path: root/vernac/topfmt.mli
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authorGravatar Hugo Herbelin <Hugo.Herbelin@inria.fr>2018-04-05 18:41:30 +0200
committerGravatar Hugo Herbelin <Hugo.Herbelin@inria.fr>2018-05-02 22:25:44 +0200
commit07432c05d3c814ae694f4b817be5e1589b8202ff (patch)
treee08529d454a12b8abc15c040abdfc9cc610b8660 /vernac/topfmt.mli
parentaae89bce1ca7c1a21b7eef345050dff5a9e88748 (diff)
Making explicit that errors happen in one of five executation phases.
The five phases are command line interpretation, initialization, prelude loading, rcfile loading, and sentence interpretation (only the two latters are located). We then parameterize the feedback handler with the given execution phase, so as to possibly annotate the message with information pertaining to the phase.
Diffstat (limited to 'vernac/topfmt.mli')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/vernac/topfmt.mli b/vernac/topfmt.mli
index 579b456a2..73dcb0064 100644
--- a/vernac/topfmt.mli
+++ b/vernac/topfmt.mli
@@ -53,8 +53,17 @@ val init_terminal_output : color:bool -> unit
(** Error printing *)
(* To be deprecated when we can fully move to feedback-based error
printing. *)
+type execution_phase =
+ | ParsingCommandLine
+ | Initialization
+ | LoadingPrelude
+ | LoadingRcFile
+ | InteractiveLoop
val pr_loc : Loc.t -> Pp.t
-val print_err_exn : ?extra:Pp.t -> exn -> unit
+val pr_phase : ?loc:Loc.t -> execution_phase -> Pp.t option
+val print_err_exn : execution_phase -> exn -> unit
(** [with_output_to_file file f x] executes [f x] with logging
redirected to a file [file] *)