path: root/theories/FSets/FMapAVL.v
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authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2008-04-03 14:53:44 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2008-04-03 14:53:44 +0000
commit920d746dcc8db9980d78f4d8b84a6c676f7d6065 (patch)
tree637a4e4fb3fe963df57a20b02bc61ded49c0115f /theories/FSets/FMapAVL.v
parentff94dcd516111978dfd7b782cbda2d9eae837a60 (diff)
Rework of FMapAVL inspired by recent changes of FSetAVL:
* pure functions comes first, proofs are isolated in a sub-module * lazy (&&&) = if ... then ... else true instead of strict (&&) = andb * equal and compare done via continuations * a more clever map2_opt suggested by B. Gregoire: no more intermediate conversion to lists, some sub-functions can handle trivial situations, etc. * map2 is now done via map2_opt and another new iterator: map_option. By the way, this map_option allows to define easily an efficient filter function. Both map2_opt and map_option are currently not available through FMapInterface.S, but they can be used by direct reference to the underlying Raw module. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@10745 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'theories/FSets/FMapAVL.v')
1 files changed, 1318 insertions, 841 deletions
diff --git a/theories/FSets/FMapAVL.v b/theories/FSets/FMapAVL.v
index 556d6225a..31c3baca4 100644
--- a/theories/FSets/FMapAVL.v
+++ b/theories/FSets/FMapAVL.v
@@ -11,34 +11,34 @@
(* $Id$ *)
-(** This module implements map using AVL trees.
- It follows the implementation from Ocaml's standard library. *)
+(** * FMapAVL *)
-Require Import Recdef FMapInterface FMapList ZArith Int.
+(** This module implements maps using AVL trees.
+ It follows the implementation from Ocaml's standard library.
+ See the comments at the beginning of FSetAVL for more details.
+Require Import FMapInterface FMapList ZArith Int.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
-Module Raw (Import I:Int)(X: OrderedType).
-Module Import II:=MoreInt(I).
-Open Local Scope Int_scope.
-Module MX := OrderedTypeFacts X.
-Module PX := KeyOrderedType X.
-Module L := FMapList.Raw X.
-Definition key := X.t.
(** Notations and helper lemma about pairs *)
-Notation "s #1" := (fst s) (at level 9, format "s '#1'").
-Notation "s #2" := (snd s) (at level 9, format "s '#2'").
+Notation "s #1" := (fst s) (at level 9, format "s '#1'") : pair_scope.
+Notation "s #2" := (snd s) (at level 9, format "s '#2'") : pair_scope.
-Lemma distr_pair : forall (A B:Type)(s:A*B)(a:A)(b:B), s = (a,b) ->
- s#1 = a /\ s#2 = b.
- destruct s; simpl; injection 1; auto.
+(** * The Raw functor
+ Functor of pure functions + separate proofs of invariant
+ preservation *)
+Module Raw (Import I:Int)(X: OrderedType).
+Open Local Scope pair_scope.
+Open Local Scope Int_scope.
+Definition key := X.t.
(** * Trees *)
@@ -58,21 +58,377 @@ Notation t := tree.
(** * Basic functions on trees: height and cardinal *)
-Definition height (s : tree) : int :=
- match s with
+Definition height (m : t) : int :=
+ match m with
| Leaf => 0
| Node _ _ _ _ h => h
-Fixpoint cardinal (s : tree) : nat :=
- match s with
+Fixpoint cardinal (m : t) : nat :=
+ match m with
| Leaf => 0%nat
| Node l _ _ r _ => S (cardinal l + cardinal r)
-(** * Occurrence in a tree *)
+(** * Empty Map *)
+Definition empty := Leaf.
+(** * Emptyness test *)
+Definition is_empty m := match m with Leaf => true | _ => false end.
+(** * Appartness *)
+(** The [mem] function is deciding appartness. It exploits the [bst] property
+ to achieve logarithmic complexity. *)
+Fixpoint mem x m : bool :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => false
+ | Node l y _ r _ => match X.compare x y with
+ | LT _ => mem x l
+ | EQ _ => true
+ | GT _ => mem x r
+ end
+ end.
+Fixpoint find x m : option elt :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => None
+ | Node l y d r _ => match X.compare x y with
+ | LT _ => find x l
+ | EQ _ => Some d
+ | GT _ => find x r
+ end
+ end.
+(** * Helper functions *)
+(** [create l x r] creates a node, assuming [l] and [r]
+ to be balanced and [|height l - height r| <= 2]. *)
+Definition create l x e r :=
+ Node l x e r (max (height l) (height r) + 1).
+(** [bal l x e r] acts as [create], but performs one step of
+ rebalancing if necessary, i.e. assumes [|height l - height r| <= 3]. *)
+Definition assert_false := create.
+Fixpoint bal l x d r :=
+ let hl := height l in
+ let hr := height r in
+ if gt_le_dec hl (hr+2) then
+ match l with
+ | Leaf => assert_false l x d r
+ | Node ll lx ld lr _ =>
+ if ge_lt_dec (height ll) (height lr) then
+ create ll lx ld (create lr x d r)
+ else
+ match lr with
+ | Leaf => assert_false l x d r
+ | Node lrl lrx lrd lrr _ =>
+ create (create ll lx ld lrl) lrx lrd (create lrr x d r)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if gt_le_dec hr (hl+2) then
+ match r with
+ | Leaf => assert_false l x d r
+ | Node rl rx rd rr _ =>
+ if ge_lt_dec (height rr) (height rl) then
+ create (create l x d rl) rx rd rr
+ else
+ match rl with
+ | Leaf => assert_false l x d r
+ | Node rll rlx rld rlr _ =>
+ create (create l x d rll) rlx rld (create rlr rx rd rr)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ create l x d r.
+(** * Insertion *)
+Fixpoint add x d m :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Node Leaf x d Leaf 1
+ | Node l y d' r h =>
+ match X.compare x y with
+ | LT _ => bal (add x d l) y d' r
+ | EQ _ => Node l y d r h
+ | GT _ => bal l y d' (add x d r)
+ end
+ end.
+(** * Extraction of minimum binding
+ Morally, [remove_min] is to be applied to a non-empty tree
+ [t = Node l x e r h]. Since we can't deal here with [assert false]
+ for [t=Leaf], we pre-unpack [t] (and forget about [h]).
+Fixpoint remove_min l x d r : t*(key*elt) :=
+ match l with
+ | Leaf => (r,(x,d))
+ | Node ll lx ld lr lh =>
+ let (l',m) := remove_min ll lx ld lr in
+ (bal l' x d r, m)
+ end.
+(** * Merging two trees
+ [merge t1 t2] builds the union of [t1] and [t2] assuming all elements
+ of [t1] to be smaller than all elements of [t2], and
+ [|height t1 - height t2| <= 2].
+Fixpoint merge s1 s2 := match s1,s2 with
+ | Leaf, _ => s2
+ | _, Leaf => s1
+ | _, Node l2 x2 d2 r2 h2 =>
+ match remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 with
+ (s2',(x,d)) => bal s1 x d s2'
+ end
+(** * Deletion *)
+Fixpoint remove x m := match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf
+ | Node l y d r h =>
+ match X.compare x y with
+ | LT _ => bal (remove x l) y d r
+ | EQ _ => merge l r
+ | GT _ => bal l y d (remove x r)
+ end
+ end.
+(** * join
+ Same as [bal] but does not assume anything regarding heights of [l]
+ and [r].
+Fixpoint join l : key -> elt -> t -> t :=
+ match l with
+ | Leaf => add
+ | Node ll lx ld lr lh => fun x d =>
+ fix join_aux (r:t) : t := match r with
+ | Leaf => add x d l
+ | Node rl rx rd rr rh =>
+ if gt_le_dec lh (rh+2) then bal ll lx ld (join lr x d r)
+ else if gt_le_dec rh (lh+2) then bal (join_aux rl) rx rd rr
+ else create l x d r
+ end
+ end.
+(** * Splitting
+ [split x m] returns a triple [(l, o, r)] where
+ - [l] is the set of elements of [m] that are [< x]
+ - [r] is the set of elements of [m] that are [> x]
+ - [o] is the result of [find x m].
+Record triple := mktriple { t_left:t; t_opt:option elt; t_right:t }.
+Notation "<< l , b , r >>" := (mktriple l b r) (at level 9).
+Fixpoint split x m : triple := match m with
+ | Leaf => << Leaf, None, Leaf >>
+ | Node l y d r h =>
+ match X.compare x y with
+ | LT _ => let (ll,o,rl) := split x l in << ll, o, join rl y d r >>
+ | EQ _ => << l, Some d, r >>
+ | GT _ => let (rl,o,rr) := split x r in << join l y d rl, o, rr >>
+ end
+ end.
+(** * Concatenation
+ Same as [merge] but does not assume anything about heights.
+Definition concat m1 m2 :=
+ match m1, m2 with
+ | Leaf, _ => m2
+ | _ , Leaf => m1
+ | _, Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _ =>
+ let (m2',xd) := remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 in
+ join m1 xd#1 xd#2 m2'
+ end.
+(** * Elements *)
+(** [elements_tree_aux acc t] catenates the elements of [t] in infix
+ order to the list [acc] *)
+Fixpoint elements_aux (acc : list (key*elt)) m : list (key*elt) :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => acc
+ | Node l x d r _ => elements_aux ((x,d) :: elements_aux acc r) l
+ end.
+(** then [elements] is an instanciation with an empty [acc] *)
+Definition elements := elements_aux nil.
+(** * Fold *)
+Fixpoint fold (A : Type) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A) (m : t) : A -> A :=
+ fun a => match m with
+ | Leaf => a
+ | Node l x d r _ => fold f r (f x d (fold f l a))
+ end.
+(** * Comparison *)
+Variable cmp : elt->elt->bool.
+(** ** Enumeration of the elements of a tree *)
+Inductive enumeration :=
+ | End : enumeration
+ | More : key -> elt -> t -> enumeration -> enumeration.
+(** [cons m e] adds the elements of tree [m] on the head of
+ enumeration [e]. *)
+Fixpoint cons m e : enumeration :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => e
+ | Node l x d r h => cons l (More x d r e)
+ end.
+(** One step of comparison of elements *)
+Definition equal_more x1 d1 (cont:enumeration->bool) e2 :=
+ match e2 with
+ | End => false
+ | More x2 d2 r2 e2 =>
+ match X.compare x1 x2 with
+ | EQ _ => cmp d1 d2 &&& cont (cons r2 e2)
+ | _ => false
+ end
+ end.
+(** Comparison of left tree, middle element, then right tree *)
+Fixpoint equal_cont m1 (cont:enumeration->bool) e2 :=
+ match m1 with
+ | Leaf => cont e2
+ | Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _ =>
+ equal_cont l1 (equal_more x1 d1 (equal_cont r1 cont)) e2
+ end.
+(** Initial continuation *)
+Definition equal_end e2 := match e2 with End => true | _ => false end.
+(** The complete comparison *)
+Definition equal m1 m2 := equal_cont m1 equal_end (cons m2 End).
+End Elt.
+Notation t := tree.
+Notation "<< l , b , r >>" := (mktriple l b r) (at level 9).
+Notation "t #l" := (t_left t) (at level 9, format "t '#l'").
+Notation "t #o" := (t_opt t) (at level 9, format "t '#o'").
+Notation "t #r" := (t_right t) (at level 9, format "t '#r'").
+(** * Map *)
+Fixpoint map (elt elt' : Type)(f : elt -> elt')(m : t elt) : t elt' :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf _
+ | Node l x d r h => Node (map f l) x (f d) (map f r) h
+ end.
+(* * Mapi *)
+Fixpoint mapi (elt elt' : Type)(f : key -> elt -> elt')(m : t elt) : t elt' :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf _
+ | Node l x d r h => Node (mapi f l) x (f x d) (mapi f r) h
+ end.
+(** * Map with removal *)
+Fixpoint map_option (elt elt' : Type)(f : key -> elt -> option elt')(m : t elt)
+ : t elt' :=
+ match m with
+ | Leaf => Leaf _
+ | Node l x d r h =>
+ match f x d with
+ | Some d' => join (map_option f l) x d' (map_option f r)
+ | None => concat (map_option f l) (map_option f r)
+ end
+ end.
+(** * Optimized map2
+ Suggestion by B. Gregoire: a [map2] function with specialized
+ arguments allowing to bypass some tree traversal. Instead of one
+ [f0] of type [key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''],
+ we ask here for:
+ - [f] which is a specialisation of [f0] when first option isn't [None]
+ - [mapl] treats a [tree elt] with [f0] when second option is [None]
+ - [mapr] treats a [tree elt'] with [f0] when first option is [None]
+ The idea is that [mapl] and [mapr] can be instantaneous (e.g.
+ the identity or some constant function).
+Section Map2_opt.
+Variable elt elt' elt'' : Type.
+Variable f : key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''.
+Variable mapl : t elt -> t elt''.
+Variable mapr : t elt' -> t elt''.
+Fixpoint map2_opt m1 m2 :=
+ match m1, m2 with
+ | Leaf, _ => mapr m2
+ | _, Leaf => mapl m1
+ | Node l1 x1 d1 r1 h1, _ =>
+ let (l2',o2,r2') := split x1 m2 in
+ match f x1 d1 o2 with
+ | Some e => join (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e (map2_opt r1 r2')
+ | None => concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2')
+ end
+ end.
+End Map2_opt.
+(** * Map2
+ The [map2] function of the Map interface can be implemented
+ via [map2_opt] and [map_option].
+Section Map2.
+Variable elt elt' elt'' : Type.
+Variable f : option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''.
+Definition map2 : t elt -> t elt' -> t elt'' :=
+ map2_opt
+ (fun _ d o => f (Some d) o)
+ (map_option (fun _ d => f (Some d) None))
+ (map_option (fun _ d' => f None (Some d'))).
+End Map2.
-Inductive MapsTo (x : key)(e : elt) : tree -> Prop :=
+(** * Invariants *)
+Section Invariants.
+Variable elt : Type.
+(** ** Occurrence in a tree *)
+Inductive MapsTo (x : key)(e : elt) : t elt -> Prop :=
| MapsRoot : forall l r h y,
X.eq x y -> MapsTo x e (Node l y e r h)
| MapsLeft : forall l r h y e',
@@ -80,7 +436,7 @@ Inductive MapsTo (x : key)(e : elt) : tree -> Prop :=
| MapsRight : forall l r h y e',
MapsTo x e r -> MapsTo x e (Node l y e' r h).
-Inductive In (x : key) : tree -> Prop :=
+Inductive In (x : key) : t elt -> Prop :=
| InRoot : forall l r h y e,
X.eq x y -> In x (Node l y e r h)
| InLeft : forall l r h y e',
@@ -88,36 +444,54 @@ Inductive In (x : key) : tree -> Prop :=
| InRight : forall l r h y e',
In x r -> In x (Node l y e' r h).
-Definition In0 (k:key)(m:t) : Prop := exists e:elt, MapsTo k e m.
+Definition In0 k m := exists e:elt, MapsTo k e m.
-(** * Binary search trees *)
+(** ** Binary search trees *)
(** [lt_tree x s]: all elements in [s] are smaller than [x]
(resp. greater for [gt_tree]) *)
-Definition lt_tree x s := forall y:key, In y s -> X.lt y x.
-Definition gt_tree x s := forall y:key, In y s -> X.lt x y.
+Definition lt_tree x m := forall y, In y m -> X.lt y x.
+Definition gt_tree x m := forall y, In y m -> X.lt x y.
(** [bst t] : [t] is a binary search tree *)
-Inductive bst : tree -> Prop :=
- | BSLeaf : bst Leaf
+Inductive bst : t elt -> Prop :=
+ | BSLeaf : bst (Leaf _)
| BSNode : forall x e l r h, bst l -> bst r ->
lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> bst (Node l x e r h).
-(* We should end this section before the big proofs that follows,
- otherwise the discharge takes a lot of time. *)
-End Elt.
+End Invariants.
-Notation t := tree.
+(** * Correctness proofs, isolated in a sub-module *)
+Module Proofs.
+ Module MX := OrderedTypeFacts X.
+ Module PX := KeyOrderedType X.
+ Module L := FMapList.Raw X.
+Functional Scheme mem_ind := Induction for mem Sort Prop.
+Functional Scheme find_ind := Induction for find Sort Prop.
+Functional Scheme bal_ind := Induction for bal Sort Prop.
+Functional Scheme add_ind := Induction for add Sort Prop.
+Functional Scheme remove_min_ind := Induction for remove_min Sort Prop.
+Functional Scheme merge_ind := Induction for merge Sort Prop.
+Functional Scheme remove_ind := Induction for remove Sort Prop.
+Functional Scheme concat_ind := Induction for concat Sort Prop.
+Functional Scheme split_ind := Induction for split Sort Prop.
+Functional Scheme map_option_ind := Induction for map_option Sort Prop.
+Functional Scheme map2_opt_ind := Induction for map2_opt Sort Prop.
(** * Automation and dedicated tactics. *)
Hint Constructors tree MapsTo In bst.
Hint Unfold lt_tree gt_tree.
+Tactic Notation "factornode" ident(l) ident(x) ident(d) ident(r) ident(h)
+ "as" ident(s) :=
+ set (s:=Node l x d r h) in *; clearbody s; clear l x d r h.
(** A tactic for cleaning hypothesis after use of functional induction. *)
Ltac clearf :=
@@ -162,23 +536,26 @@ end.
Ltac intuition_in := repeat progress (intuition; inv In; inv MapsTo).
+Section Elt.
+Variable elt:Type.
+Implicit Types m r : t elt.
(** * Basic results about [MapsTo], [In], [lt_tree], [gt_tree], [height] *)
(** Facts about [MapsTo] and [In]. *)
-Lemma MapsTo_In : forall elt k e (m:t elt), MapsTo k e m -> In k m.
+Lemma MapsTo_In : forall k e m, MapsTo k e m -> In k m.
induction 1; auto.
Hint Resolve MapsTo_In.
-Lemma In_MapsTo : forall elt k (m:t elt), In k m -> exists e, MapsTo k e m.
+Lemma In_MapsTo : forall k m, In k m -> exists e, MapsTo k e m.
induction 1; try destruct IHIn as (e,He); exists e; auto.
-Lemma In_alt : forall elt k (m:t elt), In0 k m <-> In k m.
+Lemma In_alt : forall k m, In0 k m <-> In k m.
intros (e,H); eauto.
@@ -186,20 +563,20 @@ Proof.
Lemma MapsTo_1 :
- forall elt (m:t elt) x y e, X.eq x y -> MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo y e m.
+ forall m x y e, X.eq x y -> MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo y e m.
induction m; simpl; intuition_in; eauto.
Hint Immediate MapsTo_1.
Lemma In_1 :
- forall elt (m:t elt) x y, X.eq x y -> In x m -> In y m.
+ forall m x y, X.eq x y -> In x m -> In y m.
- intros elt m x y; induction m; simpl; intuition_in; eauto.
+ intros m x y; induction m; simpl; intuition_in; eauto.
Lemma In_node_iff :
- forall elt (l:t elt) x e r h y,
+ forall l x e r h y,
In y (Node l x e r h) <-> In y l \/ X.eq y x \/ In y r.
@@ -207,23 +584,23 @@ Qed.
(** Results about [lt_tree] and [gt_tree] *)
-Lemma lt_leaf : forall elt x, lt_tree x (Leaf elt).
+Lemma lt_leaf : forall x, lt_tree x (Leaf elt).
unfold lt_tree in |- *; intros; intuition_in.
-Lemma gt_leaf : forall elt x, gt_tree x (Leaf elt).
+Lemma gt_leaf : forall x, gt_tree x (Leaf elt).
unfold gt_tree in |- *; intros; intuition_in.
-Lemma lt_tree_node : forall elt x y (l:t elt) r e h,
+Lemma lt_tree_node : forall x y l r e h,
lt_tree x l -> lt_tree x r -> X.lt y x -> lt_tree x (Node l y e r h).
unfold lt_tree in *; intuition_in; order.
-Lemma gt_tree_node : forall elt x y (l:t elt) r e h,
+Lemma gt_tree_node : forall x y l r e h,
gt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> X.lt x y -> gt_tree x (Node l y e r h).
unfold gt_tree in *; intuition_in; order.
@@ -231,25 +608,25 @@ Qed.
Hint Resolve lt_leaf gt_leaf lt_tree_node gt_tree_node.
-Lemma lt_left : forall elt x y (l: t elt) r e h,
+Lemma lt_left : forall x y l r e h,
lt_tree x (Node l y e r h) -> lt_tree x l.
-Lemma lt_right : forall elt x y (l:t elt) r e h,
+Lemma lt_right : forall x y l r e h,
lt_tree x (Node l y e r h) -> lt_tree x r.
-Lemma gt_left : forall elt x y (l:t elt) r e h,
+Lemma gt_left : forall x y l r e h,
gt_tree x (Node l y e r h) -> gt_tree x l.
-Lemma gt_right : forall elt x y (l:t elt) r e h,
+Lemma gt_right : forall x y l r e h,
gt_tree x (Node l y e r h) -> gt_tree x r.
@@ -258,43 +635,157 @@ Qed.
Hint Resolve lt_left lt_right gt_left gt_right.
Lemma lt_tree_not_in :
- forall elt x (t : t elt), lt_tree x t -> ~ In x t.
+ forall x m, lt_tree x m -> ~ In x m.
intros; intro; generalize (H _ H0); order.
Lemma lt_tree_trans :
- forall elt x y, X.lt x y -> forall (t:t elt), lt_tree x t -> lt_tree y t.
+ forall x y, X.lt x y -> forall m, lt_tree x m -> lt_tree y m.
Lemma gt_tree_not_in :
- forall elt x (t : t elt), gt_tree x t -> ~ In x t.
+ forall x m, gt_tree x m -> ~ In x m.
intros; intro; generalize (H _ H0); order.
Lemma gt_tree_trans :
- forall elt x y, X.lt y x -> forall (t:t elt), gt_tree x t -> gt_tree y t.
+ forall x y, X.lt y x -> forall m, gt_tree x m -> gt_tree y m.
Hint Resolve lt_tree_not_in lt_tree_trans gt_tree_not_in gt_tree_trans.
+(** * Empty map *)
+Definition Empty m := forall (a:key)(e:elt) , ~ MapsTo a e m.
-(** * Helper functions *)
+Lemma empty_bst : bst (empty elt).
+ unfold empty; auto.
-(** [create l x r] creates a node, assuming [l] and [r]
- to be balanced and [|height l - height r| <= 2]. *)
+Lemma empty_1 : Empty (empty elt).
+ unfold empty, Empty; intuition_in.
-Definition create elt (l:t elt) x e r :=
- Node l x e r (max (height l) (height r) + 1).
+(** * Emptyness test *)
+Lemma is_empty_1 : forall m, Empty m -> is_empty m = true.
+ destruct m as [|r x e l h]; simpl; auto.
+ intro H; elim (H x e); auto.
+Lemma is_empty_2 : forall m, is_empty m = true -> Empty m.
+ destruct m; simpl; intros; try discriminate; red; intuition_in.
+(** * Appartness *)
+Lemma mem_1 : forall m x, bst m -> In x m -> mem x m = true.
+ intros m x; functional induction (mem x m); auto; intros; clearf;
+ inv bst; intuition_in; order.
+Lemma mem_2 : forall m x, mem x m = true -> In x m.
+ intros m x; functional induction (mem x m); auto; intros; discriminate.
+Lemma find_1 : forall m x e, bst m -> MapsTo x e m -> find x m = Some e.
+ intros m x; functional induction (find x m); auto; intros; clearf;
+ inv bst; intuition_in; simpl; auto;
+ try solve [order | absurd (X.lt x y); eauto | absurd (X.lt y x); eauto].
+Lemma find_2 : forall m x e, find x m = Some e -> MapsTo x e m.
+ intros m x; functional induction (find x m); subst; intros; clearf;
+ try discriminate.
+ constructor 2; auto.
+ inversion H; auto.
+ constructor 3; auto.
+Lemma find_iff : forall m x e, bst m ->
+ (find x m = Some e <-> MapsTo x e m).
+ split; auto using find_1, find_2.
+Lemma find_in : forall m x, find x m <> None -> In x m.
+ intros.
+ case_eq (find x m); [intros|congruence].
+ apply MapsTo_In with e; apply find_2; auto.
+Lemma in_find : forall m x, bst m -> In x m -> find x m <> None.
+ intros.
+ destruct (In_MapsTo H0) as (d,Hd).
+ rewrite (find_1 H Hd); discriminate.
+Lemma find_in_iff : forall m x, bst m ->
+ (find x m <> None <-> In x m).
+ split; auto using find_in, in_find.
+Lemma not_find_iff : forall m x, bst m ->
+ (find x m = None <-> ~In x m).
+ split; intros.
+ red; intros.
+ elim (in_find H H1 H0).
+ case_eq (find x m); [ intros | auto ].
+ elim H0; apply find_in; congruence.
+Lemma find_find : forall m m' x,
+ find x m = find x m' <->
+ (forall d, find x m = Some d <-> find x m' = Some d).
+ intros; destruct (find x m); destruct (find x m'); split; intros;
+ try split; try congruence.
+ rewrite H; auto.
+ symmetry; rewrite <- H; auto.
+ rewrite H; auto.
+Lemma find_mapsto_equiv : forall m m' x, bst m -> bst m' ->
+ (find x m = find x m' <->
+ (forall d, MapsTo x d m <-> MapsTo x d m')).
+ intros m m' x Hm Hm'.
+ rewrite find_find.
+ split; intros H d; specialize H with d.
+ rewrite <- 2 find_iff; auto.
+ rewrite 2 find_iff; auto.
+Lemma find_in_equiv : forall m m' x, bst m -> bst m' ->
+ find x m = find x m' ->
+ (In x m <-> In x m').
+ split; intros; apply find_in; [ rewrite <- H1 | rewrite H1 ];
+ apply in_find; auto.
+(** * Helper functions *)
Lemma create_bst :
- forall elt (l:t elt) x e r, bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r ->
+ forall l x e r, bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r ->
bst (create l x e r).
unfold create; auto.
@@ -302,309 +793,245 @@ Qed.
Hint Resolve create_bst.
Lemma create_in :
- forall elt (l:t elt) x e r y, In y (create l x e r) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y l \/ In y r.
+ forall l x e r y,
+ In y (create l x e r) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y l \/ In y r.
unfold create; split; [ inversion_clear 1 | ]; intuition.
-(** [bal l x e r] acts as [create], but performs one step of
- rebalancing if necessary, i.e. assumes [|height l - height r| <= 3]. *)
-Definition assert_false := create.
-Function bal (elt:Type)(l: t elt)(x:key)(e:elt)(r:t elt) : t elt :=
- let hl := height l in
- let hr := height r in
- if gt_le_dec hl (hr+2) then
- match l with
- | Leaf => assert_false l x e r
- | Node ll lx le lr _ =>
- if ge_lt_dec (height ll) (height lr) then
- create ll lx le (create lr x e r)
- else
- match lr with
- | Leaf => assert_false l x e r
- | Node lrl lrx lre lrr _ =>
- create (create ll lx le lrl) lrx lre (create lrr x e r)
- end
- end
- else
- if gt_le_dec hr (hl+2) then
- match r with
- | Leaf => assert_false l x e r
- | Node rl rx re rr _ =>
- if ge_lt_dec (height rr) (height rl) then
- create (create l x e rl) rx re rr
- else
- match rl with
- | Leaf => assert_false l x e r
- | Node rll rlx rle rlr _ =>
- create (create l x e rll) rlx rle (create rlr rx re rr)
- end
- end
- else
- create l x e r.
-Lemma bal_bst : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r, bst l -> bst r ->
+Lemma bal_bst : forall l x e r, bst l -> bst r ->
lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> bst (bal l x e r).
- intros elt l x e r; functional induction (bal l x e r); intros; clearf;
+ intros l x e r; functional induction (bal l x e r); intros; clearf;
inv bst; repeat apply create_bst; auto; unfold create; try constructor;
(apply lt_tree_node || apply gt_tree_node); auto;
(eapply lt_tree_trans || eapply gt_tree_trans); eauto.
+Hint Resolve bal_bst.
-Lemma bal_in : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r y,
+Lemma bal_in : forall l x e r y,
In y (bal l x e r) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y l \/ In y r.
- intros elt l x e r; functional induction (bal l x e r); intros; clearf;
+ intros l x e r; functional induction (bal l x e r); intros; clearf;
rewrite !create_in; intuition_in.
-Lemma bal_mapsto : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r y e',
+Lemma bal_mapsto : forall l x e r y e',
MapsTo y e' (bal l x e r) <-> MapsTo y e' (create l x e r).
- intros elt l x e r; functional induction (bal l x e r); intros; clearf;
+ intros l x e r; functional induction (bal l x e r); intros; clearf;
unfold assert_false, create; intuition_in.
+Lemma bal_find : forall l x e r y,
+ bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r ->
+ find y (bal l x e r) = find y (create l x e r).
+ intros; rewrite find_mapsto_equiv; auto; intros; apply bal_mapsto.
(** * Insertion *)
-Function add (elt:Type)(x:key)(e:elt)(s:t elt) { struct s } : t elt :=
- match s with
- | Leaf => Node (Leaf _) x e (Leaf _) 1
- | Node l y e' r h =>
- match X.compare x y with
- | LT _ => bal (add x e l) y e' r
- | EQ _ => Node l y e r h
- | GT _ => bal l y e' (add x e r)
- end
- end.
-Lemma add_in : forall elt (m:t elt) x y e,
+Lemma add_in : forall m x y e,
In y (add x e m) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y m.
- intros elt m x y e; functional induction (add x e m); auto; intros.
- intuition_in.
- (* LT *)
- rewrite bal_in, IHt; intuition_in.
- (* EQ *)
- intuition_in.
- apply InRoot; apply X.eq_sym; eauto.
- (* GT *)
- rewrite bal_in, IHt; intuition_in.
+ intros m x y e; functional induction (add x e m); auto; intros;
+ try (rewrite bal_in, IHt); intuition_in.
+ apply In_1 with x; auto.
-Lemma add_bst : forall elt (m:t elt) x e, bst m -> bst (add x e m).
- intros elt m x e; functional induction (add x e m);
- intros; inv bst; auto; apply bal_bst; auto.
- (* lt_tree -> lt_tree (add ...) *)
- intro z; rewrite add_in; intuition.
- eauto.
- (* gt_tree -> gt_tree (add ...) *)
- intro z; rewrite add_in; intuition.
+Lemma add_bst : forall m x e, bst m -> bst (add x e m).
+ intros m x e; functional induction (add x e m); intros;
+ inv bst; try apply bal_bst; auto;
+ intro z; rewrite add_in; intuition.
+ apply MX.eq_lt with x; auto.
apply MX.lt_eq with x; auto.
+Hint Resolve add_bst.
-Lemma add_1 : forall elt (m:t elt) x y e, X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e m).
+Lemma add_1 : forall m x y e, X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e m).
- intros elt m x y e; functional induction (add x e m);
+ intros m x y e; functional induction (add x e m);
intros; inv bst; try rewrite bal_mapsto; unfold create; eauto.
-Lemma add_2 : forall elt (m:t elt) x y e e', ~X.eq x y ->
+Lemma add_2 : forall m x y e e', ~X.eq x y ->
MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m).
- intros elt m x y e e'; induction m; simpl; auto.
+ intros m x y e e'; induction m; simpl; auto.
destruct (X.compare x k);
intros; inv bst; try rewrite bal_mapsto; unfold create; auto;
inv MapsTo; auto; order.
-Lemma add_3 : forall elt (m:t elt) x y e e', ~X.eq x y ->
+Lemma add_3 : forall m x y e e', ~X.eq x y ->
MapsTo y e (add x e' m) -> MapsTo y e m.
- intros elt m x y e e'; induction m; simpl; auto.
+ intros m x y e e'; induction m; simpl; auto.
intros; inv MapsTo; auto; order.
destruct (X.compare x k); intro;
try rewrite bal_mapsto; auto; unfold create; intros; inv MapsTo; auto;
+Lemma add_find : forall m x y e, bst m ->
+ find y (add x e m) =
+ match X.compare y x with EQ _ => Some e | _ => find y m end.
+ intros.
+ assert (~X.eq x y -> find y (add x e m) = find y m).
+ intros; rewrite find_mapsto_equiv; auto.
+ split; eauto using add_2, add_3.
+ destruct X.compare; try (apply H0; order).
+ auto using find_1, add_1.
+(** * Extraction of minimum binding *)
-(** * Extraction of minimum binding
- morally, [remove_min] is to be applied to a non-empty tree
- [t = Node l x e r h]. Since we can't deal here with [assert false]
- for [t=Leaf], we pre-unpack [t] (and forget about [h]).
-Function remove_min (elt:Type)(l:t elt)(x:key)(e:elt)(r:t elt) { struct l } : t elt*(key*elt) :=
- match l with
- | Leaf => (r,(x,e))
- | Node ll lx le lr lh => let (l',m) := (remove_min ll lx le lr : t elt*(key*elt)) in (bal l' x e r, m)
- end.
-Lemma remove_min_in : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r h y,
+Lemma remove_min_in : forall l x e r h y,
In y (Node l x e r h) <->
X.eq y (remove_min l x e r)#2#1 \/ In y (remove_min l x e r)#1.
- intros elt l x e r; functional induction (remove_min l x e r); simpl in *; intros.
+ intros l x e r; functional induction (remove_min l x e r); simpl in *; intros.
- rewrite e1 in *; simpl; intros.
+ rewrite e0 in *; simpl; intros.
rewrite bal_in, In_node_iff, IHp; intuition.
-Lemma remove_min_mapsto : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r h y e',
+Lemma remove_min_mapsto : forall l x e r h y e',
MapsTo y e' (Node l x e r h) <->
((X.eq y (remove_min l x e r)#2#1) /\ e' = (remove_min l x e r)#2#2)
\/ MapsTo y e' (remove_min l x e r)#1.
- intros elt l x e r; functional induction (remove_min l x e r); simpl in *; intros.
+ intros l x e r; functional induction (remove_min l x e r); simpl in *; intros.
intuition_in; subst; auto.
- rewrite e1 in *; simpl; intros.
+ rewrite e0 in *; simpl; intros.
rewrite bal_mapsto; auto; unfold create.
- simpl in *;destruct (IHp lh y e').
+ simpl in *;destruct (IHp _x y e').
inversion_clear H1; intuition.
inversion_clear H3; intuition.
-Lemma remove_min_bst : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r h,
+Lemma remove_min_bst : forall l x e r h,
bst (Node l x e r h) -> bst (remove_min l x e r)#1.
- intros elt l x e r; functional induction (remove_min l x e r); simpl in *; intros.
+ intros l x e r; functional induction (remove_min l x e r); simpl in *; intros.
inv bst; auto.
inversion_clear H; inversion_clear H0.
apply bal_bst; auto.
- rewrite e1 in *; simpl in *; apply (IHp lh); auto.
+ rewrite e0 in *; simpl in *; apply (IHp _x); auto.
intro; intros.
- generalize (remove_min_in ll lx le lr lh y).
- rewrite e1; simpl in *.
+ generalize (remove_min_in ll lx ld lr _x y).
+ rewrite e0; simpl in *.
destruct 1.
apply H2; intuition.
+Hint Resolve remove_min_bst.
-Lemma remove_min_gt_tree : forall elt (l:t elt) x e r h,
+Lemma remove_min_gt_tree : forall l x e r h,
bst (Node l x e r h) ->
gt_tree (remove_min l x e r)#2#1 (remove_min l x e r)#1.
- intros elt l x e r; functional induction (remove_min l x e r); simpl in *; intros.
+ intros l x e r; functional induction (remove_min l x e r); simpl in *; intros.
inv bst; auto.
inversion_clear H.
intro; intro.
- rewrite e1 in *;simpl in *.
- generalize (IHp lh H0).
- generalize (remove_min_in ll lx le lr lh m#1).
- rewrite e1; simpl; intros.
- rewrite (bal_in l' x e r y) in H.
- assert (In m#1 (Node ll lx le lr lh)) by (rewrite H4; auto); clear H4.
+ rewrite e0 in *;simpl in *.
+ generalize (IHp _x H0).
+ generalize (remove_min_in ll lx ld lr _x m#1).
+ rewrite e0; simpl; intros.
+ rewrite (bal_in l' x d r y) in H.
+ assert (In m#1 (Node ll lx ld lr _x)) by (rewrite H4; auto); clear H4.
assert (X.lt m#1 x) by order.
decompose [or] H; order.
+Hint Resolve remove_min_gt_tree.
+Lemma remove_min_find : forall l x e r h y,
+ bst (Node l x e r h) ->
+ find y (Node l x e r h) =
+ match X.compare y (remove_min l x e r)#2#1 with
+ | LT _ => None
+ | EQ _ => Some (remove_min l x e r)#2#2
+ | GT _ => find y (remove_min l x e r)#1
+ end.
+ intros.
+ destruct X.compare.
+ rewrite not_find_iff; auto.
+ rewrite remove_min_in; red; destruct 1 as [H'|H']; [ order | ].
+ generalize (remove_min_gt_tree H H'); order.
+ apply find_1; auto.
+ rewrite remove_min_mapsto; auto.
+ rewrite find_mapsto_equiv; eauto; intros.
+ rewrite remove_min_mapsto; intuition; order.
+(** * Merging two trees *)
-(** * Merging two trees
- [merge t1 t2] builds the union of [t1] and [t2] assuming all elements
- of [t1] to be smaller than all elements of [t2], and
- [|height t1 - height t2| <= 2].
-Function merge (elt:Type) (s1 s2 : t elt) : tree elt := match s1,s2 with
- | Leaf, _ => s2
- | _, Leaf => s1
- | _, Node l2 x2 e2 r2 h2 =>
- match remove_min l2 x2 e2 r2 with
- (s2',(x,e)) => bal s1 x e s2'
- end
-Lemma merge_in : forall elt (s1 s2:t elt) y, bst s1 -> bst s2 ->
- (In y (merge s1 s2) <-> In y s1 \/ In y s2).
+Lemma merge_in : forall m1 m2 y, bst m1 -> bst m2 ->
+ (In y (merge m1 m2) <-> In y m1 \/ In y m2).
- intros elt s1 s2; functional induction (merge s1 s2);intros.
+ intros m1 m2; functional induction (merge m1 m2);intros;
+ try factornode _x _x0 _x1 _x2 _x3 as m1.
- destruct s1;try contradiction;clear y.
- replace s2' with ((remove_min l2 x2 e2 r2)#1) by (rewrite e3; auto).
- rewrite bal_in; auto.
- generalize (remove_min_in l2 x2 e2 r2 h2 y0); rewrite e3; simpl; intro.
- rewrite H1; intuition.
+ rewrite bal_in, remove_min_in, e1; simpl; intuition.
-Lemma merge_mapsto : forall elt (s1 s2:t elt) y e, bst s1 -> bst s2 ->
- (MapsTo y e (merge s1 s2) <-> MapsTo y e s1 \/ MapsTo y e s2).
+Lemma merge_mapsto : forall m1 m2 y e, bst m1 -> bst m2 ->
+ (MapsTo y e (merge m1 m2) <-> MapsTo y e m1 \/ MapsTo y e m2).
- intros elt s1 s2; functional induction (@merge elt s1 s2); intros.
+ intros m1 m2; functional induction (merge m1 m2); intros;
+ try factornode _x _x0 _x1 _x2 _x3 as m1.
- destruct s1;try contradiction;clear y.
- replace s2' with ((remove_min l2 x2 e2 r2)#1); [|rewrite e3; auto].
- rewrite bal_mapsto; auto; unfold create.
- generalize (remove_min_mapsto l2 x2 e2 r2 h2 y0 e); rewrite e3; simpl; intro.
- rewrite H1; intuition (try subst; auto).
+ rewrite bal_mapsto, remove_min_mapsto, e1; simpl; auto.
+ unfold create.
+ intuition; subst; auto.
inversion_clear H1; intuition.
-Lemma merge_bst : forall elt (s1 s2:t elt), bst s1 -> bst s2 ->
- (forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 s1 -> In y2 s2 -> X.lt y1 y2) ->
- bst (merge s1 s2).
+Lemma merge_bst : forall m1 m2, bst m1 -> bst m2 ->
+ (forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 m2 -> X.lt y1 y2) ->
+ bst (merge m1 m2).
- intros elt s1 s2; functional induction (@merge elt s1 s2); intros; auto.
+ intros m1 m2; functional induction (merge m1 m2); intros; auto;
+ try factornode _x _x0 _x1 _x2 _x3 as m1.
apply bal_bst; auto.
- destruct s1;try contradiction.
- generalize (remove_min_bst H0); rewrite e3; simpl in *; auto.
- destruct s1;try contradiction.
+ generalize (remove_min_bst H0); rewrite e1; simpl in *; auto.
intro; intro.
apply H1; auto.
- generalize (remove_min_in l2 x2 e2 r2 h2 x); rewrite e3; simpl; intuition.
- destruct s1;try contradiction.
- generalize (remove_min_gt_tree H0); rewrite e3; simpl; auto.
+ generalize (remove_min_in l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4 x); rewrite e1; simpl; intuition.
+ generalize (remove_min_gt_tree H0); rewrite e1; simpl; auto.
(** * Deletion *)
-Function remove (elt:Type)(x:key)(s:t elt) { struct s } : t elt := match s with
- | Leaf => Leaf _
- | Node l y e r h =>
- match X.compare x y with
- | LT _ => bal (remove x l) y e r
- | EQ _ => merge l r
- | GT _ => bal l y e (remove x r)
- end
- end.
-Lemma remove_in : forall elt (s:t elt) x y, bst s ->
- (In y (remove x s) <-> ~ X.eq y x /\ In y s).
+Lemma remove_in : forall m x y, bst m ->
+ (In y (remove x m) <-> ~ X.eq y x /\ In y m).
- intros elt s x; functional induction (@remove elt x s); simpl; intros.
+ intros m x; functional induction (remove x m); simpl; intros.
(* LT *)
- inv bst; clear e1.
+ inv bst; clear e0.
rewrite bal_in; auto.
generalize (IHt y0 H0); intuition; [ order | order | intuition_in ].
(* EQ *)
- inv bst; clear e1.
+ inv bst; clear e0.
rewrite merge_in; intuition; [ order | order | intuition_in ].
elim H4; eauto.
(* GT *)
- inv bst; clear e1.
+ inv bst; clear e0.
rewrite bal_in; auto.
generalize (IHt y0 H1); intuition; [ order | order | intuition_in ].
-Lemma remove_bst : forall elt (s:t elt) x, bst s -> bst (remove x s).
+Lemma remove_bst : forall m x, bst m -> bst (remove x m).
- intros elt s x; functional induction (@remove elt x s); simpl; intros.
+ intros m x; functional induction (remove x m); simpl; intros.
(* LT *)
inv bst.
@@ -623,26 +1050,26 @@ Proof.
destruct H; eauto.
-Lemma remove_1 : forall elt (m:t elt) x y, bst m -> X.eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x m).
+Lemma remove_1 : forall m x y, bst m -> X.eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x m).
intros; rewrite remove_in; intuition.
-Lemma remove_2 : forall elt (m:t elt) x y e, bst m -> ~X.eq x y ->
+Lemma remove_2 : forall m x y e, bst m -> ~X.eq x y ->
MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (remove x m).
- intros elt m x y e; induction m; simpl; auto.
+ intros m x y e; induction m; simpl; auto.
destruct (X.compare x k);
- intros; inv bst; inv avl; try rewrite bal_mapsto; unfold create; auto;
+ intros; inv bst; try rewrite bal_mapsto; unfold create; auto;
try solve [inv MapsTo; auto].
rewrite merge_mapsto; auto.
inv MapsTo; auto; order.
-Lemma remove_3 : forall elt (m:t elt) x y e, bst m ->
+Lemma remove_3 : forall m x y e, bst m ->
MapsTo y e (remove x m) -> MapsTo y e m.
- intros elt m x y e; induction m; simpl; auto.
+ intros m x y e; induction m; simpl; auto.
destruct (X.compare x k); intros Bs; inv bst;
try rewrite bal_mapsto; auto; unfold create.
intros; inv MapsTo; auto.
@@ -650,141 +1077,215 @@ Proof.
intros; inv MapsTo; auto.
-Section Elt2.
-Variable elt:Type.
-Notation eqk := (PX.eqk (elt:= elt)).
-Notation eqke := (PX.eqke (elt:= elt)).
-Notation ltk := (PX.ltk (elt:= elt)).
+(** * join *)
-(** * Empty map *)
+(* Function/Functional Scheme can't deal with internal fix.
+ Let's do its job by hand: *)
-Definition Empty m := forall (a : key)(e:elt) , ~ MapsTo a e m.
-Definition empty := (Leaf elt).
+Ltac join_tac :=
+ intros l; induction l as [| ll _ lx ld lr Hlr lh];
+ [ | intros x d r; induction r as [| rl Hrl rx rd rr _ rh]; unfold join;
+ [ | destruct (gt_le_dec lh (rh+2));
+ [ match goal with |- context [ bal ?u ?v ?w ?z ] =>
+ replace (bal u v w z)
+ with (bal ll lx ld (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))); [ | auto]
+ end
+ | destruct (gt_le_dec rh (lh+2));
+ [ match goal with |- context [ bal ?u ?v ?w ?z ] =>
+ replace (bal u v w z)
+ with (bal (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) rx rd rr); [ | auto]
+ end
+ | ] ] ] ]; intros.
-Lemma empty_bst : bst empty.
+Lemma join_in : forall l x d r y,
+ In y (join l x d r) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y l \/ In y r.
- unfold empty; auto.
+ join_tac.
+ simpl.
+ rewrite add_in; intuition_in.
+ rewrite add_in; intuition_in.
+ rewrite bal_in, Hlr; clear Hlr Hrl; intuition_in.
+ rewrite bal_in, Hrl; clear Hlr Hrl; intuition_in.
+ apply create_in.
-Lemma empty_1 : Empty empty.
+Lemma join_bst : forall l x d r, bst l -> bst r ->
+ lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> bst (join l x d r).
- unfold empty, Empty; intuition_in.
+ join_tac; auto; try (simpl; auto; fail); inv bst; apply bal_bst; auto;
+ clear Hrl Hlr z; intro; intros; rewrite join_in in *.
+ intuition; [ apply MX.lt_eq with x | ]; eauto.
+ intuition; [ apply MX.eq_lt with x | ]; eauto.
+Hint Resolve join_bst.
-(** * Emptyness test *)
-Definition is_empty (s:t elt) := match s with Leaf => true | _ => false end.
-Lemma is_empty_1 : forall s, Empty s -> is_empty s = true.
+Lemma join_find : forall l x d r y,
+ bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r ->
+ find y (join l x d r) = find y (create l x d r).
- destruct s as [|r x e l h]; simpl; auto.
- intro H; elim (H x e); auto.
+ join_tac; auto; inv bst;
+ simpl (join (Leaf elt));
+ try (assert (X.lt lx x) by auto);
+ try (assert (X.lt x rx) by auto);
+ rewrite ?add_find, ?bal_find; auto.
-Lemma is_empty_2 : forall s, is_empty s = true -> Empty s.
- destruct s; simpl; intros; try discriminate; red; intuition_in.
+ simpl; destruct X.compare; auto.
+ rewrite not_find_iff; auto; intro; order.
+ simpl; repeat (destruct X.compare; auto); try (order; fail).
+ rewrite not_find_iff by auto; intro.
+ assert (X.lt y x) by auto; order.
+ simpl; rewrite Hlr; simpl; auto.
+ repeat (destruct X.compare; auto); order.
+ intros u Hu; rewrite join_in in Hu.
+ destruct Hu as [Hu|[Hu|Hu]]; try generalize (H2 _ Hu); order.
-(** * Appartness *)
+ simpl; rewrite Hrl; simpl; auto.
+ repeat (destruct X.compare; auto); order.
+ intros u Hu; rewrite join_in in Hu.
+ destruct Hu as [Hu|[Hu|Hu]]; order.
-(** The [mem] function is deciding appartness. It exploits the [bst] property
- to achieve logarithmic complexity. *)
+(** * split *)
-Function mem (x:key)(m:t elt) { struct m } : bool :=
- match m with
- | Leaf => false
- | Node l y e r _ => match X.compare x y with
- | LT _ => mem x l
- | EQ _ => true
- | GT _ => mem x r
- end
- end.
-Implicit Arguments mem.
+Lemma split_in_1 : forall m x, bst m -> forall y,
+ (In y (split x m)#l <-> In y m /\ X.lt y x).
+ intros m x; functional induction (split x m); simpl; intros;
+ inv bst; try clear e0.
+ intuition_in.
+ rewrite e1 in IHt; simpl in IHt; rewrite IHt; intuition_in; order.
+ intuition_in; order.
+ rewrite join_in.
+ rewrite e1 in IHt; simpl in IHt; rewrite IHt; intuition_in; order.
-Lemma mem_1 : forall s x, bst s -> In x s -> mem x s = true.
+Lemma split_in_2 : forall m x, bst m -> forall y,
+ (In y (split x m)#r <-> In y m /\ X.lt x y).
- intros s x; functional induction mem x s; auto; intros; clearf;
- inv bst; intuition_in; order.
+ intros m x; functional induction (split x m); subst; simpl; intros;
+ inv bst; try clear e0.
+ intuition_in.
+ rewrite join_in.
+ rewrite e1 in IHt; simpl in IHt; rewrite IHt; intuition_in; order.
+ intuition_in; order.
+ rewrite e1 in IHt; simpl in IHt; rewrite IHt; intuition_in; order.
+Lemma split_in_3 : forall m x, bst m ->
+ (split x m)#o = find x m.
+ intros m x; functional induction (split x m); subst; simpl; auto;
+ intros; inv bst; try clear e0;
+ destruct X.compare; try (order;fail); rewrite <-IHt, e1; auto.
-Lemma mem_2 : forall s x, mem x s = true -> In x s.
+Lemma split_bst : forall m x, bst m ->
+ bst (split x m)#l /\ bst (split x m)#r.
- intros s x; functional induction mem x s; auto; intros; discriminate.
+ intros m x; functional induction (split x m); subst; simpl; intros;
+ inv bst; try clear e0; try rewrite e1 in *; simpl in *; intuition;
+ apply join_bst; auto.
+ intros y0.
+ generalize (split_in_2 x H0 y0); rewrite e1; simpl; intuition.
+ intros y0.
+ generalize (split_in_1 x H1 y0); rewrite e1; simpl; intuition.
-Function find (x:key)(m:t elt) { struct m } : option elt :=
- match m with
- | Leaf => None
- | Node l y e r _ => match X.compare x y with
- | LT _ => find x l
- | EQ _ => Some e
- | GT _ => find x r
- end
- end.
+Lemma split_lt_tree : forall m x, bst m -> lt_tree x (split x m)#l.
+ intros m x B y Hy; rewrite split_in_1 in Hy; intuition.
-Lemma find_1 : forall m x e, bst m -> MapsTo x e m -> find x m = Some e.
- intros s x; functional induction find x s; auto; intros; clearf;
- inv bst; intuition_in; simpl; auto;
- try solve [order | absurd (X.lt x y); eauto | absurd (X.lt y x); eauto].
+Lemma split_gt_tree : forall m x, bst m -> gt_tree x (split x m)#r.
+ intros m x B y Hy; rewrite split_in_2 in Hy; intuition.
-Lemma find_2 : forall m x e, find x m = Some e -> MapsTo x e m.
- intros m x; functional induction find x m; subst; intros; clearf;
- try discriminate.
- constructor 2; auto.
- inversion H; auto.
- constructor 3; auto.
+Lemma split_find : forall m x y, bst m ->
+ find y m = match X.compare y x with
+ | LT _ => find y (split x m)#l
+ | EQ _ => (split x m)#o
+ | GT _ => find y (split x m)#r
+ end.
+ intros m x; functional induction (split x m); subst; simpl; intros;
+ inv bst; try clear e0; try rewrite e1 in *; simpl in *;
+ [ destruct X.compare; auto | .. ];
+ try match goal with E:split ?x ?t = _, B:bst ?t |- _ =>
+ generalize (split_in_1 x B)(split_in_2 x B)(split_bst x B);
+ rewrite E; simpl; destruct 3 end.
+ rewrite join_find, IHt; auto; clear IHt; simpl.
+ repeat (destruct X.compare; auto); order.
+ intro y1; rewrite H4; intuition.
+ repeat (destruct X.compare; auto); order.
+ rewrite join_find, IHt; auto; clear IHt; simpl.
+ repeat (destruct X.compare; auto); order.
+ intros y1; rewrite H; intuition.
-(** An all-in-one spec for [add] used later in the naive [map2] *)
+(** * Concatenation *)
-Lemma add_spec : forall m x y e , bst m ->
- find x (add y e m) = if MX.eq_dec x y then Some e else find x m.
+Lemma concat_in : forall m1 m2 y,
+ In y (concat m1 m2) <-> In y m1 \/ In y m2.
-destruct (MX.eq_dec x y).
-apply find_1.
-apply add_bst; auto.
-eapply MapsTo_1 with y; eauto.
-apply add_1; auto.
-case_eq (find x m); intros.
-apply find_1.
-apply add_bst; auto.
-apply add_2; auto.
-apply find_2; auto.
-case_eq (find x (add y e m)); auto; intros.
-rewrite <- H0; symmetry.
-apply find_1; auto.
-eapply add_3; eauto.
-apply find_2; eauto.
+ intros m1 m2; functional induction (concat m1 m2); intros;
+ try factornode _x _x0 _x1 _x2 _x3 as m1.
+ intuition_in.
+ intuition_in.
+ rewrite join_in, remove_min_in, e1; simpl; intuition.
+Lemma concat_bst : forall m1 m2, bst m1 -> bst m2 ->
+ (forall y1 y2, In y1 m1 -> In y2 m2 -> X.lt y1 y2) ->
+ bst (concat m1 m2).
+ intros m1 m2; functional induction (concat m1 m2); intros; auto;
+ try factornode _x _x0 _x1 _x2 _x3 as m1.
+ apply join_bst; auto.
+ change (bst (m2',xd)#1); rewrite <-e1; eauto.
+ intros y Hy.
+ apply H1; auto.
+ rewrite remove_min_in, e1; simpl; auto.
+ change (gt_tree (m2',xd)#2#1 (m2',xd)#1); rewrite <-e1; eauto.
+Hint Resolve concat_bst.
+Lemma concat_find : forall m1 m2 y, bst m1 -> bst m2 ->
+ (forall y1 y2, In y1 m1 -> In y2 m2 -> X.lt y1 y2) ->
+ find y (concat m1 m2) =
+ match find y m2 with Some d => Some d | None => find y m1 end.
+ intros m1 m2; functional induction (concat m1 m2); intros; auto;
+ try factornode _x _x0 _x1 _x2 _x3 as m1.
+ simpl; destruct (find y m2); auto.
-(** * Elements *)
+ generalize (remove_min_find y H0)(remove_min_in l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)
+ (remove_min_bst H0)(remove_min_gt_tree H0);
+ rewrite e1; simpl fst; simpl snd; intros.
+ inv bst.
+ rewrite H2, join_find; auto; clear H2.
+ simpl; destruct X.compare; simpl; auto.
+ destruct (find y m2'); auto.
+ symmetry; rewrite not_find_iff; auto; intro.
+ apply (MX.lt_not_gt l); apply H1; auto; rewrite H3; auto.
-(** [elements_tree_aux acc t] catenates the elements of [t] in infix
- order to the list [acc] *)
+ intros z Hz; apply H1; auto; rewrite H3; auto.
-Fixpoint elements_aux (acc : list (key*elt)) (t : t elt) {struct t} : list (key*elt) :=
- match t with
- | Leaf => acc
- | Node l x e r _ => elements_aux ((x,e) :: elements_aux acc r) l
- end.
-(** then [elements] is an instanciation with an empty [acc] *)
+(** * Elements *)
-Definition elements := elements_aux nil.
+Notation eqk := (PX.eqk (elt:= elt)).
+Notation eqke := (PX.eqke (elt:= elt)).
+Notation ltk := (PX.ltk (elt:= elt)).
-Lemma elements_aux_mapsto : forall s acc x e,
+Lemma elements_aux_mapsto : forall (s:t elt) acc x e,
InA eqke (x,e) (elements_aux acc s) <-> MapsTo x e s \/ InA eqke (x,e) acc.
induction s as [ | l Hl x e r Hr h ]; simpl; auto.
@@ -797,13 +1298,13 @@ Proof.
destruct H0; simpl in *; subst; intuition.
-Lemma elements_mapsto : forall s x e, InA eqke (x,e) (elements s) <-> MapsTo x e s.
+Lemma elements_mapsto : forall (s:t elt) x e, InA eqke (x,e) (elements s) <-> MapsTo x e s.
intros; generalize (elements_aux_mapsto s nil x e); intuition.
inversion_clear H0.
-Lemma elements_in : forall s x, L.PX.In x (elements s) <-> In x s.
+Lemma elements_in : forall (s:t elt) x, L.PX.In x (elements s) <-> In x s.
unfold L.PX.In.
@@ -815,7 +1316,7 @@ Proof.
unfold L.PX.MapsTo; rewrite elements_mapsto; auto.
-Lemma elements_aux_sort : forall s acc, bst s -> sort ltk acc ->
+Lemma elements_aux_sort : forall (s:t elt) acc, bst s -> sort ltk acc ->
(forall x e y, InA eqke (x,e) acc -> In y s -> X.lt y x) ->
sort ltk (elements_aux acc s).
@@ -848,28 +1349,38 @@ Proof.
Lemma elements_aux_cardinal :
- forall m acc, (length acc + cardinal m)%nat = length (elements_aux acc m).
+ forall (m:t elt) acc, (length acc + cardinal m)%nat = length (elements_aux acc m).
simple induction m; simpl; intuition.
rewrite <- H; simpl.
rewrite <- H0; omega.
-Lemma elements_cardinal : forall m, cardinal m = length (elements m).
+Lemma elements_cardinal : forall (m:t elt), cardinal m = length (elements m).
exact (fun m => elements_aux_cardinal m nil).
+Lemma elements_app :
+ forall (s:t elt) acc, elements_aux acc s = elements s ++ acc.
+ induction s; simpl; intros; auto.
+ rewrite IHs1, IHs2.
+ unfold elements; simpl.
+ rewrite 2 IHs1, IHs2, <- !app_nil_end, !app_ass; auto.
+Lemma elements_node :
+ forall (t1 t2:t elt) x e z l,
+ elements t1 ++ (x,e) :: elements t2 ++ l =
+ elements (Node t1 x e t2 z) ++ l.
+ unfold elements; simpl; intros.
+ rewrite !elements_app, <- !app_nil_end, !app_ass; auto.
(** * Fold *)
-Fixpoint fold (A : Type) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A)(s : t elt) {struct s} : A -> A :=
- fun a => match s with
- | Leaf => a
- | Node l x e r _ => fold f r (f x e (fold f l a))
- end.
Definition fold' (A : Type) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A)(s : t elt) :=
L.fold f (elements s).
@@ -907,197 +1418,93 @@ Proof.
unfold L.elements; auto.
(** * Comparison *)
-Definition Equivb (cmp:elt->elt->bool) m m' :=
- (forall k, In k m <-> In k m') /\
- (forall k e e', MapsTo k e m -> MapsTo k e' m' -> cmp e e' = true).
-(** ** Enumeration of the elements of a tree *)
-Inductive enumeration :=
- | End : enumeration
- | More : key -> elt -> t elt -> enumeration -> enumeration.
-(** [flatten_e e] returns the list of elements of [e] i.e. the list
- of elements actually compared *)
+(** [flatten_e e] returns the list of elements of the enumeration [e]
+ i.e. the list of elements actually compared *)
-Fixpoint flatten_e (e : enumeration) : list (key*elt) := match e with
+Fixpoint flatten_e (e : enumeration elt) : list (key*elt) := match e with
| End => nil
| More x e t r => (x,e) :: elements t ++ flatten_e r
-(** [sorted_e e] expresses that elements in the enumeration [e] are
- sorted, and that all trees in [e] are binary search trees. *)
-Inductive In_e (p:key*elt) : enumeration -> Prop :=
- | InEHd1 : forall y d s e, eqke p (y,d) -> In_e p (More y d s e)
- | InEHd2 : forall y d s e, MapsTo p#1 p#2 s -> In_e p (More y d s e)
- | InETl : forall y d s e, In_e p e -> In_e p (More y d s e).
-Hint Constructors In_e.
-Inductive sorted_e : enumeration -> Prop :=
- | SortedEEnd : sorted_e End
- | SortedEMore :
- forall x d s e, bst s -> gt_tree x s -> sorted_e e ->
- (forall p, In_e p e -> ltk (x,d) p) ->
- (forall p, MapsTo p#1 p#2 s -> forall q, In_e q e -> ltk p q) ->
- sorted_e (More x d s e).
-Hint Constructors sorted_e.
-Lemma in_flatten_e :
- forall p e, InA eqke p (flatten_e e) -> In_e p e.
+Lemma flatten_e_elements :
+ forall (l:t elt) r x d z e,
+ elements l ++ flatten_e (More x d r e) =
+ elements (Node l x d r z) ++ flatten_e e.
- simple induction e; simpl in |- *; intuition.
- inversion_clear H.
- inversion_clear H0; auto.
- elim (InA_app H1); auto.
- destruct (elements_mapsto t a b); auto.
+ intros; simpl; apply elements_node.
-Lemma sorted_flatten_e :
- forall e : enumeration, sorted_e e -> sort ltk (flatten_e e).
+Lemma cons_1 : forall (s:t elt) e,
+ flatten_e (cons s e) = elements s ++ flatten_e e.
- simple induction e; simpl in |- *; intuition.
- apply cons_sort.
- apply (SortA_app (PX.eqke_refl (elt:=elt))); inversion_clear H0; auto.
- intros; apply H5; auto.
- rewrite <- elements_mapsto; auto; destruct x; auto.
- apply in_flatten_e; auto.
- inversion_clear H0.
- apply In_InfA; intros.
- intros; elim (in_app_or _ _ _ H0); intuition.
- generalize (In_InA (PX.eqke_refl (elt:=elt)) H6).
- destruct y; rewrite elements_mapsto; eauto.
- apply H4; apply in_flatten_e; auto.
- apply In_InA; auto.
+ induction s; simpl; auto; intros.
+ rewrite IHs1; apply flatten_e_elements; auto.
-Lemma elements_app :
- forall s acc, elements_aux acc s = elements s ++ acc.
- simple induction s; simpl in |- *; intuition.
- rewrite H0.
- rewrite H.
- unfold elements; simpl.
- do 2 rewrite H.
- rewrite H0.
- repeat rewrite <- app_nil_end.
- repeat rewrite app_ass; auto.
+(** Proof of correction for the comparison *)
-Lemma compare_flatten_1 :
- forall t1 t2 x e z l,
- elements t1 ++ (x,e) :: elements t2 ++ l =
- elements (Node t1 x e t2 z) ++ l.
- simpl in |- *; unfold elements in |- *; simpl in |- *; intuition.
- repeat rewrite elements_app.
- repeat rewrite <- app_nil_end.
- repeat rewrite app_ass; auto.
+Variable cmp : elt->elt->bool.
-(** key lemma for correctness *)
+Definition IfEq b l1 l2 := L.equal cmp l1 l2 = b.
-Lemma flatten_e_elements :
- forall l r x d z e,
- elements l ++ flatten_e (More x d r e) =
- elements (Node l x d r z) ++ flatten_e e.
+Lemma cons_IfEq : forall b x1 x2 d1 d2 l1 l2,
+ X.eq x1 x2 -> cmp d1 d2 = true ->
+ IfEq b l1 l2 ->
+ IfEq b ((x1,d1)::l1) ((x2,d2)::l2).
- intros; simpl.
- apply compare_flatten_1.
+ unfold IfEq; destruct b; simpl; intros; destruct X.compare; simpl;
+ try rewrite H0; auto; order.
-(** termination of [compare_aux] *)
-Fixpoint cardinal_e (e : enumeration) : nat := match e with
- | End => 0%nat
- | More _ _ s r => S (cardinal s + cardinal_e r)
- end.
-(** [cons t e] adds the elements of tree [t] on the head of
- enumeration [e]. *)
-Fixpoint cons s e {struct s} : enumeration :=
- match s with
- | Leaf => e
- | Node l x d r h => cons l (More x d r e)
- end.
-Lemma cons_cardinal_e : forall s e,
- cardinal_e (cons s e) = (cardinal s + cardinal_e e)%nat.
+Lemma equal_end_IfEq : forall e2,
+ IfEq (equal_end e2) nil (flatten_e e2).
- induction s; simpl; intros; auto.
- rewrite IHs1; simpl; rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; auto with arith.
+ destruct e2; red; auto.
-Lemma cons_1 : forall s e,
- bst s -> sorted_e e ->
- (forall x y, MapsTo x#1 x#2 s -> In_e y e -> ltk x y) ->
- sorted_e (cons s e) /\
- flatten_e (cons s e) = elements s ++ flatten_e e.
+Lemma equal_more_IfEq :
+ forall x1 d1 (cont:enumeration elt -> bool) x2 d2 r2 e2 l,
+ IfEq (cont (cons r2 e2)) l (elements r2 ++ flatten_e e2) ->
+ IfEq (equal_more cmp x1 d1 cont (More x2 d2 r2 e2)) ((x1,d1)::l)
+ (flatten_e (More x2 d2 r2 e2)).
- induction s; simpl; auto.
- clear IHs2; intros.
- inv bst.
- destruct (IHs1 (More k e s2 e0)); clear IHs1; intuition.
- inversion_clear H6; subst; auto; clear H1.
- destruct y; red in H7; simpl in *; destruct H7; subst.
- red; simpl; auto.
- assert (In a s1) by eauto.
- order.
- destruct y; simpl in *; auto.
- red; simpl; auto.
- assert (In a s1) by eauto.
- assert (In k0 s2) by eauto.
- order.
- rewrite H6.
- apply flatten_e_elements.
-Definition cardinal_e_2 e := (cardinal_e e#1 + cardinal_e e#2)%nat.
-Function equal_aux
- (cmp: elt -> elt -> bool)(e:enumeration*enumeration)
- { measure cardinal_e_2 e } : bool :=
- match e with
- | (End,End) => true
- | (End,More _ _ _ _) => false
- | (More _ _ _ _, End) => false
- | (More x1 d1 r1 e1, More x2 d2 r2 e2) =>
- match X.compare x1 x2 with
- | EQ _ => cmp d1 d2 && equal_aux cmp (cons r1 e1, cons r2 e2)
- | LT _ => false
- | GT _ => false
- end
- end.
-intros; unfold cardinal_e_2; simpl;
-abstract (do 2 rewrite cons_cardinal_e; romega with *).
+ unfold IfEq; simpl; intros; destruct X.compare; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite <-andb_lazy_alt; f_equal; auto.
-Definition equal (cmp: elt -> elt -> bool) s s' :=
- equal_aux cmp (cons s End, cons s' End).
+Lemma equal_cont_IfEq : forall m1 cont e2 l,
+ (forall e, IfEq (cont e) l (flatten_e e)) ->
+ IfEq (equal_cont cmp m1 cont e2) (elements m1 ++ l) (flatten_e e2).
+ induction m1 as [|l1 Hl1 x1 d1 r1 Hr1 h1]; simpl; intros; auto.
+ rewrite <- elements_node; simpl.
+ apply Hl1; auto.
+ clear e2; intros [|x2 d2 r2 e2].
+ simpl; red; auto.
+ apply equal_more_IfEq.
+ rewrite <- cons_1; auto.
-Lemma equal_aux_Equivb : forall cmp e, sorted_e e#1 -> sorted_e e#2 ->
- (equal_aux cmp e = L.equal cmp (flatten_e e#1) (flatten_e e#2)).
+Lemma equal_IfEq : forall (m1 m2:t elt),
+ IfEq (equal cmp m1 m2) (elements m1) (elements m2).
- intros cmp e; functional induction equal_aux cmp e; intros; clearf;
- simpl in *; auto; MX.elim_comp; auto.
- f_equal; auto.
- inversion_clear H.
- inversion_clear H0.
- destruct (@cons_1 r1 e1); auto.
- destruct (@cons_1 r2 e2); auto.
- rewrite <- H11, <- H13; auto.
+ intros; unfold equal.
+ rewrite (app_nil_end (elements m1)).
+ replace (elements m2) with (flatten_e (cons m2 (End _)))
+ by (rewrite cons_1; simpl; rewrite <-app_nil_end; auto).
+ apply equal_cont_IfEq.
+ intros.
+ apply equal_end_IfEq; auto.
-Lemma Equivb_elements : forall cmp s s',
- Equivb cmp s s' <-> L.Equivb cmp (elements s) (elements s').
+Definition Equivb m m' :=
+ (forall k, In k m <-> In k m') /\
+ (forall k e e', MapsTo k e m -> MapsTo k e' m' -> cmp e e' = true).
+Lemma Equivb_elements : forall s s',
+ Equivb s s' <-> L.Equivb cmp (elements s) (elements s').
unfold Equivb, L.Equivb; split; split; intros.
do 2 rewrite elements_in; firstorder.
@@ -1108,78 +1515,46 @@ destruct H.
apply (H2 k); unfold L.PX.MapsTo; rewrite elements_mapsto; auto.
-Lemma equal_Equivb : forall cmp s s', bst s -> bst s' ->
- (equal cmp s s' = true <-> Equivb cmp s s').
+Lemma equal_Equivb : forall (s s': t elt), bst s -> bst s' ->
+ (equal cmp s s' = true <-> Equivb s s').
- intros; unfold equal.
- destruct (@cons_1 s End); auto.
- inversion 2.
- destruct (@cons_1 s' End); auto.
- inversion 2.
- rewrite equal_aux_Equivb; simpl; auto.
- rewrite Equivb_elements.
- rewrite H2, H4.
- simpl; do 2 rewrite <- app_nil_end.
+ intros s s' B B'.
+ rewrite Equivb_elements, <- equal_IfEq.
split; [apply L.equal_2|apply L.equal_1]; auto.
-End Elt2.
-Section Elts.
-Variable elt elt' elt'' : Type.
+End Elt.
Section Map.
+Variable elt elt' : Type.
Variable f : elt -> elt'.
-Fixpoint map (m:t elt) {struct m} : t elt' :=
- match m with
- | Leaf => Leaf _
- | Node l v d r h => Node (map l) v (f d) (map r) h
- end.
-Lemma map_height : forall m, height (map m) = height m.
-destruct m; simpl; auto.
-Lemma map_1 : forall (m: tree elt)(x:key)(e:elt),
- MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo x (f e) (map m).
+Lemma map_1 : forall (m: t elt)(x:key)(e:elt),
+ MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo x (f e) (map f m).
induction m; simpl; inversion_clear 1; auto.
Lemma map_2 : forall (m: t elt)(x:key),
- In x (map m) -> In x m.
+ In x (map f m) -> In x m.
induction m; simpl; inversion_clear 1; auto.
-Lemma map_bst : forall m, bst m -> bst (map m).
+Lemma map_bst : forall m, bst m -> bst (map f m).
induction m; simpl; auto.
-inversion_clear 1; constructor; auto.
-red; intros; apply H2; apply map_2; auto.
-red; intros; apply H3; apply map_2; auto.
+inversion_clear 1; constructor; auto;
+ red; auto using map_2.
End Map.
-Section Mapi.
-Variable f : key -> elt -> elt'.
-Fixpoint mapi (m:t elt) {struct m} : t elt' :=
- match m with
- | Leaf => Leaf _
- | Node l v d r h => Node (mapi l) v (f v d) (mapi r) h
- end.
-Lemma mapi_height : forall m, height (mapi m) = height m.
-destruct m; simpl; auto.
+Section Mapi.
+Variable elt elt' : Type.
+Variable f : key -> elt -> elt'.
Lemma mapi_1 : forall (m: tree elt)(x:key)(e:elt),
- MapsTo x e m -> exists y, X.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e) (mapi m).
+ MapsTo x e m -> exists y, X.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e) (mapi f m).
induction m; simpl; inversion_clear 1; auto.
exists k; auto.
@@ -1190,172 +1565,242 @@ exists x0; intuition.
Lemma mapi_2 : forall (m: t elt)(x:key),
- In x (mapi m) -> In x m.
+ In x (mapi f m) -> In x m.
induction m; simpl; inversion_clear 1; auto.
-Lemma mapi_bst : forall m, bst m -> bst (mapi m).
+Lemma mapi_bst : forall m, bst m -> bst (mapi f m).
induction m; simpl; auto.
-inversion_clear 1; constructor; auto.
-red; intros; apply H2; apply mapi_2; auto.
-red; intros; apply H3; apply mapi_2; auto.
+inversion_clear 1; constructor; auto;
+ red; auto using mapi_2.
End Mapi.
-Section Map2.
-Variable f : option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''.
-(* Not exactly pretty nor perfect, but should suffice as a first naive implem.
- Anyway, map2 isn't in Ocaml...
-Definition anti_elements (l:list (key*elt'')) := L.fold (@add _) l (empty _).
+Section Map_option.
+Variable elt elt' : Type.
+Variable f : key -> elt -> option elt'.
+Hypothesis f_compat : forall x x' d, X.eq x x' -> f x d = f x' d.
-Definition map2 (m:t elt)(m':t elt') : t elt'' :=
- anti_elements (L.map2 f (elements m) (elements m')).
-Lemma anti_elements_bst_aux : forall (l:list (key*elt''))(m:t elt''),
- bst m -> bst (L.fold (@add _) l m).
+Lemma map_option_2 : forall (m:t elt)(x:key),
+ In x (map_option f m) -> exists d, MapsTo x d m /\ f x d <> None.
-induction l.
-simpl; auto.
-simpl; destruct a; intros.
-apply IHl.
-apply add_bst; auto.
+intros m; functional induction (map_option f m); simpl; auto; intros.
+inversion H.
+rewrite join_in in H; destruct H as [H|[H|H]].
+exists d; split; auto; rewrite (f_compat d H), e0; discriminate.
+destruct (IHt _ H) as {d0,?,?}; exists d0; auto.
+destruct (IHt0 _ H) as {d0,?,?}; exists d0; auto.
+rewrite concat_in in H; destruct H as [H|H].
+destruct (IHt _ H) as {d0,?,?}; exists d0; auto.
+destruct (IHt0 _ H) as {d0,?,?}; exists d0; auto.
-Lemma anti_elements_bst : forall l, bst (anti_elements l).
+Lemma map_option_bst : forall m, bst m -> bst (map_option f m).
-unfold anti_elements, empty; intros; apply anti_elements_bst_aux; auto.
+intros m; functional induction (map_option f m); simpl; auto; intros;
+ inv bst.
+apply join_bst; auto; intros y H;
+ destruct (map_option_2 H) as {d0,?,?}; eauto using MapsTo_In.
+apply concat_bst; auto; intros y y' H H'.
+destruct (map_option_2 H) as {d0,?,?}.
+destruct (map_option_2 H') as {d0',?,?}.
+eapply X.lt_trans with x; eauto using MapsTo_In.
+Hint Resolve map_option_bst.
+Ltac nonify e :=
+ replace e with (@None elt) by
+ (symmetry; rewrite not_find_iff; auto; intro; order).
+Lemma map_option_find : forall (m:t elt)(x:key),
+ bst m ->
+ find x (map_option f m) =
+ match (find x m) with Some d => f x d | None => None end.
+intros m; functional induction (map_option f m); simpl; auto; intros;
+ inv bst; rewrite join_find || rewrite concat_find; auto; simpl;
+ try destruct X.compare; simpl; auto.
+rewrite (f_compat d e); auto.
+intros y H;
+ destruct (map_option_2 H) as {?,?,?}; eauto using MapsTo_In.
+intros y H;
+ destruct (map_option_2 H) as {?,?,?}; eauto using MapsTo_In.
+rewrite <- IHt, IHt0; auto; nonify (find x0 r); auto.
+rewrite IHt, IHt0; auto; nonify (find x0 r); nonify (find x0 l); auto.
+rewrite (f_compat d e); auto.
+rewrite <- IHt0, IHt; auto; nonify (find x0 l); auto.
+ destruct (find x0 (map_option f r)); auto.
+intros y y' H H'.
+destruct (map_option_2 H) as {?,?,?}.
+destruct (map_option_2 H') as {?,?,?}.
+eapply X.lt_trans with x; eauto using MapsTo_In.
+End Map_option.
+Section Map2_opt.
+Variable elt elt' elt'' : Type.
+Variable f0 : key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''.
+Variable f : key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''.
+Variable mapl : t elt -> t elt''.
+Variable mapr : t elt' -> t elt''.
+Hypothesis f0_f : forall x d o, f x d o = f0 x (Some d) o.
+Hypothesis mapl_bst : forall m, bst m -> bst (mapl m).
+Hypothesis mapr_bst : forall m', bst m' -> bst (mapr m').
+Hypothesis mapl_f0 : forall x m, bst m ->
+ find x (mapl m) =
+ match find x m with Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None end.
+Hypothesis mapr_f0 : forall x m', bst m' ->
+ find x (mapr m') =
+ match find x m' with Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None end.
+Hypothesis f0_compat : forall x x' o o', X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'.
+Notation map2_opt := (map2_opt f mapl mapr).
+Lemma map2_opt_2 : forall m m' y, bst m -> bst m' ->
+ In y (map2_opt m m') -> In y m \/ In y m'.
+intros m m'; functional induction (map2_opt m m'); intros;
+ auto; try factornode _x0 _x1 _x2 _x3 _x4 as m2;
+ try (generalize (split_in_1 x1 H0 y)(split_in_2 x1 H0 y)
+ (split_bst x1 H0); rewrite e1; simpl; destruct 3; inv bst).
+right; apply find_in.
+generalize (in_find (mapr_bst H0) H1); rewrite mapr_f0; auto.
+destruct (find y m2); auto; intros; discriminate.
+factornode l1 x1 d1 r1 _x as m1.
+left; apply find_in.
+generalize (in_find (mapl_bst H) H1); rewrite mapl_f0; auto.
+destruct (find y m1); auto; intros; discriminate.
+rewrite join_in in H1; destruct H1 as [H'|[H'|H']]; auto.
+destruct (IHt1 y H6 H4 H'); intuition.
+destruct (IHt0 y H7 H5 H'); intuition.
+rewrite concat_in in H1; destruct H1 as [H'|H']; auto.
+destruct (IHt1 y H6 H4 H'); intuition.
+destruct (IHt0 y H7 H5 H'); intuition.
+Lemma map2_opt_bst : forall m m', bst m -> bst m' ->
+ bst (map2_opt m m').
+intros m m'; functional induction (map2_opt m m'); intros;
+ auto; try factornode _x0 _x1 _x2 _x3 _x4 as m2; inv bst;
+ generalize (split_in_1 x1 H0)(split_in_2 x1 H0)(split_bst x1 H0);
+ rewrite e1; simpl in *; destruct 3.
+apply join_bst; auto.
+intros y Hy; specialize H with y.
+destruct (map2_opt_2 H1 H6 Hy); intuition.
+intros y Hy; specialize H5 with y.
+destruct (map2_opt_2 H2 H7 Hy); intuition.
+apply concat_bst; auto.
+intros y y' Hy Hy'; specialize H with y; specialize H5 with y'.
+apply X.lt_trans with x1.
+destruct (map2_opt_2 H1 H6 Hy); intuition.
+destruct (map2_opt_2 H2 H7 Hy'); intuition.
+Hint Resolve map2_opt_bst.
+Ltac map2_aux :=
+ match goal with
+ | H : In ?x _ \/ In ?x ?m,
+ H' : find ?x ?m = find ?x ?m', B:bst ?m, B':bst ?m' |- _ =>
+ destruct H; [ intuition_in; order |
+ rewrite <-(find_in_equiv B B' H'); auto ]
+ end.
-Lemma anti_elements_mapsto_aux : forall (l:list (key*elt'')) m k e,
- bst m -> NoDupA (PX.eqk (elt:=elt'')) l ->
- (forall x, L.PX.In x l -> In x m -> False) ->
- (MapsTo k e (L.fold (@add _) l m) <-> L.PX.MapsTo k e l \/ MapsTo k e m).
-induction l.
-simpl; auto.
-inversion H3.
-simpl; destruct a; intros.
-rewrite IHl; clear IHl; auto using add_bst.
-assert (find k0 (add k e m) = Some e0).
- apply find_1; auto.
- apply add_bst; auto.
-clear H3.
-rewrite add_spec in H2; auto.
-destruct (MX.eq_dec k0 k).
-inversion_clear H2; subst; auto.
-right; apply find_2; auto.
-inversion_clear H3; auto.
-compute in H2; destruct H2.
-subst; right; apply add_1; auto.
-inversion_clear H0.
-destruct (MX.eq_dec k0 k).
-destruct (H1 k); eauto.
-right; apply add_2; auto.
-inversion H0; auto.
-inversion_clear H0.
-assert (~X.eq x k).
- contradict H4.
- destruct H2.
- apply InA_eqA with (x,x0); eauto.
-apply (H1 x).
-destruct H2; exists x0; auto.
-revert H3; do 2 rewrite <- In_alt; destruct 1; exists x0; auto.
-eapply add_3; eauto.
-Lemma anti_elements_mapsto : forall l k e, NoDupA (PX.eqk (elt:=elt'')) l ->
- (MapsTo k e (anti_elements l) <-> L.PX.MapsTo k e l).
-unfold anti_elements.
-rewrite anti_elements_mapsto_aux; auto; unfold empty; auto.
-inversion H1.
-inversion 2.
+Ltac nonify t :=
+ match t with (find ?y (map2_opt ?m ?m')) =>
+ replace t with (@None elt'');
+ [ | symmetry; rewrite not_find_iff; auto; intro;
+ destruct (@map2_opt_2 m m' y); auto; order ]
+ end.
+Lemma map2_opt_1 : forall m m' y, bst m -> bst m' ->
+ In y m \/ In y m' ->
+ find y (map2_opt m m') = f0 y (find y m) (find y m').
+intros m m'; functional induction (map2_opt m m'); intros;
+ auto; try factornode _x0 _x1 _x2 _x3 _x4 as m2;
+ try (generalize (split_in_1 x1 H0)(split_in_2 x1 H0)
+ (split_in_3 x1 H0)(split_bst x1 H0)(split_find x1 y H0)
+ (split_lt_tree (x:=x1) H0)(split_gt_tree (x:=x1) H0);
+ rewrite e1; simpl in *; destruct 4; intros; inv bst;
+ subst o2; rewrite H7, ?join_find, ?concat_find; auto).
+simpl; destruct H1; [ inversion_clear H1 | ].
+rewrite mapr_f0; auto.
+generalize (in_find H0 H1); destruct (find y m2); intuition.
+factornode l1 x1 d1 r1 _x as m1.
+destruct H1; [ | inversion_clear H1 ].
+rewrite mapl_f0; auto.
+generalize (in_find H H1); destruct (find y m1); intuition.
+simpl; destruct X.compare; auto.
+apply IHt1; auto; map2_aux.
+rewrite (@f0_compat y x1), <- f0_f; auto.
+apply IHt0; auto; map2_aux.
+intros z Hz; destruct (@map2_opt_2 l1 l2' z); auto.
+intros z Hz; destruct (@map2_opt_2 r1 r2' z); auto.
+destruct X.compare.
+nonify (find y (map2_opt r1 r2')).
+apply IHt1; auto; map2_aux.
+nonify (find y (map2_opt r1 r2')).
+nonify (find y (map2_opt l1 l2')).
+rewrite (@f0_compat y x1), <- f0_f; auto.
+nonify (find y (map2_opt l1 l2')).
+rewrite IHt0; auto; [ | map2_aux ].
+destruct (f0 y (find y r1) (find y r2')); auto.
+intros y1 y2 Hy1 Hy2; apply X.lt_trans with x1.
+ destruct (@map2_opt_2 l1 l2' y1); auto.
+ destruct (@map2_opt_2 r1 r2' y2); auto.
+End Map2_opt.
+Section Map2.
+Variable elt elt' elt'' : Type.
+Variable f : option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''.
-Lemma map2_bst : forall (m: t elt)(m': t elt'), bst (map2 m m').
+Lemma map2_bst : forall m m', bst m -> bst m' -> bst (map2 f m m').
-unfold map2; intros; apply anti_elements_bst; auto.
+unfold map2; intros.
+apply map2_opt_bst with (fun _ => f); auto using map_option_bst;
+ intros; rewrite map_option_find; auto.
-Lemma find_elements : forall (elt:Type)(m: t elt) x, bst m ->
- L.find x (elements m) = find x m.
-case_eq (find x m); intros.
-apply L.find_1.
-apply elements_sort; auto.
-red; rewrite elements_mapsto.
-apply find_2; auto.
-case_eq (L.find x (elements m)); auto; intros.
-rewrite <- H0; symmetry.
-apply find_1; auto.
-rewrite <- elements_mapsto.
-apply L.find_2; auto.
-Lemma find_anti_elements : forall (l: list (key*elt'')) x,
- sort (@PX.ltk _) l ->
- find x (anti_elements l) = L.find x l.
-case_eq (L.find x l); intros.
-apply find_1.
-apply anti_elements_bst; auto.
-rewrite anti_elements_mapsto; auto using L.PX.Sort_NoDupA, L.find_2.
-case_eq (find x (anti_elements l)); auto; intros.
-rewrite <- H0; symmetry.
-apply L.find_1; auto.
-rewrite <- anti_elements_mapsto; auto using L.PX.Sort_NoDupA, find_2.
-Lemma map2_1 : forall (m: t elt)(m': t elt')(x:key), bst m -> bst m' ->
- In x m \/ In x m' -> find x (map2 m m') = f (find x m) (find x m').
+Lemma map2_1 : forall m m' y, bst m -> bst m' ->
+ In y m \/ In y m' -> find y (map2 f m m') = f (find y m) (find y m').
unfold map2; intros.
-rewrite find_anti_elements; auto.
-rewrite <- find_elements; auto.
-rewrite <- find_elements; auto.
-apply L.map2_1; auto.
-apply elements_sort; auto.
-apply elements_sort; auto.
-do 2 rewrite elements_in; auto.
-apply L.map2_sorted; auto.
-apply elements_sort; auto.
-apply elements_sort; auto.
+rewrite (map2_opt_1 (f0:=fun _ => f));
+ auto using map_option_bst; intros; rewrite map_option_find; auto.
-Lemma map2_2 : forall (m: t elt)(m': t elt')(x:key), bst m -> bst m' ->
- In x (map2 m m') -> In x m \/ In x m'.
+Lemma map2_2 : forall m m' y, bst m -> bst m' ->
+ In y (map2 f m m') -> In y m \/ In y m'.
unfold map2; intros.
-do 2 rewrite <- elements_in.
-apply L.map2_2 with (f:=f); auto.
-apply elements_sort; auto.
-apply elements_sort; auto.
-revert H1.
-rewrite <- In_alt.
-destruct 1.
-exists x0.
-rewrite <- anti_elements_mapsto; auto.
-apply L.PX.Sort_NoDupA; auto.
-apply L.map2_sorted; auto.
-apply elements_sort; auto.
-apply elements_sort; auto.
+eapply map2_opt_2 with (f0:=fun _ => f); eauto; intros.
+ apply map_option_bst; auto.
+ apply map_option_bst; auto.
+ rewrite map_option_find; auto.
+ rewrite map_option_find; auto.
End Map2.
-End Elts.
+End Proofs.
End Raw.
(** * Encapsulation
@@ -1367,6 +1812,7 @@ Module IntMake (I:Int)(X: OrderedType) <: S with Module E := X.
Module E := X.
Module Raw := Raw I X.
+ Import Raw.Proofs.
Record bst (elt:Type) :=
Bst {this :> Raw.tree elt; is_bst : Raw.bst this}.
@@ -1381,17 +1827,17 @@ Module IntMake (I:Int)(X: OrderedType) <: S with Module E := X.
Implicit Types x y : key.
Implicit Types e : elt.
- Definition empty : t elt := Bst (Raw.empty_bst elt).
+ Definition empty : t elt := Bst (empty_bst elt).
Definition is_empty m : bool := Raw.is_empty m.(this).
- Definition add x e m : t elt := Bst (Raw.add_bst x e m.(is_bst)).
- Definition remove x m : t elt := Bst (Raw.remove_bst x m.(is_bst)).
+ Definition add x e m : t elt := Bst (add_bst x e m.(is_bst)).
+ Definition remove x m : t elt := Bst (remove_bst x m.(is_bst)).
Definition mem x m : bool := Raw.mem x m.(this).
Definition find x m : option elt := Raw.find x m.(this).
- Definition map f m : t elt' := Bst (Raw.map_bst f m.(is_bst)).
+ Definition map f m : t elt' := Bst (map_bst f m.(is_bst)).
Definition mapi (f:key->elt->elt') m : t elt' :=
- Bst (Raw.mapi_bst f m.(is_bst)).
+ Bst (mapi_bst f m.(is_bst)).
Definition map2 f m (m':t elt') : t elt'' :=
- Bst (Raw.map2_bst f m m').
+ Bst (map2_bst f m.(is_bst) m'.(is_bst)).
Definition elements m : list (key*elt) := Raw.elements m.(this).
Definition cardinal m := Raw.cardinal m.(this).
Definition fold (A:Type) (f:key->elt->A->A) m i := Raw.fold (A:=A) f m.(this) i.
@@ -1399,81 +1845,81 @@ Module IntMake (I:Int)(X: OrderedType) <: S with Module E := X.
Definition MapsTo x e m : Prop := Raw.MapsTo x e m.(this).
Definition In x m : Prop := Raw.In0 x m.(this).
- Definition Empty m : Prop := Raw.Empty m.(this).
+ Definition Empty m : Prop := Empty m.(this).
- Definition eq_key : (key*elt) -> (key*elt) -> Prop := @Raw.PX.eqk elt.
- Definition eq_key_elt : (key*elt) -> (key*elt) -> Prop := @Raw.PX.eqke elt.
- Definition lt_key : (key*elt) -> (key*elt) -> Prop := @Raw.PX.ltk elt.
+ Definition eq_key : (key*elt) -> (key*elt) -> Prop := @PX.eqk elt.
+ Definition eq_key_elt : (key*elt) -> (key*elt) -> Prop := @PX.eqke elt.
+ Definition lt_key : (key*elt) -> (key*elt) -> Prop := @PX.ltk elt.
Lemma MapsTo_1 : forall m x y e, E.eq x y -> MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo y e m.
- Proof. intros m; exact (@Raw.MapsTo_1 _ m.(this)). Qed.
+ Proof. intros m; exact (@MapsTo_1 _ m.(this)). Qed.
Lemma mem_1 : forall m x, In x m -> mem x m = true.
- unfold In, mem; intros m x; rewrite Raw.In_alt; simpl; apply Raw.mem_1; auto.
+ unfold In, mem; intros m x; rewrite In_alt; simpl; apply mem_1; auto.
apply m.(is_bst).
Lemma mem_2 : forall m x, mem x m = true -> In x m.
- unfold In, mem; intros m x; rewrite Raw.In_alt; simpl; apply Raw.mem_2; auto.
+ unfold In, mem; intros m x; rewrite In_alt; simpl; apply mem_2; auto.
Lemma empty_1 : Empty empty.
- Proof. exact (@Raw.empty_1 elt). Qed.
+ Proof. exact (@empty_1 elt). Qed.
Lemma is_empty_1 : forall m, Empty m -> is_empty m = true.
- Proof. intros m; exact (@Raw.is_empty_1 _ m.(this)). Qed.
+ Proof. intros m; exact (@is_empty_1 _ m.(this)). Qed.
Lemma is_empty_2 : forall m, is_empty m = true -> Empty m.
- Proof. intros m; exact (@Raw.is_empty_2 _ m.(this)). Qed.
+ Proof. intros m; exact (@is_empty_2 _ m.(this)). Qed.
Lemma add_1 : forall m x y e, E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e m).
- Proof. intros m x y e; exact (@Raw.add_1 elt _ x y e). Qed.
+ Proof. intros m x y e; exact (@add_1 elt _ x y e). Qed.
Lemma add_2 : forall m x y e e', ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m).
- Proof. intros m x y e e'; exact (@Raw.add_2 elt _ x y e e'). Qed.
+ Proof. intros m x y e e'; exact (@add_2 elt _ x y e e'). Qed.
Lemma add_3 : forall m x y e e', ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m) -> MapsTo y e m.
- Proof. intros m x y e e'; exact (@Raw.add_3 elt _ x y e e'). Qed.
+ Proof. intros m x y e e'; exact (@add_3 elt _ x y e e'). Qed.
Lemma remove_1 : forall m x y, E.eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x m).
- unfold In, remove; intros m x y; rewrite Raw.In_alt; simpl; apply Raw.remove_1; auto.
+ unfold In, remove; intros m x y; rewrite In_alt; simpl; apply remove_1; auto.
apply m.(is_bst).
Lemma remove_2 : forall m x y e, ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (remove x m).
- Proof. intros m x y e; exact (@Raw.remove_2 elt _ x y e m.(is_bst)). Qed.
+ Proof. intros m x y e; exact (@remove_2 elt _ x y e m.(is_bst)). Qed.
Lemma remove_3 : forall m x y e, MapsTo y e (remove x m) -> MapsTo y e m.
- Proof. intros m x y e; exact (@Raw.remove_3 elt _ x y e m.(is_bst)). Qed.
+ Proof. intros m x y e; exact (@remove_3 elt _ x y e m.(is_bst)). Qed.
Lemma find_1 : forall m x e, MapsTo x e m -> find x m = Some e.
- Proof. intros m x e; exact (@Raw.find_1 elt _ x e m.(is_bst)). Qed.
+ Proof. intros m x e; exact (@find_1 elt _ x e m.(is_bst)). Qed.
Lemma find_2 : forall m x e, find x m = Some e -> MapsTo x e m.
- Proof. intros m; exact (@Raw.find_2 elt m.(this)). Qed.
+ Proof. intros m; exact (@find_2 elt m.(this)). Qed.
Lemma fold_1 : forall m (A : Type) (i : A) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A),
fold f m i = fold_left (fun a p => f (fst p) (snd p) a) (elements m) i.
- Proof. intros m; exact (@Raw.fold_1 elt m.(this) m.(is_bst)). Qed.
+ Proof. intros m; exact (@fold_1 elt m.(this) m.(is_bst)). Qed.
Lemma elements_1 : forall m x e,
MapsTo x e m -> InA eq_key_elt (x,e) (elements m).
- intros; unfold elements, MapsTo, eq_key_elt; rewrite Raw.elements_mapsto; auto.
+ intros; unfold elements, MapsTo, eq_key_elt; rewrite elements_mapsto; auto.
Lemma elements_2 : forall m x e,
InA eq_key_elt (x,e) (elements m) -> MapsTo x e m.
- intros; unfold elements, MapsTo, eq_key_elt; rewrite <- Raw.elements_mapsto; auto.
+ intros; unfold elements, MapsTo, eq_key_elt; rewrite <- elements_mapsto; auto.
Lemma elements_3 : forall m, sort lt_key (elements m).
- Proof. intros m; exact (@Raw.elements_sort elt m.(this) m.(is_bst)). Qed.
+ Proof. intros m; exact (@elements_sort elt m.(this) m.(is_bst)). Qed.
Lemma elements_3w : forall m, NoDupA eq_key (elements m).
- Proof. intros m; exact (@Raw.elements_nodup elt m.(this) m.(is_bst)). Qed.
+ Proof. intros m; exact (@elements_nodup elt m.(this) m.(is_bst)). Qed.
Lemma cardinal_1 : forall m, cardinal m = length (elements m).
- Proof. intro m; exact (@Raw.elements_cardinal elt m.(this)). Qed.
+ Proof. intro m; exact (@elements_cardinal elt m.(this)). Qed.
Definition Equal m m' := forall y, find y m = find y m'.
Definition Equiv (eq_elt:elt->elt->Prop) m m' :=
@@ -1481,50 +1927,51 @@ Module IntMake (I:Int)(X: OrderedType) <: S with Module E := X.
(forall k e e', MapsTo k e m -> MapsTo k e' m' -> eq_elt e e').
Definition Equivb cmp := Equiv (Cmp cmp).
- Lemma Equivb_Equivb : forall cmp m m', Equivb cmp m m' <-> Raw.Equivb cmp m m'.
+ Lemma Equivb_Equivb : forall cmp m m',
+ Equivb cmp m m' <-> Raw.Proofs.Equivb cmp m m'.
- intros; unfold Equivb, Equiv, Raw.Equivb, In; intuition.
- generalize (H0 k); do 2 rewrite Raw.In_alt; intuition.
- generalize (H0 k); do 2 rewrite Raw.In_alt; intuition.
- generalize (H0 k); do 2 rewrite <- Raw.In_alt; intuition.
- generalize (H0 k); do 2 rewrite <- Raw.In_alt; intuition.
+ intros; unfold Equivb, Equiv, Raw.Proofs.Equivb, In; intuition.
+ generalize (H0 k); do 2 rewrite In_alt; intuition.
+ generalize (H0 k); do 2 rewrite In_alt; intuition.
+ generalize (H0 k); do 2 rewrite <- In_alt; intuition.
+ generalize (H0 k); do 2 rewrite <- In_alt; intuition.
Lemma equal_1 : forall m m' cmp,
Equivb cmp m m' -> equal cmp m m' = true.
unfold equal; intros (m,b) (m',b') cmp; rewrite Equivb_Equivb;
- intros; simpl in *; rewrite Raw.equal_Equivb; auto.
+ intros; simpl in *; rewrite equal_Equivb; auto.
Lemma equal_2 : forall m m' cmp,
equal cmp m m' = true -> Equivb cmp m m'.
unfold equal; intros (m,b) (m',b') cmp; rewrite Equivb_Equivb;
- intros; simpl in *; rewrite <-Raw.equal_Equivb; auto.
+ intros; simpl in *; rewrite <-equal_Equivb; auto.
End Elt.
Lemma map_1 : forall (elt elt':Type)(m: t elt)(x:key)(e:elt)(f:elt->elt'),
MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo x (f e) (map f m).
- Proof. intros elt elt' m x e f; exact (@Raw.map_1 elt elt' f m.(this) x e). Qed.
+ Proof. intros elt elt' m x e f; exact (@map_1 elt elt' f m.(this) x e). Qed.
Lemma map_2 : forall (elt elt':Type)(m:t elt)(x:key)(f:elt->elt'), In x (map f m) -> In x m.
- intros elt elt' m x f; do 2 unfold In in *; do 2 rewrite Raw.In_alt; simpl.
- apply Raw.map_2; auto.
+ intros elt elt' m x f; do 2 unfold In in *; do 2 rewrite In_alt; simpl.
+ apply map_2; auto.
Lemma mapi_1 : forall (elt elt':Type)(m: t elt)(x:key)(e:elt)
(f:key->elt->elt'), MapsTo x e m ->
exists y, E.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e) (mapi f m).
- Proof. intros elt elt' m x e f; exact (@Raw.mapi_1 elt elt' f m.(this) x e). Qed.
+ Proof. intros elt elt' m x e f; exact (@mapi_1 elt elt' f m.(this) x e). Qed.
Lemma mapi_2 : forall (elt elt':Type)(m: t elt)(x:key)
(f:key->elt->elt'), In x (mapi f m) -> In x m.
- intros elt elt' m x f; unfold In in *; do 2 rewrite Raw.In_alt; simpl; apply Raw.mapi_2; auto.
- Qed.
+ intros elt elt' m x f; unfold In in *; do 2 rewrite In_alt; simpl; apply mapi_2; auto.
+ Qed.
Lemma map2_1 : forall (elt elt' elt'':Type)(m: t elt)(m': t elt')
(x:key)(f:option elt->option elt'->option elt''),
@@ -1532,7 +1979,7 @@ Module IntMake (I:Int)(X: OrderedType) <: S with Module E := X.
find x (map2 f m m') = f (find x m) (find x m').
unfold find, map2, In; intros elt elt' elt'' m m' x f.
- do 2 rewrite Raw.In_alt; intros; simpl; apply Raw.map2_1; auto.
+ do 2 rewrite In_alt; intros; simpl; apply map2_1; auto.
apply m.(is_bst).
apply m'.(is_bst).
@@ -1542,7 +1989,7 @@ Module IntMake (I:Int)(X: OrderedType) <: S with Module E := X.
In x (map2 f m m') -> In x m \/ In x m'.
unfold In, map2; intros elt elt' elt'' m m' x f.
- do 3 rewrite Raw.In_alt; intros; simpl in *; eapply Raw.map2_2; eauto.
+ do 3 rewrite In_alt; intros; simpl in *; eapply map2_2; eauto.
apply m.(is_bst).
apply m'.(is_bst).
@@ -1552,128 +1999,154 @@ End IntMake.
Module IntMake_ord (I:Int)(X: OrderedType)(D : OrderedType) <:
Sord with Module Data := D
- with Module MapS.E := X.
+ with Module MapS.E := X.
Module Data := D.
Module Import MapS := IntMake(I)(X).
- Module Import MD := OrderedTypeFacts(D).
Module LO := FMapList.Make_ord(X)(D).
+ Module R := Raw.
+ Module P := Raw.Proofs.
- Definition t := MapS.t D.t.
+ Definition t := MapS.t D.t.
Definition cmp e e' :=
match D.compare e e' with EQ _ => true | _ => false end.
- Definition elements (m:t) :=
- LO.MapS.Build_slist (Raw.elements_sort m.(is_bst)).
- Function compare_aux (e:Raw.enumeration D.t * Raw.enumeration D.t)
- { measure Raw.cardinal_e_2 e } : comparison :=
- match e with
- | (Raw.End, Raw.End) => Eq
- | (Raw.End, Raw.More _ _ _ _) => Lt
- | (Raw.More _ _ _ _, Raw.End) => Gt
- | (Raw.More x1 d1 r1 e1, Raw.More x2 d2 r2 e2) =>
- match X.compare x1 x2 with
- | EQ _ => match D.compare d1 d2 with
- | EQ _ => compare_aux (Raw.cons r1 e1, Raw.cons r2 e2)
- | LT _ => Lt
- | GT _ => Gt
- end
- | LT _ => Lt
- | GT _ => Gt
- end
- end.
+ (** One step of comparison of elements *)
+ Definition compare_more x1 d1 (cont:R.enumeration D.t -> comparison) e2 :=
+ match e2 with
+ | R.End => Gt
+ | R.More x2 d2 r2 e2 =>
+ match X.compare x1 x2 with
+ | EQ _ => match D.compare d1 d2 with
+ | EQ _ => cont (R.cons r2 e2)
+ | LT _ => Lt
+ | GT _ => Gt
+ end
+ | LT _ => Lt
+ | GT _ => Gt
+ end
+ end.
+ (** Comparison of left tree, middle element, then right tree *)
+ Fixpoint compare_cont s1 (cont:R.enumeration D.t -> comparison) e2 :=
+ match s1 with
+ | R.Leaf => cont e2
+ | R.Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _ =>
+ compare_cont l1 (compare_more x1 d1 (compare_cont r1 cont)) e2
+ end.
+ (** Initial continuation *)
+ Definition compare_end (e2:R.enumeration D.t) :=
+ match e2 with R.End => Eq | _ => Lt end.
+ (** The complete comparison *)
+ Definition compare_pure s1 s2 :=
+ compare_cont s1 compare_end (R.cons s2 (Raw.End _)).
+ (** Correctness of this comparison *)
+ Definition Cmp c :=
+ match c with
+ | Eq => LO.eq_list
+ | Lt => LO.lt_list
+ | Gt => (fun l1 l2 => LO.lt_list l2 l1)
+ end.
+ Lemma cons_Cmp : forall c x1 x2 d1 d2 l1 l2,
+ X.eq x1 x2 -> D.eq d1 d2 ->
+ Cmp c l1 l2 -> Cmp c ((x1,d1)::l1) ((x2,d2)::l2).
- intros; unfold Raw.cardinal_e_2; simpl;
- abstract (do 2 rewrite Raw.cons_cardinal_e; romega with *).
- Defined.
+ destruct c; simpl; intros; P.MX.elim_comp; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Resolve cons_Cmp.
- Lemma compare_aux_Eq :
- forall e, Raw.sorted_e (fst e) -> Raw.sorted_e (snd e) ->
- compare_aux e = Eq ->
- LO.eq_list (Raw.flatten_e (fst e)) (Raw.flatten_e (snd e)).
+ Lemma compare_end_Cmp :
+ forall e2, Cmp (compare_end e2) nil (P.flatten_e e2).
- intros e; functional induction compare_aux e; simpl in *; intros;
- try discriminate; simpl; auto; try clear e3 e4;
- Raw.MX.elim_comp; split; auto.
- inversion_clear H.
- inversion_clear H0.
- destruct (@Raw.cons_1 _ r1 e1); auto.
- destruct (@Raw.cons_1 _ r2 e2); auto.
- rewrite <- H12, <- H14; auto.
+ destruct e2; simpl; auto.
- Lemma compare_aux_Lt :
- forall e, Raw.sorted_e (fst e) -> Raw.sorted_e (snd e) ->
- compare_aux e = Lt ->
- LO.lt_list (Raw.flatten_e (fst e)) (Raw.flatten_e (snd e)).
+ Lemma compare_more_Cmp : forall x1 d1 cont x2 d2 r2 e2 l,
+ Cmp (cont (R.cons r2 e2)) l (R.elements r2 ++ P.flatten_e e2) ->
+ Cmp (compare_more x1 d1 cont (R.More x2 d2 r2 e2)) ((x1,d1)::l)
+ (P.flatten_e (R.More x2 d2 r2 e2)).
- intros e; functional induction compare_aux e; simpl in *; intros;
- try discriminate; simpl; auto; clear e3; try clear e4;
- Raw.MX.elim_comp; auto.
- right; split; auto.
- inversion_clear H.
- inversion_clear H0.
- destruct (@Raw.cons_1 _ r1 e1); auto.
- destruct (@Raw.cons_1 _ r2 e2); auto.
- rewrite <- H12, <- H14; auto.
+ simpl; intros; destruct X.compare; simpl;
+ try destruct D.compare; simpl; auto; P.MX.elim_comp; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma compare_cont_Cmp : forall s1 cont e2 l,
+ (forall e, Cmp (cont e) l (P.flatten_e e)) ->
+ Cmp (compare_cont s1 cont e2) (R.elements s1 ++ l) (P.flatten_e e2).
+ Proof.
+ induction s1 as [|l1 Hl1 x1 d1 r1 Hr1 h1]; simpl; intros; auto.
+ rewrite <- P.elements_node; simpl.
+ apply Hl1; auto. clear e2. intros [|x2 d2 r2 e2].
+ simpl; auto.
+ apply compare_more_Cmp.
+ rewrite <- P.cons_1; auto.
- Lemma compare_aux_Gt :
- forall e, Raw.sorted_e (fst e) -> Raw.sorted_e (snd e) ->
- compare_aux e = Gt ->
- LO.lt_list (Raw.flatten_e (snd e)) (Raw.flatten_e (fst e)).
+ Lemma compare_Cmp : forall s1 s2,
+ Cmp (compare_pure s1 s2) (R.elements s1) (R.elements s2).
- intros e; functional induction compare_aux e; simpl in *; intros;
- try discriminate; simpl; auto; clear e3; try clear e4;
- Raw.MX.elim_comp; auto.
- right; split; auto.
- inversion_clear H.
- inversion_clear H0.
- destruct (@Raw.cons_1 _ r1 e1); auto.
- destruct (@Raw.cons_1 _ r2 e2); auto.
- rewrite <- H12, <- H14; auto.
+ intros; unfold compare_pure.
+ rewrite (app_nil_end (R.elements s1)).
+ replace (R.elements s2) with (P.flatten_e (R.cons s2 (R.End _))) by
+ (rewrite P.cons_1; simpl; rewrite <- app_nil_end; auto).
+ auto using compare_cont_Cmp, compare_end_Cmp.
- Definition eq (m1 m2 : t) := LO.eq (elements m1) (elements m2).
+ (** The dependent-style [compare] *)
- Definition lt (m1 m2 : t) := LO.lt (elements m1) (elements m2).
+ Definition eq (m1 m2 : t) := LO.eq_list (elements m1) (elements m2).
+ Definition lt (m1 m2 : t) := LO.lt_list (elements m1) (elements m2).
- Definition compare (m1 m2 : t) : Compare lt eq m1 m2.
+ Definition compare (s s':t) : Compare lt eq s s'.
- intros.
- destruct (@Raw.cons_1 _ _ (Raw.End _) m1.(is_bst)).
- constructor.
- inversion 2.
- destruct (@Raw.cons_1 _ _ (Raw.End _) m2.(is_bst)).
- constructor.
- inversion 2.
- set (e:= (Raw.cons m1 (Raw.End _), Raw.cons m2 (Raw.End _))).
- generalize (@compare_aux_Eq e H H1)(@compare_aux_Lt e H H1)
- (@compare_aux_Gt e H H1).
- destruct (compare_aux e); intros; [ apply EQ | apply LT | apply GT ];
- unfold eq, LO.eq, lt, LO.lt in *; simpl in *;
- rewrite H0, H2, <-app_nil_end, <-app_nil_end in *; auto.
+ intros (s,b) (s',b').
+ generalize (compare_Cmp s s').
+ destruct compare_pure; intros; [apply EQ|apply LT|apply GT]; red; auto.
+ (* Proofs about [eq] and [lt] *)
+ Definition selements (m1 : t) :=
+ LO.MapS.Build_slist (P.elements_sort m1.(is_bst)).
+ Definition seq (m1 m2 : t) := LO.eq (selements m1) (selements m2).
+ Definition slt (m1 m2 : t) := LO.lt (selements m1) (selements m2).
- Lemma eq_1 : forall m m', Equivb cmp m m' -> eq m m'.
+ Lemma eq_seq : forall m1 m2, eq m1 m2 <-> seq m1 m2.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eq, seq, selements, elements, LO.eq; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lt_slt : forall m1 m2, lt m1 m2 <-> slt m1 m2.
+ Proof.
+ unfold lt, slt, selements, elements, LO.lt; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_1 : forall (m m' : t), Equivb cmp m m' -> eq m m'.
intros m m'.
- unfold eq.
+ rewrite eq_seq; unfold seq.
rewrite Equivb_Equivb.
- rewrite Raw.Equivb_elements.
- intros.
- apply LO.eq_1.
- auto.
+ rewrite P.Equivb_elements.
+ auto using LO.eq_1.
Lemma eq_2 : forall m m', eq m m' -> Equivb cmp m m'.
intros m m'.
- unfold eq.
+ rewrite eq_seq; unfold seq.
rewrite Equivb_Equivb.
- rewrite Raw.Equivb_elements.
+ rewrite P.Equivb_elements.
generalize (LO.eq_2 H).
@@ -1681,27 +2154,30 @@ Module IntMake_ord (I:Int)(X: OrderedType)(D : OrderedType) <:
Lemma eq_refl : forall m : t, eq m m.
- unfold eq; intros; apply LO.eq_refl.
+ intros; rewrite eq_seq; unfold seq; intros; apply LO.eq_refl.
Lemma eq_sym : forall m1 m2 : t, eq m1 m2 -> eq m2 m1.
- unfold eq; intros; apply LO.eq_sym; auto.
+ intros m1 m2; rewrite 2 eq_seq; unfold seq; intros; apply LO.eq_sym; auto.
Lemma eq_trans : forall m1 m2 m3 : t, eq m1 m2 -> eq m2 m3 -> eq m1 m3.
- unfold eq; intros; eapply LO.eq_trans; eauto.
+ intros m1 m2 M3; rewrite 3 eq_seq; unfold seq.
+ intros; eapply LO.eq_trans; eauto.
Lemma lt_trans : forall m1 m2 m3 : t, lt m1 m2 -> lt m2 m3 -> lt m1 m3.
- unfold lt; intros; eapply LO.lt_trans; eauto.
+ intros m1 m2 m3; rewrite 3 lt_slt; unfold slt;
+ intros; eapply LO.lt_trans; eauto.
Lemma lt_not_eq : forall m1 m2 : t, lt m1 m2 -> ~ eq m1 m2.
- unfold lt, eq; intros; apply LO.lt_not_eq; auto.
+ intros m1 m2; rewrite lt_slt, eq_seq; unfold slt, seq;
+ intros; apply LO.lt_not_eq; auto.
End IntMake_ord.
@@ -1715,3 +2191,4 @@ Module Make_ord (X: OrderedType)(D: OrderedType)
<: Sord with Module Data := D
with Module MapS.E := X