path: root/toplevel
diff options
authorGravatar msozeau <msozeau@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2009-09-14 16:57:14 +0000
committerGravatar msozeau <msozeau@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2009-09-14 16:57:14 +0000
commita3645985be17e9fa8a8a5c4221aea40e189682c2 (patch)
tree8f7f99638e715861976c69bb4df0b9bdeda120e2 /toplevel
parenta764cfdbdfaecaa02f2fff0234fe1a198e0e34b5 (diff)
Backtrack on the forced discharge of type class variables introduced
by Context. Now Context has exactly the same semantics as Variables. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@12329 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'toplevel')
4 files changed, 9 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/classes.ml b/toplevel/classes.ml
index 91bf5cd21..2eeb8a7de 100644
--- a/toplevel/classes.ml
+++ b/toplevel/classes.ml
@@ -275,14 +275,6 @@ let context ?(hook=fun _ -> ()) l =
let ctx = try named_of_rel_context fullctx with _ ->
error "Anonymous variables not allowed in contexts."
- let env = push_named_context ctx env in
- let keeps =
- List.fold_left (fun acc (id,_,t) ->
- match class_of_constr t with
- | None -> acc
- | Some _ -> List.map pi1 (keep_hyps env (Idset.singleton id)) :: acc)
- [] ctx
- in
List.iter (function (id,_,t) ->
if Lib.is_modtype () then
let cst = Declare.declare_internal_constant id
@@ -296,12 +288,9 @@ let context ?(hook=fun _ -> ()) l =
else (
let impl = List.exists (fun (x,_) ->
match x with ExplByPos (_, Some id') -> id = id' | _ -> false) impls
- and keep =
- let l = list_filter_map (fun ids -> if List.mem id ids then Some ids else None) keeps in
- List.concat l
Command.declare_one_assumption false (Local (* global *), Definitional) t
- [] impl (* implicit *) keep (* always kept *) false (* inline *) (dummy_loc, id);
+ [] impl (* implicit *) false (* inline *) (dummy_loc, id);
match class_of_constr t with
| None -> ()
| Some tc -> hook (VarRef id)))
diff --git a/toplevel/command.ml b/toplevel/command.ml
index 80de34458..1da86712d 100644
--- a/toplevel/command.ml
+++ b/toplevel/command.ml
@@ -169,12 +169,12 @@ let syntax_definition ident (vars,c) local onlyparse =
let assumption_message id =
if_verbose message ((string_of_id id) ^ " is assumed")
-let declare_one_assumption is_coe (local,kind) c imps impl keep nl (_,ident) =
+let declare_one_assumption is_coe (local,kind) c imps impl nl (_,ident) =
let r = match local with
| Local when Lib.sections_are_opened () ->
let _ =
declare_variable ident
- (Lib.cwd(), SectionLocalAssum (c,impl,keep), IsAssumption kind) in
+ (Lib.cwd(), SectionLocalAssum (c,impl), IsAssumption kind) in
assumption_message ident;
if is_verbose () & Pfedit.refining () then
msgerrnl (str"Warning: Variable " ++ pr_id ident ++
@@ -196,13 +196,13 @@ let declare_one_assumption is_coe (local,kind) c imps impl keep nl (_,ident) =
let declare_assumption_hook = ref ignore
let set_declare_assumption_hook = (:=) declare_assumption_hook
-let declare_assumption idl is_coe k bl c impl keep nl =
+let declare_assumption idl is_coe k bl c impl nl =
if not (Pfedit.refining ()) then
let c = generalize_constr_expr c bl in
let env = Global.env () in
let c', imps = interp_type_evars_impls env c in
!declare_assumption_hook c';
- List.iter (declare_one_assumption is_coe k c' imps impl keep nl) idl
+ List.iter (declare_one_assumption is_coe k c' imps impl nl) idl
errorlabstrm "Command.Assumption"
(str "Cannot declare an assumption while in proof editing mode.")
@@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@ let save_remaining_recthms (local,kind) body opaq i (id,(t_i,imps)) =
| Local ->
let impl=false in (* copy values from Vernacentries *)
let k = IsAssumption Conjectural in
- let c = SectionLocalAssum (t_i,impl,[]) in
+ let c = SectionLocalAssum (t_i,impl) in
let _ = declare_variable id (Lib.cwd(),c,k) in
(Local,VarRef id,imps)
| Global ->
diff --git a/toplevel/command.mli b/toplevel/command.mli
index d5283a6db..d648fc10e 100644
--- a/toplevel/command.mli
+++ b/toplevel/command.mli
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ val syntax_definition : identifier -> identifier list * constr_expr ->
val declare_one_assumption : coercion_flag -> assumption_kind -> Term.types ->
Impargs.manual_explicitation list ->
- bool (* implicit *) -> identifier list (* keep *) -> bool (* inline *) -> Names.variable located -> unit
+ bool (* implicit *) -> bool (* inline *) -> Names.variable located -> unit
val set_declare_assumption_hook : (types -> unit) -> unit
val declare_assumption : identifier located list ->
coercion_flag -> assumption_kind -> local_binder list -> constr_expr ->
- bool -> identifier list -> bool -> unit
+ bool -> bool -> unit
val open_temp_scopes : Topconstr.scope_name option -> unit
diff --git a/toplevel/vernacentries.ml b/toplevel/vernacentries.ml
index 887d5a616..be7c29bab 100644
--- a/toplevel/vernacentries.ml
+++ b/toplevel/vernacentries.ml
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ let vernac_assumption kind l nl=
List.iter (fun lid ->
if global then Dumpglob.dump_definition lid false "ax"
else Dumpglob.dump_definition lid true "var") idl;
- declare_assumption idl is_coe kind [] c false [] nl) l
+ declare_assumption idl is_coe kind [] c false nl) l
let vernac_record k finite infer struc binders sort nameopt cfs =
let const = match nameopt with