path: root/test-suite/bugs/closed/3026.v
diff options
authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2013-05-08 17:44:20 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2013-05-08 17:44:20 +0000
commitc9467e5684f9a71cb82ddc72b5b9d501b32b5c5e (patch)
treea69b27a71cb8a846e2b0d48f960ed13d603b2446 /test-suite/bugs/closed/3026.v
parent8916db4378cf5ceb477a425bdf8f6bdd5fd58716 (diff)
Protection against "Bad recursive type" in w_unify0 (bug #3036).
Morally, unification wants to unify "fun x:Meta => Meta" with "fun x:nat => match x with ... end". Retyping is asked to type "match x with ... end" in the context "x:Meta" where the type of x has de facto been lost. Retyping fails. I don't see an easy remedy since w_unify0 builds the unifier lazily, and I'm not sure it is worth to propagate the unifier to retyping so that it knows it. After all, the call to retyping in w_unify0 is not so critical. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@16489 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/bugs/closed/3026.v')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/closed/3026.v b/test-suite/bugs/closed/3026.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1ead0557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/closed/3026.v
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+(* Checking use of retyping in w_unify0 in the presence of unification
+problems of the form \x:Meta.Meta = \x:ind.match x with ... end *)
+Require Import List.
+Require Import QArith.
+Require Import Qcanon.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Inductive dynamic : Type :=
+ | Dyn : forall T, T -> dynamic.
+Definition perm := Qc.
+Locate Qle_bool.
+Definition compatibleb (p1 p2 : perm) : bool :=
+let p1pos := Qle_bool 00 p1 in
+ let p2pos := Qle_bool 00 p2 in
+ negb (
+ (p1pos && p2pos)
+ || ((p1pos || p2pos) && (negb (Qle_bool 00 ((p1 + p2)%Qc)))))%Qc.
+Definition compatible (p1 p2 : perm) := compatibleb p1 p2 = true.
+Definition perm_plus (p1 p2 : perm) : option perm :=
+ if compatibleb p1 p2 then Some (p1 + p2) else None.
+Infix "+p" := perm_plus (at level 60, no associativity).
+Axiom axiom_ptr : Set.
+Definition ptr := axiom_ptr.
+Axiom axiom_ptr_eq_dec : forall (a b : ptr), {a = b} + {a <> b}.
+Definition ptr_eq_dec := axiom_ptr_eq_dec.
+Definition hval := (dynamic * perm)%type.
+Definition heap := ptr -> option hval.
+Bind Scope heap_scope with heap.
+Delimit Scope heap_scope with heap.
+Local Open Scope heap_scope.
+Definition read (h : heap) (p : ptr) : option hval := h p.
+Notation "a # b" := (read a b) (at level 55, no associativity) : heap_scope.
+Definition val (v:hval) := fst v.
+Definition frac (v:hval) := snd v.
+Definition hval_plus (v1 v2 : hval) : option hval :=
+ match (frac v1) +p (frac v2) with
+ | None => None
+ | Some v1v2 => Some (val v1, v1v2)
+ end.
+Definition hvalo_plus (v1 v2 : option hval) :=
+ match v1 with
+ | None => v2
+ | Some v1' =>
+ match v2 with
+ | None => v1
+ | Some v2' => (hval_plus v1' v2')
+ end
+ end.
+Notation "v1 +o v2" := (hvalo_plus v1 v2) (at level 60, no associativity) : heap_scope.
+Definition join (h1 h2 : heap) : heap :=
+ (fun p => (h1 p) +o (h2 p)).
+Infix "*" := join (at level 40, left associativity) : heap_scope.
+Definition hprop := heap -> Prop.
+Bind Scope hprop_scope with hprop.
+Delimit Scope hprop_scope with hprop.
+Definition hprop_cell (p : ptr) T (v : T) (pi:Qc): hprop := fun h =>
+ h#p = Some (Dyn v, pi) /\ forall p', p' <> p -> h#p' = None.
+Notation "p ---> v" := (hprop_cell p v (0%Qc)) (at level 38, no associativity) : hprop_scope.
+Definition empty : heap := fun _ => None.
+Definition hprop_empty : hprop := eq empty.
+Notation "'emp'" := hprop_empty : hprop_scope.
+Definition hprop_inj (P : Prop) : hprop := fun h => h = empty /\ P.
+Notation "[ P ]" := (hprop_inj P) (at level 0, P at level 200) : hprop_scope.
+Definition hprop_imp (p1 p2 : hprop) : Prop := forall h, p1 h -> p2 h.
+Infix "==>" := hprop_imp (right associativity, at level 55).
+Definition hprop_ex T (p : T -> hprop) : hprop := fun h => exists v, p v h.
+Notation "'Exists' v :@ T , p" := (hprop_ex (fun v : T => p%hprop))
+ (at level 90, T at next level) : hprop_scope.
+Local Open Scope hprop_scope.
+Definition disjoint (h1 h2 : heap) : Prop :=
+ forall p,
+ match h1#p with
+ | None => True
+ | Some v1 => match h2#p with
+ | None => True
+ | Some v2 => val v1 = val v2
+ /\ compatible (frac v1) (frac v2)
+ end
+ end.
+Infix "<#>" := disjoint (at level 40, no associativity) : heap_scope.
+Definition split (h h1 h2 : heap) : Prop := h1 <#> h2 /\ h = h1 * h2.
+Notation "h ~> h1 * h2" := (split h h1 h2) (at level 40, h1 at next level, no associativity).
+Definition hprop_sep (p1 p2 : hprop) : hprop := fun h =>
+ exists h1, exists h2, h ~> h1 * h2
+ /\ p1 h1
+ /\ p2 h2.
+Infix "*" := hprop_sep (at level 40, left associativity) : hprop_scope.
+Section Stack.
+ Variable T : Set.
+ Record node : Set := Node {
+ data : T;
+ next : option ptr
+ }.
+ Fixpoint listRep (ls : list T) (hd : option ptr) {struct ls} : hprop :=
+ match ls with
+ | nil => [hd = None]
+ | h :: t =>
+ match hd with
+ | None => [False]
+ | Some hd' => Exists p :@ option ptr, hd' ---> Node h p * listRep t p
+ end
+ end%hprop.
+ Definition stack := ptr.
+ Definition rep q ls := (Exists po :@ option ptr, q ---> po * listRep ls po)%hprop.
+ Definition isExistential T (x : T) := True.
+ Theorem himp_ex_conc_trivial : forall T p p1 p2,
+ p ==> p1 * p2
+ -> T
+ -> p ==> hprop_ex (fun _ : T => p1) * p2.
+ Admitted.
+ Goal forall (s : ptr) (x : T) (nd : ptr) (v : unit) (x0 : list T) (v0 : option ptr)
+ (H0 : isExistential v0),
+ nd ---> {| data := x; next := v0 |} * (s ---> Some nd * listRep x0 v0) ==>
+ (Exists po :@ option ptr,
+ s ---> po *
+ match po with
+ | Some hd' =>
+ Exists p :@ option ptr,
+ hd' ---> {| data := x; next := p |} * listRep x0 p
+ | None => [False]
+ end) * emp.
+ Proof.
+ intros. apply himp_ex_conc_trivial.