path: root/theories/FSets
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authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2006-03-16 12:06:24 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2006-03-16 12:06:24 +0000
commitd9cf24f697a6318f5794f6783d814f652738db74 (patch)
treefd469c91fe3d24f39e69690178d8d0b50f84fcc9 /theories/FSets
parent578cbf93d9f998f610d8a3aee4b035ec1588a8e1 (diff)
utilisation de removeA dans FSetProperties
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@8636 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'theories/FSets')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/theories/FSets/FSetProperties.v b/theories/FSets/FSetProperties.v
index 66d019d6f..a0d94f28a 100644
--- a/theories/FSets/FSetProperties.v
+++ b/theories/FSets/FSetProperties.v
@@ -450,138 +450,90 @@ Module Properties (M: S).
Equal_remove : set.
Notation NoDup := (NoDupA E.eq).
+ Notation EqList := (eqlistA E.eq).
Section NoDupA_Remove.
- Definition remove_list x l := MoreList.filter (fun y => negb (eqb x y)) l.
- Lemma remove_list_correct :
- forall s x, NoDup s ->
- NoDup (remove_list x s) /\
- (forall y : elt, ME.In y (remove_list x s) <-> ME.In y s /\ ~ E.eq x y).
- Proof.
- simple induction s; simpl; intros.
- repeat (split; trivial).
- inversion H0.
- destruct 1; inversion H0.
- inversion_clear H0.
- destruct (H x H2) as (H3,H4); clear H.
- unfold eqb; destruct (eq_dec x a); simpl; trivial.
- split; auto; intros.
- rewrite H4; clear H4.
- split; destruct 1; split; auto.
- inversion_clear H; auto; order.
- split; auto; intros.
- constructor; auto.
- rewrite H4; intuition.
- split.
- inversion_clear 1.
- split; auto; order.
- rewrite (H4 y) in H0; destruct H0; auto.
- destruct 1.
- inversion_clear H; auto.
- constructor 2; rewrite H4; auto.
- Qed.
- Let ListEq l l' := forall y : elt, ME.In y l <-> ME.In y l'.
- Lemma remove_list_equal :
- forall s s' x, NoDup (x :: s) -> NoDup s' ->
- ListEq (x :: s) s' -> ListEq s (remove_list x s').
- Proof.
- unfold ListEq; intros.
- inversion_clear H.
- destruct (remove_list_correct x H0).
- destruct (H4 y); clear H4.
- destruct (H1 y); clear H1.
- split; intros.
- apply H6; split; auto.
- swap H2; apply In_eq with y; auto; order.
- destruct (H5 H1); intros.
- generalize (H7 H8); inversion_clear 1; auto.
- destruct H9; auto.
- Qed.
Let ListAdd x l l' := forall y : elt, ME.In y l' <-> E.eq x y \/ ME.In y l.
- Lemma remove_list_add :
+ Lemma removeA_add :
forall s s' x x', NoDup s -> NoDup (x' :: s') ->
~ E.eq x x' -> ~ ME.In x s ->
- ListAdd x s (x' :: s') -> ListAdd x (remove_list x' s) s'.
+ ListAdd x s (x' :: s') -> ListAdd x (removeA eq_dec x' s) s'.
unfold ListAdd; intros.
inversion_clear H0.
- destruct (remove_list_correct x' H).
- destruct (H6 y); clear H6.
- destruct (H3 y); clear H3.
+ rewrite removeA_InA; auto; [apply E.eq_trans|].
split; intros.
- destruct H6; auto.
destruct (eq_dec x y); auto; intros.
- right; apply H8; split; auto.
+ right; split; auto.
+ destruct (H3 y); clear H3.
+ destruct H6; intuition.
swap H4; apply In_eq with y; auto.
- destruct H3.
- assert (ME.In y (x' :: s')). auto.
- inversion_clear H10; auto.
- destruct H1; order.
- destruct (H7 H3).
- assert (ME.In y (x' :: s')). auto.
- inversion_clear H12; auto.
- destruct H11; auto.
+ destruct H0.
+ assert (ME.In y (x' :: s')) by rewrite H3; auto.
+ inversion_clear H6; auto.
+ elim H1; apply E.eq_trans with y; auto.
+ destruct H0.
+ assert (ME.In y (x' :: s')) by rewrite H3; auto.
+ inversion_clear H7; auto.
+ elim H6; auto.
Variables (A:Set)(eqA:A->A->Prop)(st:Setoid_Theory _ eqA).
Variables (f:elt->A->A)(Comp:compat_op E.eq eqA f)(Ass:transpose eqA f).
Variables (i:A).
- Lemma remove_list_fold_right_0 :
+ Lemma removeA_fold_right_0 :
forall s x, NoDup s -> ~ME.In x s ->
- eqA (fold_right f i s) (fold_right f i (remove_list x s)).
+ eqA (fold_right f i s) (fold_right f i (removeA eq_dec x s)).
simple induction s; simpl; intros.
inversion_clear H0.
- unfold eqb; destruct (eq_dec x a); simpl; intros.
+ destruct (eq_dec x a); simpl; intros.
absurd_hyp e; auto.
apply Comp; auto.
- Lemma remove_list_fold_right :
+ Lemma removeA_fold_right :
forall s x, NoDup s -> ME.In x s ->
- eqA (fold_right f i s) (f x (fold_right f i (remove_list x s))).
+ eqA (fold_right f i s) (f x (fold_right f i (removeA eq_dec x s))).
simple induction s; simpl.
inversion_clear 2.
inversion_clear H0.
- unfold eqb; destruct (eq_dec x a); simpl; intros.
+ destruct (eq_dec x a); simpl; intros.
apply Comp; auto.
- apply remove_list_fold_right_0; auto.
+ apply removeA_fold_right_0; auto.
swap H2; apply ME.In_eq with x; auto.
inversion_clear H1.
destruct n; auto.
- trans_st (f a (f x (fold_right f i (remove_list x l)))).
+ trans_st (f a (f x (fold_right f i (removeA eq_dec x l)))).
Lemma fold_right_equal :
forall s s', NoDup s -> NoDup s' ->
- ListEq s s' -> eqA (fold_right f i s) (fold_right f i s').
+ EqList s s' -> eqA (fold_right f i s) (fold_right f i s').
simple induction s.
destruct s'; simpl.
intros; refl_st; auto.
- unfold ListEq; intros.
+ unfold eqlistA; intros.
destruct (H1 t0).
assert (X : ME.In t0 nil); auto; inversion X.
intros x l Hrec s' N N' E; simpl in *.
- trans_st (f x (fold_right f i (remove_list x s'))).
+ trans_st (f x (fold_right f i (removeA eq_dec x s'))).
apply Comp; auto.
apply Hrec; auto.
inversion N; auto.
- destruct (remove_list_correct x N'); auto.
- apply remove_list_equal; auto.
+ apply removeA_NoDupA; auto; apply E.eq_trans.
+ apply removeA_eqlistA; auto; [apply E.eq_trans|].
+ inversion_clear N; auto.
- apply remove_list_fold_right; auto.
- unfold ListEq in E.
+ apply removeA_fold_right; auto.
+ unfold eqlistA in E.
rewrite <- E; auto.
@@ -599,28 +551,26 @@ Module Properties (M: S).
apply Comp; auto.
apply fold_right_equal; auto.
inversion_clear N'; trivial.
- unfold ListEq; unfold ListAdd in EQ; intros.
- destruct (EQ y); clear EQ.
+ unfold eqlistA; unfold ListAdd in EQ; intros.
+ destruct (EQ x0); clear EQ.
split; intros.
destruct H; auto.
inversion_clear N'.
- destruct H2; apply In_eq with y; auto; order.
- assert (X:ME.In y (x' :: l')); auto; inversion_clear X; auto.
- destruct IN; apply In_eq with y; auto; order.
+ destruct H2; apply In_eq with x0; auto; order.
+ assert (X:ME.In x0 (x' :: l')); auto; inversion_clear X; auto.
+ destruct IN; apply In_eq with x0; auto; order.
(* else x<>x' *)
- trans_st (f x' (f x (fold_right f i (remove_list x' s)))).
+ trans_st (f x' (f x (fold_right f i (removeA eq_dec x' s)))).
apply Comp; auto.
apply Hrec; auto.
- destruct (remove_list_correct x' N); auto.
+ apply removeA_NoDupA; auto; apply E.eq_trans.
inversion_clear N'; auto.
- destruct (remove_list_correct x' N).
- rewrite H0; clear H0.
- intuition.
- apply remove_list_add; auto.
- trans_st (f x (f x' (fold_right f i (remove_list x' s)))).
+ rewrite removeA_InA; auto; [apply E.eq_trans|intuition].
+ apply removeA_add; auto.
+ trans_st (f x (f x' (fold_right f i (removeA eq_dec x' s)))).
apply Comp; auto.
- apply remove_list_fold_right; auto.
+ apply removeA_fold_right; auto.
destruct (EQ x').
destruct H; auto; destruct n; auto.