path: root/test-suite/bugs/opened/2652b.v-disabled
diff options
authorGravatar Xavier Clerc <xavier.clerc@inria.fr>2014-09-30 10:39:45 +0200
committerGravatar Xavier Clerc <xavier.clerc@inria.fr>2014-09-30 10:39:45 +0200
commit0a0ea63772386f101ddd607d84b1c4534b5eb0cd (patch)
tree76dc82da83d92383e705a173c9bf67018b64f62d /test-suite/bugs/opened/2652b.v-disabled
parenta1be9ce30ed0c59d3cd8651ff0c624a24a6d3fc9 (diff)
Add a bunch of reproduction files for bugs.
Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/bugs/opened/2652b.v-disabled')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/2652b.v-disabled b/test-suite/bugs/opened/2652b.v-disabled
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b340436d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/opened/2652b.v-disabled
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+(* This used to show a bug in evarutil. which is fixed in 8.4 *)
+Require Import Strings.String.
+Require Import Classes.EquivDec.
+Require Import Lists.List.
+Inductive Owner : Type :=
+ | server : Owner
+ | client : Owner.
+Inductive ClassName : Type :=
+ | className : string -> ClassName.
+Inductive Label : Type :=
+ | label : nat -> Owner -> Label.
+Inductive Var : Type :=
+ | var : string -> Var.
+Inductive FieldName : Type :=
+ | fieldName : string -> Owner -> FieldName.
+Inductive MethodCall : Type :=
+ | methodCall : string -> MethodCall.
+Inductive Exp : Type :=
+ | varExp : Var -> Exp
+ | fieldReference : Var -> FieldName -> Exp
+ | methodCallExp : Var -> MethodCall -> list Var -> Exp
+ | allocation : ClassName -> list Var -> Exp
+ | cast : ClassName -> Var -> Exp.
+Inductive Stmt : Type :=
+ | assignment : Var -> Exp -> Label -> Stmt
+ | returnStmt : Var -> Label -> Stmt
+ | fieldUpdate : Var -> FieldName -> Exp -> Label -> Stmt.
+Inductive Konst : Type :=
+ | konst : ClassName -> (list (ClassName * FieldName)) -> list FieldName -> (list FieldName * FieldName) -> Konst.
+Inductive Method : Type :=
+ | method : ClassName -> MethodCall -> list (ClassName * Var) -> list (ClassName * Var) -> (list Stmt) -> Method.
+Inductive Class : Type :=
+ | class : ClassName -> ClassName -> (list (ClassName * FieldName)) -> (Konst * (list Method)) -> Class.
+Inductive Context : Type :=
+ | context : nat -> Context.
+Inductive HContext : Type :=
+ | heapContext : nat -> HContext.
+Inductive Location := loc : nat -> Location.
+Definition AbsLocation := ((Var * Context) + (FieldName * HContext)) % type.
+Definition CallStack := list (Stmt * Context * Var) % type.
+Inductive TypeState : Type :=
+ | fresh : TypeState
+ | stale : TypeState.
+Definition Obj := (HContext * (FieldName -> option AbsLocation) * TypeState) % type.
+Definition Store := Location -> option Obj.
+Definition OwnerStore := Owner -> Store.
+Definition AbsStore := AbsLocation -> option (list Obj).
+Definition Stack := list (Var -> option Location).
+Definition Batch := list Location.
+Definition Sigma := (Stmt * Stack * OwnerStore * AbsStore * CallStack * Context * Batch) % type.
+Definition update {A : Type} {B : Type} `{EqDec A} `{EqDec B} (f : A -> B) (k : A) (v : B) : (A -> B) :=
+ fun k' => if equiv_decb k' k then v else f k'.
+Parameter succ : Label -> Stmt.
+Inductive concreteSingleStep : Sigma -> Sigma -> Prop :=
+ | fieldAssignmentLocal : forall v f_do f o so sigma_so hc m sigma'_so v' l st sigma absSigma cst c b sigma' sigma'' b',
+ Some (hc, m, fresh) = sigma_so(st(v)) -> sigma'_so = update sigma_so st(v) (Some (hc, update m f_do st(v'), fresh))
+ ->
+ concreteSingleStep ((fieldUpdate v f_do (varExp v') l), st, sigma, absSigma, cst, c, b)
+ (succ(l), st, sigma'', absSigma, cst, c, b').