path: root/vernac/metasyntax.ml
diff options
authorGravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <e+git@x80.org>2016-12-18 18:14:58 +0100
committerGravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <e+git@x80.org>2017-02-15 20:45:28 +0100
commitfa9df2efe5666789bf91bb7761567cd53e6c451f (patch)
treedfabeded9b4060114e0f9d7f4d3760efc982ae0c /vernac/metasyntax.ml
parent0df095ec0715f548180bbff70a6feb673c6726a6 (diff)
[stm] Break stm/toplevel dependency loop.
Currently, the STM, vernac interpretation, and the toplevel are intertwined in a mutual dependency that needs to be resolved using imperative callbacks. This is problematic for a few reasons, in particular it makes the interpretation of commands that affect the document quite intricate. As a first step, we split the `toplevel/` directory into two: "pure" vernac interpretation is moved to the `vernac/` directory, on which the STM relies. Test suite passes, and only one command seems to be disabled with this approach, "Show Script" which is to my understanding obsolete. Subsequent commits will fix this and refine some of the invariants that are not needed anymore.
Diffstat (limited to 'vernac/metasyntax.ml')
1 files changed, 1469 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vernac/metasyntax.ml b/vernac/metasyntax.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0aaf6afd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vernac/metasyntax.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1469 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2016 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Pp
+open Flags
+open CErrors
+open Util
+open Names
+open Constrexpr
+open Constrexpr_ops
+open Notation_term
+open Notation_ops
+open Ppextend
+open Extend
+open Libobject
+open Constrintern
+open Vernacexpr
+open Libnames
+open Tok
+open Notation
+open Nameops
+(* Tokens *)
+let cache_token (_,s) = CLexer.add_keyword s
+let inToken : string -> obj =
+ declare_object {(default_object "TOKEN") with
+ open_function = (fun i o -> if Int.equal i 1 then cache_token o);
+ cache_function = cache_token;
+ subst_function = Libobject.ident_subst_function;
+ classify_function = (fun o -> Substitute o)}
+let add_token_obj s = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inToken s)
+(* Printing grammar entries *)
+let entry_buf = Buffer.create 64
+type any_entry = AnyEntry : 'a Pcoq.Gram.entry -> any_entry
+let grammars : any_entry list String.Map.t ref = ref String.Map.empty
+let register_grammar name grams =
+ grammars := String.Map.add name grams !grammars
+let pr_entry e =
+ let () = Buffer.clear entry_buf in
+ let ft = Format.formatter_of_buffer entry_buf in
+ let () = Pcoq.Gram.entry_print ft e in
+ str (Buffer.contents entry_buf)
+let pr_registered_grammar name =
+ let gram = try Some (String.Map.find name !grammars) with Not_found -> None in
+ match gram with
+ | None -> error "Unknown or unprintable grammar entry."
+ | Some entries ->
+ let pr_one (AnyEntry e) =
+ str "Entry " ++ str (Pcoq.Gram.Entry.name e) ++ str " is" ++ fnl () ++
+ pr_entry e
+ in
+ prlist pr_one entries
+let pr_grammar = function
+ | "constr" | "operconstr" | "binder_constr" ->
+ str "Entry constr is" ++ fnl () ++
+ pr_entry Pcoq.Constr.constr ++
+ str "and lconstr is" ++ fnl () ++
+ pr_entry Pcoq.Constr.lconstr ++
+ str "where binder_constr is" ++ fnl () ++
+ pr_entry Pcoq.Constr.binder_constr ++
+ str "and operconstr is" ++ fnl () ++
+ pr_entry Pcoq.Constr.operconstr
+ | "pattern" ->
+ pr_entry Pcoq.Constr.pattern
+ | "vernac" ->
+ str "Entry vernac is" ++ fnl () ++
+ pr_entry Pcoq.Vernac_.vernac ++
+ str "Entry command is" ++ fnl () ++
+ pr_entry Pcoq.Vernac_.command ++
+ str "Entry syntax is" ++ fnl () ++
+ pr_entry Pcoq.Vernac_.syntax ++
+ str "Entry gallina is" ++ fnl () ++
+ pr_entry Pcoq.Vernac_.gallina ++
+ str "Entry gallina_ext is" ++ fnl () ++
+ pr_entry Pcoq.Vernac_.gallina_ext
+ | name -> pr_registered_grammar name
+(* Parse a format (every terminal starting with a letter or a single
+ quote (except a single quote alone) must be quoted) *)
+let parse_format ((loc, str) : lstring) =
+ let str = " "^str in
+ let l = String.length str in
+ let push_token a = function
+ | cur::l -> (a::cur)::l
+ | [] -> [[a]] in
+ let push_white n l =
+ if Int.equal n 0 then l else push_token (UnpTerminal (String.make n ' ')) l in
+ let close_box i b = function
+ | a::(_::_ as l) -> push_token (UnpBox (b,a)) l
+ | _ -> error "Non terminated box in format." in
+ let close_quotation i =
+ if i < String.length str && str.[i] == '\'' && (Int.equal (i+1) l || str.[i+1] == ' ')
+ then i+1
+ else error "Incorrectly terminated quoted expression." in
+ let rec spaces n i =
+ if i < String.length str && str.[i] == ' ' then spaces (n+1) (i+1)
+ else n in
+ let rec nonspaces quoted n i =
+ if i < String.length str && str.[i] != ' ' then
+ if str.[i] == '\'' && quoted &&
+ (i+1 >= String.length str || str.[i+1] == ' ')
+ then if Int.equal n 0 then error "Empty quoted token." else n
+ else nonspaces quoted (n+1) (i+1)
+ else
+ if quoted then error "Spaces are not allowed in (quoted) symbols."
+ else n in
+ let rec parse_non_format i =
+ let n = nonspaces false 0 i in
+ push_token (UnpTerminal (String.sub str i n)) (parse_token (i+n))
+ and parse_quoted n i =
+ if i < String.length str then match str.[i] with
+ (* Parse " // " *)
+ | '/' when i <= String.length str && str.[i+1] == '/' ->
+ (* We forget the useless n spaces... *)
+ push_token (UnpCut PpFnl)
+ (parse_token (close_quotation (i+2)))
+ (* Parse " .. / .. " *)
+ | '/' when i <= String.length str ->
+ let p = spaces 0 (i+1) in
+ push_token (UnpCut (PpBrk (n,p)))
+ (parse_token (close_quotation (i+p+1)))
+ | c ->
+ (* The spaces are real spaces *)
+ push_white n (match c with
+ | '[' ->
+ if i <= String.length str then match str.[i+1] with
+ (* Parse " [h .. ", *)
+ | 'h' when i+1 <= String.length str && str.[i+2] == 'v' ->
+ (parse_box (fun n -> PpHVB n) (i+3))
+ (* Parse " [v .. ", *)
+ | 'v' ->
+ parse_box (fun n -> PpVB n) (i+2)
+ (* Parse " [ .. ", *)
+ | ' ' | '\'' ->
+ parse_box (fun n -> PpHOVB n) (i+1)
+ | _ -> error "\"v\", \"hv\", \" \" expected after \"[\" in format."
+ else error "\"v\", \"hv\" or \" \" expected after \"[\" in format."
+ (* Parse "]" *)
+ | ']' ->
+ ([] :: parse_token (close_quotation (i+1)))
+ (* Parse a non formatting token *)
+ | c ->
+ let n = nonspaces true 0 i in
+ push_token (UnpTerminal (String.sub str (i-1) (n+2)))
+ (parse_token (close_quotation (i+n))))
+ else
+ if Int.equal n 0 then []
+ else error "Ending spaces non part of a format annotation."
+ and parse_box box i =
+ let n = spaces 0 i in
+ close_box i (box n) (parse_token (close_quotation (i+n)))
+ and parse_token i =
+ let n = spaces 0 i in
+ let i = i+n in
+ if i < l then match str.[i] with
+ (* Parse a ' *)
+ | '\'' when i+1 >= String.length str || str.[i+1] == ' ' ->
+ push_white (n-1) (push_token (UnpTerminal "'") (parse_token (i+1)))
+ (* Parse the beginning of a quoted expression *)
+ | '\'' ->
+ parse_quoted (n-1) (i+1)
+ (* Otherwise *)
+ | _ ->
+ push_white (n-1) (parse_non_format i)
+ else push_white n [[]]
+ in
+ try
+ if not (String.is_empty str) then match parse_token 0 with
+ | [l] -> l
+ | _ -> error "Box closed without being opened in format."
+ else
+ error "Empty format."
+ with reraise ->
+ let (e, info) = CErrors.push reraise in
+ let info = Loc.add_loc info loc in
+ iraise (e, info)
+(* Analyzing notations *)
+type symbol_token = WhiteSpace of int | String of string
+let split_notation_string str =
+ let push_token beg i l =
+ if Int.equal beg i then l else
+ let s = String.sub str beg (i - beg) in
+ String s :: l
+ in
+ let push_whitespace beg i l =
+ if Int.equal beg i then l else WhiteSpace (i-beg) :: l
+ in
+ let rec loop beg i =
+ if i < String.length str then
+ if str.[i] == ' ' then
+ push_token beg i (loop_on_whitespace (i+1) (i+1))
+ else
+ loop beg (i+1)
+ else
+ push_token beg i []
+ and loop_on_whitespace beg i =
+ if i < String.length str then
+ if str.[i] != ' ' then
+ push_whitespace beg i (loop i (i+1))
+ else
+ loop_on_whitespace beg (i+1)
+ else
+ push_whitespace beg i []
+ in
+ loop 0 0
+(* Interpret notations with a recursive component *)
+let out_nt = function NonTerminal x -> x | _ -> assert false
+let msg_expected_form_of_recursive_notation =
+ "In the notation, the special symbol \"..\" must occur in\na configuration of the form \"x symbs .. symbs y\"."
+let rec find_pattern nt xl = function
+ | Break n as x :: l, Break n' :: l' when Int.equal n n' ->
+ find_pattern nt (x::xl) (l,l')
+ | Terminal s as x :: l, Terminal s' :: l' when String.equal s s' ->
+ find_pattern nt (x::xl) (l,l')
+ | [], NonTerminal x' :: l' ->
+ (out_nt nt,x',List.rev xl),l'
+ | _, Break s :: _ | Break s :: _, _ ->
+ error ("A break occurs on one side of \"..\" but not on the other side.")
+ | _, Terminal s :: _ | Terminal s :: _, _ ->
+ user_err ~hdr:"Metasyntax.find_pattern"
+ (str "The token \"" ++ str s ++ str "\" occurs on one side of \"..\" but not on the other side.")
+ | _, [] ->
+ error msg_expected_form_of_recursive_notation
+ | ((SProdList _ | NonTerminal _) :: _), _ | _, (SProdList _ :: _) ->
+ anomaly (Pp.str "Only Terminal or Break expected on left, non-SProdList on right")
+let rec interp_list_parser hd = function
+ | [] -> [], List.rev hd
+ | NonTerminal id :: tl when Id.equal id ldots_var ->
+ if List.is_empty hd then error msg_expected_form_of_recursive_notation;
+ let hd = List.rev hd in
+ let ((x,y,sl),tl') = find_pattern (List.hd hd) [] (List.tl hd,tl) in
+ let xyl,tl'' = interp_list_parser [] tl' in
+ (* We remember each pair of variable denoting a recursive part to *)
+ (* remove the second copy of it afterwards *)
+ (x,y)::xyl, SProdList (x,sl) :: tl''
+ | (Terminal _ | Break _) as s :: tl ->
+ if List.is_empty hd then
+ let yl,tl' = interp_list_parser [] tl in
+ yl, s :: tl'
+ else
+ interp_list_parser (s::hd) tl
+ | NonTerminal _ as x :: tl ->
+ let xyl,tl' = interp_list_parser [x] tl in
+ xyl, List.rev_append hd tl'
+ | SProdList _ :: _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "Unexpected SProdList in interp_list_parser")
+(* Find non-terminal tokens of notation *)
+(* To protect alphabetic tokens and quotes from being seen as variables *)
+let quote_notation_token x =
+ let n = String.length x in
+ let norm = CLexer.is_ident x in
+ if (n > 0 && norm) || (n > 2 && x.[0] == '\'') then "'"^x^"'"
+ else x
+let rec raw_analyze_notation_tokens = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | String ".." :: sl -> NonTerminal ldots_var :: raw_analyze_notation_tokens sl
+ | String "_" :: _ -> error "_ must be quoted."
+ | String x :: sl when CLexer.is_ident x ->
+ NonTerminal (Names.Id.of_string x) :: raw_analyze_notation_tokens sl
+ | String s :: sl ->
+ Terminal (String.drop_simple_quotes s) :: raw_analyze_notation_tokens sl
+ | WhiteSpace n :: sl ->
+ Break n :: raw_analyze_notation_tokens sl
+let is_numeral symbs =
+ match List.filter (function Break _ -> false | _ -> true) symbs with
+ | ([Terminal "-"; Terminal x] | [Terminal x]) ->
+ (try let _ = Bigint.of_string x in true with Failure _ -> false)
+ | _ ->
+ false
+let rec get_notation_vars = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | NonTerminal id :: sl ->
+ let vars = get_notation_vars sl in
+ if Id.equal id ldots_var then vars else
+ if Id.List.mem id vars then
+ user_err ~hdr:"Metasyntax.get_notation_vars"
+ (str "Variable " ++ pr_id id ++ str " occurs more than once.")
+ else
+ id::vars
+ | (Terminal _ | Break _) :: sl -> get_notation_vars sl
+ | SProdList _ :: _ -> assert false
+let analyze_notation_tokens l =
+ let l = raw_analyze_notation_tokens l in
+ let vars = get_notation_vars l in
+ let recvars,l = interp_list_parser [] l in
+ recvars, List.subtract Id.equal vars (List.map snd recvars), l
+let error_not_same_scope x y =
+ user_err ~hdr:"Metasyntax.error_not_name_scope"
+ (str "Variables " ++ pr_id x ++ str " and " ++ pr_id y ++ str " must be in the same scope.")
+(* Build pretty-printing rules *)
+let prec_assoc = function
+ | RightA -> (L,E)
+ | LeftA -> (E,L)
+ | NonA -> (L,L)
+let precedence_of_entry_type from = function
+ | ETConstr (NumLevel n,BorderProd (_,None)) -> n, Prec n
+ | ETConstr (NumLevel n,BorderProd (b,Some a)) ->
+ n, let (lp,rp) = prec_assoc a in if b == Left then lp else rp
+ | ETConstr (NumLevel n,InternalProd) -> n, Prec n
+ | ETConstr (NextLevel,_) -> from, L
+ | _ -> 0, E (* ?? *)
+(* Some breaking examples *)
+(* "x = y" : "x /1 = y" (breaks before any symbol) *)
+(* "x =S y" : "x /1 =S /1 y" (protect from confusion; each side for symmetry)*)
+(* "+ {" : "+ {" may breaks reversibility without space but oth. not elegant *)
+(* "x y" : "x spc y" *)
+(* "{ x } + { y }" : "{ x } / + { y }" *)
+(* "< x , y > { z , t }" : "< x , / y > / { z , / t }" *)
+let starts_with_left_bracket s =
+ let l = String.length s in not (Int.equal l 0) &&
+ (s.[0] == '{' || s.[0] == '[' || s.[0] == '(')
+let ends_with_right_bracket s =
+ let l = String.length s in not (Int.equal l 0) &&
+ (s.[l-1] == '}' || s.[l-1] == ']' || s.[l-1] == ')')
+let is_left_bracket s =
+ starts_with_left_bracket s && not (ends_with_right_bracket s)
+let is_right_bracket s =
+ not (starts_with_left_bracket s) && ends_with_right_bracket s
+let is_comma s =
+ let l = String.length s in not (Int.equal l 0) &&
+ (s.[0] == ',' || s.[0] == ';')
+let is_operator s =
+ let l = String.length s in not (Int.equal l 0) &&
+ (s.[0] == '+' || s.[0] == '*' || s.[0] == '=' ||
+ s.[0] == '-' || s.[0] == '/' || s.[0] == '<' || s.[0] == '>' ||
+ s.[0] == '@' || s.[0] == '\\' || s.[0] == '&' || s.[0] == '~' || s.[0] == '$')
+let is_non_terminal = function
+ | NonTerminal _ | SProdList _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let is_next_non_terminal = function
+| [] -> false
+| pr :: _ -> is_non_terminal pr
+let is_next_terminal = function Terminal _ :: _ -> true | _ -> false
+let is_next_break = function Break _ :: _ -> true | _ -> false
+let add_break n l = UnpCut (PpBrk(n,0)) :: l
+let add_break_if_none n = function
+ | ((UnpCut (PpBrk _) :: _) | []) as l -> l
+ | l -> UnpCut (PpBrk(n,0)) :: l
+let check_open_binder isopen sl m =
+ let pr_token = function
+ | Terminal s -> str s
+ | Break n -> str "␣"
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ if isopen && not (List.is_empty sl) then
+ user_err (str "as " ++ pr_id m ++
+ str " is a non-closed binder, no such \"" ++
+ prlist_with_sep spc pr_token sl
+ ++ strbrk "\" is allowed to occur.")
+(* Heuristics for building default printing rules *)
+let index_id id l = List.index Id.equal id l
+let make_hunks etyps symbols from =
+ let vars,typs = List.split etyps in
+ let rec make = function
+ | NonTerminal m :: prods ->
+ let i = index_id m vars in
+ let _,prec = precedence_of_entry_type from (List.nth typs (i-1)) in
+ let u = UnpMetaVar (i,prec) in
+ if is_next_non_terminal prods then
+ u :: add_break_if_none 1 (make prods)
+ else
+ u :: make_with_space prods
+ | Terminal s :: prods when List.exists is_non_terminal prods ->
+ if (is_comma s || is_operator s) then
+ (* Always a breakable space after comma or separator *)
+ UnpTerminal s :: add_break_if_none 1 (make prods)
+ else if is_right_bracket s && is_next_terminal prods then
+ (* Always no space after right bracked, but possibly a break *)
+ UnpTerminal s :: add_break_if_none 0 (make prods)
+ else if is_left_bracket s && is_next_non_terminal prods then
+ UnpTerminal s :: make prods
+ else if not (is_next_break prods) then
+ (* Add rigid space, no break, unless user asked for something *)
+ UnpTerminal (s^" ") :: make prods
+ else
+ (* Rely on user spaces *)
+ UnpTerminal s :: make prods
+ | Terminal s :: prods ->
+ (* Separate but do not cut a trailing sequence of terminal *)
+ (match prods with
+ | Terminal _ :: _ -> UnpTerminal (s^" ") :: make prods
+ | _ -> UnpTerminal s :: make prods)
+ | Break n :: prods ->
+ add_break n (make prods)
+ | SProdList (m,sl) :: prods ->
+ let i = index_id m vars in
+ let typ = List.nth typs (i-1) in
+ let _,prec = precedence_of_entry_type from typ in
+ let sl' =
+ (* If no separator: add a break *)
+ if List.is_empty sl then add_break 1 []
+ (* We add NonTerminal for simulation but remove it afterwards *)
+ else snd (List.sep_last (make (sl@[NonTerminal m]))) in
+ let hunk = match typ with
+ | ETConstr _ -> UnpListMetaVar (i,prec,sl')
+ | ETBinder isopen ->
+ check_open_binder isopen sl m;
+ UnpBinderListMetaVar (i,isopen,sl')
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ hunk :: make_with_space prods
+ | [] -> []
+ and make_with_space prods =
+ match prods with
+ | Terminal s' :: prods'->
+ if is_operator s' then
+ (* A rigid space before operator and a breakable after *)
+ UnpTerminal (" "^s') :: add_break_if_none 1 (make prods')
+ else if is_comma s' then
+ (* No space whatsoever before comma *)
+ make prods
+ else if is_right_bracket s' then
+ make prods
+ else
+ (* A breakable space between any other two terminals *)
+ add_break_if_none 1 (make prods)
+ | (NonTerminal _ | SProdList _) :: _ ->
+ (* A breakable space before a non-terminal *)
+ add_break_if_none 1 (make prods)
+ | Break _ :: _ ->
+ (* Rely on user wish *)
+ make prods
+ | [] -> []
+ in make symbols
+(* Build default printing rules from explicit format *)
+let error_format () = error "The format does not match the notation."
+let rec split_format_at_ldots hd = function
+ | UnpTerminal s :: fmt when String.equal s (Id.to_string ldots_var) -> List.rev hd, fmt
+ | u :: fmt ->
+ check_no_ldots_in_box u;
+ split_format_at_ldots (u::hd) fmt
+ | [] -> raise Exit
+and check_no_ldots_in_box = function
+ | UnpBox (_,fmt) ->
+ (try
+ let _ = split_format_at_ldots [] fmt in
+ error ("The special symbol \"..\" must occur at the same formatting depth than the variables of which it is the ellipse.")
+ with Exit -> ())
+ | _ -> ()
+let skip_var_in_recursive_format = function
+ | UnpTerminal _ :: sl (* skip first var *) ->
+ (* To do, though not so important: check that the names match
+ the names in the notation *)
+ sl
+ | _ -> error_format ()
+let read_recursive_format sl fmt =
+ let get_head fmt =
+ let sl = skip_var_in_recursive_format fmt in
+ try split_format_at_ldots [] sl with Exit -> error_format () in
+ let rec get_tail = function
+ | a :: sepfmt, b :: fmt when Pervasives.(=) a b -> get_tail (sepfmt, fmt) (* FIXME *)
+ | [], tail -> skip_var_in_recursive_format tail
+ | _ -> error "The format is not the same on the right and left hand side of the special token \"..\"." in
+ let slfmt, fmt = get_head fmt in
+ slfmt, get_tail (slfmt, fmt)
+let hunks_of_format (from,(vars,typs)) symfmt =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | symbs, (UnpTerminal s' as u) :: fmt
+ when String.equal s' (String.make (String.length s') ' ') ->
+ let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, u :: l
+ | Terminal s :: symbs, (UnpTerminal s') :: fmt
+ when String.equal s (String.drop_simple_quotes s') ->
+ let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, UnpTerminal s :: l
+ | NonTerminal s :: symbs, UnpTerminal s' :: fmt when Id.equal s (Id.of_string s') ->
+ let i = index_id s vars in
+ let _,prec = precedence_of_entry_type from (List.nth typs (i-1)) in
+ let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, UnpMetaVar (i,prec) :: l
+ | symbs, UnpBox (a,b) :: fmt ->
+ let symbs', b' = aux (symbs,b) in
+ let symbs', l = aux (symbs',fmt) in
+ symbs', UnpBox (a,b') :: l
+ | symbs, (UnpCut _ as u) :: fmt ->
+ let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, u :: l
+ | SProdList (m,sl) :: symbs, fmt ->
+ let i = index_id m vars in
+ let typ = List.nth typs (i-1) in
+ let _,prec = precedence_of_entry_type from typ in
+ let slfmt,fmt = read_recursive_format sl fmt in
+ let sl, slfmt = aux (sl,slfmt) in
+ if not (List.is_empty sl) then error_format ();
+ let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in
+ let hunk = match typ with
+ | ETConstr _ -> UnpListMetaVar (i,prec,slfmt)
+ | ETBinder isopen ->
+ check_open_binder isopen sl m;
+ UnpBinderListMetaVar (i,isopen,slfmt)
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ symbs, hunk :: l
+ | symbs, [] -> symbs, []
+ | _, _ -> error_format ()
+ in
+ match aux symfmt with
+ | [], l -> l
+ | _ -> error_format ()
+(* Build parsing rules *)
+let assoc_of_type n (_,typ) = precedence_of_entry_type n typ
+let is_not_small_constr = function
+ ETConstr _ -> true
+ | ETOther("constr","binder_constr") -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let rec define_keywords_aux = function
+ | GramConstrNonTerminal(e,Some _) as n1 :: GramConstrTerminal(IDENT k) :: l
+ when is_not_small_constr e ->
+ Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (str "Identifier '" ++ str k ++ str "' now a keyword");
+ CLexer.add_keyword k;
+ n1 :: GramConstrTerminal(KEYWORD k) :: define_keywords_aux l
+ | n :: l -> n :: define_keywords_aux l
+ | [] -> []
+ (* Ensure that IDENT articulation terminal symbols are keywords *)
+let define_keywords = function
+ | GramConstrTerminal(IDENT k)::l ->
+ Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (str "Identifier '" ++ str k ++ str "' now a keyword");
+ CLexer.add_keyword k;
+ GramConstrTerminal(KEYWORD k) :: define_keywords_aux l
+ | l -> define_keywords_aux l
+let distribute a ll = List.map (fun l -> a @ l) ll
+ (* Expand LIST1(t,sep) into the combination of t and t;sep;LIST1(t,sep)
+ as many times as expected in [n] argument *)
+let rec expand_list_rule typ tkl x n i hds ll =
+ if Int.equal i n then
+ let hds =
+ GramConstrListMark (n,true) :: hds
+ @ [GramConstrNonTerminal (ETConstrList (typ,tkl), Some x)] in
+ distribute hds ll
+ else
+ let camlp4_message_name = Some (add_suffix x ("_"^string_of_int n)) in
+ let main = GramConstrNonTerminal (ETConstr typ, camlp4_message_name) in
+ let tks = List.map (fun x -> GramConstrTerminal x) tkl in
+ distribute (GramConstrListMark (i+1,false) :: hds @ [main]) ll @
+ expand_list_rule typ tkl x n (i+1) (main :: tks @ hds) ll
+let make_production etyps symbols =
+ let prod =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun t ll -> match t with
+ | NonTerminal m ->
+ let typ = List.assoc m etyps in
+ distribute [GramConstrNonTerminal (typ, Some m)] ll
+ | Terminal s ->
+ distribute [GramConstrTerminal (CLexer.terminal s)] ll
+ | Break _ ->
+ ll
+ | SProdList (x,sl) ->
+ let tkl = List.flatten
+ (List.map (function Terminal s -> [CLexer.terminal s]
+ | Break _ -> []
+ | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "Found a non terminal token in recursive notation separator")) sl) in
+ match List.assoc x etyps with
+ | ETConstr typ -> expand_list_rule typ tkl x 1 0 [] ll
+ | ETBinder o ->
+ distribute
+ [GramConstrNonTerminal (ETBinderList (o,tkl), Some x)] ll
+ | _ ->
+ error "Components of recursive patterns in notation must be terms or binders.")
+ symbols [[]] in
+ List.map define_keywords prod
+let rec find_symbols c_current c_next c_last = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | NonTerminal id :: sl ->
+ let prec = if not (List.is_empty sl) then c_current else c_last in
+ (id, prec) :: (find_symbols c_next c_next c_last sl)
+ | Terminal s :: sl -> find_symbols c_next c_next c_last sl
+ | Break n :: sl -> find_symbols c_current c_next c_last sl
+ | SProdList (x,_) :: sl' ->
+ (x,c_next)::(find_symbols c_next c_next c_last sl')
+let border = function
+ | (_,ETConstr(_,BorderProd (_,a))) :: _ -> a
+ | _ -> None
+let recompute_assoc typs =
+ match border typs, border (List.rev typs) with
+ | Some LeftA, Some RightA -> assert false
+ | Some LeftA, _ -> Some LeftA
+ | _, Some RightA -> Some RightA
+ | _ -> None
+(* Registration of syntax extensions (parsing/printing, no interpretation)*)
+let pr_arg_level from = function
+ | (n,L) when Int.equal n from -> str "at next level"
+ | (n,E) -> str "at level " ++ int n
+ | (n,L) -> str "at level below " ++ int n
+ | (n,Prec m) when Int.equal m n -> str "at level " ++ int n
+ | (n,_) -> str "Unknown level"
+let pr_level ntn (from,args) =
+ str "at level " ++ int from ++ spc () ++ str "with arguments" ++ spc() ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_comma (pr_arg_level from) args
+let error_incompatible_level ntn oldprec prec =
+ user_err
+ (str "Notation " ++ str ntn ++ str " is already defined" ++ spc() ++
+ pr_level ntn oldprec ++
+ spc() ++ str "while it is now required to be" ++ spc() ++
+ pr_level ntn prec ++ str ".")
+type syntax_extension = {
+ synext_level : Notation.level;
+ synext_notation : notation;
+ synext_notgram : notation_grammar;
+ synext_unparsing : unparsing list;
+ synext_extra : (string * string) list;
+ synext_compat : Flags.compat_version option;
+let is_active_compat = function
+| None -> true
+| Some v -> 0 <= Flags.version_compare v !Flags.compat_version
+type syntax_extension_obj = locality_flag * syntax_extension list
+let cache_one_syntax_extension se =
+ let ntn = se.synext_notation in
+ let prec = se.synext_level in
+ let onlyprint = se.synext_notgram.notgram_onlyprinting in
+ try
+ let oldprec = Notation.level_of_notation ntn in
+ if not (Notation.level_eq prec oldprec) then error_incompatible_level ntn oldprec prec
+ with Not_found ->
+ if is_active_compat se.synext_compat then begin
+ (* Reserve the notation level *)
+ Notation.declare_notation_level ntn prec;
+ (* Declare the parsing rule *)
+ if not onlyprint then Egramcoq.extend_constr_grammar prec se.synext_notgram;
+ (* Declare the notation rule *)
+ Notation.declare_notation_rule ntn
+ ~extra:se.synext_extra (se.synext_unparsing, fst prec) se.synext_notgram
+ end
+let cache_syntax_extension (_, (_, sy)) =
+ List.iter cache_one_syntax_extension sy
+let subst_parsing_rule subst x = x
+let subst_printing_rule subst x = x
+let subst_syntax_extension (subst, (local, sy)) =
+ let map sy = { sy with
+ synext_notgram = subst_parsing_rule subst sy.synext_notgram;
+ synext_unparsing = subst_printing_rule subst sy.synext_unparsing;
+ } in
+ (local, List.map map sy)
+let classify_syntax_definition (local, _ as o) =
+ if local then Dispose else Substitute o
+let inSyntaxExtension : syntax_extension_obj -> obj =
+ declare_object {(default_object "SYNTAX-EXTENSION") with
+ open_function = (fun i o -> if Int.equal i 1 then cache_syntax_extension o);
+ cache_function = cache_syntax_extension;
+ subst_function = subst_syntax_extension;
+ classify_function = classify_syntax_definition}
+(* Precedences *)
+(* Interpreting user-provided modifiers *)
+(* XXX: We could move this to the parser itself *)
+module NotationMods = struct
+type notation_modifier = {
+ assoc : gram_assoc option;
+ level : int option;
+ etyps : (Id.t * simple_constr_prod_entry_key) list;
+ (* common to syn_data below *)
+ only_parsing : bool;
+ only_printing : bool;
+ compat : compat_version option;
+ format : string Loc.located option;
+ extra : (string * string) list;
+let default = {
+ assoc = None;
+ level = None;
+ etyps = [];
+ only_parsing = false;
+ only_printing = false;
+ compat = None;
+ format = None;
+ extra = [];
+let interp_modifiers modl = let open NotationMods in
+ let rec interp acc = function
+ | [] -> acc
+ | SetEntryType (s,typ) :: l ->
+ let id = Id.of_string s in
+ if Id.List.mem_assoc id acc.etyps then
+ user_err ~hdr:"Metasyntax.interp_modifiers"
+ (str s ++ str " is already assigned to an entry or constr level.");
+ interp { acc with etyps = (id,typ) :: acc.etyps; } l
+ | SetItemLevel ([],n) :: l ->
+ interp acc l
+ | SetItemLevel (s::idl,n) :: l ->
+ let id = Id.of_string s in
+ if Id.List.mem_assoc id acc.etyps then
+ user_err ~hdr:"Metasyntax.interp_modifiers"
+ (str s ++ str " is already assigned to an entry or constr level.");
+ let typ = ETConstr (n,()) in
+ interp { acc with etyps = (id,typ)::acc.etyps; } (SetItemLevel (idl,n)::l)
+ | SetLevel n :: l ->
+ interp { acc with level = Some n; } l
+ | SetAssoc a :: l ->
+ if not (Option.is_empty acc.assoc) then error "An associativity is given more than once.";
+ interp { acc with assoc = Some a; } l
+ | SetOnlyParsing :: l ->
+ interp { acc with only_parsing = true; } l
+ | SetOnlyPrinting :: l ->
+ interp { acc with only_printing = true; } l
+ | SetCompatVersion v :: l ->
+ interp { acc with compat = Some v; } l
+ | SetFormat ("text",s) :: l ->
+ if not (Option.is_empty acc.format) then error "A format is given more than once.";
+ interp { acc with format = Some s; } l
+ | SetFormat (k,(_,s)) :: l ->
+ interp { acc with extra = (k,s)::acc.extra; } l
+ in interp default modl
+let check_infix_modifiers modifiers =
+ let t = (interp_modifiers modifiers).NotationMods.etyps in
+ if not (List.is_empty t) then
+ error "Explicit entry level or type unexpected in infix notation."
+let check_useless_entry_types recvars mainvars etyps =
+ let vars = let (l1,l2) = List.split recvars in l1@l2@mainvars in
+ match List.filter (fun (x,etyp) -> not (List.mem x vars)) etyps with
+ | (x,_)::_ -> user_err ~hdr:"Metasyntax.check_useless_entry_types"
+ (pr_id x ++ str " is unbound in the notation.")
+ | _ -> ()
+let not_a_syntax_modifier = function
+| SetOnlyParsing -> true
+| SetOnlyPrinting -> true
+| SetCompatVersion _ -> true
+| _ -> false
+let no_syntax_modifiers mods = List.for_all not_a_syntax_modifier mods
+let is_only_parsing mods =
+ let test = function SetOnlyParsing -> true | _ -> false in
+ List.exists test mods
+let is_only_printing mods =
+ let test = function SetOnlyPrinting -> true | _ -> false in
+ List.exists test mods
+let get_compat_version mods =
+ let test = function SetCompatVersion v -> Some v | _ -> None in
+ try Some (List.find_map test mods) with Not_found -> None
+(* Compute precedences from modifiers (or find default ones) *)
+let set_entry_type etyps (x,typ) =
+ let typ = try
+ match List.assoc x etyps, typ with
+ | ETConstr (n,()), (_,BorderProd (left,_)) ->
+ ETConstr (n,BorderProd (left,None))
+ | ETConstr (n,()), (_,InternalProd) -> ETConstr (n,InternalProd)
+ | (ETPattern | ETName | ETBigint | ETOther _ |
+ ETReference | ETBinder _ as t), _ -> t
+ | (ETBinderList _ |ETConstrList _), _ -> assert false
+ with Not_found -> ETConstr typ
+ in (x,typ)
+let join_auxiliary_recursive_types recvars etyps =
+ List.fold_right (fun (x,y) typs ->
+ let xtyp = try Some (List.assoc x etyps) with Not_found -> None in
+ let ytyp = try Some (List.assoc y etyps) with Not_found -> None in
+ match xtyp,ytyp with
+ | None, None -> typs
+ | Some _, None -> typs
+ | None, Some ytyp -> (x,ytyp)::typs
+ | Some xtyp, Some ytyp when Pervasives.(=) xtyp ytyp -> typs (* FIXME *)
+ | Some xtyp, Some ytyp ->
+ user_err
+ (strbrk "In " ++ pr_id x ++ str " .. " ++ pr_id y ++
+ strbrk ", both ends have incompatible types."))
+ recvars etyps
+let internalization_type_of_entry_type = function
+ | ETConstr _ -> NtnInternTypeConstr
+ | ETBigint | ETReference -> NtnInternTypeConstr
+ | ETBinder _ -> NtnInternTypeBinder
+ | ETName -> NtnInternTypeIdent
+ | ETPattern | ETOther _ -> error "Not supported."
+ | ETBinderList _ | ETConstrList _ -> assert false
+let set_internalization_type typs =
+ List.map (fun (_, e) -> internalization_type_of_entry_type e) typs
+let make_internalization_vars recvars mainvars typs =
+ let maintyps = List.combine mainvars typs in
+ let extratyps = List.map (fun (x,y) -> (y,List.assoc x maintyps)) recvars in
+ maintyps @ extratyps
+let make_interpretation_type isrec isonlybinding = function
+ | NtnInternTypeConstr when isrec -> NtnTypeConstrList
+ | NtnInternTypeConstr | NtnInternTypeIdent ->
+ if isonlybinding then NtnTypeOnlyBinder else NtnTypeConstr
+ | NtnInternTypeBinder when isrec -> NtnTypeBinderList
+ | NtnInternTypeBinder -> error "Type binder is only for use in recursive notations for binders."
+let make_interpretation_vars recvars allvars =
+ let eq_subscope (sc1, l1) (sc2, l2) =
+ Option.equal String.equal sc1 sc2 &&
+ List.equal String.equal l1 l2
+ in
+ let check (x, y) =
+ let (_,scope1, _) = Id.Map.find x allvars in
+ let (_,scope2, _) = Id.Map.find y allvars in
+ if not (eq_subscope scope1 scope2) then error_not_same_scope x y
+ in
+ let () = List.iter check recvars in
+ let useless_recvars = List.map snd recvars in
+ let mainvars =
+ Id.Map.filter (fun x _ -> not (Id.List.mem x useless_recvars)) allvars in
+ Id.Map.mapi (fun x (isonlybinding, sc, typ) ->
+ (sc, make_interpretation_type (Id.List.mem_assoc x recvars) isonlybinding typ)) mainvars
+let check_rule_productivity l =
+ if List.for_all (function NonTerminal _ | Break _ -> true | _ -> false) l then
+ error "A notation must include at least one symbol.";
+ if (match l with SProdList _ :: _ -> true | _ -> false) then
+ error "A recursive notation must start with at least one symbol."
+let warn_notation_bound_to_variable =
+ CWarnings.create ~name:"notation-bound-to-variable" ~category:"parsing"
+ (fun () ->
+ strbrk "This notation will not be used for printing as it is bound to a single variable.")
+let warn_non_reversible_notation =
+ CWarnings.create ~name:"non-reversible-notation" ~category:"parsing"
+ (fun () ->
+ strbrk "This notation will not be used for printing as it is not reversible.")
+let is_not_printable onlyparse nonreversible = function
+| NVar _ ->
+ if not onlyparse then warn_notation_bound_to_variable ();
+ true
+| _ ->
+ if not onlyparse && nonreversible then
+ (warn_non_reversible_notation (); true)
+ else onlyparse
+let find_precedence lev etyps symbols =
+ let first_symbol =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | Break _ :: t -> aux t
+ | h :: t -> h
+ | [] -> assert false (* rule is known to be productive *) in
+ aux symbols in
+ let last_is_terminal () =
+ let rec aux b = function
+ | Break _ :: t -> aux b t
+ | Terminal _ :: t -> aux true t
+ | _ :: t -> aux false t
+ | [] -> b in
+ aux false symbols in
+ match first_symbol with
+ | NonTerminal x ->
+ (try match List.assoc x etyps with
+ | ETConstr _ ->
+ error "The level of the leftmost non-terminal cannot be changed."
+ | ETName | ETBigint | ETReference ->
+ begin match lev with
+ | None ->
+ ([Feedback.msg_info ?loc:None ,strbrk "Setting notation at level 0."],0)
+ | Some 0 ->
+ ([],0)
+ | _ ->
+ error "A notation starting with an atomic expression must be at level 0."
+ end
+ | ETPattern | ETBinder _ | ETOther _ -> (* Give a default ? *)
+ if Option.is_empty lev then
+ error "Need an explicit level."
+ else [],Option.get lev
+ | ETConstrList _ | ETBinderList _ ->
+ assert false (* internally used in grammar only *)
+ with Not_found ->
+ if Option.is_empty lev then
+ error "A left-recursive notation must have an explicit level."
+ else [],Option.get lev)
+ | Terminal _ when last_is_terminal () ->
+ if Option.is_empty lev then
+ ([Feedback.msg_info ?loc:None ,strbrk "Setting notation at level 0."], 0)
+ else [],Option.get lev
+ | _ ->
+ if Option.is_empty lev then error "Cannot determine the level.";
+ [],Option.get lev
+let check_curly_brackets_notation_exists () =
+ try let _ = Notation.level_of_notation "{ _ }" in ()
+ with Not_found ->
+ error "Notations involving patterns of the form \"{ _ }\" are treated \n\
+specially and require that the notation \"{ _ }\" is already reserved."
+let warn_skip_spaces_curly =
+ CWarnings.create ~name:"skip-spaces-curly" ~category:"parsing"
+ (fun () ->strbrk "Skipping spaces inside curly brackets")
+(* Remove patterns of the form "{ _ }", unless it is the "{ _ }" notation *)
+let remove_curly_brackets l =
+ let rec skip_break acc = function
+ | Break _ as br :: l -> skip_break (br::acc) l
+ | l -> List.rev acc, l in
+ let rec aux deb = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | Terminal "{" as t1 :: l ->
+ let br,next = skip_break [] l in
+ (match next with
+ | NonTerminal _ as x :: l' as l0 ->
+ let br',next' = skip_break [] l' in
+ (match next' with
+ | Terminal "}" as t2 :: l'' as l1 ->
+ if not (List.equal Notation.symbol_eq l l0) ||
+ not (List.equal Notation.symbol_eq l' l1) then
+ warn_skip_spaces_curly ();
+ if deb && List.is_empty l'' then [t1;x;t2] else begin
+ check_curly_brackets_notation_exists ();
+ x :: aux false l''
+ end
+ | l1 -> t1 :: br @ x :: br' @ aux false l1)
+ | l0 -> t1 :: aux false l0)
+ | x :: l -> x :: aux false l
+ in aux true l
+module SynData = struct
+ (* XXX: Document *)
+ type syn_data = {
+ (* Notation name and location *)
+ info : notation * notation_location;
+ (* Fields coming from the vernac-level modifiers *)
+ only_parsing : bool;
+ only_printing : bool;
+ compat : compat_version option;
+ format : string Loc.located option;
+ extra : (string * string) list;
+ (* XXX: Callback to printing, must remove *)
+ msgs : ((std_ppcmds -> unit) * std_ppcmds) list;
+ (* Fields for internalization *)
+ recvars : (Id.t * Id.t) list;
+ mainvars : Id.List.elt list;
+ intern_typs : notation_var_internalization_type list;
+ (* Notation data for parsing *)
+ level : int;
+ syntax_data : (Id.t * (production_level, production_position) constr_entry_key_gen) list * (* typs *)
+ symbol list; (* symbols *)
+ not_data : notation * (* notation *)
+ (int * parenRelation) list * (* precedence *)
+ bool; (* needs_squash *)
+ }
+let compute_syntax_data df modifiers =
+ let open SynData in
+ let open NotationMods in
+ let mods = interp_modifiers modifiers in
+ let assoc = Option.append mods.assoc (Some NonA) in
+ let toks = split_notation_string df in
+ let recvars,mainvars,symbols = analyze_notation_tokens toks in
+ let _ = check_useless_entry_types recvars mainvars mods.etyps in
+ (* Notations for interp and grammar *)
+ let ntn_for_interp = make_notation_key symbols in
+ let symbols' = remove_curly_brackets symbols in
+ let ntn_for_grammar = make_notation_key symbols' in
+ check_rule_productivity symbols';
+ (* Misc *)
+ let need_squash = not (List.equal Notation.symbol_eq symbols symbols') in
+ let msgs,n = find_precedence mods.level mods.etyps symbols' in
+ let innerlevel = NumLevel 200 in
+ let typs =
+ find_symbols
+ (NumLevel n,BorderProd(Left,assoc))
+ (innerlevel,InternalProd)
+ (NumLevel n,BorderProd(Right,assoc))
+ symbols' in
+ (* To globalize... *)
+ let etyps = join_auxiliary_recursive_types recvars mods.etyps in
+ let sy_typs = List.map (set_entry_type etyps) typs in
+ let prec = List.map (assoc_of_type n) sy_typs in
+ let i_typs = set_internalization_type sy_typs in
+ let sy_data = (sy_typs,symbols') in
+ let sy_fulldata = (ntn_for_grammar,prec,need_squash) in
+ let df' = ((Lib.library_dp(),Lib.current_dirpath true),df) in
+ let i_data = ntn_for_interp, df' in
+ (* Return relevant data for interpretation and for parsing/printing *)
+ { info = i_data;
+ only_parsing = mods.only_parsing;
+ only_printing = mods.only_printing;
+ compat = mods.compat;
+ format = mods.format;
+ extra = mods.extra;
+ msgs;
+ recvars;
+ mainvars;
+ intern_typs = i_typs;
+ level = n;
+ syntax_data = sy_data;
+ not_data = sy_fulldata;
+ }
+let compute_pure_syntax_data df mods =
+ let open SynData in
+ let sd = compute_syntax_data df mods in
+ let msgs =
+ if sd.only_parsing then
+ (Feedback.msg_warning ?loc:None,
+ strbrk "The only parsing modifier has no effect in Reserved Notation.")::sd.msgs
+ else sd.msgs in
+ { sd with msgs }
+(* Registration of notations interpretation *)
+type notation_obj = {
+ notobj_local : bool;
+ notobj_scope : scope_name option;
+ notobj_interp : interpretation;
+ notobj_onlyparse : bool;
+ notobj_onlyprint : bool;
+ notobj_compat : Flags.compat_version option;
+ notobj_notation : notation * notation_location;
+let load_notation _ (_, nobj) =
+ Option.iter Notation.declare_scope nobj.notobj_scope
+let open_notation i (_, nobj) =
+ let scope = nobj.notobj_scope in
+ let (ntn, df) = nobj.notobj_notation in
+ let pat = nobj.notobj_interp in
+ let fresh = not (Notation.exists_notation_in_scope scope ntn pat) in
+ let active = is_active_compat nobj.notobj_compat in
+ if Int.equal i 1 && fresh && active then begin
+ (* Declare the interpretation *)
+ let onlyprint = nobj.notobj_onlyprint in
+ let () = Notation.declare_notation_interpretation ntn scope pat df ~onlyprint in
+ (* Declare the uninterpretation *)
+ if not nobj.notobj_onlyparse then
+ Notation.declare_uninterpretation (NotationRule (scope, ntn)) pat
+ end
+let cache_notation o =
+ load_notation 1 o;
+ open_notation 1 o
+let subst_notation (subst, nobj) =
+ { nobj with notobj_interp = subst_interpretation subst nobj.notobj_interp; }
+let classify_notation nobj =
+ if nobj.notobj_local then Dispose else Substitute nobj
+let inNotation : notation_obj -> obj =
+ declare_object {(default_object "NOTATION") with
+ open_function = open_notation;
+ cache_function = cache_notation;
+ subst_function = subst_notation;
+ load_function = load_notation;
+ classify_function = classify_notation}
+let with_lib_stk_protection f x =
+ let fs = Lib.freeze `No in
+ try let a = f x in Lib.unfreeze fs; a
+ with reraise ->
+ let reraise = CErrors.push reraise in
+ let () = Lib.unfreeze fs in
+ iraise reraise
+let with_syntax_protection f x =
+ with_lib_stk_protection
+ (Pcoq.with_grammar_rule_protection
+ (with_notation_protection f)) x
+(* Recovering existing syntax *)
+let contract_notation ntn =
+ if String.equal ntn "{ _ }" then ntn else
+ let rec aux ntn i =
+ if i <= String.length ntn - 5 then
+ let ntn' =
+ if String.is_sub "{ _ }" ntn i &&
+ (i = 0 || ntn.[i-1] = ' ') &&
+ (i = String.length ntn - 5 || ntn.[i+5] = ' ')
+ then
+ String.sub ntn 0 i ^ "_" ^
+ String.sub ntn (i+5) (String.length ntn -i-5)
+ else ntn in
+ aux ntn' (i+1)
+ else ntn in
+ aux ntn 0
+exception NoSyntaxRule
+let recover_syntax ntn =
+ try
+ let prec = Notation.level_of_notation ntn in
+ let pp_rule,_ = Notation.find_notation_printing_rule ntn in
+ let pp_extra_rules = Notation.find_notation_extra_printing_rules ntn in
+ let pa_rule = Notation.find_notation_parsing_rules ntn in
+ { synext_level = prec;
+ synext_notation = ntn;
+ synext_notgram = pa_rule;
+ synext_unparsing = pp_rule;
+ synext_extra = pp_extra_rules;
+ synext_compat = None;
+ }
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise NoSyntaxRule
+let recover_squash_syntax sy =
+ let sq = recover_syntax "{ _ }" in
+ [sy; sq]
+let recover_notation_syntax rawntn =
+ let ntn = contract_notation rawntn in
+ let sy = recover_syntax ntn in
+ let need_squash = not (String.equal ntn rawntn) in
+ let rules = if need_squash then recover_squash_syntax sy else [sy] in
+ sy.synext_notgram.notgram_typs, rules, sy.synext_notgram.notgram_onlyprinting
+(* Main entry point for building parsing and printing rules *)
+let make_pa_rule i_typs level (typs,symbols) ntn onlyprint =
+ let assoc = recompute_assoc typs in
+ let prod = make_production typs symbols in
+ { notgram_level = level;
+ notgram_assoc = assoc;
+ notgram_notation = ntn;
+ notgram_prods = prod;
+ notgram_typs = i_typs;
+ notgram_onlyprinting = onlyprint;
+ }
+let make_pp_rule level (typs,symbols) fmt =
+ match fmt with
+ | None -> [UnpBox (PpHOVB 0, make_hunks typs symbols level)]
+ | Some fmt -> hunks_of_format (level, List.split typs) (symbols, parse_format fmt)
+(* let make_syntax_rules i_typs (ntn,prec,need_squash) sy_data fmt extra onlyprint compat = *)
+let make_syntax_rules (sd : SynData.syn_data) = let open SynData in
+ let ntn, prec, need_squash = sd.not_data in
+ let pa_rule = make_pa_rule sd.intern_typs sd.level sd.syntax_data ntn sd.only_printing in
+ let pp_rule = make_pp_rule sd.level sd.syntax_data sd.format in
+ let sy = {
+ synext_level = (sd.level, prec);
+ synext_notation = ntn;
+ synext_notgram = pa_rule;
+ synext_unparsing = pp_rule;
+ synext_extra = sd.extra;
+ synext_compat = sd.compat;
+ } in
+ (* By construction, the rule for "{ _ }" is declared, but we need to
+ redeclare it because the file where it is declared needs not be open
+ when the current file opens (especially in presence of -nois) *)
+ if need_squash then recover_squash_syntax sy else [sy]
+(* Main functions about notations *)
+let to_map l =
+ let fold accu (x, v) = Id.Map.add x v accu in
+ List.fold_left fold Id.Map.empty l
+let add_notation_in_scope local df c mods scope =
+ let open SynData in
+ let sd = compute_syntax_data df mods in
+ (* Prepare the interpretation *)
+ (* Prepare the parsing and printing rules *)
+ let sy_rules = make_syntax_rules sd in
+ let i_vars = make_internalization_vars sd.recvars sd.mainvars sd.intern_typs in
+ let nenv = {
+ ninterp_var_type = to_map i_vars;
+ ninterp_rec_vars = to_map sd.recvars;
+ } in
+ let (acvars, ac, reversible) = interp_notation_constr nenv c in
+ let interp = make_interpretation_vars sd.recvars acvars in
+ let map (x, _) = try Some (x, Id.Map.find x interp) with Not_found -> None in
+ let onlyparse = is_not_printable sd.only_parsing (not reversible) ac in
+ let notation = {
+ notobj_local = local;
+ notobj_scope = scope;
+ notobj_interp = (List.map_filter map i_vars, ac);
+ (** Order is important here! *)
+ notobj_onlyparse = onlyparse;
+ notobj_onlyprint = sd.only_printing;
+ notobj_compat = sd.compat;
+ notobj_notation = sd.info;
+ } in
+ (* Ready to change the global state *)
+ Flags.if_verbose (List.iter (fun (f,x) -> f x)) sd.msgs;
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inSyntaxExtension (local, sy_rules));
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inNotation notation);
+ sd.info
+let add_notation_interpretation_core local df ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c scope onlyparse onlyprint compat =
+ let dfs = split_notation_string df in
+ let recvars,mainvars,symbs = analyze_notation_tokens dfs in
+ (* Recover types of variables and pa/pp rules; redeclare them if needed *)
+ let i_typs, onlyprint = if not (is_numeral symbs) then begin
+ let i_typs,sy_rules,onlyprint' = recover_notation_syntax (make_notation_key symbs) in
+ let () = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inSyntaxExtension (local,sy_rules)) in
+ (** If the only printing flag has been explicitly requested, put it back *)
+ let onlyprint = onlyprint || onlyprint' in
+ i_typs, onlyprint
+ end else [], false in
+ (* Declare interpretation *)
+ let path = (Lib.library_dp(), Lib.current_dirpath true) in
+ let df' = (make_notation_key symbs, (path,df)) in
+ let i_vars = make_internalization_vars recvars mainvars i_typs in
+ let nenv = {
+ ninterp_var_type = to_map i_vars;
+ ninterp_rec_vars = to_map recvars;
+ } in
+ let (acvars, ac, reversible) = interp_notation_constr ~impls nenv c in
+ let interp = make_interpretation_vars recvars acvars in
+ let map (x, _) = try Some (x, Id.Map.find x interp) with Not_found -> None in
+ let onlyparse = is_not_printable onlyparse (not reversible) ac in
+ let notation = {
+ notobj_local = local;
+ notobj_scope = scope;
+ notobj_interp = (List.map_filter map i_vars, ac);
+ (** Order is important here! *)
+ notobj_onlyparse = onlyparse;
+ notobj_onlyprint = onlyprint;
+ notobj_compat = compat;
+ notobj_notation = df';
+ } in
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inNotation notation);
+ df'
+(* Notations without interpretation (Reserved Notation) *)
+let add_syntax_extension local ((loc,df),mods) = let open SynData in
+ let psd = compute_pure_syntax_data df mods in
+ let sy_rules = make_syntax_rules {psd with compat = None} in
+ Flags.if_verbose (List.iter (fun (f,x) -> f x)) psd.msgs;
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inSyntaxExtension(local,sy_rules))
+(* Notations with only interpretation *)
+let add_notation_interpretation ((loc,df),c,sc) =
+ let df' = add_notation_interpretation_core false df c sc false false None in
+ Dumpglob.dump_notation (loc,df') sc true
+let set_notation_for_interpretation impls ((_,df),c,sc) =
+ (try ignore
+ (silently (fun () -> add_notation_interpretation_core false df ~impls c sc false false None) ());
+ with NoSyntaxRule ->
+ error "Parsing rule for this notation has to be previously declared.");
+ Option.iter (fun sc -> Notation.open_close_scope (false,true,sc)) sc
+(* Main entry point *)
+let add_notation local c ((loc,df),modifiers) sc =
+ let df' =
+ if no_syntax_modifiers modifiers then
+ (* No syntax data: try to rely on a previously declared rule *)
+ let onlyparse = is_only_parsing modifiers in
+ let onlyprint = is_only_printing modifiers in
+ let compat = get_compat_version modifiers in
+ try add_notation_interpretation_core local df c sc onlyparse onlyprint compat
+ with NoSyntaxRule ->
+ (* Try to determine a default syntax rule *)
+ add_notation_in_scope local df c modifiers sc
+ else
+ (* Declare both syntax and interpretation *)
+ add_notation_in_scope local df c modifiers sc
+ in
+ Dumpglob.dump_notation (loc,df') sc true
+let add_notation_extra_printing_rule df k v =
+ let notk =
+ let dfs = split_notation_string df in
+ let _,_, symbs = analyze_notation_tokens dfs in
+ make_notation_key symbs in
+ Notation.add_notation_extra_printing_rule notk k v
+(* Infix notations *)
+let inject_var x = CRef (Ident (Loc.ghost, Id.of_string x),None)
+let add_infix local ((loc,inf),modifiers) pr sc =
+ check_infix_modifiers modifiers;
+ (* check the precedence *)
+ let metas = [inject_var "x"; inject_var "y"] in
+ let c = mkAppC (pr,metas) in
+ let df = "x "^(quote_notation_token inf)^" y" in
+ add_notation local c ((loc,df),modifiers) sc
+(* Delimiters and classes bound to scopes *)
+type scope_command =
+ | ScopeDelim of string
+ | ScopeClasses of scope_class list
+ | ScopeRemove
+let load_scope_command _ (_,(scope,dlm)) =
+ Notation.declare_scope scope
+let open_scope_command i (_,(scope,o)) =
+ if Int.equal i 1 then
+ match o with
+ | ScopeDelim dlm -> Notation.declare_delimiters scope dlm
+ | ScopeClasses cl -> List.iter (Notation.declare_scope_class scope) cl
+ | ScopeRemove -> Notation.remove_delimiters scope
+let cache_scope_command o =
+ load_scope_command 1 o;
+ open_scope_command 1 o
+let subst_scope_command (subst,(scope,o as x)) = match o with
+ | ScopeClasses cl ->
+ let cl' = List.map_filter (subst_scope_class subst) cl in
+ let cl' =
+ if List.for_all2eq (==) cl cl' then cl
+ else cl' in
+ scope, ScopeClasses cl'
+ | _ -> x
+let inScopeCommand : scope_name * scope_command -> obj =
+ declare_object {(default_object "DELIMITERS") with
+ cache_function = cache_scope_command;
+ open_function = open_scope_command;
+ load_function = load_scope_command;
+ subst_function = subst_scope_command;
+ classify_function = (fun obj -> Substitute obj)}
+let add_delimiters scope key =
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inScopeCommand(scope,ScopeDelim key))
+let remove_delimiters scope =
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inScopeCommand(scope,ScopeRemove))
+let add_class_scope scope cl =
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inScopeCommand(scope,ScopeClasses cl))
+(* Check if abbreviation to a name and avoid early insertion of
+ maximal implicit arguments *)
+let try_interp_name_alias = function
+ | [], CRef (ref,_) -> intern_reference ref
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let add_syntactic_definition ident (vars,c) local onlyparse =
+ let nonprintable = ref false in
+ let vars,pat =
+ try [], NRef (try_interp_name_alias (vars,c))
+ with Not_found ->
+ let fold accu id = Id.Map.add id NtnInternTypeConstr accu in
+ let i_vars = List.fold_left fold Id.Map.empty vars in
+ let nenv = {
+ ninterp_var_type = i_vars;
+ ninterp_rec_vars = Id.Map.empty;
+ } in
+ let nvars, pat, reversible = interp_notation_constr nenv c in
+ let () = nonprintable := not reversible in
+ let map id = let (_,sc,_) = Id.Map.find id nvars in (id, sc) in
+ List.map map vars, pat
+ in
+ let onlyparse = match onlyparse with
+ | None when (is_not_printable false !nonprintable pat) -> Some Flags.Current
+ | p -> p
+ in
+ Syntax_def.declare_syntactic_definition local ident onlyparse (vars,pat)