path: root/test-suite/bugs/closed
diff options
authorGravatar Matthieu Sozeau <mattam@mattam.org>2014-10-07 16:58:28 +0200
committerGravatar Matthieu Sozeau <mattam@mattam.org>2014-10-07 16:58:28 +0200
commit9207e875828d028806d054efb079ed7a088ed305 (patch)
tree6efdf5285e8c3a66c453102e770cb12071de9fcf /test-suite/bugs/closed
parent3f23f32686fc87c08f1dd8df50fe550e9f8afaf1 (diff)
Fix test-suite file 3352 which was containing the wrong test.
Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/bugs/closed')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/closed/3352.v b/test-suite/bugs/closed/3352.v
index bab197ed0..b57b0a0f0 100644
--- a/test-suite/bugs/closed/3352.v
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/closed/3352.v
@@ -1,115 +1,34 @@
-Require Coq.Vectors.Fin.
-Require Coq.Vectors.Vector.
-Local Generalizable All Variables.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Arguments Fin.F1 : clear implicits.
-Lemma fin_0_absurd : notT (Fin.t 0).
-Proof. hnf. apply Fin.case0. Qed.
-Fixpoint lower {n:nat} (p:Fin.t (S n)) {struct p} :
- forall (i:Fin.t (S n)), option (Fin.t n)
- := match p in Fin.t (S n1)
- return Fin.t (S n1) -> option (Fin.t n1)
- with
- | @Fin.F1 n1 =>
- fun (i:Fin.t (S n1)) =>
- match i in Fin.t (S n2) return option (Fin.t n2) with
- | @Fin.F1 n2 => None
- | @Fin.FS n2 i2 => Some i2
- end
- | @Fin.FS n1 p1 =>
- fun (i:Fin.t (S n1)) =>
- match i in Fin.t (S n2) return Fin.t n2 -> option (Fin.t n2) with
- | @Fin.F1 n2 =>
- match n2 as n3 return Fin.t n3 -> option (Fin.t n3) with
- | 0 => fun p2 => False_rect _ (fin_0_absurd p2)
- | S n3 => fun p2 => Some (Fin.F1 n3)
- end
- | @Fin.FS n2 i2 =>
- match n2 as n3 return Fin.t n3 -> Fin.t n3 -> option (Fin.t n3) with
- | 0 => fun i3 p3 => False_rect _ (fin_0_absurd p3)
- | S n3 => fun (i3 p3:Fin.t (S n3)) =>
- option_map (@Fin.FS _) (lower p3 i3)
- end i2
- end p1
- end.
-Lemma lower_ind (P: forall n (p i:Fin.t (S n)), option (Fin.t n) -> Prop)
- (c11 : forall n, P n (Fin.F1 n) (Fin.F1 n) None)
- (c1S : forall n (i:Fin.t n), P n (Fin.F1 n) (Fin.FS i) (Some i))
- (cS1 : forall n (p:Fin.t (S n)),
- P (S n) (Fin.FS p) (Fin.F1 (S n)) (Some (Fin.F1 n)))
- (cSSS : forall n (p i:Fin.t (S n)) (i':Fin.t n)
- (Elow:lower p i = Some i'),
- P n p i (Some i') ->
- P (S n) (Fin.FS p) (Fin.FS i) (Some (Fin.FS i')))
- (cSSN : forall n (p i:Fin.t (S n))
- (Elow:lower p i = None),
- P n p i None ->
- P (S n) (Fin.FS p) (Fin.FS i) None) :
- forall n (p i:Fin.t (S n)), P n p i (lower p i).
- fix 2. intros n p.
- refine (match p as p1 in Fin.t (S n1)
- return forall (i1:Fin.t (S n1)), P n1 p1 i1 (lower p1 i1)
- with
- | @Fin.F1 n1 => _
- | @Fin.FS n1 p1 => _
- end); clear n p.
- { revert n1. refine (@Fin.caseS _ _ _); cbn; intros.
- apply c11. apply c1S. }
- { intros i1. revert p1.
- pattern n1, i1; refine (@Fin.caseS _ _ _ _ _);
- clear n1 i1;
- (intros [|n] i; [refine (False_rect _ (fin_0_absurd i)) | cbn ]).
- { apply cS1. }
- { intros p. pose proof (lower_ind n p i) as H.
- destruct (lower p i) eqn:E.
- { apply cSSS; assumption. }
- { cbn. apply cSSN; assumption. } } }
-Section squeeze.
- Context {A:Type} (x:A).
- Notation vec := (Vector.t A).
- Fixpoint squeeze {n} (v:vec n) (i:Fin.t (S n)) {struct i} : vec (S n) :=
- match i in Fin.t (S _n) return vec _n -> vec (S _n)
- with
- | @Fin.F1 n' => fun v' => Vector.cons _ x _ v'
- | @Fin.FS n' i' =>
- fun v' =>
- match n' as _n return vec _n -> Fin.t _n -> vec (S _n)
- with
- | 0 => fun u i' => False_rect _ (fin_0_absurd i')
- | S m =>
- fun (u:vec (S m)) =>
- match u in Vector.t _ (S _m)
- return Fin.t (S _m) -> vec (S (S _m))
- with
- | Vector.nil _ => tt
- | Vector.cons _ h _ u' =>
- fun j' => Vector.cons _ h _ (squeeze u' j')
- end
- end v' i'
- end v.
-End squeeze.
-Lemma squeeze_nth (A:Type) (x:A) (n:nat) (v:Vector.t A n) p i :
- Vector.nth (squeeze x v p) i = match lower p i with
- | Some j => Vector.nth v j
- | None => x
- end.
- (* alternatively: [functional induction (lower p i) using lower_ind] *)
- revert v. pattern n, p, i, (lower p i).
- refine (@lower_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ n p i);
- intros; cbn; auto.
- (*** Fails here with "Conversion test raised an anomaly" ***)
- revert v.
+I'm not sure what the general rule should be; intuitively, I want [IsHProp (* Set *) Foo] to mean [IsHProp (* U >= Set *) Foo]. (I think this worked in HoTT/coq, too.) Morally, [IsHProp] has no universe level associated with it distinct from that of its argument, you should never get a universe inconsistency from unifying [IsHProp A] with [IsHProp A]. (The issue is tricker when IsHProp uses [A] elsewhere, as in:
+(* File reduced by coq-bug-finder from original input, then from 7725 lines to 78 lines, then from 51 lines to 13 lines *)
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Inductive Empty : Set := .
+Record IsHProp (A : Type) := { foo : True }.
+Definition hprop_Empty : IsHProp@{i} Empty := {| foo := I |}.
+Goal let U := Type in let gt := Set : U in IsHProp (Empty : U).
+Set Printing Universes.
+exact @hprop_Empty. (* Toplevel input, characters 21-32:
+The term "hprop_Empty" has type "IsHProp (* Set *) Empty"
+while it is expected to have type "IsHProp (* Top.17 *) Empty"
+(Universe inconsistency: Cannot enforce Top.17 = Set because Set < Top.17)). *)
+Module B.
+(* -*- coq-prog-args: ("-emacs" "-indices-matter") -*- *)
+(* File reduced by coq-bug-finder from original input, then from 7725 lines to 78 lines, then from 51 lines to 13 lines *)
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Inductive paths {A} (a : A) : A -> Type := idpath : paths a a where "x = y" := (@paths _ x y) : type_scope.
+Record Contr (A : Type) := { center : A }.
+Monomorphic Record IsHProp (A : Type) := { foo : forall x y : A, Contr (x = y) }.
+Definition hprop_Empty : IsHProp Empty := {| foo x y := match x : Empty with end |}.
+Goal let U := Type in let gt := Set : U in IsHProp (Empty : U).
+Set Printing Universes.
+exact hprop_Empty.
+End B. \ No newline at end of file