path: root/vernac/comFixpoint.ml
diff options
authorGravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <e+git@x80.org>2017-12-13 07:18:22 +0100
committerGravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <e+git@x80.org>2017-12-17 10:56:04 +0100
commit7a5688f6e2421a706c16e23e445d42f39a82e74b (patch)
tree4dfc0054afb151a93e185ab21a51748e4b2086ea /vernac/comFixpoint.ml
parent53f5cc210da4debd5264d6d8651a76281b0b4256 (diff)
[vernac] Split `command.ml` into separate files.
Over the time, `Command` grew organically and it has become now one of the most complex files in the codebase; however, its functionality is well separated into 4 key components that have little to do with each other. We thus split the file, and also document the interfaces. Some parts of `Command` export tricky internals to use by other plugins, and it is common that plugin writers tend to get confused, so we are more explicit about these parts now. This patch depends on #6413.
Diffstat (limited to 'vernac/comFixpoint.ml')
1 files changed, 356 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vernac/comFixpoint.ml b/vernac/comFixpoint.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d648e293a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vernac/comFixpoint.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+open Pp
+open CErrors
+open Util
+open Constr
+open Vars
+open Termops
+open Declare
+open Names
+open Constrexpr
+open Constrexpr_ops
+open Constrintern
+open Decl_kinds
+open Pretyping
+open Evarutil
+open Evarconv
+open Misctypes
+open Vernacexpr
+module RelDecl = Context.Rel.Declaration
+(* 3c| Fixpoints and co-fixpoints *)
+(* An (unoptimized) function that maps preorders to partial orders...
+ Input: a list of associations (x,[y1;...;yn]), all yi distincts
+ and different of x, meaning x<=y1, ..., x<=yn
+ Output: a list of associations (x,Inr [y1;...;yn]), collecting all
+ distincts yi greater than x, _or_, (x, Inl y) meaning that
+ x is in the same class as y (in which case, x occurs
+ nowhere else in the association map)
+ partial_order : ('a * 'a list) list -> ('a * ('a,'a list) union) list
+let rec partial_order cmp = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (x,xge)::rest ->
+ let rec browse res xge' = function
+ | [] ->
+ let res = List.map (function
+ | (z, Inr zge) when List.mem_f cmp x zge ->
+ (z, Inr (List.union cmp zge xge'))
+ | r -> r) res in
+ (x,Inr xge')::res
+ | y::xge ->
+ let rec link y =
+ try match List.assoc_f cmp y res with
+ | Inl z -> link z
+ | Inr yge ->
+ if List.mem_f cmp x yge then
+ let res = List.remove_assoc_f cmp y res in
+ let res = List.map (function
+ | (z, Inl t) ->
+ if cmp t y then (z, Inl x) else (z, Inl t)
+ | (z, Inr zge) ->
+ if List.mem_f cmp y zge then
+ (z, Inr (List.add_set cmp x (List.remove cmp y zge)))
+ else
+ (z, Inr zge)) res in
+ browse ((y,Inl x)::res) xge' (List.union cmp xge (List.remove cmp x yge))
+ else
+ browse res (List.add_set cmp y (List.union cmp xge' yge)) xge
+ with Not_found -> browse res (List.add_set cmp y xge') xge
+ in link y
+ in browse (partial_order cmp rest) [] xge
+let non_full_mutual_message x xge y yge isfix rest =
+ let reason =
+ if Id.List.mem x yge then
+ Id.print y ++ str " depends on " ++ Id.print x ++ strbrk " but not conversely"
+ else if Id.List.mem y xge then
+ Id.print x ++ str " depends on " ++ Id.print y ++ strbrk " but not conversely"
+ else
+ Id.print y ++ str " and " ++ Id.print x ++ strbrk " are not mutually dependent" in
+ let e = if List.is_empty rest then reason else strbrk "e.g., " ++ reason in
+ let k = if isfix then "fixpoint" else "cofixpoint" in
+ let w =
+ if isfix
+ then strbrk "Well-foundedness check may fail unexpectedly." ++ fnl()
+ else mt () in
+ strbrk "Not a fully mutually defined " ++ str k ++ fnl () ++
+ str "(" ++ e ++ str ")." ++ fnl () ++ w
+let warn_non_full_mutual =
+ CWarnings.create ~name:"non-full-mutual" ~category:"fixpoints"
+ (fun (x,xge,y,yge,isfix,rest) ->
+ non_full_mutual_message x xge y yge isfix rest)
+let check_mutuality env evd isfix fixl =
+ let names = List.map fst fixl in
+ let preorder =
+ List.map (fun (id,def) ->
+ (id, List.filter (fun id' -> not (Id.equal id id') && occur_var env evd id' (EConstr.of_constr def)) names))
+ fixl in
+ let po = partial_order Id.equal preorder in
+ match List.filter (function (_,Inr _) -> true | _ -> false) po with
+ | (x,Inr xge)::(y,Inr yge)::rest ->
+ warn_non_full_mutual (x,xge,y,yge,isfix,rest)
+ | _ -> ()
+type structured_fixpoint_expr = {
+ fix_name : Id.t;
+ fix_univs : universe_decl_expr option;
+ fix_annot : Id.t Loc.located option;
+ fix_binders : local_binder_expr list;
+ fix_body : constr_expr option;
+ fix_type : constr_expr
+let interp_fix_context ~cofix env sigma fix =
+ let before, after = if not cofix then split_at_annot fix.fix_binders fix.fix_annot else [], fix.fix_binders in
+ let sigma, (impl_env, ((env', ctx), imps)) = interp_context_evars env sigma before in
+ let sigma, (impl_env', ((env'', ctx'), imps')) = interp_context_evars ~impl_env ~shift:(Context.Rel.nhyps ctx) env' sigma after in
+ let annot = Option.map (fun _ -> List.length (assums_of_rel_context ctx)) fix.fix_annot in
+ sigma, ((env'', ctx' @ ctx), (impl_env',imps @ imps'), annot)
+let interp_fix_ccl sigma impls (env,_) fix =
+ interp_type_evars_impls ~impls env sigma fix.fix_type
+let interp_fix_body env_rec sigma impls (_,ctx) fix ccl =
+ let open EConstr in
+ Option.cata (fun body ->
+ let env = push_rel_context ctx env_rec in
+ let sigma, body = interp_casted_constr_evars env sigma ~impls body ccl in
+ sigma, Some (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn body ctx)) (sigma, None) fix.fix_body
+let build_fix_type (_,ctx) ccl = EConstr.it_mkProd_or_LetIn ccl ctx
+let prepare_recursive_declaration fixnames fixtypes fixdefs =
+ let defs = List.map (subst_vars (List.rev fixnames)) fixdefs in
+ let names = List.map (fun id -> Name id) fixnames in
+ (Array.of_list names, Array.of_list fixtypes, Array.of_list defs)
+(* Jump over let-bindings. *)
+let compute_possible_guardness_evidences (ctx,_,recindex) =
+ (* A recursive index is characterized by the number of lambdas to
+ skip before finding the relevant inductive argument *)
+ match recindex with
+ | Some i -> [i]
+ | None ->
+ (* If recursive argument was not given by user, we try all args.
+ An earlier approach was to look only for inductive arguments,
+ but doing it properly involves delta-reduction, and it finally
+ doesn't seem to worth the effort (except for huge mutual
+ fixpoints ?) *)
+ List.interval 0 (Context.Rel.nhyps ctx - 1)
+type recursive_preentry =
+ Id.t list * constr option list * types list
+(* Wellfounded definition *)
+let contrib_name = "Program"
+let subtac_dir = [contrib_name]
+let tactics_module = subtac_dir @ ["Tactics"]
+let init_constant dir s sigma =
+ Evarutil.new_global sigma (Coqlib.coq_reference "Command" dir s)
+let fix_proto = init_constant tactics_module "fix_proto"
+let interp_recursive ~program_mode ~cofix fixl notations =
+ let open Context.Named.Declaration in
+ let open EConstr in
+ let env = Global.env() in
+ let fixnames = List.map (fun fix -> fix.fix_name) fixl in
+ (* Interp arities allowing for unresolved types *)
+ let all_universes =
+ List.fold_right (fun sfe acc ->
+ match sfe.fix_univs , acc with
+ | None , acc -> acc
+ | x , None -> x
+ | Some ls , Some us ->
+ let lsu = ls.univdecl_instance and usu = us.univdecl_instance in
+ if not (CList.for_all2eq (fun x y -> Id.equal (snd x) (snd y)) lsu usu) then
+ user_err Pp.(str "(co)-recursive definitions should all have the same universe binders");
+ Some us) fixl None in
+ let sigma, decl = Univdecls.interp_univ_decl_opt env all_universes in
+ let sigma, (fixctxs, fiximppairs, fixannots) =
+ on_snd List.split3 @@
+ List.fold_left_map (fun sigma -> interp_fix_context env sigma ~cofix) sigma fixl in
+ let fixctximpenvs, fixctximps = List.split fiximppairs in
+ let sigma, (fixccls,fixcclimps) =
+ on_snd List.split @@
+ List.fold_left3_map interp_fix_ccl sigma fixctximpenvs fixctxs fixl in
+ let fixtypes = List.map2 build_fix_type fixctxs fixccls in
+ let fixtypes = List.map (fun c -> nf_evar sigma c) fixtypes in
+ let fiximps = List.map3
+ (fun ctximps cclimps (_,ctx) -> ctximps@(Impargs.lift_implicits (Context.Rel.nhyps ctx) cclimps))
+ fixctximps fixcclimps fixctxs in
+ let sigma, rec_sign =
+ List.fold_left2
+ (fun (sigma, env') id t ->
+ if program_mode then
+ let sigma, sort = Typing.type_of ~refresh:true env sigma t in
+ let sigma, fixprot =
+ try
+ let sigma, h_term = fix_proto sigma in
+ let app = mkApp (h_term, [|sort; t|]) in
+ let _evd = ref sigma in
+ let res = Typing.e_solve_evars env _evd app in
+ !_evd, res
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> sigma, t
+ in
+ sigma, LocalAssum (id,fixprot) :: env'
+ else sigma, LocalAssum (id,t) :: env')
+ (sigma,[]) fixnames fixtypes
+ in
+ let env_rec = push_named_context rec_sign env in
+ (* Get interpretation metadatas *)
+ let fixtypes = List.map EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr fixtypes in
+ let impls = compute_internalization_env env Recursive fixnames fixtypes fiximps in
+ (* Interp bodies with rollback because temp use of notations/implicit *)
+ let sigma, fixdefs =
+ Metasyntax.with_syntax_protection (fun () ->
+ List.iter (Metasyntax.set_notation_for_interpretation env_rec impls) notations;
+ List.fold_left4_map
+ (fun sigma fixctximpenv -> interp_fix_body env_rec sigma (Id.Map.fold Id.Map.add fixctximpenv impls))
+ sigma fixctximpenvs fixctxs fixl fixccls)
+ () in
+ (* Instantiate evars and check all are resolved *)
+ let sigma = solve_unif_constraints_with_heuristics env_rec sigma in
+ let sigma, nf = nf_evars_and_universes sigma in
+ let fixdefs = List.map (fun c -> Option.map EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr c) fixdefs in
+ let fixdefs = List.map (Option.map nf) fixdefs in
+ let fixtypes = List.map nf fixtypes in
+ let fixctxs = List.map (fun (_,ctx) -> ctx) fixctxs in
+ (* Build the fix declaration block *)
+ (env,rec_sign,decl,sigma), (fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes), List.combine3 fixctxs fiximps fixannots
+let check_recursive isfix env evd (fixnames,fixdefs,_) =
+ check_evars_are_solved env evd Evd.empty;
+ if List.for_all Option.has_some fixdefs then begin
+ let fixdefs = List.map Option.get fixdefs in
+ check_mutuality env evd isfix (List.combine fixnames fixdefs)
+ end
+let interp_fixpoint ~cofix l ntns =
+ let (env,_,pl,evd),fix,info = interp_recursive ~program_mode:false ~cofix l ntns in
+ check_recursive true env evd fix;
+ (fix,pl,Evd.evar_universe_context evd,info)
+let declare_fixpoint local poly ((fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes),pl,ctx,fiximps) indexes ntns =
+ if List.exists Option.is_empty fixdefs then
+ (* Some bodies to define by proof *)
+ let thms =
+ List.map3 (fun id t (ctx,imps,_) -> (id,(EConstr.of_constr t,(List.map RelDecl.get_name ctx,imps))))
+ fixnames fixtypes fiximps in
+ let init_tac =
+ Some (List.map (Option.cata (EConstr.of_constr %> Tactics.exact_no_check) Tacticals.New.tclIDTAC)
+ fixdefs) in
+ let evd = Evd.from_ctx ctx in
+ Lemmas.start_proof_with_initialization (Global,poly,DefinitionBody Fixpoint)
+ evd pl (Some(false,indexes,init_tac)) thms None (Lemmas.mk_hook (fun _ _ -> ()))
+ else begin
+ (* We shortcut the proof process *)
+ let fixdefs = List.map Option.get fixdefs in
+ let fixdecls = prepare_recursive_declaration fixnames fixtypes fixdefs in
+ let env = Global.env() in
+ let indexes = search_guard env indexes fixdecls in
+ let fiximps = List.map (fun (n,r,p) -> r) fiximps in
+ let vars = Univops.universes_of_constr env (mkFix ((indexes,0),fixdecls)) in
+ let fixdecls =
+ List.map_i (fun i _ -> mkFix ((indexes,i),fixdecls)) 0 fixnames in
+ let evd = Evd.from_ctx ctx in
+ let evd = Evd.restrict_universe_context evd vars in
+ let ctx = Evd.check_univ_decl ~poly evd pl in
+ let pl = Evd.universe_binders evd in
+ let fixdecls = List.map Safe_typing.mk_pure_proof fixdecls in
+ ignore (List.map4 (DeclareDef.declare_fix (local, poly, Fixpoint) pl ctx)
+ fixnames fixdecls fixtypes fiximps);
+ (* Declare the recursive definitions *)
+ fixpoint_message (Some indexes) fixnames;
+ end;
+ (* Declare notations *)
+ List.iter (Metasyntax.add_notation_interpretation (Global.env())) ntns
+let declare_cofixpoint local poly ((fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes),pl,ctx,fiximps) ntns =
+ if List.exists Option.is_empty fixdefs then
+ (* Some bodies to define by proof *)
+ let thms =
+ List.map3 (fun id t (ctx,imps,_) -> (id,(EConstr.of_constr t,(List.map RelDecl.get_name ctx,imps))))
+ fixnames fixtypes fiximps in
+ let init_tac =
+ Some (List.map (Option.cata (EConstr.of_constr %> Tactics.exact_no_check) Tacticals.New.tclIDTAC)
+ fixdefs) in
+ let evd = Evd.from_ctx ctx in
+ Lemmas.start_proof_with_initialization (Global,poly, DefinitionBody CoFixpoint)
+ evd pl (Some(true,[],init_tac)) thms None (Lemmas.mk_hook (fun _ _ -> ()))
+ else begin
+ (* We shortcut the proof process *)
+ let fixdefs = List.map Option.get fixdefs in
+ let fixdecls = prepare_recursive_declaration fixnames fixtypes fixdefs in
+ let fixdecls = List.map_i (fun i _ -> mkCoFix (i,fixdecls)) 0 fixnames in
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let vars = Univops.universes_of_constr env (List.hd fixdecls) in
+ let fixdecls = List.map Safe_typing.mk_pure_proof fixdecls in
+ let fiximps = List.map (fun (len,imps,idx) -> imps) fiximps in
+ let evd = Evd.from_ctx ctx in
+ let evd = Evd.restrict_universe_context evd vars in
+ let ctx = Evd.check_univ_decl ~poly evd pl in
+ let pl = Evd.universe_binders evd in
+ ignore (List.map4 (DeclareDef.declare_fix (local, poly, CoFixpoint) pl ctx)
+ fixnames fixdecls fixtypes fiximps);
+ (* Declare the recursive definitions *)
+ cofixpoint_message fixnames
+ end;
+ (* Declare notations *)
+ List.iter (Metasyntax.add_notation_interpretation (Global.env())) ntns
+let extract_decreasing_argument limit = function
+ | (na,CStructRec) -> na
+ | (na,_) when not limit -> na
+ | _ -> user_err Pp.(str
+ "Only structural decreasing is supported for a non-Program Fixpoint")
+let extract_fixpoint_components limit l =
+ let fixl, ntnl = List.split l in
+ let fixl = List.map (fun (((_,id),pl),ann,bl,typ,def) ->
+ let ann = extract_decreasing_argument limit ann in
+ {fix_name = id; fix_annot = ann; fix_univs = pl;
+ fix_binders = bl; fix_body = def; fix_type = typ}) fixl in
+ fixl, List.flatten ntnl
+let extract_cofixpoint_components l =
+ let fixl, ntnl = List.split l in
+ List.map (fun (((_,id),pl),bl,typ,def) ->
+ {fix_name = id; fix_annot = None; fix_univs = pl;
+ fix_binders = bl; fix_body = def; fix_type = typ}) fixl,
+ List.flatten ntnl
+let check_safe () =
+ let open Declarations in
+ let flags = Environ.typing_flags (Global.env ()) in
+ flags.check_universes && flags.check_guarded
+let do_fixpoint local poly l =
+ let fixl, ntns = extract_fixpoint_components true l in
+ let (_, _, _, info as fix) = interp_fixpoint ~cofix:false fixl ntns in
+ let possible_indexes =
+ List.map compute_possible_guardness_evidences info in
+ declare_fixpoint local poly fix possible_indexes ntns;
+ if not (check_safe ()) then Feedback.feedback Feedback.AddedAxiom else ()
+let do_cofixpoint local poly l =
+ let fixl,ntns = extract_cofixpoint_components l in
+ let cofix = interp_fixpoint ~cofix:true fixl ntns in
+ declare_cofixpoint local poly cofix ntns;
+ if not (check_safe ()) then Feedback.feedback Feedback.AddedAxiom else ()