path: root/toplevel
diff options
authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2009-10-26 14:46:43 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2009-10-26 14:46:43 +0000
commita29edb0a5e9d420a3780a7034aad4ef9cfe7c148 (patch)
tree9b2ec00ba7d5a91491645c41cc41ab4f2bd07f1a /toplevel
parent5dcc913519b8822ddf59eb3a356028f45f42cc3b (diff)
New cleaning phase of the Local/Global option management
- Clarification and documentation of the different styles of Local/Global modifiers in vernacexpr.ml - Addition of Global in sections for Open/Close Scope. - Addition of Local for Ltac when not in sections. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@12418 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'toplevel')
5 files changed, 99 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/protectedtoplevel.ml b/toplevel/protectedtoplevel.ml
index ad1beb553..7abb68eea 100644
--- a/toplevel/protectedtoplevel.ml
+++ b/toplevel/protectedtoplevel.ml
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ let rec parse_one_command_group input_channel =
| Some(rank, e) ->
(match e with
| DuringCommandInterp(a,e1)
- | Stdpp.Exc_located (a,DuringSyntaxChecking e1) ->
+ | DuringSyntaxChecking(a,e1) ->
!global_request_id rank (Some e1))
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ let protected_loop input_chan =
| DuringCommandInterp(loc, Vernacexpr.Quit) -> raise Vernacexpr.Quit
| DuringCommandInterp(loc, Vernacexpr.Drop) -> raise Vernacexpr.Drop
| DuringCommandInterp(loc, e)
- | Stdpp.Exc_located (loc,DuringSyntaxChecking e) ->
+ | DuringSyntaxChecking(loc, e) ->
explain_and_restart e
| e -> explain_and_restart e in
diff --git a/toplevel/toplevel.ml b/toplevel/toplevel.ml
index d14acaab9..b57b9c1eb 100644
--- a/toplevel/toplevel.ml
+++ b/toplevel/toplevel.ml
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ let rec is_pervasive_exn = function
| Error_in_file (_,_,e) -> is_pervasive_exn e
| Stdpp.Exc_located (_,e) -> is_pervasive_exn e
| DuringCommandInterp (_,e) -> is_pervasive_exn e
- | DuringSyntaxChecking e -> is_pervasive_exn e
+ | DuringSyntaxChecking (_,e) -> is_pervasive_exn e
| _ -> false
(* Toplevel error explanation, dealing with locations, Drop, Ctrl-D
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ let print_toplevel_error exc =
let (dloc,exc) =
match exc with
| DuringCommandInterp (loc,ie)
- | Stdpp.Exc_located (loc, DuringSyntaxChecking ie) ->
+ | DuringSyntaxChecking (loc,ie) ->
if loc = dummy_loc then (None,ie) else (Some loc, ie)
| _ -> (None, exc)
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ let rec discard_to_dot () =
let process_error = function
| DuringCommandInterp _
- | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,DuringSyntaxChecking _) as e -> e
+ | DuringSyntaxChecking _ as e -> e
| e ->
if is_pervasive_exn e then
diff --git a/toplevel/vernac.ml b/toplevel/vernac.ml
index a14e8ad45..6d4ecf774 100644
--- a/toplevel/vernac.ml
+++ b/toplevel/vernac.ml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let raise_with_file file exc =
let (cmdloc,re) =
match exc with
| DuringCommandInterp(loc,e)
- | Stdpp.Exc_located (loc,DuringSyntaxChecking e) -> (loc,e)
+ | DuringSyntaxChecking(loc,e) -> (loc,e)
| e -> (dummy_loc,e)
let (inner,inex) =
diff --git a/toplevel/vernacentries.ml b/toplevel/vernacentries.ml
index 664b05f1d..754f58a9c 100644
--- a/toplevel/vernacentries.ml
+++ b/toplevel/vernacentries.ml
@@ -747,7 +747,8 @@ let vernac_backto n = Lib.reset_label n
(* Commands *)
-let vernac_declare_tactic_definition = Tacinterp.add_tacdef
+let vernac_declare_tactic_definition (local,x,def) =
+ Tacinterp.add_tacdef local x def
let vernac_create_hintdb local id b =
Auto.create_hint_db local id full_transparent_state b
@@ -1368,7 +1369,7 @@ let interp c = match c with
| VernacBackTo n -> vernac_backto n
(* Commands *)
- | VernacDeclareTacticDefinition (x,l) -> vernac_declare_tactic_definition x l
+ | VernacDeclareTacticDefinition def -> vernac_declare_tactic_definition def
| VernacCreateHintDb (local,dbname,b) -> vernac_create_hintdb local dbname b
| VernacHints (local,dbnames,hints) -> vernac_hints local dbnames hints
| VernacSyntacticDefinition (id,c,l,b) ->vernac_syntactic_definition id c l b
diff --git a/toplevel/vernacexpr.ml b/toplevel/vernacexpr.ml
index 96960540b..cedd20e08 100644
--- a/toplevel/vernacexpr.ml
+++ b/toplevel/vernacexpr.ml
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ type vernac_expr =
(* Commands *)
| VernacDeclareTacticDefinition of
- rec_flag * (reference * bool * raw_tactic_expr) list
+ (locality_flag * rec_flag * (reference * bool * raw_tactic_expr) list)
| VernacCreateHintDb of locality_flag * lstring * bool
| VernacHints of locality_flag * lstring list * hints_expr
| VernacSyntacticDefinition of identifier located * (identifier list * constr_expr) *
@@ -344,65 +344,41 @@ and located_vernac_expr = loc * vernac_expr
(* Locating errors raised just after the dot is parsed but before the
interpretation phase *)
-exception DuringSyntaxChecking of exn
+exception DuringSyntaxChecking of exn located
-let syntax_checking_error s =
- raise (DuringSyntaxChecking (UserError ("",Pp.str s)))
+let syntax_checking_error loc s =
+ raise (DuringSyntaxChecking (loc,UserError ("",Pp.str s)))
(* Managing locality *)
let locality_flag = ref None
let local_of_bool = function true -> Local | false -> Global
-let check_locality () =
- if !locality_flag = Some true then
- syntax_checking_error "This command does not support the \"Local\" prefix.";
- if !locality_flag = Some false then
- syntax_checking_error "This command does not support the \"Global\" prefix."
-let use_locality_full () =
- let r = !locality_flag in
- locality_flag := None;
- r
-let use_locality () =
- match use_locality_full () with Some true -> true | _ -> false
-let use_locality_exp () = local_of_bool (use_locality ())
-let use_section_locality () =
- match use_locality_full () with Some b -> b | None -> Lib.sections_are_opened ()
-let use_non_locality () =
- match use_locality_full () with Some false -> false | _ -> true
-let use_section_non_locality () =
- match use_locality_full () with Some b -> b | None -> Lib.sections_are_opened ()
+let is_true = function Some (_,b) -> b | _ -> false
+let is_false = function Some (_,b) -> not b | _ -> false
-let enforce_locality () =
- let local =
- match !locality_flag with
- | Some false ->
- error "Cannot be simultaneously Local and Global."
- | _ ->
- Flags.if_verbose
- Pp.warning "Obsolete syntax: use \"Local\" as a prefix.";
- true in
- locality_flag := None;
- local
+let check_locality () =
+ match !locality_flag with
+ | Some (loc,true) ->
+ syntax_checking_error loc
+ "This command does not support the \"Local\" prefix.";
+ | Some (loc,false) ->
+ syntax_checking_error loc
+ "This command does not support the \"Global\" prefix."
+ | None -> ()
-(* [enforce_locality_exp] supports Local (with effect in section) but not
- Global in section *)
+(** Extracting the locality flag *)
-let enforce_locality_exp () = local_of_bool (enforce_locality ())
+(* Commands which supported an inlined Local flag *)
-let enforce_full_locality_of local =
+let enforce_locality_full local =
let local =
match !locality_flag with
- | Some false when local ->
+ | Some (_,false) when local ->
error "Cannot be simultaneously Local and Global."
- | Some true when local ->
+ | Some (_,true) when local ->
error "Use only prefix \"Local\"."
| None ->
if local then begin
@@ -411,18 +387,75 @@ let enforce_full_locality_of local =
Some true
end else
- | Some _ as b -> b in
+ | Some (_,b) -> Some b in
locality_flag := None;
-(* [enforce_locality_of] supports Local (with effect if not in
- section) but not Global in section *)
-let enforce_locality_of local =
- match enforce_full_locality_of local with
- | Some false ->
- if Lib.sections_are_opened () then
- error "This command does not support the Global option in sections.";
- false
- | Some true -> true
- | None -> false
+(* Commands which did not supported an inlined Local flag (synonym of
+ [enforce_locality_full false]) *)
+let use_locality_full () =
+ let r = Option.map snd !locality_flag in
+ locality_flag := None;
+ r
+(** Positioning locality for commands supporting discharging and export
+ outside of modules *)
+(* For commands whose default is to discharge and export:
+ Global is the default and is neutral;
+ Local in a section deactivate discharge,
+ Local not in a section deactivates export *)
+let make_locality = function Some true -> true | _ -> false
+let use_locality () = make_locality (use_locality_full ())
+let use_locality_exp () = local_of_bool (use_locality ())
+let enforce_locality local = make_locality (enforce_locality_full local)
+let enforce_locality_exp local = local_of_bool (enforce_locality local)
+(* For commands whose default is not to discharge and not to export:
+ Global forces discharge and export;
+ Local is the default and is neutral *)
+let use_non_locality () =
+ match use_locality_full () with Some false -> false | _ -> true
+(* For commands whose default is to not discharge but to export:
+ Global in sections forces discharge, Global not in section is the default;
+ Local in sections is the default, Local not in section forces non-export *)
+let make_section_locality =
+ function Some b -> b | None -> Lib.sections_are_opened ()
+let use_section_locality () =
+ make_section_locality (use_locality_full ())
+let enforce_section_locality local =
+ make_section_locality (enforce_locality_full local)
+(** Positioning locality for commands supporting export but not discharge *)
+(* For commands whose default is to export (if not in section):
+ Global in sections is forbidden, Global not in section is neutral;
+ Local in sections is the default, Local not in section forces non-export *)
+let make_module_locality = function
+ | Some false ->
+ if Lib.sections_are_opened () then
+ error "This command does not support the Global option in sections.";
+ false
+ | Some true -> true
+ | None -> false
+let use_module_locality () =
+ make_module_locality (use_locality_full ())
+let enforce_module_locality local =
+ make_module_locality (enforce_locality_full local)