path: root/tools
diff options
authorGravatar gareuselesinge <gareuselesinge@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2013-10-07 16:17:51 +0000
committerGravatar gareuselesinge <gareuselesinge@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2013-10-07 16:17:51 +0000
commit3c7971f7587b488ed709443aba8427330ea972b6 (patch)
tree6f033d2373cd843201256e7909b0f9c3437c6f74 /tools
parentb9c20bd3e59ae11d4994cb3ec9d908ca18677807 (diff)
fake_ide: speak the new protocol
A new syntax for .fake files, allowing multi line phrases and labeled script points (to go back to them). Test 7 fails because of a bug in STM (in a very spaghetti-like script). git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@16860 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/tools/fake_ide.ml b/tools/fake_ide.ml
index f75e6fe9f..165b4130d 100644
--- a/tools/fake_ide.ml
+++ b/tools/fake_ide.ml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ type coqtop = {
xml_parser : Xml_parser.t;
-let logger level content = ()
+let logger level content = prerr_endline content
let base_eval_call ?(print=true) call coqtop =
if print then prerr_endline (Serialize.pr_call call);
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ let base_eval_call ?(print=true) call coqtop =
let message = Serialize.to_message xml in
let level = message.Interface.message_level in
let content = message.Interface.message_content in
- let () = logger level content in
+ logger level content;
loop ()
else if Serialize.is_feedback xml then
loop ()
@@ -39,63 +39,176 @@ let base_eval_call ?(print=true) call coqtop =
let eval_call c q = ignore(base_eval_call c q)
+module Parser = struct
+ exception Err of string
+ exception More
+ type token =
+ | Tok of string * string
+ | Top of token list
+ type grammar =
+ | Alt of grammar list
+ | Seq of grammar list
+ | Opt of grammar
+ | Item of (string * (string -> token * int))
+ let eat_rex x = x, fun s ->
+ if Str.string_match (Str.regexp x) s 0 then begin
+ let m = Str.match_end () in
+ let w = String.sub s 0 m in
+ Tok(x,w), m
+ end else raise (Err ("Regexp "^x^" not found in: "^s))
+ let eat_balanced c =
+ let c' = match c with
+ | '{' -> '}' | '(' -> ')' | '[' -> ']' | _ -> assert false in
+ let sc, sc' = String.make 1 c, String.make 1 c' in
+ let name = sc ^ "..." ^ sc' in
+ let unescape s =
+ Str.global_replace (Str.regexp ("\\\\"^sc)) sc
+ (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp ("\\\\"^sc')) sc' s) in
+ name, fun s ->
+ if s.[0] = c then
+ let rec find n m =
+ if String.length s <= m then raise More;
+ if s.[m] = c' then
+ if n = 0 then Tok (name, unescape (String.sub s 1 (m-1))), m+1
+ else find (n-1) (m+1)
+ else if s.[m] = c then find (n+1) (m+1)
+ else if s.[m] = '\\' && String.length s > m+1 && s.[m+1] = c then
+ find n (m+2)
+ else if s.[m] = '\\' && String.length s > m+1 && s.[m+1] = c' then
+ find n (m+2)
+ else find n (m+1)
+ in find ~-1 0
+ else raise (Err ("Balanced "^String.make 1 c^" not found in: "^s))
+ let eat_blanks s = snd (eat_rex "[ \n\t]*") s
+ let s = ref ""
+ let parse g =
+ let read_more () = s := !s ^ read_line () ^ "\n" in
+ let ensure_non_empty n = if n = String.length !s then read_more () in
+ let cut_after s n = String.sub s n (String.length s - n) in
+ let rec wrap f n =
+ try
+ ensure_non_empty n;
+ let _, n' = eat_blanks (cut_after !s n) in
+ ensure_non_empty n';
+ let t, m = f (cut_after !s (n+n')) in
+ let _, m' = eat_blanks (cut_after !s (n+n'+m)) in
+ t, n+n'+m+m'
+ with More -> read_more (); wrap f n in
+ let rec aux n g res : token list * int =
+ match g with
+ | Item (_,f) ->
+ let t, n = wrap f n in
+ t :: res, n
+ | Opt g ->
+ (try let res', n = aux n g [] in Top (List.rev res') :: res, n
+ with Err _ -> Top [] :: res, n)
+ | Alt gl ->
+ let rec fst = function
+ | [] -> raise (Err ("No more alternatives for: "^cut_after !s n))
+ | g :: gl ->
+ try aux n g res
+ with Err s -> fst gl in
+ fst gl
+ | Seq gl ->
+ let rec all (res,n) = function
+ | [] -> res, n
+ | g :: gl -> all (aux n g res) gl in
+ all (res,n) gl in
+ let res, n = aux 0 g [] in
+ s := cut_after !s n;
+ List.rev res
+ let clean s = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\\n" s
+ let rec print g =
+ match g with
+ | Item (s,_) -> Printf.sprintf " %s " (clean s)
+ | Opt g -> Printf.sprintf "[%s]" (print g)
+ | Alt gs -> Printf.sprintf "(%s)" (String.concat "\n|" (List.map print gs))
+ | Seq gs -> String.concat " " (List.map print gs)
+ let rec print_toklist = function
+ | [] -> ""
+ | Tok(k,v) :: rest when k = v -> clean k ^ " " ^ print_toklist rest
+ | Tok(k,v) :: rest -> clean k ^ " = \"" ^ clean v ^ "\" " ^ print_toklist rest
+ | Top l :: rest -> print_toklist l ^ " " ^ print_toklist rest
let ids = ref []
-let store_id = function
- | Interface.Fail _ -> ()
- | Interface.Good (id, _) -> ids := id :: !ids
-let rec erase_ids n =
- if n = 0 then
- match !ids with
- | [] -> Stateid.initial
- | x :: _ -> x
- else match !ids with
- | id :: rest -> ids := rest; erase_ids (n-1)
- | [] -> exit 1
+let store_id s = function
+ | Interface.Fail (_,_,s) -> prerr_endline s; exit 1
+ | Interface.Good (id, _) -> ids := (s,id) :: !ids
+let rec erase_ids id = function
+ | Interface.Fail (_,_,s) -> prerr_endline s; exit 1
+ | Interface.Good (Util.Inl ()) ->
+ let rec aux () =
+ match !ids with
+ | [] -> ids := []
+ | (_, x) :: rest when Stateid.equal x id -> ()
+ | _ :: rest -> ids := rest; aux () in
+ aux ()
+ | Interface.Good (Util.Inr _) ->
+ prerr_endline "focusing not supported by fake ide";
+ exit 1
+let curid () = match !ids with (_,x) :: _ -> x | _ -> Stateid.initial
+let get_id id =
+ try List.assoc id !ids
+ with Not_found -> prerr_endline ("No state is named " ^ id); exit 1
let eid = ref 0
let edit () = incr eid; !eid
-let curid () = match !ids with x :: _ -> x | _ -> Stateid.initial
-let commands =
- [ "INTERPRAWSILENT", (fun s -> eval_call (Serialize.query (s,Stateid.dummy)));
- "INTERPRAW", (fun s -> eval_call (Serialize.query (s,Stateid.dummy)));
- "INTERPSILENT", (fun s c ->
- store_id (base_eval_call (Serialize.add ((s,edit()),(curid(),false))) c));
- "INTERP", (fun s c ->
- store_id (base_eval_call (Serialize.add ((s,edit()),(curid(),true))) c));
- "REWIND", (fun s ->
- let i = int_of_string s in
- let id = erase_ids i in
- eval_call (Serialize.edit_at id));
- "GOALS", (fun _ -> eval_call (Serialize.goals ()));
- "HINTS", (fun _ -> eval_call (Serialize.hints ()));
- "GETOPTIONS", (fun _ -> eval_call (Serialize.get_options ()));
- "STATUS", (fun _ -> eval_call (Serialize.status false));
- "INLOADPATH", (fun s -> eval_call (Serialize.inloadpath s));
- "MKCASES", (fun s -> eval_call (Serialize.mkcases s));
- "#", (fun _ -> raise Comment);
- ]
-let read_eval_print line =
- let lline = String.length line in
- let rec find_cmd = function
- | [] -> prerr_endline ("Error: Unknown API Command :"^line); exit 1
- | (cmd,fn) :: cmds ->
- let lcmd = String.length cmd in
- if lline >= lcmd && String.sub line 0 lcmd = cmd then
- let arg = try String.sub line (lcmd+1) (lline-lcmd-1) with _ -> ""
- in fn arg
- else find_cmd cmds
- in
- find_cmd commands
+let eval_print l coq =
+ let open Parser in
+(* prerr_endline ("Interpreting: " ^ print_toklist l); *)
+ match l with
+ | [ Tok(_,"ADD"); Top []; Tok(_,phrase) ] ->
+ store_id ""
+ (base_eval_call (Serialize.add ((phrase,edit()),(curid(),true))) coq)
+ | [ Tok(_,"ADD"); Top [Tok(_,id)]; Tok(_,phrase) ] ->
+ store_id id
+ (base_eval_call (Serialize.add ((phrase,edit()),(curid(),true))) coq)
+ | [ Tok(_,"EDIT_AT"); Tok(_,id) ] ->
+ erase_ids (get_id id)
+ (base_eval_call (Serialize.edit_at (get_id id)) coq)
+ | [ Tok(_,"QUERY"); Top []; Tok(_,phrase) ] ->
+ eval_call (Serialize.query (phrase,curid())) coq
+ | [ Tok(_,"QUERY"); Top [Tok(_,id)]; Tok(_,phrase) ] ->
+ eval_call (Serialize.query (phrase,get_id id)) coq
+ | Tok("#[^\n]*",_) :: _ -> ()
+ | _ ->
+ prerr_endline "syntax error";
+ exit 1
+let grammar =
+ let open Parser in
+ let id = "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" in
+ let eat_phrase = eat_balanced '{' in
+ Alt
+ [ Seq [Item (eat_rex "ADD"); Opt (Item (eat_rex id)); Item eat_phrase]
+ ; Seq [Item (eat_rex "EDIT_AT"); Item (eat_rex id)]
+ ; Seq [Item (eat_rex "QUERY"); Opt (Item (eat_rex id)); Item eat_phrase]
+ ; Seq [Item (eat_rex "#[^\n]*")]
+ ]
+let read_command () = Parser.parse grammar
let usage () =
"A fake coqide process talking to a coqtop -ideslave.\n\
Usage: %s [<coqtop>]\n\
- Input syntax is one API call per line, the keyword coming first,\n\
- with the rest of the line as string argument (e.g. INTERP Check plus.)\n\
- Supported API keywords are:\n" (Filename.basename Sys.argv.(0));
- List.iter (fun (s,_) -> Printf.printf "\t%s\n" s) commands;
+ Input syntax is the following:\n%s\n"
+ (Filename.basename Sys.argv.(0))
+ (Parser.print grammar);
exit 1
let main =
@@ -118,17 +231,17 @@ let main =
(match base_eval_call ~print:false (Serialize.init ()) coqtop with
- | Interface.Good id -> ids := [id]
+ | Interface.Good id -> ids := ["initial",id]
| Interface.Fail _ -> assert false);
while true do
- let l = try read_line () with End_of_file ->
+ let l = try read_command () with End_of_file ->
match base_eval_call ~print:false (Serialize.status true) coqtop with
| Interface.Good _ -> exit 0
| Interface.Fail _ -> exit 1
- try read_eval_print l coqtop
+ try eval_print l coqtop
| Comment -> ()
| e ->
- prerr_endline ("Uncaught exception" ^ Printexc.to_string e); exit 1
+ prerr_endline ("Uncaught exception " ^ Printexc.to_string e); exit 1