then []
- else user_err Pp.(str "Ending spaces non part of a format annotation.")
- and parse_box box i =
+ else user_err ?loc:(make_loc (len-n) len) Pp.(str "Ending spaces non part of a format annotation.")
+ and parse_box start box i =
let n = spaces 0 i in
- close_box i (box n) (parse_token 1 (close_quotation (i+n)))
+ close_box start (i+n-1) (box n) (parse_token 1 (close_quotation i (i+n)))
and parse_token k i =
let n = spaces 0 i in
let i = i+n in
if i < len then match str.[i] with
(* Parse a ' *)
| '\'' when i+1 >= len || str.[i+1] == ' ' ->
- push_white (n-k) (push_token (UnpTerminal "'") (parse_token 1 (i+1)))
+ push_white (i-n) (n-k) (push_token (make_loc i (i+1)) (UnpTerminal "'") (parse_token 1 (i+1)))
(* Parse the beginning of a quoted expression *)
| '\'' ->
parse_quoted (n-k) (i+1)
(* Otherwise *)
| _ ->
- push_white (n-k) (parse_non_format i)
- else push_white n [[]]
+ push_white (i-n) (n-k) (parse_non_format i)
+ else push_white (i-n) n [(len,[])]
- try
- if not (String.is_empty str) then match parse_token 0 0 with
- | [l] -> l
- | _ -> user_err Pp.(str "Box closed without being opened in format.")
- else
- []
- with reraise ->
- let (e, info) = CErrors.push reraise in
- let info = Option.cata (Loc.add_loc info) info loc in
- iraise (e, info)
+ if not (String.is_empty str) then
+ match parse_token 0 0 with
+ | [_,l] -> l
+ | (i,_)::_ -> user_err ?loc:(make_loc i i) Pp.(str "Box closed without being opened.")
+ | [] -> assert false
+ else
+ []
(* Analyzing notations *)
@@ -383,11 +386,11 @@ let is_next_terminal = function Terminal _ :: _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_next_break = function Break _ :: _ -> true | _ -> false
-let add_break n l = UnpCut (PpBrk(n,0)) :: l
+let add_break n l = (None,UnpCut (PpBrk(n,0))) :: l
let add_break_if_none n = function
- | ((UnpCut (PpBrk _) :: _) | []) as l -> l
- | l -> UnpCut (PpBrk(n,0)) :: l
+ | (((_,UnpCut (PpBrk _)) :: _) | []) as l -> l
+ | l -> (None,UnpCut (PpBrk(n,0))) :: l
let check_open_binder isopen sl m =
let pr_token = function
@@ -413,30 +416,30 @@ let make_hunks etyps symbols from =
let _,prec = precedence_of_entry_type from (List.nth typs (i-1)) in
let u = UnpMetaVar (i,prec) in
if is_next_non_terminal prods then
- u :: add_break_if_none 1 (make prods)
+ (None,u) :: add_break_if_none 1 (make prods)
- u :: make_with_space prods
+ (None,u) :: make_with_space prods
| Terminal s :: prods when List.exists is_non_terminal prods ->
if (is_comma s || is_operator s) then
(* Always a breakable space after comma or separator *)
- UnpTerminal s :: add_break_if_none 1 (make prods)
+ (None,UnpTerminal s) :: add_break_if_none 1 (make prods)
else if is_right_bracket s && is_next_terminal prods then
(* Always no space after right bracked, but possibly a break *)
- UnpTerminal s :: add_break_if_none 0 (make prods)
+ (None,UnpTerminal s) :: add_break_if_none 0 (make prods)
else if is_left_bracket s && is_next_non_terminal prods then
- UnpTerminal s :: make prods
+ (None,UnpTerminal s) :: make prods
else if not (is_next_break prods) then
(* Add rigid space, no break, unless user asked for something *)
- UnpTerminal (s^" ") :: make prods
+ (None,UnpTerminal (s^" ")) :: make prods
(* Rely on user spaces *)
- UnpTerminal s :: make prods
+ (None,UnpTerminal s) :: make prods
| Terminal s :: prods ->
(* Separate but do not cut a trailing sequence of terminal *)
(match prods with
- | Terminal _ :: _ -> UnpTerminal (s^" ") :: make prods
- | _ -> UnpTerminal s :: make prods)
+ | Terminal _ :: _ -> (None,UnpTerminal (s^" ")) :: make prods
+ | _ -> (None,UnpTerminal s) :: make prods)
| Break n :: prods ->
add_break n (make prods)
@@ -451,12 +454,12 @@ let make_hunks etyps symbols from =
(* We add NonTerminal for simulation but remove it afterwards *)
else snd (List.sep_last (make (sl@[NonTerminal m]))) in
let hunk = match typ with
- | ETConstr _ -> UnpListMetaVar (i,prec,sl')
+ | ETConstr _ -> UnpListMetaVar (i,prec,List.map snd sl')
| ETBinder isopen ->
check_open_binder isopen sl m;
- UnpBinderListMetaVar (i,isopen,sl')
+ UnpBinderListMetaVar (i,isopen,List.map snd sl')
| _ -> assert false in
- hunk :: make_with_space prods
+ (None,hunk) :: make_with_space prods
| [] -> []
@@ -465,7 +468,7 @@ let make_hunks etyps symbols from =
| Terminal s' :: prods'->
if is_operator s' then
(* A rigid space before operator and a breakable after *)
- UnpTerminal (" "^s') :: add_break_if_none 1 (make prods')
+ (None,UnpTerminal (" "^s')) :: add_break_if_none 1 (make prods')
else if is_comma s' then
(* No space whatsoever before comma *)
make prods
@@ -486,58 +489,63 @@ let make_hunks etyps symbols from =
(* Build default printing rules from explicit format *)
-let error_format () = user_err Pp.(str "The format does not match the notation.")
+let error_format ?loc () = user_err ?loc Pp.(str "The format does not match the notation.")
let rec split_format_at_ldots hd = function
- | UnpTerminal s :: fmt when String.equal s (Id.to_string ldots_var) -> List.rev hd, fmt
+ | (loc,UnpTerminal s) :: fmt when String.equal s (Id.to_string ldots_var) -> loc, List.rev hd, fmt
| u :: fmt ->
check_no_ldots_in_box u;
split_format_at_ldots (u::hd) fmt
| [] -> raise Exit
and check_no_ldots_in_box = function
- | UnpBox (_,fmt) ->
+ | (_,UnpBox (_,fmt)) ->
- let _ = split_format_at_ldots [] fmt in
- user_err Pp.(str ("The special symbol \"..\" must occur at the same formatting depth than the variables of which it is the ellipse."))
+ let loc,_,_ = split_format_at_ldots [] fmt in
+ user_err ?loc Pp.(str ("The special symbol \"..\" must occur at the same formatting depth than the variables of which it is the ellipse."))
with Exit -> ())
| _ -> ()
+let error_not_same ?loc () =
+ user_err ?loc Pp.(str "The format is not the same on the right- and left-hand sides of the special token \"..\".")
let skip_var_in_recursive_format = function
- | UnpTerminal _ :: sl (* skip first var *) ->
+ | (_,UnpTerminal s) :: sl (* skip first var *) when not (List.for_all (fun c -> c = " ") (String.explode s)) ->
(* To do, though not so important: check that the names match
the names in the notation *)
- | _ -> error_format ()
+ | (loc,_) :: _ -> error_not_same ?loc ()
+ | [] -> assert false
let read_recursive_format sl fmt =
let get_head fmt =
let sl = skip_var_in_recursive_format fmt in
- try split_format_at_ldots [] sl with Exit -> error_format () in
+ try split_format_at_ldots [] sl with Exit -> error_not_same ?loc:(fst (List.last (if sl = [] then fmt else sl))) () in
let rec get_tail = function
- | a :: sepfmt, b :: fmt when Pervasives.(=) a b -> get_tail (sepfmt, fmt) (* FIXME *)
+ | (loc,a) :: sepfmt, (_,b) :: fmt when Pervasives.(=) a b -> get_tail (sepfmt, fmt) (* FIXME *)
| [], tail -> skip_var_in_recursive_format tail
- | _ -> user_err Pp.(str "The format is not the same on the right and left hand side of the special token \"..\".") in
- let slfmt, fmt = get_head fmt in
+ | (loc,_) :: _, ([] | (_,UnpTerminal _) :: _)-> error_not_same ?loc ()
+ | _, (loc,_)::_ -> error_not_same ?loc () in
+ let loc, slfmt, fmt = get_head fmt in
slfmt, get_tail (slfmt, fmt)
let hunks_of_format (from,(vars,typs)) symfmt =
let rec aux = function
- | symbs, (UnpTerminal s' as u) :: fmt
+ | symbs, (_,(UnpTerminal s' as u)) :: fmt
when String.equal s' (String.make (String.length s') ' ') ->
let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, u :: l
- | Terminal s :: symbs, (UnpTerminal s') :: fmt
+ | Terminal s :: symbs, (_,UnpTerminal s') :: fmt
when String.equal s (String.drop_simple_quotes s') ->
let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, UnpTerminal s :: l
- | NonTerminal s :: symbs, UnpTerminal s' :: fmt when Id.equal s (Id.of_string s') ->
+ | NonTerminal s :: symbs, (_,UnpTerminal s') :: fmt when Id.equal s (Id.of_string s') ->
let i = index_id s vars in
let _,prec = precedence_of_entry_type from (List.nth typs (i-1)) in
let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, UnpMetaVar (i,prec) :: l
- | symbs, UnpBox (a,b) :: fmt ->
+ | symbs, (_,UnpBox (a,b)) :: fmt ->
let symbs', b' = aux (symbs,b) in
let symbs', l = aux (symbs',fmt) in
- symbs', UnpBox (a,b') :: l
- | symbs, (UnpCut _ as u) :: fmt ->
+ symbs', UnpBox (a,List.map (fun x -> (None,x)) b') :: l
+ | symbs, (_,(UnpCut _ as u)) :: fmt ->
let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, u :: l
| SProdList (m,sl) :: symbs, fmt ->
let i = index_id m vars in
@@ -545,7 +553,7 @@ let hunks_of_format (from,(vars,typs)) symfmt =
let _,prec = precedence_of_entry_type from typ in
let slfmt,fmt = read_recursive_format sl fmt in
let sl, slfmt = aux (sl,slfmt) in
- if not (List.is_empty sl) then error_format ();
+ if not (List.is_empty sl) then error_format ?loc:(fst (List.last fmt)) ();
let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in
let hunk = match typ with
| ETConstr _ -> UnpListMetaVar (i,prec,slfmt)
@@ -555,7 +563,7 @@ let hunks_of_format (from,(vars,typs)) symfmt =
| _ -> assert false in
symbs, hunk :: l
| symbs, [] -> symbs, []
- | _, _ -> error_format ()
+ | _, fmt -> error_format ?loc:(fst (List.hd fmt)) ()
match aux symfmt with
| [], l -> l