path: root/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NBits.v
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authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2011-01-04 16:53:58 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2011-01-04 16:53:58 +0000
commitfdda04b92b7347f252d41aa76693ec221a07fe47 (patch)
tree73a4c02ac7dee04734d6ef72b322c33427e09293 /theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NBits.v
parent8e2d90a6a9f4480026afd433fc997d9958f76a38 (diff)
f_equiv : a clone of f_equal that handles setoid equivalences
For example, if we know that [f] is a morphism for [E1==>E2==>E], then the goal [E (f x y) (f x' y')] will be transformed by [f_equiv] into the subgoals [E1 x x'] and [E2 y y']. This way, we can remove most of the explicit use of the morphism instances in Numbers (lemmas foo_wd for each operator foo). git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@13763 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NBits.v')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NBits.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NBits.v
index 70f6f7945..f5b900532 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NBits.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Abstract/NBits.v
@@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ Proof.
intros a b c Hb H.
apply div_unique with 0.
generalize (pow_nonzero b c Hb) (le_0_l (b^c)); order'.
- nzsimpl. rewrite <- pow_mul_l. apply pow_wd. now apply div_exact.
- reflexivity.
+ nzsimpl. rewrite <- pow_mul_l. f_equiv. now apply div_exact.
(** An injection from bits [true] and [false] to numbers 1 and 0.
@@ -309,8 +308,8 @@ Proof.
rewrite EQ in H |- *. symmetry. apply bits_inj_0.
intros n. now rewrite <- H, bits_0.
rewrite (div_mod a 2), (div_mod b 2) by order'.
- apply add_wd; [ | now rewrite <- 2 bit0_mod, H].
- apply mul_wd. reflexivity.
+ f_equiv; [ | now rewrite <- 2 bit0_mod, H].
+ f_equiv.
apply IH; trivial using le_0_l.
apply div_lt; order'.
intro n. rewrite 2 div2_bits. apply H.
@@ -697,14 +696,10 @@ Proof.
Instance setbit_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>eq) setbit.
- intros a a' Ha n n' Hn. unfold setbit. now rewrite Ha, Hn.
+Proof. unfold setbit. solve_proper. Qed.
Instance clearbit_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>eq) clearbit.
- intros a a' Ha n n' Hn. unfold clearbit. now rewrite Ha, Hn.
+Proof. unfold clearbit. solve_proper. Qed.
Lemma pow2_bits_true : forall n, (2^n).[n] = true.
@@ -853,10 +848,10 @@ Definition ones n := P (1 << n).
Definition lnot a n := lxor a (ones n).
Instance ones_wd : Proper (eq==>eq) ones.
-Proof. intros a a' Ha; unfold ones; now rewrite Ha. Qed.
+Proof. unfold ones. solve_proper. Qed.
Instance lnot_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>eq) lnot.
-Proof. intros a a' Ha n n' Hn; unfold lnot; now rewrite Ha, Hn. Qed.
+Proof. unfold lnot. solve_proper. Qed.
Lemma ones_equiv : forall n, ones n == P (2^n).
@@ -1225,7 +1220,7 @@ Proof.
rewrite <- add3_bits_div2.
rewrite (add_comm ((a/2)+_)).
rewrite <- div_add by order'.
- apply div_wd; try easy.
+ f_equiv.
rewrite <- !div2_div, mul_comm, mul_add_distr_l.
rewrite (div2_odd a), <- bit0_odd at 1. fold (b2n a.[0]).
rewrite (div2_odd b), <- bit0_odd at 1. fold (b2n b.[0]).
@@ -1273,7 +1268,7 @@ Proof.
destruct (zero_or_succ m) as [EQ|[m' EQ]]; rewrite EQ; clear EQ.
now rewrite add_b2n_double_bit0, add3_bit0, b2n_bit0.
rewrite <- !div2_bits, <- 2 lxor_spec.
- apply testbit_wd; try easy.
+ f_equiv.
rewrite add_b2n_double_div2, <- IH1. apply add_carry_div2.
(* - carry *)
rewrite add_b2n_double_div2.