path: root/test-suite/bugs/opened
diff options
authorGravatar Xavier Clerc <xavier.clerc@inria.fr>2014-09-26 13:30:19 +0200
committerGravatar Xavier Clerc <xavier.clerc@inria.fr>2014-09-26 13:30:19 +0200
commit9b1b8aba9cd40cc91fd9d52af4e6c075311ba4db (patch)
tree200b94e827381cda5102b518291eb1962adb8311 /test-suite/bugs/opened
parent158398435d1727e59f933f3eff6b58c5a635ffb8 (diff)
Add a bunch of reproduction files for bugs.
Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/bugs/opened')
22 files changed, 493 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/2951.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/2951.v
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+Class C (A: Type) : Type := { f: A }.
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3010.v-disabled b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3010.v-disabled
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+Definition em {A R} (k : forall s : sum A _, match s with inl x => R x | inr y => R end) := k (inr (fun x => k (inl x))). \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3045.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3045.v
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+Set Asymmetric Patterns.
+Generalizable All Variables.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Record SpecializedCategory (obj : Type) :=
+ {
+ Object :> _ := obj;
+ Morphism : obj -> obj -> Type;
+ Compose : forall s d d', Morphism d d' -> Morphism s d -> Morphism s d'
+ }.
+Arguments Compose {obj} [C s d d'] m1 m2 : rename.
+Inductive ReifiedMorphism : forall objC (C : SpecializedCategory objC), C -> C -> Type :=
+| ReifiedComposedMorphism : forall objC C s d d', ReifiedMorphism C d d' -> ReifiedMorphism C s d -> @ReifiedMorphism objC C s d'.
+Fixpoint ReifiedMorphismDenote objC C s d (m : @ReifiedMorphism objC C s d) : Morphism C s d :=
+ match m in @ReifiedMorphism objC C s d return Morphism C s d with
+ | ReifiedComposedMorphism _ _ _ _ _ m1 m2 => Compose (@ReifiedMorphismDenote _ _ _ _ m1)
+ (@ReifiedMorphismDenote _ _ _ _ m2)
+ end.
+Fixpoint ReifiedMorphismSimplifyWithProof objC C s d (m : @ReifiedMorphism objC C s d)
+: { m' : ReifiedMorphism C s d | ReifiedMorphismDenote m = ReifiedMorphismDenote m' }.
+refine match m with
+ | ReifiedComposedMorphism _ _ s0 d0 d0' m1 m2 => _
+ end; clear m.
+Fail destruct (@ReifiedMorphismSimplifyWithProof _ _ _ _ m1) as [ [] ? ].
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3068.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3068.v
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+++ b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3068.v
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Section Counted_list.
+ Variable A : Type.
+ Inductive counted_list : nat -> Type :=
+ | counted_nil : counted_list 0
+ | counted_cons : forall(n : nat),
+ A -> counted_list n -> counted_list (S n).
+ Fixpoint counted_def_nth{n : nat}(l : counted_list n)
+ (i : nat)(def : A) : A :=
+ match i with
+ | 0 => match l with
+ | counted_nil => def
+ | counted_cons _ a _ => a
+ end
+ | S i => match l with
+ | counted_nil => def
+ | counted_cons _ _ tl => counted_def_nth tl i def
+ end
+ end.
+ Lemma counted_list_equal_nth_char :
+ forall(n : nat)(l1 l2 : counted_list n)(def : A),
+ (forall(i : nat), counted_def_nth l1 i def = counted_def_nth l2 i def) ->
+ l1 = l2.
+ Proof.
+ admit.
+ Qed.
+End Counted_list.
+Implicit Arguments counted_def_nth [A n].
+Section Finite_nat_set.
+ Variable set_size : nat.
+ Definition fnat_subset : Type := counted_list bool set_size.
+ Definition fnat_member(fs : fnat_subset)(n : nat) : Prop :=
+ is_true (counted_def_nth fs n false).
+ Lemma fnat_subset_member_eq : forall(fs1 fs2 : fnat_subset),
+ fs1 = fs2 <->
+ forall(n : nat), fnat_member fs1 n <-> fnat_member fs2 n.
+ Proof.
+ intros fs1 fs2.
+ split.
+ intros H n.
+ subst fs1.
+ apply iff_refl.
+ intros H.
+ eapply counted_list_equal_nth_char.
+ intros i.
+ Fail destruct (counted_def_nth fs1 i _ ) eqn:H0.
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3071.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3071.v
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+Definition foo := True.
+Section foo.
+ Global Arguments foo / .
+Fail End foo.
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3092.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3092.v
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+Fail Fixpoint le_pred (n1 n2 : nat) (H1 : n1 <= n2) : pred n1 <= pred n2 :=
+ match H1 with
+ | le_n => le_n (pred _)
+ | le_S _ H2 =>
+ match n2 with
+ | 0 => fun H3 => H3
+ | S _ => le_S _ _
+ end (le_pred _ _ H2)
+ end.
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3100.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3100.v
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+Fixpoint F (n : nat) (A : Type) : Type :=
+ match n with
+ | 0 => True
+ | S n => forall (x : A), F n (x = x)
+ end.
+Goal forall A n, (forall (x : A) (e : x = x), F n (e = e)).
+intros A n.
+Fail change (forall x, F n (x = x)) with (F (S n)).
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3166.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3166.v
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+Set Asymmetric Patterns.
+Section eq.
+ Let A := { X : Type & X }.
+ Let B := (fun x : A => projT1 x).
+ Let T := (fun (a' : A) (b' : B a') => projT2 a' = b').
+ Let T' := T.
+ Let t1T := (fun _ : A => unit).
+ Let f1 := (fun x (_ : t1T x) => projT2 x).
+ Let t1 := (fun x (y : t1T x) => @eq_refl (projT1 x) (projT2 x)).
+ Let t1T' := t1T.
+ Let f1' := f1.
+ Let t1' := t1.
+ Theorem eq_matches_commute
+ a' b' (t' : T a' b')
+ (rta : forall b'', T' a' b'' -> A)
+ (rtb : forall b'' t'', B (rta b'' t''))
+ (rt1 : forall y, T _ (rtb (f1' a' y) (@t1' a' y)))
+ (R : forall (b : B (rta b' t')), T _ b -> Type)
+ (r1 : forall y, R (f1 _ y) (@t1 _ y))
+ : match
+ match t' as t0' in (@eq _ _ b0') return T (rta b0' t0') (rtb b0' t0') with
+ | eq_refl => rt1 tt
+ end
+ as t0 in (@eq _ _ b0)
+ return R b0 t0
+ with
+ | eq_refl => r1 tt
+ end
+ =
+ match t'
+ as t0' in (@eq _ _ b0')
+ return (forall (R : forall (b : B (rta b0' t0')), T _ b -> Type)
+ (r1 : forall y, R (f1 _ y) (@t1 _ y)),
+ R _ (match t0' as t0'0 in (@eq _ _ b0'0) return T (rta b0'0 t0'0) (rtb b0'0 t0'0) with
+ | eq_refl => rt1 tt
+ end))
+ with
+ | eq_refl => fun _ r1 =>
+ match rt1 tt with
+ | eq_refl => r1 tt
+ end
+ end R r1.
+ Proof.
+ destruct t'; reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+ Theorem eq_match_beta2
+ a b (t : T a b)
+ X
+ (R : forall b' (t' : T a b'), X b' -> Type)
+ (r1 : forall y x, R _ (@t1 _ y) x)
+ x
+ : match t as t' in (@eq _ _ b') return forall x, R b' t' x with
+ | eq_refl => r1 tt
+ end (x b)
+ =
+ match t as t' in (@eq _ _ b') return R b' t' (x b') with
+ | eq_refl => r1 tt (x _)
+ end.
+ Proof.
+ destruct t; reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+End eq.
+Definition typeof {T} (_ : T) := T.
+Eval compute in (eq_sym (eq_sym _)).
+Goal forall T (x y : T) (p : x = y), True.
+ intros.
+ pose proof
+ (@eq_matches_commute
+ (existT (fun T => T) T x) y p
+ (fun b'' _ => existT (fun T => T) T b'')
+ (fun _ _ => x)
+ (fun _ => eq_refl)
+ (fun x' _ => x' = y)
+ (fun _ => eq_refl)
+ ) as H0.
+ compute in H0.
+ change (fun (x' : T) (_ : y = x') => x' = y) with ((fun y => fun (x' : T) (_ : y = x') => x' = y) y) in H0.
+ Fail pose proof (fun k => @eq_trans _ _ _ k H0).
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3186.v-disabled b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3186.v-disabled
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+Fixpoint a (_:unit):=
+match eq_refl with
+|eq_refl => a
+end. \ No newline at end of file
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+Inductive eqT {A} (x : A) : A -> Type :=
+ reflT : eqT x x.
+Definition Bi_inv (A B : Type) (f : (A -> B)) :=
+ sigT (fun (g : B -> A) =>
+ sigT (fun (h : B -> A) =>
+ sigT (fun (α : forall b : B, eqT (f (g b)) b) =>
+ forall a : A, eqT (h (f a)) a))).
+Definition TEquiv (A B : Type) := sigT (fun (f : A -> B) => Bi_inv _ _ f).
+Axiom UA : forall (A B : Type), TEquiv (TEquiv A B) (eqT A B).
+Definition idtoeqv {A B} (e : eqT A B) : TEquiv A B :=
+ sigT_rect (fun _ => TEquiv A B)
+ (fun (f : TEquiv A B -> eqT A B) H =>
+ sigT_rect (fun _ => TEquiv A B)
+ (fun g _ => g e)
+ H)
+ (UA A B).
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3258.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3258.v
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+Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms Coq.Classes.RelationClasses Coq.Program.Program Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
+Global Set Implicit Arguments.
+Hint Extern 0 => apply reflexivity : typeclass_instances.
+Inductive Comp : Type -> Type :=
+| Pick : forall A, (A -> Prop) -> Comp A.
+Axiom computes_to : forall A, Comp A -> A -> Prop.
+Axiom refine : forall {A} (old : Comp A) (new : Comp A), Prop.
+Global Instance refine_PreOrder A : PreOrder (@refine A).
+Add Parametric Morphism A
+: (@Pick A)
+ with signature
+ (pointwise_relation _ (flip impl))
+ ==> (@refine A)
+ as refine_flip_impl_Pick.
+ admit.
+Definition remove_forall_eq' A x B (P : A -> B -> Prop) : pointwise_relation _ impl (P x) (fun z => forall y : A, y = x -> P y z).
+ admit.
+Goal forall A B (x : A) (P : _ -> _ -> Prop),
+ refine (Pick (fun n : B => forall y, y = x -> P y n))
+ (Pick (fun n : B => P x n)).
+ intros.
+ setoid_rewrite (@remove_forall_eq' _ _ _ _).
+ Undo.
+ Fail setoid_rewrite (@remove_forall_eq' _ _ _).
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3320.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3320.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Goal forall x : nat, True.
+ fix 1.
+ assumption.
+Fail Qed.
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3408.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3408.v
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+++ b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3408.v
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+Require Import BinPos.
+Inductive expr : Type :=
+ Var : nat -> expr
+| App : expr -> expr -> expr
+| Abs : unit -> expr -> expr.
+Inductive expr_acc
+: expr -> expr -> Prop :=
+ acc_App_l : forall f a : expr,
+ expr_acc f (App f a)
+| acc_App_r : forall f a : expr,
+ expr_acc a (App f a)
+| acc_Abs : forall (t : unit) (e : expr),
+ expr_acc e (Abs t e).
+Theorem wf_expr_acc : well_founded expr_acc.
+ red.
+ refine (fix rec a : Acc expr_acc a :=
+ match a as a return Acc expr_acc a with
+ | Var v => Acc_intro _ (fun y (_H : expr_acc y (Var v)) =>
+ match _H in expr_acc z Z
+ return match Z return Prop with
+ | Var _ => Acc _ y
+ | _ => True
+ end
+ with
+ | acc_App_l _ _ => I
+ | _ => I
+ end)
+ | App f x => Acc_intro _ (fun y (pf : expr_acc y (App f x)) =>
+ match pf in expr_acc z Z
+ return match Z return Prop with
+ | App a b => f = a -> x = b -> Acc expr_acc z
+ | _ => True
+ end
+ with
+ | acc_App_l f' x' => fun pf _ => match pf in _ = z return
+ Acc expr_acc z
+ with
+ | eq_refl => rec f
+ end
+ | acc_App_r f' x' => fun _ pf => match pf in _ = z return
+ Acc expr_acc z
+ with
+ | eq_refl => rec x
+ end
+ | _ => I
+ end eq_refl eq_refl)
+ | Abs t e => Acc_intro _ (fun y (pf : expr_acc y (Abs t e)) =>
+ match pf in expr_acc z Z
+ return match Z return Prop with
+ | Abs a b => e = b -> Acc expr_acc z
+ | _ => True
+ end
+ with
+ | acc_Abs f x => fun pf => match pf in _ = z return
+ Acc expr_acc z
+ with
+ | eq_refl => rec e
+ end
+ | _ => I
+ end eq_refl)
+ end).
+Theorem wf_expr_acc_delay : well_founded expr_acc.
+ red.
+ refine (fix rec a : Acc expr_acc a :=
+ match a as a return Acc expr_acc a with
+ | Var v => Acc_intro _ (fun y (_H : expr_acc y (Var v)) =>
+ match _H in expr_acc z Z
+ return match Z return Prop with
+ | Var _ => Acc _ y
+ | _ => True
+ end
+ with
+ | acc_App_l _ _ => I
+ | _ => I
+ end)
+ | App f x => Acc_intro _ (fun y (pf : expr_acc y (App f x)) =>
+ match pf in expr_acc z Z
+ return match Z return Prop with
+ | App a b => (unit -> Acc expr_acc a) -> (unit -> Acc expr_acc b) -> Acc expr_acc z
+ | _ => True
+ end
+ with
+ | acc_App_l f' x' => fun pf _ => pf tt
+ | acc_App_r f' x' => fun _ pf => pf tt
+ | _ => I
+ end (fun _ => rec f) (fun _ => rec x))
+ | Abs t e => Acc_intro _ (fun y (pf : expr_acc y (Abs t e)) =>
+ match pf in expr_acc z Z
+ return match Z return Prop with
+ | Abs a b => (unit -> Acc expr_acc b) -> Acc expr_acc z
+ | _ => True
+ end
+ with
+ | acc_Abs f x => fun pf => pf tt
+ | _ => I
+ end (fun _ => rec e))
+ end);
+ try solve [ inversion _H ].
+Fixpoint build_large (n : nat) : expr :=
+ match n with
+ | 0 => Var 0
+ | S n =>
+ let e := build_large n in
+ App e e
+ end.
+Section guard.
+ Context {A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Prop}.
+ Fixpoint guard (n : nat) (wfR : well_founded R) : well_founded R :=
+ match n with
+ | 0 => wfR
+ | S n0 =>
+ fun x : A =>
+ Acc_intro x
+ (fun (y : A) (_ : R y x) => guard n0 (guard n0 wfR) y)
+ end.
+End guard.
+Definition sizeF_delay : expr -> positive.
+ (@Fix expr (expr_acc)
+ (wf_expr_acc_delay)
+ (fun _ => positive)
+ (fun e =>
+ match e as e return (forall l, expr_acc l e -> positive) -> positive with
+ | Var _ => fun _ => 1
+ | App l r => fun rec => @rec l _ + @rec r _
+ | Abs _ e => fun rec => 1 + @rec e _
+ end%positive)).
+eapply acc_App_l.
+eapply acc_App_r.
+eapply acc_Abs.
+Definition sizeF_guard : expr -> positive.
+ (@Fix expr (expr_acc)
+ (guard 5 wf_expr_acc)
+ (fun _ => positive)
+ (fun e =>
+ match e as e return (forall l, expr_acc l e -> positive) -> positive with
+ | Var _ => fun _ => 1
+ | App l r => fun rec => @rec l _ + @rec r _
+ | Abs _ e => fun rec => 1 + @rec e _
+ end%positive)).
+eapply acc_App_l.
+eapply acc_App_r.
+eapply acc_Abs.
+Time Eval native_compute in sizeF_delay (build_large 2).
+Fail Time Eval native_compute in sizeF_guard (build_large 2).
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3410.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3410.v
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index 000000000..0d259181a
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fail repeat match goal with H:_ |- _ => setoid_rewrite X in H end.
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3417.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3417.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Goal forall {T}(a b : T), b=a -> {c | c=b}.
+intros T a b H.
+Fail setoid_rewrite H.
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3461.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3461.v
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+Lemma foo (b : bool) :
+ exists x : nat, x = x.
+eexists; Fail eexact (eq_refl b).
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3463.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3463.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Tactic Notation "test1" open_constr(t) ident(r):=
+ pose t.
+Tactic Notation "test2" constr(r) open_constr(t):=
+ pose t.
+Tactic Notation "test3" open_constr(t) constr(r):=
+ pose t.
+Goal True.
+ test1 (1 + _) nat.
+ test2 nat (1 + _).
+ test3 (1 + _) nat.
+ test3 (1 + _ : nat) nat.
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3467.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3467.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Module foo.
+ Notation x := $(exact I)$.
+End foo.
+Module bar.
+ Fail Include foo.
+End bar.
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3478.v-disabled b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3478.v-disabled
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+Set Primitive Projections.
+Record foo := { foom :> Type }.
+Canonical Structure default_foo := fun T => {| foom := T |}.
+Record bar T := { bar1 : T }.
+Goal forall (s : foo) (x : foom s), True.
+ intros.
+ Timeout 1 pose (x : bar _) as x'. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3487.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3487.v
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+Notation bar := $(exact I)$.
+Notation foo := bar (only parsing).
+Class baz := { x : False }.
+Instance: baz.
+Definition baz0 := ((_ : baz) = (_ : baz)).
+Definition foo1 := (foo = foo).
+Fail Definition baz1 := prod ((_ : baz) = (_ : baz)) (foo = foo).
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3490.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3490.v
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+Inductive T : Type :=
+| Var : nat -> T
+| Arr : T -> T -> T.
+Inductive Tele : list T -> Type :=
+| Tnil : @Tele nil
+| Tcons : forall ls, forall (t : @Tele ls) (l : T), @Tele (l :: ls).
+Fail Fixpoint TeleD (ls : list T) (t : Tele ls) {struct t}
+ : { x : Type & x -> nat -> Type } :=
+ match t return { x : Type & x -> nat -> Type } with
+ | Tnil => @existT Type (fun x => x -> nat -> Type) unit (fun (_ : unit) (_ : nat) => unit)
+ | Tcons ls t' l =>
+ let (result, get) := TeleD ls t' in
+ @existT Type (fun x => x -> nat -> Type)
+ { v : result & (fix TD (t : T) {struct t} :=
+ match t with
+ | Var n =>
+ get v n
+ | Arr a b => TD a -> TD b
+ end) l }
+ (fun x n =>
+ match n return Type with
+ | 0 => projT2 x
+ | S n => get (projT1 x) n
+ end)
+ end.
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3491.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3491.v
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+Fail Inductive list (A : Type) (T := A) : Type :=
+ nil : list A | cons : T -> list T -> list A.