path: root/theories/Numbers/Integer/Binary/ZBinary.v
diff options
authorGravatar emakarov <emakarov@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2007-10-02 19:54:25 +0000
committerGravatar emakarov <emakarov@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2007-10-02 19:54:25 +0000
commit865b038b8552b57686ba01a2630455b53673f084 (patch)
treeaf86e7dc5bcf6eabbb1c067ff9dff1f797a07db3 /theories/Numbers/Integer/Binary/ZBinary.v
parente17dd18ea716f157112fec03ccd03b038464ed06 (diff)
The following now compiles: abstract integers with plus, minus and times, binary implementation and integers as pairs of natural numbers
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@10167 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'theories/Numbers/Integer/Binary/ZBinary.v')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Binary/ZBinary.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Binary/ZBinary.v
index 0fd1be7a9..cb8ac3b5b 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Binary/ZBinary.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Binary/ZBinary.v
@@ -2,198 +2,174 @@ Require Import ZTimesOrder.
Require Import ZArith.
Open Local Scope Z_scope.
-Module Export ZBinDomain <: ZDomainSignature.
-Delimit Scope IntScope with Int.
-(* Is this really necessary? Without it, applying ZDomainProperties
-functor to this module produces an error since the functor opens the
-scope. *)
-Definition Z := Z.
-Definition E := (@eq Z).
-Definition e := Zeq_bool.
+Module ZBinAxiomsMod <: ZAxiomsSig.
+Module Export NZOrdAxiomsMod <: NZOrdAxiomsSig.
+Module Export NZAxiomsMod <: NZAxiomsSig.
-Theorem E_equiv_e : forall x y : Z, E x y <-> e x y.
-intros x y; unfold E, e, Zeq_bool; split; intro H.
-rewrite H; now rewrite Zcompare_refl.
-rewrite eq_true_unfold_pos in H.
-assert (H1 : (x ?= y) = Eq).
-case_eq (x ?= y); intro H1; rewrite H1 in H; simpl in H;
-[reflexivity | discriminate H | discriminate H].
-now apply Zcompare_Eq_eq.
+Definition NZ := Z.
+Definition NZE := (@eq Z).
+Definition NZ0 := 0.
+Definition NZsucc := Zsucc'.
+Definition NZpred := Zpred'.
+Definition NZplus := Zplus.
+Definition NZminus := Zminus.
+Definition NZtimes := Zmult.
-Theorem E_equiv : equiv Z E.
+Theorem NZE_equiv : equiv Z NZE.
-apply eq_equiv with (A := Z). (* It does not work without "with (A := Z)" though it looks like it should *)
+exact (@eq_equiv Z).
-Add Relation Z E
- reflexivity proved by (proj1 E_equiv)
- symmetry proved by (proj2 (proj2 E_equiv))
- transitivity proved by (proj1 (proj2 E_equiv))
-as E_rel.
-End ZBinDomain.
+Add Relation Z NZE
+ reflexivity proved by (proj1 NZE_equiv)
+ symmetry proved by (proj2 (proj2 NZE_equiv))
+ transitivity proved by (proj1 (proj2 NZE_equiv))
+as NZE_rel.
-Module Export ZBinInt <: IntSignature.
-Module Export ZDomainModule := ZBinDomain.
-Definition O := 0.
-Definition S := Zsucc'.
-Definition P := Zpred'.
-Add Morphism S with signature E ==> E as S_wd.
+Add Morphism NZsucc with signature NZE ==> NZE as NZsucc_wd.
-intros; unfold E; congruence.
-Add Morphism P with signature E ==> E as P_wd.
-intros; unfold E; congruence.
-Theorem S_inj : forall x y : Z, S x = S y -> x = y.
+Add Morphism NZpred with signature NZE ==> NZE as NZpred_wd.
-exact Zsucc'_inj.
-Theorem S_P : forall x : Z, S (P x) = x.
+Add Morphism NZplus with signature NZE ==> NZE ==> NZE as NZplus_wd.
-exact Zsucc'_pred'.
-Theorem induction :
- forall Q : Z -> Prop,
- pred_wd E Q -> Q 0 ->
- (forall x, Q x -> Q (S x)) ->
- (forall x, Q x -> Q (P x)) -> forall x, Q x.
+Add Morphism NZminus with signature NZE ==> NZE ==> NZE as NZminus_wd.
-intros; now apply Zind.
-End ZBinInt.
-Module Export ZBinPlus <: ZPlusSignature.
-Module Export IntModule := ZBinInt.
-Definition plus := Zplus.
-Definition minus := Zminus.
-Definition uminus := Zopp.
-Add Morphism plus with signature E ==> E ==> E as plus_wd.
+Add Morphism NZtimes with signature NZE ==> NZE ==> NZE as NZtimes_wd.
-intros; congruence.
-Add Morphism minus with signature E ==> E ==> E as minus_wd.
+Theorem NZpred_succ : forall n : Z, NZpred (NZsucc n) = n.
-intros; congruence.
+exact Zpred'_succ'.
-Add Morphism uminus with signature E ==> E as uminus_wd.
+Theorem NZinduction :
+ forall A : Z -> Prop, predicate_wd NZE A ->
+ A 0 -> (forall n : Z, A n <-> A (NZsucc n)) -> forall n : Z, A n.
-intros; congruence.
+intros A A_wd A0 AS n; apply Zind; clear n.
+intros; now apply -> AS.
+intros n H. rewrite <- (Zsucc'_pred' n) in H. now apply <- AS.
-Theorem plus_0 : forall n, 0 + n = n.
+Theorem NZplus_0_l : forall n : Z, 0 + n = n.
exact Zplus_0_l.
-Theorem plus_S : forall n m, (S n) + m = S (n + m).
+Theorem NZplus_succ_l : forall n m : Z, (NZsucc n) + m = NZsucc (n + m).
intros; do 2 rewrite <- Zsucc_succ'; apply Zplus_succ_l.
-Theorem minus_0 : forall n, n - 0 = n.
+Theorem NZminus_0_r : forall n : Z, n - 0 = n.
exact Zminus_0_r.
-Theorem minus_S : forall n m, n - (S m) = P (n - m).
+Theorem NZminus_succ_r : forall n m : Z, n - (NZsucc m) = NZpred (n - m).
intros; rewrite <- Zsucc_succ'; rewrite <- Zpred_pred';
apply Zminus_succ_r.
-Theorem uminus_0 : - 0 = 0.
+Theorem NZtimes_0_r : forall n : Z, n * 0 = 0.
+exact Zmult_0_r.
-Theorem uminus_S : forall n, - (S n) = P (- n).
+Theorem NZtimes_succ_r : forall n m : Z, n * (NZsucc m) = n * m + n.
+intros; rewrite <- Zsucc_succ'; apply Zmult_succ_r.
-End ZBinPlus.
+End NZAxiomsMod.
-Module Export ZBinTimes <: ZTimesSignature.
-Module Export ZPlusModule := ZBinPlus.
+Definition NZlt := Zlt.
+Definition NZle := Zle.
-Definition times := Zmult.
+Add Morphism NZlt with signature NZE ==> NZE ==> iff as NZlt_wd.
+unfold NZE. intros n1 n2 H1 m1 m2 H2; rewrite H1; now rewrite H2.
-Add Morphism times with signature E ==> E ==> E as times_wd.
+Add Morphism NZle with signature NZE ==> NZE ==> iff as NZle_wd.
+unfold NZE. intros n1 n2 H1 m1 m2 H2; rewrite H1; now rewrite H2.
-Theorem times_0 : forall n, n * 0 = 0.
+Theorem NZle_lt_or_eq : forall n m : Z, n <= m <-> n < m \/ n = m.
-exact Zmult_0_r.
+intros n m; split. apply Zle_lt_or_eq.
+intro H; destruct H as [H | H]. now apply Zlt_le_weak. rewrite H; apply Zle_refl.
-Theorem times_S : forall n m, n * (S m) = n * m + n.
+Theorem NZlt_irrefl : forall n : Z, ~ n < n.
-intros; rewrite <- Zsucc_succ'; apply Zmult_succ_r.
+exact Zlt_irrefl.
-End ZBinTimes.
+Theorem NZlt_succ_le : forall n m : Z, n < (NZsucc m) <-> n <= m.
+intros; unfold NZsucc; rewrite <- Zsucc_succ'; split;
+[apply Zlt_succ_le | apply Zle_lt_succ].
-Module Export ZBinOrder <: ZOrderSignature.
-Module Export IntModule := ZBinInt.
+End NZOrdAxiomsMod.
-Definition lt := Zlt_bool.
-Definition le := Zle_bool.
+Definition Zopp := Zopp.
-Add Morphism lt with signature E ==> E ==> eq_bool as lt_wd.
+Add Morphism Zopp with signature NZE ==> NZE as Zopp_wd.
-Add Morphism le with signature E ==> E ==> eq_bool as le_wd.
+Theorem Zsucc_pred : forall n : Z, NZsucc (NZpred n) = n.
+exact Zsucc'_pred'.
-Theorem le_lt : forall n m, le n m <-> lt n m \/ n = m.
+Theorem Zopp_0 : - 0 = 0.
-intros; unfold lt, le, Zlt_bool, Zle_bool.
-case_eq (n ?= m); intro H.
-apply Zcompare_Eq_eq in H; rewrite H; now split; intro; [right |].
-now split; intro; [left |].
-split; intro H1. now idtac.
-destruct H1 as [H1 | H1].
-assumption. unfold E in H1; rewrite H1 in H. now rewrite Zcompare_refl in H.
-Theorem lt_irr : forall n, ~ (lt n n).
+Theorem Zopp_succ : forall n : Z, - (NZsucc n) = NZpred (- n).
-intro n; rewrite eq_true_unfold_pos; intro H.
-assert (H1 : (Zlt n n)).
-change (if true then (Zlt n n) else (Zge n n)). rewrite <- H.
-unfold lt. apply Zlt_cases.
-false_hyp H1 Zlt_irrefl.
+intro; rewrite <- Zsucc_succ'; rewrite <- Zpred_pred'. apply Zopp_succ.
-Theorem lt_S : forall n m, lt n (S m) <-> le n m.
-intros; unfold lt, le, S; do 2 rewrite eq_true_unfold_pos.
-rewrite <- Zsucc_succ'; rewrite <- Zlt_is_lt_bool; rewrite <- Zle_is_le_bool.
-split; intro; [now apply Zlt_succ_le | now apply Zle_lt_succ].
+End ZBinAxiomsMod.
+Module Export ZBinTimesOrderPropMod := ZTimesOrderPropFunct ZBinAxiomsMod.
-End ZBinOrder.
-Module Export ZTimesOrderPropertiesModule :=
- ZTimesOrderProperties ZBinTimes ZBinOrder.
+Theorem E_equiv_e : forall x y : Z, E x y <-> e x y.
+intros x y; unfold E, e, Zeq_bool; split; intro H.
+rewrite H; now rewrite Zcompare_refl.
+rewrite eq_true_unfold_pos in H.
+assert (H1 : (x ?= y) = Eq).
+case_eq (x ?= y); intro H1; rewrite H1 in H; simpl in H;
+[reflexivity | discriminate H | discriminate H].
+now apply Zcompare_Eq_eq.
+*) \ No newline at end of file