path: root/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract
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authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2010-11-10 12:58:38 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2010-11-10 12:58:38 +0000
commitf1da4e3df5abd1daa5bfee184512f1e363bc9688 (patch)
tree4dc54964cdf6cf05b9d060fb6ed0f5898a2bad41 /theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract
parent51f5f4d37fdc3db1e7da951db11119bdb5a7554b (diff)
Integer division: quot and rem (trunc convention) in addition to div and mod
(floor convention). We follow Haskell naming convention: quot and rem are for Round-Toward-Zero (a.k.a Trunc, what Ocaml, C, Asm do by default, cf. the ex-ZOdiv file), while div and mod are for Round-Toward-Bottom (a.k.a Floor, what Coq does historically in Zdiv). We use unicode รท for quot, and infix rem for rem (which is actually remainder in full). This way, both conventions can be used at the same time. Definitions (and proofs of specifications) for div mod quot rem are migrated in a new file Zdiv_def. Ex-ZOdiv file is now Zquot. With this new organisation, no need for functor application in Zdiv and Zquot. On the abstract side, ZAxiomsSig now provides div mod quot rem. Zproperties now contains properties of them. In NZDiv, we stop splitting specifications in Common vs. Specific parts. Instead, the NZ specification is be extended later, even if this leads to a useless mod_bound_pos, subsumed by more precise axioms. A few results in ZDivTrunc and ZDivFloor are improved (sgn stuff). A few proofs in Nnat, Znat, Zabs are reworked (no more dependency to Zmin, Zmax). A lcm (least common multiple) is derived abstractly from gcd and division (and hence available for nat N BigN Z BigZ :-). In these new files NLcm and ZLcm, we also provide some combined properties of div mod quot rem gcd. We also provide a new file Zeuclid implementing a third division convention, where the remainder is always positive. This file instanciate the abstract one ZDivEucl. Operation names are ZEuclid.div and ZEuclid.modulo. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@13633 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract')
5 files changed, 316 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NAxioms.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NAxioms.v
index ee2a92e84..82f072746 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NAxioms.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NAxioms.v
@@ -39,17 +39,17 @@ Module Type NDivSpecific (Import N : NAxiomsMiniSig')(Import DM : DivMod' N).
Axiom mod_upper_bound : forall a b, b ~= 0 -> a mod b < b.
End NDivSpecific.
-(** For gcd pow sqrt log2, the NZ axiomatizations are enough. *)
+(** For div mod gcd pow sqrt log2, the NZ axiomatizations are enough. *)
(** We now group everything together. *)
Module Type NAxiomsSig := NAxiomsMiniSig <+ HasCompare <+ Parity
<+ NZPow.NZPow <+ NZSqrt.NZSqrt <+ NZLog.NZLog2 <+ NZGcd.NZGcd
- <+ DivMod <+ NZDivCommon <+ NDivSpecific.
+ <+ NZDiv.NZDiv.
Module Type NAxiomsSig' := NAxiomsMiniSig' <+ HasCompare <+ Parity
<+ NZPow.NZPow' <+ NZSqrt.NZSqrt' <+ NZLog.NZLog2 <+ NZGcd.NZGcd'
- <+ DivMod' <+ NZDivCommon <+ NDivSpecific.
+ <+ NZDiv.NZDiv'.
(** It could also be interesting to have a constructive recursor function. *)
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NDiv.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NDiv.v
index 0bb66ab2f..9110ec036 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NDiv.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NDiv.v
@@ -6,29 +6,32 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(** Properties of Euclidean Division *)
Require Import NAxioms NSub NZDiv.
-Module NDivProp (Import N : NAxiomsSig')(Import NP : NSubProp N).
+(** Properties of Euclidean Division *)
-(** We benefit from what already exists for NZ *)
+Module Type NDivProp (Import N : NAxiomsSig')(Import NP : NSubProp N).
- Module ND <: NZDiv N.
- Definition div := div.
- Definition modulo := modulo.
- Definition div_wd := div_wd.
- Definition mod_wd := mod_wd.
- Definition div_mod := div_mod.
- Lemma mod_bound : forall a b, 0<=a -> 0<b -> 0 <= a mod b < b.
- Proof. split. apply le_0_l. apply mod_upper_bound. order. Qed.
- End ND.
- Module Import NZDivP := Nop <+ NZDivProp N ND NP.
+(** We benefit from what already exists for NZ *)
+Module Import NZDivP := Nop <+ NZDivProp N N NP.
- Ltac auto' := try rewrite <- neq_0_lt_0; auto using le_0_l.
+Ltac auto' := try rewrite <- neq_0_lt_0; auto using le_0_l.
(** Let's now state again theorems, but without useless hypothesis. *)
+Lemma mod_upper_bound : forall a b, b ~= 0 -> a mod b < b.
+Proof. intros. apply mod_bound_pos; auto'. Qed.
+(** Another formulation of the main equation *)
+Lemma mod_eq :
+ forall a b, b~=0 -> a mod b == a - b*(a/b).
+symmetry. apply add_sub_eq_l. symmetry.
+now apply div_mod.
(** Uniqueness theorems *)
Theorem div_mod_unique :
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NGcd.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NGcd.v
index 5bf33d4d2..77f23a02b 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NGcd.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NGcd.v
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
Require Import NAxioms NSub NZGcd.
-Module NGcdProp
+Module Type NGcdProp
(Import A : NAxiomsSig')
(Import B : NSubProp A).
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NLcm.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NLcm.v
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NLcm.v
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+Require Import NAxioms NSub NDiv NGcd.
+(** * Least Common Multiple *)
+(** Unlike other functions around, we will define lcm below instead of
+ axiomatizing it. Indeed, there is no "prior art" about lcm in the
+ standard library to be compliant with, and the generic definition
+ of lcm via gcd is quite reasonable.
+ By the way, we also state here some combined properties of div/mod
+ and gcd.
+Module Type NLcmProp
+ (Import A : NAxiomsSig')
+ (Import B : NSubProp A)
+ (Import C : NDivProp A B)
+ (Import D : NGcdProp A B).
+(** Divibility and modulo *)
+Lemma mod_divide : forall a b, b~=0 -> (a mod b == 0 <-> (b|a)).
+ intros a b Hb. split.
+ intros Hab. exists (a/b). rewrite (div_mod a b Hb) at 2.
+ rewrite Hab; now nzsimpl.
+ intros (c,Hc). rewrite <- Hc, mul_comm. now apply mod_mul.
+Lemma divide_div_mul_exact : forall a b c, b~=0 -> (b|a) ->
+ (c*a)/b == c*(a/b).
+ intros a b c Hb H.
+ apply mul_cancel_l with b; trivial.
+ rewrite mul_assoc, mul_shuffle0.
+ assert (H':=H). apply mod_divide, div_exact in H'; trivial.
+ rewrite <- H', (mul_comm a c).
+ symmetry. apply div_exact; trivial.
+ apply mod_divide; trivial.
+ now apply divide_mul_r.
+(** Gcd of divided elements, for exact divisions *)
+Lemma gcd_div_factor : forall a b c, c~=0 -> (c|a) -> (c|b) ->
+ gcd (a/c) (b/c) == (gcd a b)/c.
+ intros a b c Hc Ha Hb.
+ apply mul_cancel_l with c; try order.
+ assert (H:=gcd_greatest _ _ _ Ha Hb).
+ apply mod_divide, div_exact in H; try order.
+ rewrite <- H.
+ rewrite <- gcd_mul_mono_l; try order.
+ apply gcd_wd; symmetry; apply div_exact; try order;
+ apply mod_divide; trivial; try order.
+Lemma gcd_div_gcd : forall a b g, g~=0 -> g == gcd a b ->
+ gcd (a/g) (b/g) == 1.
+ intros a b g NZ EQ. rewrite gcd_div_factor.
+ now rewrite <- EQ, div_same.
+ generalize (gcd_nonneg a b); order.
+ rewrite EQ; apply gcd_divide_l.
+ rewrite EQ; apply gcd_divide_r.
+(** The following equality is crucial for Euclid algorithm *)
+Lemma gcd_mod : forall a b, b~=0 -> gcd (a mod b) b == gcd b a.
+ intros a b Hb. rewrite (gcd_comm _ b).
+ rewrite <- (gcd_add_mult_diag_r b (a mod b) (a/b)).
+ now rewrite add_comm, mul_comm, <- div_mod.
+(** We now define lcm thanks to gcd:
+ lcm a b = a * (b / gcd a b)
+ = (a / gcd a b) * b
+ = (a*b) / gcd a b
+ Nota: [lcm 0 0] should be 0, which isn't garantee with the third
+ equation above.
+Definition lcm a b := a*(b/gcd a b).
+Instance lcm_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>eq) lcm.
+ unfold lcm. intros x x' Hx y y' Hy. now rewrite Hx, Hy.
+Lemma lcm_equiv1 : forall a b, gcd a b ~= 0 ->
+ a * (b / gcd a b) == (a*b)/gcd a b.
+ intros a b H. rewrite divide_div_mul_exact; try easy. apply gcd_divide_r.
+Lemma lcm_equiv2 : forall a b, gcd a b ~= 0 ->
+ (a / gcd a b) * b == (a*b)/gcd a b.
+ intros a b H. rewrite 2 (mul_comm _ b).
+ rewrite divide_div_mul_exact; try easy. apply gcd_divide_l.
+Lemma gcd_div_swap : forall a b,
+ (a / gcd a b) * b == a * (b / gcd a b).
+ intros a b. destruct (eq_decidable (gcd a b) 0) as [EQ|NEQ].
+ apply gcd_eq_0 in EQ. destruct EQ as (EQ,EQ'). rewrite EQ, EQ'. now nzsimpl.
+ now rewrite lcm_equiv1, <-lcm_equiv2.
+Lemma divide_lcm_l : forall a b, (a | lcm a b).
+ unfold lcm. intros a b. apply divide_factor_l.
+Lemma divide_lcm_r : forall a b, (b | lcm a b).
+ unfold lcm. intros a b. rewrite <- gcd_div_swap.
+ apply divide_factor_r.
+Lemma divide_div : forall a b c, a~=0 -> (a|b) -> (b|c) -> (b/a|c/a).
+ intros a b c Ha Hb (c',Hc). exists c'.
+ now rewrite mul_comm, <- divide_div_mul_exact, mul_comm, Hc.
+Lemma lcm_least : forall a b c,
+ (a | c) -> (b | c) -> (lcm a b | c).
+ intros a b c Ha Hb. unfold lcm.
+ destruct (eq_decidable (gcd a b) 0) as [EQ|NEQ].
+ apply gcd_eq_0 in EQ. destruct EQ as (EQ,EQ'). rewrite EQ in *. now nzsimpl.
+ assert (Ga := gcd_divide_l a b).
+ assert (Gb := gcd_divide_r a b).
+ set (g:=gcd a b) in *.
+ assert (Ha' := divide_div g a c NEQ Ga Ha).
+ assert (Hb' := divide_div g b c NEQ Gb Hb).
+ destruct Ha' as (a',Ha'). rewrite <- Ha' in Hb'.
+ apply gauss in Hb'; [|apply gcd_div_gcd; unfold g; trivial using gcd_comm].
+ destruct Hb' as (b',Hb').
+ exists b'.
+ rewrite <- mul_assoc, Hb'.
+ rewrite (proj2 (div_exact c g NEQ)).
+ rewrite <- Ha', mul_assoc. apply mul_wd; try easy.
+ apply div_exact; trivial.
+ apply mod_divide; trivial.
+ apply mod_divide; trivial. transitivity a; trivial.
+Lemma lcm_comm : forall a b, lcm a b == lcm b a.
+ intros a b. unfold lcm. rewrite (gcd_comm b), (mul_comm b).
+ now rewrite <- gcd_div_swap.
+Lemma lcm_divide_iff : forall n m p,
+ (lcm n m | p) <-> (n | p) /\ (m | p).
+ intros. split. split.
+ transitivity (lcm n m); trivial using divide_lcm_l.
+ transitivity (lcm n m); trivial using divide_lcm_r.
+ intros (H,H'). now apply lcm_least.
+Lemma lcm_unique : forall n m p,
+ 0<=p -> (n|p) -> (m|p) ->
+ (forall q, (n|q) -> (m|q) -> (p|q)) ->
+ lcm n m == p.
+ intros n m p Hp Hn Hm H.
+ apply divide_antisym; trivial.
+ now apply lcm_least.
+ apply H. apply divide_lcm_l. apply divide_lcm_r.
+Lemma lcm_unique_alt : forall n m p, 0<=p ->
+ (forall q, (p|q) <-> (n|q) /\ (m|q)) ->
+ lcm n m == p.
+ intros n m p Hp H.
+ apply lcm_unique; trivial.
+ apply -> H. apply divide_refl.
+ apply -> H. apply divide_refl.
+ intros. apply H. now split.
+Lemma lcm_assoc : forall n m p, lcm n (lcm m p) == lcm (lcm n m) p.
+ intros. apply lcm_unique_alt. apply le_0_l.
+ intros. now rewrite !lcm_divide_iff, and_assoc.
+Lemma lcm_0_l : forall n, lcm 0 n == 0.
+ intros. apply lcm_unique; trivial. order.
+ apply divide_refl.
+ apply divide_0_r.
+Lemma lcm_0_r : forall n, lcm n 0 == 0.
+ intros. now rewrite lcm_comm, lcm_0_l.
+Lemma lcm_1_l : forall n, lcm 1 n == n.
+ intros. apply lcm_unique; trivial using divide_1_l, le_0_l, divide_refl.
+Lemma lcm_1_r : forall n, lcm n 1 == n.
+ intros. now rewrite lcm_comm, lcm_1_l.
+Lemma lcm_diag : forall n, lcm n n == n.
+ intros. apply lcm_unique; trivial using divide_refl, le_0_l.
+Lemma lcm_eq_0 : forall n m, lcm n m == 0 <-> n == 0 \/ m == 0.
+ intros. split.
+ intros EQ.
+ apply eq_mul_0.
+ apply divide_0_l. rewrite <- EQ. apply lcm_least.
+ apply divide_factor_l. apply divide_factor_r.
+ destruct 1 as [EQ|EQ]; rewrite EQ. apply lcm_0_l. apply lcm_0_r.
+Lemma divide_lcm_eq_r : forall n m, (n|m) -> lcm n m == m.
+ intros n m H. apply lcm_unique_alt; trivial using le_0_l.
+ intros q. split. split; trivial. now transitivity m.
+ now destruct 1.
+Lemma divide_lcm_iff : forall n m, (n|m) <-> lcm n m == m.
+ intros n m. split. now apply divide_lcm_eq_r.
+ intros EQ. rewrite <- EQ. apply divide_lcm_l.
+Lemma lcm_mul_mono_l :
+ forall n m p, lcm (p * n) (p * m) == p * lcm n m.
+ intros n m p.
+ destruct (eq_decidable p 0) as [Hp|Hp].
+ rewrite Hp. nzsimpl. rewrite lcm_0_l. now nzsimpl.
+ destruct (eq_decidable (gcd n m) 0) as [Hg|Hg].
+ apply gcd_eq_0 in Hg. destruct Hg as (Hn,Hm); rewrite Hn, Hm.
+ nzsimpl. rewrite lcm_0_l. now nzsimpl.
+ unfold lcm.
+ rewrite gcd_mul_mono_l.
+ rewrite mul_assoc. apply mul_wd; try easy.
+ now rewrite div_mul_cancel_l.
+Lemma lcm_mul_mono_r :
+ forall n m p, lcm (n * p) (m * p) == lcm n m * p.
+ intros n m p. now rewrite !(mul_comm _ p), lcm_mul_mono_l, mul_comm.
+Lemma gcd_1_lcm_mul : forall n m, n~=0 -> m~=0 ->
+ (gcd n m == 1 <-> lcm n m == n*m).
+ intros n m Hn Hm. split; intros H.
+ unfold lcm. rewrite H. now rewrite div_1_r.
+ unfold lcm in *.
+ apply mul_cancel_l in H; trivial.
+ assert (Hg : gcd n m ~= 0) by (red; rewrite gcd_eq_0; destruct 1; order).
+ assert (H' := gcd_divide_r n m).
+ apply mod_divide in H'; trivial. apply div_exact in H'; trivial.
+ rewrite H in H'.
+ rewrite <- (mul_1_l m) in H' at 1.
+ now apply mul_cancel_r in H'.
+End NLcmProp.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NProperties.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NProperties.v
index 3fc44124f..58e3afe78 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NProperties.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NProperties.v
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
Require Export NAxioms.
-Require Import NMaxMin NParity NPow NSqrt NLog NDiv NGcd.
+Require Import NMaxMin NParity NPow NSqrt NLog NDiv NGcd NLcm.
(** This functor summarizes all known facts about N. *)
Module Type NProp (N:NAxiomsSig) :=
NMaxMinProp N <+ NParityProp N <+ NPowProp N <+ NSqrtProp N
- <+ NLog2Prop N <+ NDivProp N <+ NGcdProp N.
+ <+ NLog2Prop N <+ NDivProp N <+ NGcdProp N <+ NLcmProp N.