path: root/toplevel/backtrack.ml
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authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2012-03-23 16:49:52 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2012-03-23 16:49:52 +0000
commit85a16702cc7561f9a96eed9c2d707b9711130f09 (patch)
tree76acae0330eb6ddf125f48e7f1c5994d24b05296 /toplevel/backtrack.ml
parent5c915de161fe453914525e5920d1a165bba8fa43 (diff)
A unified backtrack mechanism, with a basic "Show Script" as side-effect
Migrate the backtracking code from ide_slave.ml into a new backtrack.ml. In particular the history stack of commands that used to be there is now non-coqide-specific. ** Adapted commands ** - "Show Script": a basic functional version is restored (and the printing of scripts at Qed in coqtop). No indentation, one Coq command per line, based on the vernac_expr asts recorded in the history stack, printed via Ppvernac. - "Back n" : now mimics the backtrack of coqide: it goes n steps back (both commands and proofs), and maybe more if needed to avoid re-entering a proof (it outputs a warning in this case). - "BackTo n" : still try to go back to state n, but it also handles the proof state, and it may end on some state n' <= n if needed to avoid re-entering a proof. Ideally, it could someday be used by ProofGeneral instead of the complex Backtrack command. ** Compatible commands ** - "Backtrack" is left intact from compatibility with current ProofGeneral. We simply re-synchronize the command history stack after each Backtrack. - "Undo" is kept as a standard command, not a backtracking one, a bit like "Focus". Same for "Restart" and "Abort". All of these are now accepted in coqide (Undo simply triggers a warning). - Undocumented command "Undo To n" (counting from start of proof instead of from end) also keep its semantics, it is simply made compatible with the new stack mechanism. ** New restrictions ** We now forbid backtracking commands (Reset* / Back*) inside files when Load'ing or compiling, or inside VernacList/VernacTime/VernacFail. Too much work dealing with these situation that nobody uses. ** Internal details ** Internally, the command stack differs a bit from what was in Ide_slave earlier (which was inspired by lisp code in ProofGeneral). We now tag commands that are unreachable by a backtrack, due to some proof being finished, aborted, restarted, or partly Undo'ed. This induce a bit of bookkeeping during Qed/Abort/Restart/Undo, but then the backtracking code is straightforward: we simply search backward the first reachable state starting from the desired place. We don't depend anymore on the proof names (apart in the last proof block), It's more robust this way (think of re-entering a M.foo from an outside proof foo). Many internal clarifications in Lib, Vernac, etc. For instance "Reset Initial" is now just a BackTo 1, while "Reset foo" now calls (Lib.label_before_name "foo"), and performs a BackTo to the corresponding label. Concerning Coqide, we directly suppress the regular printing of goals via a flag in Vernacentries. This avoid relying on a classification of commands in Ide_slave as earlier. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@15085 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'toplevel/backtrack.ml')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/backtrack.ml b/toplevel/backtrack.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a84550a5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toplevel/backtrack.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Names
+open Vernacexpr
+(** Command history stack
+ We maintain a stack of the past states of the system. Each
+ successfully interpreted command adds an [info] element
+ to this stack, storing what were the (label / current proof / ...)
+ just _after_ the interpretation of this command.
+ - A label is just an integer, starting from Lib.first_command_label
+ initially, and incremented at each new successful command.
+ - If some proofs are opened, we have their number in [nproofs],
+ the name of the current proof in [prfname], the current depth in
+ [prfdepth].
+ - Otherwise, [nproofs = 0], [prfname = None], [prfdepth = 0]
+ - The text of the command is stored (for Show Script currently).
+ - A command can be tagged later as non-"reachable" when the current proof
+ at the time of this command has been ended by Qed/Abort/Restart,
+ meaning we can't backtrack there.
+type info = {
+ label : int;
+ nproofs : int;
+ prfname : identifier option;
+ prfdepth : int;
+ cmd : vernac_expr;
+ mutable reachable : bool;
+let history : info Stack.t = Stack.create ()
+(** For debug purpose, a dump of the history *)
+let dump_history () =
+ let l = ref [] in
+ Stack.iter (fun i -> l:=i::!l) history;
+ !l
+(** Basic manipulation of the command history stack *)
+exception Invalid
+let pop () = ignore (Stack.pop history)
+let npop n =
+ (* Since our history stack always contains an initial entry,
+ it's invalid to try to completely empty it *)
+ if n < 0 || n >= Stack.length history then raise Invalid
+ else for i = 1 to n do pop () done
+let top () =
+ try Stack.top history with Stack.Empty -> raise Invalid
+(** Search the history stack for a suitable location. We perform first
+ a non-destructive search: in case of search failure, the stack is
+ unchanged. *)
+exception Found of info
+let search test =
+ try
+ Stack.iter (fun i -> if test i then raise (Found i)) history;
+ raise Invalid
+ with Found i ->
+ while i != Stack.top history do pop () done
+(** Register the end of a command and store the current state *)
+let mark_command ast =
+ Lib.add_frozen_state();
+ Lib.mark_end_of_command();
+ Stack.push
+ { label = Lib.current_command_label ();
+ nproofs = List.length (Pfedit.get_all_proof_names ());
+ prfname = (try Some (Pfedit.get_current_proof_name ()) with _ -> None);
+ prfdepth = max 0 (Pfedit.current_proof_depth ());
+ reachable = true;
+ cmd = ast }
+ history
+(** Backtrack by aborting [naborts] proofs, then setting proof-depth back to
+ [pnum] and finally going to state number [snum]. *)
+let raw_backtrack snum pnum naborts =
+ for i = 1 to naborts do Pfedit.delete_current_proof () done;
+ Pfedit.undo_todepth pnum;
+ Lib.reset_label snum
+(** Re-sync the state of the system (label, proofs) with the top
+ of the history stack. We may end on some earlier state to avoid
+ re-opening proofs. This function will return the final label
+ and the number of extra backtracking steps performed. *)
+let sync nb_opened_proofs =
+ (* Backtrack by enough additional steps to avoid re-opening proofs.
+ Typically, when a Qed has been crossed, we backtrack to the proof start.
+ NB: We cannot reach the empty stack, since the first entry in the
+ stack has no opened proofs and is tagged as reachable.
+ *)
+ let extra = ref 0 in
+ while not (top()).reachable do incr extra; pop () done;
+ let target = top ()
+ in
+ (* Now the opened proofs at target is a subset of the opened proofs before
+ the backtrack, we simply abort the extra proofs (if any).
+ NB: It is critical here that proofs are nested in a regular way
+ (i.e. no more Resume or Suspend commands as earlier). This way, we can
+ simply count the extra proofs to abort instead of taking care of their
+ names.
+ *)
+ let naborts = nb_opened_proofs - target.nproofs in
+ (* We are now ready to do a low-level backtrack *)
+ raw_backtrack target.label target.prfdepth naborts;
+ (target.label, !extra)
+(** Backtracking by a certain number of (non-state-preserving) commands.
+ This is used by Coqide.
+ It may actually undo more commands than asked : for instance instead
+ of jumping back in the middle of a finished proof, we jump back before
+ this proof. The number of extra backtracked command is returned at
+ the end. *)
+let back count =
+ if count = 0 then 0
+ else
+ let nb_opened_proofs = List.length (Pfedit.get_all_proof_names ()) in
+ npop count;
+ snd (sync nb_opened_proofs)
+(** Backtracking to a certain state number, and reset proofs accordingly.
+ We may end on some earlier state if needed to avoid re-opening proofs.
+ Return the final state number. *)
+let backto snum =
+ if snum = Lib.current_command_label () then snum
+ else
+ let nb_opened_proofs = List.length (Pfedit.get_all_proof_names ()) in
+ search (fun i -> i.label = snum);
+ fst (sync nb_opened_proofs)
+(** Old [Backtrack] code with corresponding update of the history stack.
+ [Backtrack] is now deprecated (in favor of [BackTo]) but is kept for
+ compatibility with ProofGeneral. It's completely up to ProofGeneral
+ to decide where to go and how to adapt proofs. Note that the choices
+ of ProofGeneral are currently not always perfect (for instance when
+ backtracking an Undo). *)
+let backtrack snum pnum naborts =
+ raw_backtrack snum pnum naborts;
+ search (fun i -> i.label = snum)
+(** [reset_initial] resets the system and clears the command history
+ stack, only pushing back the initial entry. It should be equivalent
+ to [backto Lib.first_command_label], but sligthly more efficient. *)
+let reset_initial () =
+ let init_label = Lib.first_command_label in
+ if Lib.current_command_label () = init_label then ()
+ else begin
+ if Pfedit.refining() then Pfedit.delete_all_proofs ();
+ Lib.reset_label init_label;
+ Stack.clear history;
+ Stack.push
+ { label = init_label;
+ nproofs = 0;
+ prfname = None;
+ prfdepth = 0;
+ reachable = true;
+ cmd = VernacNop }
+ history
+ end
+(** Reset to the last known state just before defining [id] *)
+let reset_name id =
+ let lbl =
+ try Lib.label_before_name id with Not_found -> raise Invalid
+ in
+ ignore (backto lbl)
+(** When a proof is ended (via either Qed/Admitted/Restart/Abort),
+ old proof steps should be marked differently to avoid jumping back
+ to them:
+ - either this proof isn't there anymore in the proof engine
+ - either it's there but it's a more recent attempt after a Restart,
+ so we shouldn't mix the two.
+ We also mark as unreachable the proof steps cancelled via a Undo. *)
+let mark_unreachable ?(after=0) prf_lst =
+ let fix i = match i.prfname with
+ | None -> raise Not_found (* stop hacking the history outside of proofs *)
+ | Some p ->
+ if List.mem p prf_lst && i.prfdepth > after
+ then i.reachable <- false
+ in
+ try Stack.iter fix history with Not_found -> ()
+(** Parse the history stack for printing the script of a proof *)
+let get_script prf =
+ let script = ref [] in
+ let select i = match i.prfname with
+ | None -> raise Not_found
+ | Some p when p=prf && i.reachable -> script := i :: !script
+ | _ -> ()
+ in
+ (try Stack.iter select history with Not_found -> ());
+ (* Get rid of intermediate commands which don't grow the depth *)
+ let rec filter n = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | {prfdepth=d; cmd=c}::l when n < d -> c :: filter d l
+ | {prfdepth=d}::l -> filter d l
+ in
+ (* initial proof depth (after entering the lemma statement) is 1 *)
+ filter 1 !script