path: root/test-suite/bugs/closed/3344.v
diff options
authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <Enrico.Tassi@inria.fr>2014-06-23 19:06:03 +0200
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <Enrico.Tassi@inria.fr>2014-06-23 19:06:31 +0200
commitefa3add0c03b70ecda3890cc6c69e66850605e7d (patch)
tree170f4a2991b8bfd30f6a769a173b2f0fe132686b /test-suite/bugs/closed/3344.v
parent550a407928063c8e93af808408a61a238fa5039a (diff)
Fix handling of side effects in Defined objects (Closes: HoTT#111 + 3344)
Every time you use abstract a kitten dies, please stop.
Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/bugs/closed/3344.v')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/closed/3344.v b/test-suite/bugs/closed/3344.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8255fd6cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/closed/3344.v
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+(* File reduced by coq-bug-finder from original input, then from 716 lines to 197 lines, then from 206 lines to 162 lines, then from 163 lines to 73 lines *)
+Require Import Coq.Sets.Ensembles.
+Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
+Global Set Implicit Arguments.
+Global Set Asymmetric Patterns.
+Ltac clearbodies := repeat match goal with | [ H := _ |- _ ] => clearbody H end.
+Inductive Comp : Type -> Type :=
+| Return : forall A, A -> Comp A
+| Bind : forall A B, Comp A -> (A -> Comp B) -> Comp B.
+Inductive computes_to : forall A, Comp A -> A -> Prop :=
+| ReturnComputes : forall A v, @computes_to A (Return v) v
+| BindComputes : forall A B comp_a f comp_a_value comp_b_value,
+ @computes_to A comp_a comp_a_value
+ -> @computes_to B (f comp_a_value) comp_b_value
+ -> @computes_to B (Bind comp_a f) comp_b_value.
+Inductive is_computational : forall A, Comp A -> Prop :=
+| Return_is_computational : forall A (x : A), is_computational (Return x)
+| Bind_is_computational : forall A B (cA : Comp A) (f : A -> Comp B),
+ is_computational cA
+ -> (forall a,
+ @computes_to _ cA a -> is_computational (f a))
+ -> is_computational (Bind cA f).
+Theorem is_computational_inv A (c : Comp A)
+: is_computational c
+ -> match c with
+ | Return _ _ => True
+ | Bind _ _ x f => is_computational x
+ /\ forall v, computes_to x v
+ -> is_computational (f v)
+ end.
+ admit.
+Fixpoint is_computational_unique_val A (c : Comp A) {struct c}
+: is_computational c -> { a | unique (computes_to c) a }.
+ refine match c as c return is_computational c -> { a | unique (computes_to c) a } with
+ | Return T x => fun _ => exist (unique (computes_to (Return x)))
+ x
+ _
+ | Bind _ _ x f
+ => fun H
+ => let H' := is_computational_inv H in
+ let xv := @is_computational_unique_val _ _ (proj1 H') in
+ let fxv := @is_computational_unique_val _ _ (proj2 H' _ (proj1 (proj2_sig xv))) in
+ exist (unique (computes_to _))
+ (proj1_sig fxv)
+ _
+ end;
+ clearbodies;
+ clear is_computational_unique_val;
+ clear;
+ first [ abstract admit
+ | abstract admit ].
+(* [Fail] does not catch the anomaly *)
+(* Anomaly: Uncaught exception Not_found(_). Please report. *)