path: root/toplevel
diff options
authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-10-09 17:21:00 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-10-09 17:21:00 +0000
commita10a0c02ad7698b778d52d3d0c6093111c24ac43 (patch)
treefdc96f622b2c9de8573b284d72d43f9b9159a2fc /toplevel
parent93e163c239a27e069c2e53f047d8b986e53f7948 (diff)
Nouveau format de l'option 'format'
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@4555 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'toplevel')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/metasyntax.ml b/toplevel/metasyntax.ml
index e8e5a4a7c..1211faba0 100644
--- a/toplevel/metasyntax.ml
+++ b/toplevel/metasyntax.ml
@@ -211,17 +211,20 @@ let print_grammar univ entry =
(* Parse a format *)
let parse_format (loc,str) =
+ let str = " "^str in
let l = String.length str in
let push_token a = function
| cur::l -> (a::cur)::l
| [] -> [[a]] in
+ let push_white n l =
+ if n = 0 then l else push_token (UnpTerminal (String.make n ' ')) l in
let close_box i b = function
| a::(_::_ as l) -> push_token (UnpBox (b,a)) l
| _ -> error "Non terminated box in format" in
let close_quotation i =
if i < String.length str & str.[i] = '\'' & (i+1 = l or str.[i+1] = ' ')
then i+1
- else error "Format annotation must be ended by \"'\" and tokens must be separated by spaces" in
+ else error "Incorrectly terminated quoted expression" in
let rec spaces n i =
if i < String.length str & str.[i] = ' ' then spaces (n+1) (i+1)
else n in
@@ -240,29 +243,27 @@ let parse_format (loc,str) =
else n in
let rec parse_non_format i =
let n = nonspaces false 0 i in
- push_token (UnpTerminal (String.sub str i n)) (loop (i+n+1))
- and parse_quoted i =
- let n = spaces 0 i in
- let i = i+n in
+ push_token (UnpTerminal (String.sub str i n)) (parse_token (i+n))
+ and parse_quoted n i =
if i < String.length str then match str.[i] with
(* Parse " // " *)
- | '/' when i <= String.length str & str.[i+1] = '/' & n = 0 ->
- push_token (UnpCut PpFnl) (loop (close_quotation (i+2)))
+ | '/' when i <= String.length str & str.[i+1] = '/' ->
+ (* We forget the useless n spaces... *)
+ push_token (UnpCut PpFnl)
+ (parse_token (close_quotation (i+2)))
(* Parse " .. / .. " *)
| '/' when i <= String.length str ->
let p = spaces 0 (i+1) in
- push_token (UnpCut (PpBrk (n,p))) (loop (close_quotation (i+p+1)))
- | '\'' when n <> 0 ->
- push_token (UnpTerminal (String.make n ' '))
- (loop (close_quotation i))
- | c when n <> 0 ->
- error "Unexpected spaces not followed by \"/\" not \"'\" after \"'\" in format"
- (* Parse tokens not accepting spaces before *)
+ push_token (UnpCut (PpBrk (n,p)))
+ (parse_token (close_quotation (i+p+1)))
+ | c ->
+ (* The spaces are real spaces *)
+ push_white n (match c with
| '[' ->
if i <= String.length str then match str.[i+1] with
(* Parse " [h .. ", *)
| 'h' when i+1 <= String.length str & str.[i+2] = 'v' ->
- parse_box (fun n -> PpHVB n) (i+3)
+ (parse_box (fun n -> PpHVB n) (i+3))
(* Parse " [v .. ", *)
| 'v' ->
parse_box (fun n -> PpVB n) (i+2)
@@ -273,33 +274,35 @@ let parse_format (loc,str) =
else error "\"v\", \"hv\" or \" \" expected after \"[\" in format"
(* Parse "]" *)
| ']' ->
- [] :: loop (close_quotation (i+1))
+ ([] :: parse_token (close_quotation (i+1)))
(* Parse a non formatting token *)
| c ->
- let n = nonspaces true 0 (i+1) in
- push_token (UnpTerminal (String.sub str i (n+2)))
- (loop (close_quotation (i+n+1)))
+ let n = nonspaces true 0 i in
+ push_token (UnpTerminal (String.sub str (i-1) (n+2)))
+ (parse_token (close_quotation (i+n))))
if n = 0 then []
else error "Ending spaces non part of a format annotation"
and parse_box box i =
let n = spaces 0 i in
- close_box i (box n) (loop (close_quotation (i+n)))
- and loop i =
+ close_box i (box n) (parse_token (close_quotation (i+n)))
+ and parse_token i =
+ let n = spaces 0 i in
+ let i = i+n in
if i < l then match str.[i] with
(* Parse a ' *)
| '\'' when i <= String.length str & str.[i+1] = '\'' ->
- parse_non_format i
+ push_white (n-1) (parse_non_format i)
(* Parse the beginning of a quoted expression *)
- | '\'' -> parse_quoted (i+1)
- (* Skip spaces *)
- | ' ' -> loop (i+1)
+ | '\'' ->
+ parse_quoted (n-1) (i+1)
(* Otherwise *)
- | _ -> parse_non_format i
- else [[]]
+ | _ ->
+ push_white (n-1) (parse_non_format i)
+ else push_white n [[]]
- if str <> "" then match (loop 0) with
+ if str <> "" then match parse_token 0 with
| [l] -> l
| _ -> error "Box closed without being opened in format"
@@ -467,12 +470,30 @@ let make_hunks etyps symbols from =
in make NoBreak symbols
+let strip s =
+ let n = String.length s in
+ if n >= 2 & s.[0] = '\'' & s.[n-1] = '\'' then
+ if n > 2 then String.sub s 1 (n-2) else "'"
+ else
+ s
+(* To protect alphabetic tokens and quotes from being seen as variables *)
+let quote x =
+ let n = String.length x in
+ if n > 0 & (is_letter x.[0] or is_letter x.[n-1] or is_digit x.[n-1])
+ then
+ "'"^x^"'"
+ else if x = "'" then
+ "''"
+ else
+ x
let hunks_of_format (from,(vars,typs) as vt) symfmt =
let rec aux = function
| symbs, (UnpTerminal s' as u) :: fmt
when s' = String.make (String.length s') ' ' ->
let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, u :: l
- | Terminal s :: symbs, (UnpTerminal s' as u) :: fmt when s = s' ->
+ | Terminal s :: symbs, (UnpTerminal s' as u) :: fmt when quote s = s' ->
let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, u :: l
| NonTerminal s :: symbs, UnpTerminal s' :: fmt when s = id_of_string s' ->
let i = list_index s vars in
@@ -535,23 +556,6 @@ let make_production etyps symbols =
symbols [] in
define_keywords prod
-let strip s =
- let n = String.length s in
- if n >= 2 & s.[0] = '\'' & s.[n-1] = '\'' then
- if n > 2 then String.sub s 1 (n-2) else "'"
- else
- s
-(* To protect alphabetic tokens from being seen as variables *)
-let quote x =
- let n = String.length x in
- if n > 0 &
- (is_letter x.[0] or is_letter x.[n-1] or is_digit x.[n-1] or x.[n-1]='\'')
- then
- "\'"^x^"\'"
- else
- x
let rec analyse_tokens = function
| [] -> [], []
| String x :: sl when Lexer.is_normal_token x ->