path: root/test-suite/bugs/closed/HoTT_coq_034.v
diff options
authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2014-04-08 01:42:49 -0400
committerGravatar Matthieu Sozeau <mattam@mattam.org>2014-05-10 15:39:30 +0200
commit3f64bd23a343bcd7be0ef07afa7d9e3249df24ec (patch)
treeb3a938d606daa421a6e8d566d69fdc93b99f88fd /test-suite/bugs/closed/HoTT_coq_034.v
parent3507f3d81082f5f4aef165cc3f4b0207224fb0cb (diff)
Add more regression tests for univ poly/prim proj
hese regression tests are aggregated from the various bugs I (and others) have reported on https://github.com/HoTT/coq/issues relating to universe polymorphism, primitive projections, and eta for records. These are the tests that trunk currently fails. I'm not sure about the naming scheme (HoTT_coq_###.v, where ### is the number of the issue in GitHub), but I couldn't think of a better one.
Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/bugs/closed/HoTT_coq_034.v')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/closed/HoTT_coq_034.v b/test-suite/bugs/closed/HoTT_coq_034.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9697928ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/closed/HoTT_coq_034.v
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+Module Short.
+ Set Universe Polymorphism.
+ Inductive relevant (A : Type) (B : Type) : Prop := .
+ Section foo.
+ Variables A B : Type.
+ Definition foo := prod (relevant A B) A.
+ End foo.
+ Section bar.
+ Variable A : Type.
+ Variable B : Type.
+ Definition bar := prod (relevant A B) A.
+ End bar.
+ Set Printing Universes.
+ Check bar nat Set : Set. (* success *)
+ Check foo nat Set : Set. (* Toplevel input, characters 6-17:
+The term "foo (* Top.303 Top.304 *) nat Set" has type
+"Type (* Top.304 *)" while it is expected to have type
+"Set" (Universe inconsistency: Cannot enforce Top.304 = Set because Set
+< Top.304)). *)
+End Short.
+Section Long.
+ Set Universe Polymorphism.
+ Set Implicit Arguments.
+ Generalizable All Variables.
+ Record SpecializedCategory (obj : Type) :=
+ {
+ Object :> _ := obj;
+ Morphism : obj -> obj -> Type
+ }.
+ Record > Category :=
+ {
+ CObject : Type;
+ UnderlyingCategory :> @SpecializedCategory CObject
+ }.
+ Record SpecializedFunctor `(C : @SpecializedCategory objC) `(D : @SpecializedCategory objD) :=
+ {
+ ObjectOf :> objC -> objD;
+ MorphismOf : forall s d, C.(Morphism) s d -> D.(Morphism) (ObjectOf s) (ObjectOf d)
+ }.
+ (* Replacing this with [Definition Functor (C D : Category) :=
+SpecializedFunctor C D.] gets rid of the universe inconsistency. *)
+ Section Functor.
+ Variable C D : Category.
+ Definition Functor := SpecializedFunctor C D.
+ End Functor.
+ Record SpecializedNaturalTransformation `(C : @SpecializedCategory objC) `(D : @SpecializedCategory objD) (F G : SpecializedFunctor C D) :=
+ {
+ ComponentsOf :> forall c, D.(Morphism) (F c) (G c)
+ }.
+ Definition FunctorProduct' `(F : Functor C D) : SpecializedFunctor C D.
+ admit.
+ Defined.
+ Definition TypeCat : @SpecializedCategory Type.
+ admit.
+ Defined.
+ Definition CovariantHomFunctor `(C : @SpecializedCategory objC) : SpecializedFunctor C TypeCat.
+ refine (Build_SpecializedFunctor C TypeCat
+ (fun X : C => C.(Morphism) X X)
+ _
+ ); admit.
+ Defined.
+ Definition FunctorCategory `(C : @SpecializedCategory objC) `(D : @SpecializedCategory objD) : @SpecializedCategory (SpecializedFunctor C D).
+ refine (@Build_SpecializedCategory _
+ (SpecializedNaturalTransformation (C := C) (D := D))).
+ Defined.
+ Definition Yoneda `(C : @SpecializedCategory objC) : SpecializedFunctor C (FunctorCategory C TypeCat).
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- SpecializedFunctor ?C0 ?D0 ] =>
+ refine (Build_SpecializedFunctor C0 D0
+ (fun c => CovariantHomFunctor C)
+ _
+ )
+ end;
+ admit.
+ Defined.
+ Section FullyFaithful.
+ Context `(C : @SpecializedCategory objC).
+ Let TypeCatC := FunctorCategory C TypeCat.
+ Let YC := (Yoneda C).
+ Set Printing Universes.
+ Check @FunctorProduct' C TypeCatC (Yoneda C).
+ (* Toplevel input, characters 35-43:
+In environment
+objC : Type (* Top.186 *)
+C : SpecializedCategory (* Top.185 Top.186 *) objC
+TypeCatC := FunctorCategory (* Top.187 Top.185 Top.189 Top.186 Top.191
+ Top.192 *) C TypeCat (* Top.193 Top.192 Top.195 Top.191 *)
+ : SpecializedCategory (* Top.189 Top.187 *)
+ (SpecializedFunctor (* Top.192 Top.186 Top.191 Top.185 *) C
+ TypeCat (* Top.193 Top.192 Top.195 Top.191 *))
+YC := Yoneda (* Top.197 Top.198 Top.185 Top.186 Top.201 Top.202 Top.203
+ Top.204 Top.185 Top.206 *) C
+ : SpecializedFunctor (* Top.202 Top.186 Top.203 Top.185 *) C
+ (FunctorCategory (* Top.203 Top.185 Top.202 Top.186 Top.197 Top.198 *)
+ C TypeCat (* Top.185 Top.198 Top.204 Top.197 *))
+The term
+ "Yoneda (* Top.225 Top.226 Top.227 Top.186 Top.229 Top.230 Top.231 Top.232
+ Top.185 Top.234 *) C" has type
+ "SpecializedFunctor (* Top.230 Top.228 Top.231 Top.233 *) C
+ (FunctorCategory (* Top.231 Top.233 Top.230 Top.228 Top.225 Top.226 *) C
+ TypeCat (* Top.227 Top.226 Top.232 Top.225 *))"
+while it is expected to have type
+ "Functor (* Top.216 Top.219 Top.217 Top.220 *) C TypeCatC"
+(Universe inconsistency: Cannot enforce Top.230 = Top.217 because Top.217
+<= Top.227 < Top.225 <= Top.231 <= Top.230)).
+ *)
+End Long.