path: root/tactics
diff options
authorGravatar msozeau <msozeau@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2008-02-14 12:56:21 +0000
committerGravatar msozeau <msozeau@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2008-02-14 12:56:21 +0000
commitbb3560885d943baef87b7f99a5d646942f0fb288 (patch)
treee5eaa2c4dc00c2a2d0d53a561e3ff910a0139906 /tactics
parentf3e1ed674ebf3281e65f871d366dce38cf980539 (diff)
Backtrack changes on eauto, move specialized version of eauto in
class_tactics for further customizations. Add Equivalence.v for typeclass definitions on equivalences and clrewrite.v test-suite for clrewrite. Debugging the tactic I found missing morphisms that are now in Morphisms.v and removed some that made proof search fail or take too long, not sure it's complete however. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@10565 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'tactics')
3 files changed, 292 insertions, 144 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/class_tactics.ml4 b/tactics/class_tactics.ml4
index 6569afc14..4eef08dcc 100644
--- a/tactics/class_tactics.ml4
+++ b/tactics/class_tactics.ml4
@@ -33,6 +33,12 @@ open Hiddentac
open Typeclasses
open Typeclasses_errors
+open Evd
+(** Typeclasses instance search tactic / eauto *)
+open Auto
let e_give_exact c gl =
let t1 = (pf_type_of gl c) and t2 = pf_concl gl in
if occur_existential t1 or occur_existential t2 then
@@ -41,6 +47,275 @@ let e_give_exact c gl =
let assumption id = e_give_exact (mkVar id)
+let unify_e_resolve (c,clenv) gls =
+ let clenv' = connect_clenv gls clenv in
+ let _ = clenv_unique_resolver false clenv' gls in
+ h_simplest_eapply c gls
+let rec e_trivial_fail_db db_list local_db goal =
+ let tacl =
+ Eauto.registered_e_assumption ::
+ (tclTHEN Tactics.intro
+ (function g'->
+ let d = pf_last_hyp g' in
+ let hintl = make_resolve_hyp (pf_env g') (project g') d in
+ (e_trivial_fail_db db_list
+ (Hint_db.add_list hintl local_db) g'))) ::
+ (List.map fst (e_trivial_resolve db_list local_db (pf_concl goal)) )
+ in
+ tclFIRST (List.map tclCOMPLETE tacl) goal
+and e_my_find_search db_list local_db hdc concl =
+ let hdc = head_of_constr_reference hdc in
+ let hintl =
+ if occur_existential concl then
+ list_map_append (Hint_db.map_all hdc) (local_db::db_list)
+ else
+ list_map_append (Hint_db.map_auto (hdc,concl)) (local_db::db_list)
+ in
+ let tac_of_hint =
+ fun {pri=b; pat = p; code=t} ->
+ (b,
+ let tac =
+ match t with
+ | Res_pf (term,cl) -> unify_resolve (term,cl)
+ | ERes_pf (term,cl) -> unify_e_resolve (term,cl)
+ | Give_exact (c) -> e_give_exact c
+ | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (term,cl) ->
+ tclTHEN (unify_e_resolve (term,cl))
+ (e_trivial_fail_db db_list local_db)
+ | Unfold_nth c -> unfold_in_concl [[],c]
+ | Extern tacast -> conclPattern concl
+ (Option.get p) tacast
+ in
+ (tac,fmt_autotactic t))
+ in
+ List.map tac_of_hint hintl
+and e_trivial_resolve db_list local_db gl =
+ try
+ Auto.priority
+ (e_my_find_search db_list local_db
+ (List.hd (head_constr_bound gl [])) gl)
+ with Bound | Not_found -> []
+let e_possible_resolve db_list local_db gl =
+ try List.map snd
+ (e_my_find_search db_list local_db
+ (List.hd (head_constr_bound gl [])) gl)
+ with Bound | Not_found -> []
+let find_first_goal gls =
+ try first_goal gls with UserError _ -> assert false
+type search_state = {
+ depth : int; (*r depth of search before failing *)
+ tacres : goal list sigma * validation;
+ last_tactic : std_ppcmds;
+ dblist : Auto.Hint_db.t list;
+ localdb : Auto.Hint_db.t list }
+module SearchProblem = struct
+ type state = search_state
+ let success s = (sig_it (fst s.tacres)) = []
+ let pr_ev evs ev = Printer.pr_constr_env (Evd.evar_env ev) (Evarutil.nf_evar evs ev.Evd.evar_concl)
+ let pr_goals gls =
+ let evars = Evarutil.nf_evars (Refiner.project gls) in
+ prlist (pr_ev evars) (sig_it gls)
+ let filter_tactics (glls,v) l =
+(* let _ = Proof_trees.db_pr_goal (List.hd (sig_it glls)) in *)
+(* let evars = Evarutil.nf_evars (Refiner.project glls) in *)
+(* msg (str"Goal:" ++ pr_ev evars (List.hd (sig_it glls)) ++ str"\n"); *)
+ let rec aux = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (tac,pptac) :: tacl ->
+ try
+ let (lgls,ptl) = apply_tac_list tac glls in
+ let v' p = v (ptl p) in
+(* let gl = Proof_trees.db_pr_goal (List.hd (sig_it glls)) in *)
+(* msg (hov 1 (pptac ++ str" gives: \n" ++ pr_goals lgls ++ str"\n")); *)
+ ((lgls,v'),pptac) :: aux tacl
+ with e when Logic.catchable_exception e ->
+ aux tacl
+ in aux l
+ (* Ordering of states is lexicographic on depth (greatest first) then
+ number of remaining goals. *)
+ let compare s s' =
+ let d = s'.depth - s.depth in
+ let nbgoals s = List.length (sig_it (fst s.tacres)) in
+ if d <> 0 then d else nbgoals s - nbgoals s'
+ let branching s =
+ if s.depth = 0 then
+ []
+ else
+ let lg = fst s.tacres in
+ let nbgl = List.length (sig_it lg) in
+ assert (nbgl > 0);
+ let g = find_first_goal lg in
+ let assumption_tacs =
+ let l =
+ filter_tactics s.tacres
+ (List.map
+ (fun id -> (Eauto.e_give_exact_constr (mkVar id),
+ (str "exact" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id)))
+ (pf_ids_of_hyps g))
+ in
+ List.map (fun (res,pp) -> { depth = s.depth; tacres = res;
+ last_tactic = pp; dblist = s.dblist;
+ localdb = List.tl s.localdb }) l
+ in
+ let intro_tac =
+ List.map
+ (fun ((lgls,_) as res,pp) ->
+ let g' = first_goal lgls in
+ let hintl =
+ make_resolve_hyp (pf_env g') (project g') (pf_last_hyp g')
+ in
+ let ldb = Hint_db.add_list hintl (match s.localdb with [] -> assert false | hd :: _ -> hd) in
+ { depth = s.depth; tacres = res;
+ last_tactic = pp; dblist = s.dblist;
+ localdb = ldb :: List.tl s.localdb })
+ (filter_tactics s.tacres [Tactics.intro,(str "intro")])
+ in
+ let rec_tacs =
+ let l =
+ filter_tactics s.tacres (e_possible_resolve s.dblist (List.hd s.localdb) (pf_concl g))
+ in
+ List.map
+ (fun ((lgls,_) as res, pp) ->
+ let nbgl' = List.length (sig_it lgls) in
+ if nbgl' < nbgl then
+ { depth = s.depth; tacres = res; last_tactic = pp;
+ dblist = s.dblist; localdb = List.tl s.localdb }
+ else
+ { depth = pred s.depth; tacres = res;
+ dblist = s.dblist; last_tactic = pp;
+ localdb =
+ list_addn (nbgl'-nbgl) (match s.localdb with [] -> assert false | hd :: _ -> hd) s.localdb })
+ l
+ in
+ List.sort compare (assumption_tacs @ intro_tac @ rec_tacs)
+ let pp s =
+ msg (hov 0 (str " depth=" ++ int s.depth ++ spc () ++
+ s.last_tactic ++ str "\n"))
+module Search = Explore.Make(SearchProblem)
+let make_initial_state n gls dblist localdbs =
+ { depth = n;
+ tacres = gls;
+ last_tactic = (mt ());
+ dblist = dblist;
+ localdb = localdbs }
+let e_depth_search debug p db_list local_dbs gls =
+ try
+ let tac = if debug then Search.debug_depth_first else Search.depth_first in
+ let s = tac (make_initial_state p gls db_list local_dbs) in
+ s.tacres
+ with Not_found -> error "EAuto: depth first search failed"
+let e_breadth_search debug n db_list local_dbs gls =
+ try
+ let tac =
+ if debug then Search.debug_breadth_first else Search.breadth_first
+ in
+ let s = tac (make_initial_state n gls db_list local_dbs) in
+ s.tacres
+ with Not_found -> error "EAuto: breadth first search failed"
+let e_search_auto debug (in_depth,p) lems db_list gls =
+ let sigma = Evd.sig_sig (fst gls) and gls' = Evd.sig_it (fst gls) in
+ let local_dbs = List.map (fun gl -> make_local_hint_db lems ({it = gl; sigma = sigma})) gls' in
+ if in_depth then
+ e_depth_search debug p db_list local_dbs gls
+ else
+ e_breadth_search debug p db_list local_dbs gls
+let full_eauto debug n lems gls =
+ let dbnames = current_db_names () in
+ let dbnames = list_subtract dbnames ["v62"] in
+ let db_list = List.map searchtable_map dbnames in
+ e_search_auto debug n lems db_list gls
+exception Found of evar_defs
+let valid evm p res_sigma l =
+ let evd' =
+ Evd.fold
+ (fun ev evi (gls, sigma) ->
+ if not (Evd.is_evar evm ev) then
+ match gls with
+ hd :: tl ->
+ if evi.evar_body = Evar_empty then
+ let cstr, obls = Refiner.extract_open_proof !res_sigma hd in
+ (tl, Evd.evar_define ev cstr sigma)
+ else (tl, sigma)
+ | [] -> ([], sigma)
+ else if not (Evd.is_defined evm ev) && p ev evi then
+ match gls with
+ hd :: tl ->
+ if evi.evar_body = Evar_empty then
+ let cstr, obls = Refiner.extract_open_proof !res_sigma hd in
+ (tl, Evd.evar_define ev cstr sigma)
+ else (tl, sigma)
+ | [] -> assert(false)
+ else (gls, sigma))
+ !res_sigma (l, Evd.create_evar_defs !res_sigma)
+ in raise (Found (snd evd'))
+let resolve_all_evars_once debug (mode, depth) env p evd =
+ let evm = Evd.evars_of evd in
+ let goals =
+ Evd.fold
+ (fun ev evi gls ->
+ if evi.evar_body = Evar_empty && p ev evi then
+ (evi :: gls)
+ else gls)
+ evm []
+ in
+ let gls = { it = List.rev goals; sigma = evm } in
+ let res_sigma = ref evm in
+ res_sigma := Evarutil.nf_evars (sig_sig gls');
+ let gls', valid' = full_eauto debug (mode, depth) [] (gls, valid evm p res_sigma) in
+ try ignore(valid' []); assert(false) with Found evd' -> Evarutil.nf_evar_defs evd'
+exception FoundTerm of constr
+let resolve_one_typeclass env gl =
+ let gls = { it = [ Evd.make_evar (Environ.named_context_val env) gl ] ; sigma = Evd.empty } in
+ let valid x = raise (FoundTerm (fst (Refiner.extract_open_proof Evd.empty (List.hd x)))) in
+ let gls', valid' = full_eauto false (true, 15) [] (gls, valid) in
+ try ignore(valid' []); assert false with FoundTerm t -> t
+let has_undefined p evd =
+ Evd.fold (fun ev evi has -> has ||
+ (evi.evar_body = Evar_empty && p ev evi))
+ (Evd.evars_of evd) false
+let rec resolve_all_evars debug m env p evd =
+ let rec aux n evd =
+ if has_undefined p evd && n > 0 then
+ let evd' = resolve_all_evars_once debug m env p evd in
+ aux (pred n) evd'
+ else evd
+ in aux 3 evd
+(** Typeclass-based rewriting. *)
let morphism_class = lazy (class_info (id_of_string "Morphism"))
let get_respect cl =
@@ -147,7 +422,16 @@ let reflexivity_proof env evars carrier relation x =
(* with Not_found -> *)
(* let meta = Evarutil.new_meta() in *)
(* mkCast (mkMeta meta, DEFAULTcast, mkApp (relation, [| x; x |])) *)
+let symmetric_proof env carrier relation =
+ let goal =
+ mkApp (Lazy.force symmetric_type, [| carrier ; relation |])
+ in
+ try
+ let inst = resolve_one_typeclass env goal in
+ mkApp (Lazy.force symmetric_proof, [| carrier ; relation ; inst |])
+ with e when Logic.catchable_exception e -> raise Not_found
let resolve_morphism env sigma oldt m args args' cstr evars =
let (morphism_cl, morphism_proj) = Lazy.force morphism_class in
let morph_instance, proj, sigargs, m', args, args' =
@@ -270,10 +554,14 @@ let decompose_setoid_eqhyp gl env sigma c left2right t =
| _ -> error "Not a relation"
if left2right then res
- else (c, (car, mkApp (Lazy.force inverse, [| car ; rel |]), y, x))
+ else
+ try (mkApp (symmetric_proof env car rel, [| x ; y ; c |]), (car, rel, y, x))
+ with Not_found ->
+ (c, (car, mkApp (Lazy.force inverse, [| car ; rel |]), y, x))
let resolve_all_typeclasses env evd =
- Eauto.resolve_all_evars false (true, 15) env (fun ev evi -> Typeclasses.class_of_constr evi.Evd.evar_concl <> None) evd
+ resolve_all_evars false (true, 15) env
+ (fun ev evi -> Typeclasses.class_of_constr evi.Evd.evar_concl <> None) evd
(* let _ = *)
(* Typeclasses.solve_instanciation_problem := *)
@@ -372,7 +660,7 @@ let resolve_argument_typeclasses d p env evd onlyargs all =
(fun ev evi -> class_of_constr evi.Evd.evar_concl <> None)
- Eauto.resolve_all_evars d p env pred evd
+ resolve_all_evars d p env pred evd
with e ->
if all then raise e else evd
diff --git a/tactics/eauto.ml4 b/tactics/eauto.ml4
index effebf331..706ba9840 100644
--- a/tactics/eauto.ml4
+++ b/tactics/eauto.ml4
@@ -226,7 +226,6 @@ let find_first_goal gls =
(*s The following module [SearchProblem] is used to instantiate the generic
exploration functor [Explore.Make]. *)
type search_state = {
depth : int; (*r depth of search before failing *)
@@ -339,13 +338,6 @@ let make_initial_state n gl dblist localdb =
dblist = dblist;
localdb = [localdb] }
-let make_initial_state_gls n gls dblist localdbs =
- { depth = n;
- tacres = gls;
- last_tactic = (mt ());
- dblist = dblist;
- localdb = localdbs }
let debug_depth_first = Search.debug_depth_first
let e_depth_search debug p db_list local_db gl =
@@ -355,13 +347,6 @@ let e_depth_search debug p db_list local_db gl =
with Not_found -> error "EAuto: depth first search failed"
-let e_depth_search_gls debug p db_list local_dbs gls =
- try
- let tac = if debug then Search.debug_depth_first else Search.depth_first in
- let s = tac (make_initial_state_gls p gls db_list local_dbs) in
- s.tacres
- with Not_found -> error "EAuto: depth first search failed"
let e_breadth_search debug n db_list local_db gl =
let tac =
@@ -371,15 +356,6 @@ let e_breadth_search debug n db_list local_db gl =
with Not_found -> error "EAuto: breadth first search failed"
-let e_breadth_search_gls debug n db_list local_dbs gls =
- try
- let tac =
- if debug then Search.debug_breadth_first else Search.breadth_first
- in
- let s = tac (make_initial_state_gls n gls db_list local_dbs) in
- s.tacres
- with Not_found -> error "EAuto: breadth first search failed"
let e_search_auto debug (in_depth,p) lems db_list gl =
let local_db = make_local_hint_db lems gl in
if in_depth then
@@ -389,14 +365,6 @@ let e_search_auto debug (in_depth,p) lems db_list gl =
open Evd
-let e_search_auto_gls debug (in_depth,p) lems db_list gls =
- let sigma = Evd.sig_sig (fst gls) and gls' = Evd.sig_it (fst gls) in
- let local_dbs = List.map (fun gl -> make_local_hint_db lems ({it = gl; sigma = sigma})) gls' in
- if in_depth then
- e_depth_search_gls debug p db_list local_dbs gls
- else
- e_breadth_search_gls debug p db_list local_dbs gls
let eauto debug np lems dbnames =
let db_list =
@@ -413,12 +381,6 @@ let full_eauto debug n lems gl =
let db_list = List.map searchtable_map dbnames in
tclTRY (e_search_auto debug n lems db_list) gl
-let full_eauto_gls debug n lems gls =
- let dbnames = current_db_names () in
- let dbnames = list_subtract dbnames ["v62"] in
- let db_list = List.map searchtable_map dbnames in
- e_search_auto_gls debug n lems db_list gls
let gen_eauto d np lems = function
| None -> full_eauto d np lems
| Some l -> eauto d np lems l
@@ -482,60 +444,3 @@ TACTIC EXTEND dfs_eauto
hintbases(db) ] ->
[ gen_eauto false (true, make_depth p) lems db ]
-open Evd
-exception Found of evar_defs
-let valid evm p res_sigma l =
- let evd' =
- Evd.fold
- (fun ev evi (gls, sigma) ->
- if not (Evd.is_evar evm ev) then
- match gls with
- hd :: tl ->
- if evi.evar_body = Evar_empty then
- let cstr, obls = Refiner.extract_open_proof !res_sigma hd in
- (tl, Evd.evar_define ev cstr sigma)
- else (tl, sigma)
- | [] -> ([], sigma)
- else if not (Evd.is_defined evm ev) && p ev evi then
- match gls with
- hd :: tl ->
- if evi.evar_body = Evar_empty then
- let cstr, obls = Refiner.extract_open_proof !res_sigma hd in
- (tl, Evd.evar_define ev cstr sigma)
- else (tl, sigma)
- | [] -> assert(false)
- else (gls, sigma))
- !res_sigma (l, Evd.create_evar_defs !res_sigma)
- in raise (Found (snd evd'))
-let resolve_all_evars_once debug (mode, depth) env p evd =
- let evm = Evd.evars_of evd in
- let goals =
- Evd.fold
- (fun ev evi gls ->
- if evi.evar_body = Evar_empty && p ev evi then
- (evi :: gls)
- else gls)
- evm []
- in
- let gls = { it = List.rev goals; sigma = evm } in
- let res_sigma = ref evm in
- let gls', valid' = full_eauto_gls debug (mode, depth) [] (gls, valid evm p res_sigma) in
- res_sigma := Evarutil.nf_evars (sig_sig gls');
- try ignore(valid' []); assert(false) with Found evd' -> Evarutil.nf_evar_defs evd'
-let has_undefined p evd =
- Evd.fold (fun ev evi has -> has ||
- (evi.evar_body = Evar_empty && p ev evi))
- (Evd.evars_of evd) false
-let rec resolve_all_evars debug m env p evd =
- let rec aux n evd =
- if has_undefined p evd && n > 0 then
- let evd' = resolve_all_evars_once debug m env p evd in
- aux (pred n) evd'
- else evd
- in aux 3 evd
diff --git a/tactics/eauto.mli b/tactics/eauto.mli
index a1ff89905..34655b134 100644
--- a/tactics/eauto.mli
+++ b/tactics/eauto.mli
@@ -27,50 +27,5 @@ val registered_e_assumption : tactic
val e_give_exact_constr : constr -> tactic
-type search_state = {
- depth : int; (*r depth of search before failing *)
- tacres : goal list sigma * validation;
- last_tactic : Pp.std_ppcmds;
- dblist : Auto.Hint_db.t list;
- localdb : Auto.Hint_db.t list }
-module SearchProblem : sig
- type state = search_state
- val filter_tactics : Proof_type.goal list Tacmach.sigma * (Proof_type.proof_tree list -> 'a) ->
- (Tacmach.tactic * Pp.std_ppcmds) list ->
- ((Proof_type.goal list Tacmach.sigma * (Proof_type.proof_tree list -> 'a)) *
- Pp.std_ppcmds)
- list
- val compare : search_state -> search_state -> int
- val branching : state -> state list
- val success : state -> bool
- val pp : state -> unit
-module Search : sig
- val depth_first : search_state -> search_state
- val debug_depth_first : search_state -> search_state
- val breadth_first : search_state -> search_state
- val debug_breadth_first : search_state -> search_state
-val full_eauto_gls : bool -> bool * int -> constr list -> goal list sigma * validation ->
- goal list sigma * validation
-val resolve_all_evars_once : bool -> bool * int -> env -> (evar -> evar_info -> bool) -> evar_defs ->
- evar_defs
-val resolve_all_evars : bool -> bool * int -> env -> (evar -> evar_info -> bool) -> evar_defs ->
- evar_defs
-val valid : Evd.evar_map ->
- (Evd.evar -> Evd.evar_info -> bool) ->
- Evd.evar_map ref -> Proof_type.proof_tree list -> 'a
val gen_eauto : bool -> bool * int -> constr list ->
hint_db_name list option -> tactic