path: root/tactics
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authorGravatar sacerdot <sacerdot@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2004-09-29 09:15:02 +0000
committerGravatar sacerdot <sacerdot@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2004-09-29 09:15:02 +0000
commitc5dc4774406997dbd84a4e949dfe781eb95e5c6a (patch)
treecb141228b1c5db591d73ce25f1238220e4edcdf9 /tactics
parentbab5a96055af20139766d0008bf67018e4000fff (diff)
The quoting function is now 100% complete.
[ Note: untested, since the source of uncompleteness fixed is extremely unlikely to happen and it never happens in my test cases. ] git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@6148 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'tactics')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/setoid_replace.ml b/tactics/setoid_replace.ml
index 93a0e2945..ef09d9489 100644
--- a/tactics/setoid_replace.ml
+++ b/tactics/setoid_replace.ml
@@ -749,7 +749,6 @@ let add_setoid a aeq th =
{rel_a = a ; rel_aeq = aeq ; rel_refl = Some refl ; rel_sym = Some sym}
- (*CSC: coq_prop_relation used here *)
add_morphism None mor_name
(aeq,[aeq_rel;aeq_rel],Lazy.force coq_prop_relation)
@@ -924,8 +923,6 @@ let cartesian_product a =
List.map Array.of_list
(aux (List.map (elim_duplicates identity) (Array.to_list a)))
-exception BackTrack
let mark_occur gl t in_c input_relation input_direction =
let rec aux output_relation output_direction in_c =
if eq_constr t in_c then
@@ -995,24 +992,29 @@ let mark_occur gl t in_c input_relation input_direction =
[] ->
- if not (get_mark (Array.of_list a_rev)) then
+ if a_rev = [] then
[ToKeep (in_c,output_relation,output_direction)]
- let err =
- match output_relation with
- Leibniz typ' when eq_constr typ typ' -> false
- | _ when output_relation = (Lazy.force coq_prop_relation) ->
- false
- | _ -> true
- in
- if err then []
- else
- let mor =
- ACFunction {f_args=List.rev f_args_rev; f_output=typ} in
- let func = beta_expand c c_args_rev in
- [MApp
- (func,mor,Array.of_list (List.rev a_rev),
- output_direction)]
+ let a' = cartesian_product (Array.of_list (List.rev a_rev)) in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun res a ->
+ if not (get_mark a) then
+ (ToKeep (in_c,output_relation,output_direction))::res
+ else
+ let err =
+ match output_relation with
+ Leibniz typ' when eq_constr typ typ' -> false
+ | _ when output_relation = Lazy.force coq_prop_relation
+ -> false
+ | _ -> true
+ in
+ if err then res
+ else
+ let mor =
+ ACFunction{f_args=List.rev f_args_rev;f_output=typ} in
+ let func = beta_expand c c_args_rev in
+ (MApp (func,mor,a,output_direction))::res
+ ) [] a'
| (he::tl) as a->
let typnf = Reduction.whd_betadeltaiota env typ in
match kind_of_term typnf with
@@ -1024,35 +1026,42 @@ let mark_occur gl t in_c input_relation input_direction =
let he =
(aux (Leibniz s) Left2Right he) @
(aux (Leibniz s) Right2Left he) in
-(*CSC: let's make it simple at first *)
-let he = match he with [] -> raise BackTrack | he::_ -> (*ppnl (str "!!!!!! THE TACTIC IS STILL INCOMPLETE HERE !!!!!");*) he in
- begin
- match noccurn 1 t, he with
- _, ToKeep (arg,_,_) ->
- (* generic product, to keep *)
- find_non_dependent_function
- env' c ((Toapply arg)::c_args_rev)
- (subst1 arg t) f_args_rev a_rev tl
- | true, _ ->
- (* non-dependent product, to replace *)
- find_non_dependent_function
- env' c ((Toexpand (name,s))::c_args_rev)
- (lift 1 t) (s::f_args_rev) (he::a_rev) tl
- | false, _ ->
- (* dependent product, to replace *)
- (*CSC: this limitation is due to the reflexive
- implementation and it is hard to lift *)
- errorlabstrm "Setoid_replace"
- (str "Cannot rewrite in the argument of a " ++
- str "dependent product. If you need this " ++
- str "feature, please report to the author.")
- end
+ if he = [] then []
+ else
+ let he0 = List.hd he in
+ begin
+ match noccurn 1 t, he0 with
+ _, ToKeep (arg,_,_) ->
+ (* invariant: if he0 = ToKeep (t,_,_) then every
+ element in he is = ToKeep (t,_,_) *)
+ assert
+ (List.for_all
+ (function
+ ToKeep (arg',_,_) when eq_constr arg arg' ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false) he) ;
+ (* generic product, to keep *)
+ find_non_dependent_function
+ env' c ((Toapply arg)::c_args_rev)
+ (subst1 arg t) f_args_rev a_rev tl
+ | true, _ ->
+ (* non-dependent product, to replace *)
+ find_non_dependent_function
+ env' c ((Toexpand (name,s))::c_args_rev)
+ (lift 1 t) (s::f_args_rev) (he::a_rev) tl
+ | false, _ ->
+ (* dependent product, to replace *)
+ (* This limitation is due to the reflexive
+ implementation and it is hard to lift *)
+ errorlabstrm "Setoid_replace"
+ (str "Cannot rewrite in the argument of a " ++
+ str "dependent product. If you need this " ++
+ str "feature, please report to the author.")
+ end
| _ -> assert false
find_non_dependent_function (Tacmach.pf_env gl) c [] typ [] []
(Array.to_list al)
-with BackTrack -> []
elim_duplicates identity (res_functions @ res_mors)
| Prod (_, c1, c2) ->
@@ -1159,7 +1168,6 @@ let syntactic_but_representation_of_marked_but hole_relation hole_direction =
ACMorphism { args = args ; lem = lem } -> lem,args
| ACFunction { f_args = f_args ; f_output = f_output } ->
let mt =
- (*CSC: coq_prop_relation used here *)
if eq_constr out (cic_relation_class_of_relation_class
(Lazy.force coq_prop_relation))
@@ -1243,7 +1251,6 @@ let apply_coq_setoid_rewrite hole_relation prop_relation c1 c2 (direction,h)
let relation_rewrite c1 c2 (input_direction,cl) gl =
let but = pf_concl gl in
let (hyp,c1,c2) =
-let oldc1 = c1 in
let (env',c1) =
w_unify_to_subterm ~mod_delta:false (pf_env gl) (c1,but) cl.env
@@ -1306,7 +1313,7 @@ let general_s_rewrite lft2rgt c gl =
exception Use_replace
-(*CSC: the name should be changed *)
+(*CSC: still setoid in the name *)
let setoid_replace c1 c2 gl =
let relation =