path: root/tools
diff options
authorGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2018-03-09 09:23:21 +0100
committerGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2018-03-09 09:23:21 +0100
commit4ddd8c17a4a8a385fd621ca4804175ae87a01454 (patch)
treeffa9ae3dd281d9bc0985b49ffff47b618769a1b1 /tools
parent866bad4e9cdaa6ff4419840f8c9980f770873176 (diff)
parentd3414abd4dc912debf1a8339eedbe1b9d4dbc319 (diff)
Merge PR #6851: Fix #6830: coqdep VDFILE uses too many arguments for fiat-crypto/OSX
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
3 files changed, 64 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/tools/CoqMakefile.in b/tools/CoqMakefile.in
index 727fd3ec3..e9f64542c 100644
--- a/tools/CoqMakefile.in
+++ b/tools/CoqMakefile.in
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ MLFILES := $(COQMF_MLFILES)
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ OCAMLLIBS := $(COQMF_OCAMLLIBS)
@@ -724,9 +726,14 @@ $(addsuffix .d,$(MLPACKFILES)): %.mlpack.d: %.mlpack
$(HIDE)$(COQDEP) $(OCAMLLIBS) -c "$<" $(redir_if_ok)
+# If this makefile is created using a _CoqProject we have coqdep get
+# options from it. This avoids argument length limits for pathological
+# projects. Note that extra options might be on the command line.
- $(HIDE)$(COQDEP) $(COQLIBS) -dyndep var -c $(VFILES) $(redir_if_ok)
+ $(HIDE)$(COQDEP) -dyndep var $(VDFILE_FLAGS) $(redir_if_ok)
# Misc ########################################################################
diff --git a/tools/coq_makefile.ml b/tools/coq_makefile.ml
index ef4428755..6cd520d60 100644
--- a/tools/coq_makefile.ml
+++ b/tools/coq_makefile.ml
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
open CoqProject_file
open Printf
+let (>) f g = fun x -> g (f x)
let output_channel = ref stdout
let makefile_name = ref "Makefile"
let make_name = ref ""
@@ -175,21 +177,22 @@ let generate_conf_extra_target oc sps =
if sps <> [] then
section oc "Extra targets. (-extra and -extra-phony, DEPRECATED)";
- List.iter pr_path sps
+ List.iter (forget_source > pr_path) sps
let generate_conf_subdirs oc sds =
if sds <> [] then section oc "Subdirectories. (DEPRECATED)";
- List.iter (fprintf oc ".PHONY:%s\n") sds;
- List.iter (fprintf oc "post-all::\n\tcd \"%s\" && $(MAKE) all\n") sds;
- List.iter (fprintf oc "clean::\n\tcd \"%s\" && $(MAKE) clean\n") sds;
- List.iter (fprintf oc "archclean::\n\tcd \"%s\" && $(MAKE) archclean\n") sds;
- List.iter (fprintf oc "install-extra::\n\tcd \"%s\" && $(MAKE) install\n") sds
+ let iter f = List.iter (forget_source > f) in
+ iter (fprintf oc ".PHONY:%s\n") sds;
+ iter (fprintf oc "post-all::\n\tcd \"%s\" && $(MAKE) all\n") sds;
+ iter (fprintf oc "clean::\n\tcd \"%s\" && $(MAKE) clean\n") sds;
+ iter (fprintf oc "archclean::\n\tcd \"%s\" && $(MAKE) archclean\n") sds;
+ iter (fprintf oc "install-extra::\n\tcd \"%s\" && $(MAKE) install\n") sds
let generate_conf_includes oc { ml_includes; r_includes; q_includes } =
section oc "Path directives (-I, -R, -Q).";
let module S = String in
- let open List in
+ let map = map_sourced_list in
let dash1 opt v = sprintf "-%s %s" opt (quote v) in
let dash2 opt v1 v2 = sprintf "-%s %s %s" opt (quote v1) (quote v2) in
fprintf oc "COQMF_OCAMLLIBS = %s\n"
@@ -202,7 +205,11 @@ let generate_conf_includes oc { ml_includes; r_includes; q_includes } =
(S.concat " " (map (fun ({ path },l) -> dash2 "R" path l) r_includes));
fprintf oc "COQMF_COQLIBS_NOML = %s %s\n"
(S.concat " " (map (fun ({ path },l) -> dash2 "Q" path l) q_includes))
- (S.concat " " (map (fun ({ path },l) -> dash2 "R" path l) r_includes))
+ (S.concat " " (map (fun ({ path },l) -> dash2 "R" path l) r_includes));
+ fprintf oc "COQMF_CMDLINE_COQLIBS = %s %s %s\n"
+ (S.concat " " (map_cmdline (fun { path } -> dash1 "I" path) ml_includes))
+ (S.concat " " (map_cmdline (fun ({ path },l) -> dash2 "Q" path l) q_includes))
+ (S.concat " " (map_cmdline (fun ({ path },l) -> dash2 "R" path l) r_includes));
let windrive s =
@@ -219,10 +226,10 @@ let generate_conf_coq_config oc args =
let generate_conf_files oc
- { v_files; mli_files; ml4_files; ml_files; mllib_files; mlpack_files }
+ { v_files; mli_files; ml4_files; ml_files; mllib_files; mlpack_files; }
let module S = String in
- let open List in
+ let map = map_sourced_list in
section oc "Project files.";
fprintf oc "COQMF_VFILES = %s\n" (S.concat " " (map quote v_files));
fprintf oc "COQMF_MLIFILES = %s\n" (S.concat " " (map quote mli_files));
@@ -230,6 +237,8 @@ let generate_conf_files oc
fprintf oc "COQMF_ML4FILES = %s\n" (S.concat " " (map quote ml4_files));
fprintf oc "COQMF_MLPACKFILES = %s\n" (S.concat " " (map quote mlpack_files));
fprintf oc "COQMF_MLLIBFILES = %s\n" (S.concat " " (map quote mllib_files));
+ let cmdline_vfiles = filter_cmdline v_files in
+ fprintf oc "COQMF_CMDLINE_VFILES = %s\n" (S.concat " " (List.map quote cmdline_vfiles));
let rec all_start_with prefix = function
@@ -246,12 +255,12 @@ let rec logic_gcd acc = function
else acc
let generate_conf_doc oc { defs; q_includes; r_includes } =
- let includes = List.map snd (q_includes @ r_includes) in
+ let includes = List.map (forget_source > snd) (q_includes @ r_includes) in
let logpaths = List.map (CString.split '.') includes in
let gcd = logic_gcd [] logpaths in
let root =
if gcd = [] then
- if not (List.mem_assoc "INSTALLDEFAULTROOT" defs) then begin
+ if not (List.exists (fun x -> fst x.thing = "INSTALLDEFAULTROOT") defs) then begin
let destination = "orphan_" ^ (String.concat "_" includes) in
eprintf "Warning: no common logical root\n";
eprintf "Warning: in such case INSTALLDEFAULTROOT must be defined\n";
@@ -264,9 +273,9 @@ let generate_conf_doc oc { defs; q_includes; r_includes } =
let generate_conf_defs oc { defs; extra_args } =
section oc "Extra variables.";
- List.iter (fun (k,v) -> Printf.fprintf oc "%s = %s\n" k v) defs;
+ List.iter (forget_source > (fun (k,v) -> Printf.fprintf oc "%s = %s\n" k v)) defs;
Printf.fprintf oc "COQMF_OTHERFLAGS = %s\n"
- (String.concat " " extra_args)
+ (String.concat " " (List.map forget_source extra_args))
let generate_conf oc project args =
fprintf oc "# This configuration file was generated by running:\n";
@@ -284,10 +293,10 @@ let ensure_root_dir
({ ml_includes; r_includes; q_includes;
v_files; ml_files; mli_files; ml4_files;
mllib_files; mlpack_files } as project)
- let open List in
+ =
+ let exists f = List.exists (forget_source > f) in
let here = Sys.getcwd () in
- let not_tops = List.for_all (fun s -> s <> Filename.basename s) in
+ let not_tops = List.for_all (fun s -> s.thing <> Filename.basename s.thing) in
if exists (fun { canonical_path = x } -> x = here) ml_includes
|| exists (fun ({ canonical_path = x },_) -> is_prefix x here) r_includes
|| exists (fun ({ canonical_path = x },_) -> is_prefix x here) q_includes
@@ -297,29 +306,27 @@ let ensure_root_dir
+ let source x = {thing=x; source=CmdLine} in
let here_path = { path = "."; canonical_path = here } in
{ project with
- ml_includes = here_path :: ml_includes;
- r_includes = (here_path, "Top") :: r_includes }
+ ml_includes = source here_path :: ml_includes;
+ r_includes = source (here_path, "Top") :: r_includes }
let warn_install_at_root_directory
- { q_includes; r_includes;
- v_files; ml_files; mli_files; ml4_files;
- mllib_files; mlpack_files }
+ ({ q_includes; r_includes; } as project)
let open CList in
let inc_top_p =
- (fun ({ path } ,ldir) -> if ldir = "" then Some path else None)
+ (fun {thing=({ path } ,ldir)} -> if ldir = "" then Some path else None)
(r_includes @ q_includes) in
- let files =
- v_files @ mli_files @ ml4_files @ ml_files @ mllib_files @ mlpack_files in
- let bad = filter (fun f -> mem (Filename.dirname f) inc_top_p) files in
+ let files = all_files project in
+ let bad = filter (fun f -> mem (Filename.dirname f.thing) inc_top_p) files in
if bad <> [] then begin
eprintf "Warning: No file should be installed at the root of Coq's library.\n";
eprintf "Warning: No logical path (-R, -Q) applies to these files:\n";
- List.iter (fun x -> eprintf "Warning: %s\n" x) bad;
+ List.iter (fun x -> eprintf "Warning: %s\n" x.thing) bad;
eprintf "\n";
@@ -328,10 +335,10 @@ let check_overlapping_include { q_includes; r_includes } =
let pwd = Sys.getcwd () in
let aux = function
| [] -> ()
- | ({ path; canonical_path }, _) :: l ->
+ | {thing = { path; canonical_path }, _} :: l ->
if not (is_prefix pwd canonical_path) then
eprintf "Warning: %s (used in -R or -Q) is not a subdirectory of the current directory\n\n" path;
- List.iter (fun ({ path = p; canonical_path = cp }, _) ->
+ List.iter (fun {thing={ path = p; canonical_path = cp }, _} ->
if is_prefix canonical_path cp || is_prefix cp canonical_path then
eprintf "Warning: %s and %s overlap (used in -R or -Q)\n\n"
path p) l
@@ -354,7 +361,7 @@ let destination_of { ml_includes; q_includes; r_includes; } file =
clean_path (physical_dir_of_logical_dir logic ^ "/" ^
chop_prefix canonical_path file_dir ^ "/") in
let candidates =
- CList.map_filter (fun ({ canonical_path }, logic) ->
+ CList.map_filter (fun {thing={ canonical_path }, logic} ->
if is_prefix canonical_path file_dir then
Some(mk_destination logic canonical_path)
else None) includes
@@ -364,10 +371,10 @@ let destination_of { ml_includes; q_includes; r_includes; } file =
(* BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY: -I into the only logical root *)
begin match
- List.find (fun { canonical_path = p } -> is_prefix p file_dir)
+ List.find (fun {thing={ canonical_path = p }} -> is_prefix p file_dir)
- | [{ canonical_path }, logic], { canonical_path = p } ->
+ | [{thing={ canonical_path }, logic}], {thing={ canonical_path = p }} ->
let destination =
clean_path (physical_dir_of_logical_dir logic ^ "/" ^
chop_prefix p file_dir ^ "/") in
diff --git a/tools/coqdep.ml b/tools/coqdep.ml
index f4f143b3b..12b5cab0a 100644
--- a/tools/coqdep.ml
+++ b/tools/coqdep.ml
@@ -446,6 +446,7 @@ let usage () =
eprintf " -boot : For coq developers, prints dependencies over coq library files (omitted by default).\n";
eprintf " -sort : output the given file name ordered by dependencies\n";
eprintf " -noglob | -no-glob : \n";
+ eprintf " -f file : read -I, -Q, -R and filenames from _CoqProject-formatted FILE.";
eprintf " -I dir -as logname : add (non recursively) dir to coq load path under logical name logname\n";
eprintf " -I dir : add (non recursively) dir to ocaml path\n";
eprintf " -R dir -as logname : add and import dir recursively to coq load path under logical name logname\n"; (* deprecate? *)
@@ -462,6 +463,19 @@ let usage () =
let split_period = Str.split (Str.regexp (Str.quote "."))
+let add_q_include path l = add_rec_dir_no_import add_known path (split_period l)
+let add_r_include path l = add_rec_dir_import add_known path (split_period l)
+let treat_coqproject f =
+ let open CoqProject_file in
+ let iter_sourced f = List.iter (fun {thing} -> f thing) in
+ let project = read_project_file f in
+ iter_sourced (fun { path } -> add_caml_dir path) project.ml_includes;
+ iter_sourced (fun ({ path }, l) -> add_q_include path l) project.q_includes;
+ iter_sourced (fun ({ path }, l) -> add_r_include path l) project.r_includes;
+ iter_sourced (fun f -> treat_file None f) (all_files project)
let rec parse = function
| "-c" :: ll -> option_c := true; parse ll
| "-D" :: ll -> option_D := true; parse ll
@@ -469,10 +483,11 @@ let rec parse = function
| "-boot" :: ll -> option_boot := true; parse ll
| "-sort" :: ll -> option_sort := true; parse ll
| ("-noglob" | "-no-glob") :: ll -> option_noglob := true; parse ll
+ | "-f" :: f :: ll -> treat_coqproject f; parse ll
| "-I" :: r :: ll -> add_caml_dir r; parse ll
| "-I" :: [] -> usage ()
- | "-R" :: r :: ln :: ll -> add_rec_dir_import add_known r (split_period ln); parse ll
- | "-Q" :: r :: ln :: ll -> add_rec_dir_no_import add_known r (split_period ln); parse ll
+ | "-R" :: r :: ln :: ll -> add_r_include r ln; parse ll
+ | "-Q" :: r :: ln :: ll -> add_q_include r ln; parse ll
| "-R" :: ([] | [_]) -> usage ()
| "-dumpgraph" :: f :: ll -> option_dump := Some (false, f); parse ll
| "-dumpgraphbox" :: f :: ll -> option_dump := Some (true, f); parse ll