path: root/tactics
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authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2002-09-09 10:20:27 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2002-09-09 10:20:27 +0000
commita9526d694abb55993ba7509911ea64366228b228 (patch)
treeefdffe1ddaa8a7164f434c6beb6b8437c7763af3 /tactics
parent7edd0d010d8da2a5b958d83f47f60c9103b47bea (diff)
Code mort de AutoRewrite
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@2993 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'tactics')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 355 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/equality.ml b/tactics/equality.ml
index 72aa724af..73626f07b 100644
--- a/tactics/equality.ml
+++ b/tactics/equality.ml
@@ -1195,324 +1195,6 @@ let substHypInConcl_RL_tac =
SubstHypInHyp id H.
id:a=b H:(P a) |- G
-(* AutoRewrite *)
-(****Dealing with the rewriting rules****)
-(* A rewriting is typically an equational constr with an orientation (true=LR
- and false=RL) *)
-type rewriting_rule = constr * bool
-(* The table of rewriting rules. The key is the name of the rule base.
- the value is a list of [rewriting_rule] *)
-let rew_tab = ref Gmapl.empty
-(*Functions necessary to the summary*)
-let init () = rew_tab := Gmapl.empty
-let freeze () = !rew_tab
-let unfreeze ft = rew_tab := ft
-(*Declaration of the summary*)
-(*let _ =
- Summary.declare_summary "autorewrite"
- { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
- Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
- Summary.init_function = init;
- Summary.survive_section = false }*)
-(*Adds a list of rules to the rule table*)
-let add_list_rules rbase lrl =
- List.iter (fun r -> rew_tab := Gmapl.add rbase r !rew_tab) lrl
-(*Gives the list of rules for the base named rbase*)
-let rules_of_base rbase = List.rev (Gmapl.find rbase !rew_tab)
-(*Functions necessary to the library object declaration*)
-let cache_autorewrite_rule (_,(rbase,lrl)) = add_list_rules rbase lrl
-let subst_autorewrite_rule (_,subst,(rbase,list as node)) =
- let subst_first (cst,b as pair) =
- let cst' = Term.subst_mps subst cst in
- if cst == cst' then pair else
- (cst',b)
- in
- let list' = list_smartmap subst_first list in
- if list' == list then node else
- (rbase,list')
-let classify_autorewrite_rule (_,x) = Libobject.Substitute x
-let export_autorewrite_rule x = Some x
-(*Declaration of the AUTOREWRITE_RULE library object*)
-let (in_autorewrite_rule,out_autorewrite_rule)=
- Libobject.declare_object {(Libobject.default_object "AUTOREWRITE_RULE") with
- Libobject.cache_function = cache_autorewrite_rule;
- Libobject.open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_autorewrite_rule o);
- Libobject.subst_function = subst_autorewrite_rule;
- Libobject.classify_function = classify_autorewrite_rule;
- Libobject.export_function = export_autorewrite_rule }
-(****The tactic****)
-(*To build the validation function. Length=number of unproven goals, Valid=a
- validation which solves*)
-type valid_elem =
- | Length of int
- | Valid of validation
-(* Ce truc devrait aller dans Std -- papageno *)
-(*Gives the sub_list characterized by the indexes i_s and i_e with respect to
- lref*)
-let sub_list lref i_s i_e =
- let rec sub_list_rec l i =
- if i = i_e then
- l @ [List.nth lref i]
- else if (i>=i_s) & (i<i_e) then
- sub_list_rec (l@[List.nth lref i]) (i+1)
- else
- anomalylabstrm "Equality.sub_list" (str "Out of range")
- in
- sub_list_rec [] i_s
-(*Cuts the list l2becut in lists which lengths are given by llth*)
-let cut_list l2becut lval =
- let rec cut4_1goal cmr l1g = function
- | [] -> (cmr,l1g)
- | a::b ->
- (match a with
- | Length lth ->
- if lth = 0 then
- cut4_1goal cmr l1g b
- else
- cut4_1goal (cmr+lth)
- (l1g@(sub_list l2becut cmr (cmr+lth-1))) b
- | Valid p ->
- cut4_1goal cmr (l1g@[p []]) b)
- and cut_list_rec cmr l2b=function
- | [] -> l2b
- | a::b ->
- let (cmr,l1g)=cut4_1goal cmr [] a in
- cut_list_rec cmr (l2b@[l1g]) b
- in
- cut_list_rec 0 [] lval
-(*Builds the validation function with lvalid and with respect to l*)
-let validation_gen lvalid l =
- let (lval,larg_velem) = List.split lvalid in
- let larg=cut_list l larg_velem in
- List.fold_left2 (fun a p l -> p ([a]@l)) (List.hd lval (List.hd larg))
- (List.tl lval) (List.tl larg)
-(*Adds the main argument for the last validation function*)
-let mod_hdlist l =
- match (List.hd l) with
- | (p,[Length 0]) -> l
- | (p,larg) -> (p,[Length 1]@larg)::(List.tl l)
-(*For the Step options*)
-type option_step=
- | Solve
- | Use
- | All
-(* the user can give a base either by a name of by its full definition
- The definition is an Ast that will find its meaning only in the context
- of a given goal *)
-type hint_base =
- | By_name of identifier
- | Explicit of (Coqast.t * bool) list
-let explicit_hint_base gl = function
- | By_name id ->
- begin match rules_of_base id with
- | [] -> errorlabstrm "autorewrite" (str ("Base "^(string_of_id id)^
- " does not exist"))
- | lbs -> lbs
- end
- | Explicit lbs ->
- List.map (fun (ast,b) -> (pf_interp_constr gl ast, b)) lbs
-(*AutoRewrite cannot be expressed with a combination of tacticals (due to the
- options). So, we make it in a primitive way*)
-let autorewrite lbases ltacstp opt_step ltacrest opt_rest depth_step gls =
- let lst = List.flatten (List.map (explicit_hint_base gls) lbases)
- and unproven_goals = ref []
- and fails = ref 0
- and (sigr,g) = unpackage gls in
- let put_rewrite lrw = List.map (fun (x,y) -> general_rewrite y x) lrw
- and nbr_rules = List.length lst in
- let lst_rew = put_rewrite lst in
- let rec try2solve_main_goal mgl = function
- | [] -> None
- | a::b ->
- try
- let (gl_solve,p_solve)=apply_sig_tac sigr a mgl in
- if gl_solve=[] then
- Some (gl_solve,p_solve)
- else
- try2solve_main_goal mgl b
- with e when catchable_exception e ->
- try2solve_main_goal mgl b
- and try_tacs4main_goal mgl = function
- | [] -> None
- | a::b ->
- try
- Some (apply_sig_tac sigr a mgl)
- with e when catchable_exception e ->
- try_tacs4main_goal mgl b
- and try2solve1gen_goal gl = function
- | [] -> ([gl],Length 1)
- | a::b ->
- try
- let (gl_solve,p_solve)=apply_sig_tac sigr a gl in
- if gl_solve=[] then
- ([],Valid p_solve)
- else
- try2solve1gen_goal gl b
- with e when catchable_exception e ->
- try2solve1gen_goal gl b
- and try2solve_gen_goals (lgls,valg) ltac = function
- | [] -> (lgls,valg)
- | a::b ->
- let (g,elem)=try2solve1gen_goal a ltac in
- try2solve_gen_goals (lgls@g,valg@[elem]) ltac b
- and iterative_rew cmr fails (cglob,cmod,warn) unp_goals lvalid =
- let cmd = ref cmod
- and wrn = ref warn in
- if !cmd=depth_step then begin
- msg_warning (str ((string_of_int cglob)^" rewriting(s) carried out"));
- cmd := 0;
- wrn := true
- end;
- if fails = nbr_rules then
- (unp_goals,lvalid,!wrn)
- else if cmr = nbr_rules then
- iterative_rew 0 0 (cglob,!cmd,!wrn) unp_goals lvalid
- else
- try
- let (gl,p) =
- apply_sig_tac sigr (List.nth lst_rew cmr) (List.hd unp_goals)
- in
- let (lgl_gen,lval_gen) =
- match ltacrest with
- | None ->
- if (List.length gl)=1 then
- ([],[])
- else
- (List.tl gl,[Length ((List.length gl)-1)])
- | Some ltac ->
- try2solve_gen_goals ([],[]) ltac (List.tl gl)
- in
- if opt_rest & (not(lgl_gen=[])) then
- iterative_rew (cmr+1) (fails+1) (cglob,!cmd,!wrn) unp_goals lvalid
- else
- (match ltacstp with
- | None ->
- iterative_rew (cmr+1) fails
- (cglob+1,!cmd+1,!wrn)
- ((List.hd gl)::(lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals)))
- ((p,lval_gen)::lvalid)
- | Some ltac ->
- (match opt_step with
- | Solve ->
- (match (try2solve_main_goal (List.hd gl) ltac) with
- | None ->
- iterative_rew (cmr+1) fails
- (cglob+1,!cmd+1,!wrn)
- ((List.hd gl)::(lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals)))
- ((p,lval_gen)::lvalid)
- | Some (gl_solve,p_solve) ->
- (lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals),
- (p_solve,[Length 0])::(p,lval_gen)
- ::lvalid,!wrn))
- | Use ->
- (match (try_tacs4main_goal (List.hd gl) ltac) with
- | None ->
- iterative_rew (cmr+1) fails
- (cglob+1,!cmd+1,!wrn)
- ((List.hd gl)::(lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals)))
- ((p,lval_gen)::lvalid)
- | Some(gl_trans,p_trans) ->
- let lth=List.length gl_trans in
- if lth=0 then
- (lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals),
- (p_trans,[Length 0])::(p,lval_gen)::lvalid,
- !wrn)
- else if lth=1 then
- iterative_rew (cmr+1) fails
- (cglob+1,!cmd+1,!wrn)
- (gl_trans@(lgl_gen@(List.tl
- unp_goals)))
- ((p_trans,[])::(p,lval_gen)::
- lvalid)
- else
- iterative_rew (cmr+1) fails
- (cglob+1,!cmd+1,!wrn)
- (gl_trans@(lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals)))
- ((p_trans,
- [Length ((List.length gl_trans)-1)])::
- (p,lval_gen):: lvalid))
- | All ->
- (match (try2solve_main_goal (List.hd gl) ltac) with
- | None ->
- (match (try_tacs4main_goal
- (List.hd gl) ltac) with
- | None ->
- iterative_rew (cmr+1) fails
- (cglob+1,!cmd+1,!wrn)
- ((List.hd
- gl)::(lgl_gen@(List.tl
- unp_goals)))
- ((p,lval_gen)::lvalid)
- | Some(gl_trans,p_trans) ->
- let lth = List.length gl_trans in
- if lth = 0 then
- (lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals),
- (p_trans,[Length 0])::
- (p,lval_gen)::lvalid, !wrn)
- else if lth = 1 then
- iterative_rew (cmr+1) fails
- (cglob+1,!cmd+1,!wrn)
- (gl_trans@
- (lgl_gen@
- (List.tl unp_goals)))
- ((p_trans,[])::
- (p,lval_gen)::lvalid)
- else
- iterative_rew (cmr+1) fails
- (cglob+1,!cmd+1,!wrn)
- (gl_trans@
- (lgl_gen@
- (List.tl unp_goals)))
- ((p_trans,
- [Length
- ((List.length gl_trans)-1)])::
- (p, lval_gen)::lvalid))
- | Some (gl_solve,p_solve) ->
- (lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals),
- (p_solve,[Length 0])::
- (p,lval_gen)::lvalid,!wrn))))
- with e when catchable_exception e ->
- iterative_rew (cmr+1) (fails+1) (cglob,!cmd,!wrn) unp_goals lvalid
- in
- let (gl,lvalid)=
- let (gl_res,lvalid_res,warn)=iterative_rew 0 0 (0,0,false) [g] [] in
- if warn then msgnl (mt ());
- (gl_res,lvalid_res)
- in
- let validation_fun=
- if lvalid = [] then
- (fun l -> List.hd l)
- else
- let nlvalid=mod_hdlist lvalid in
- (fun l -> validation_gen nlvalid l)
- in
- (repackage sigr gl,validation_fun)
(* Substitutions tactics (JCF) *)
diff --git a/tactics/equality.mli b/tactics/equality.mli
index 42b0d9b32..e92e251bd 100644
--- a/tactics/equality.mli
+++ b/tactics/equality.mli
@@ -88,43 +88,6 @@ val hypSubst_LR : identifier -> clause -> tactic
val hypSubst_RL : identifier -> clause -> tactic
val discriminable : env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr -> bool
-(* AutoRewrite *)
-(****Dealing with the rewriting rules****)
-(*A rewriting is typically an equational constr with an orientation (true=LR
- and false=RL)*)
-type rewriting_rule = constr * bool
-(*Adds a list of rules to the rule table*)
-val add_list_rules : identifier -> rewriting_rule list -> unit
-(****The tactic****)
-(*For the Step options*)
-type option_step =
- | Solve
- | Use
- | All
-(* the user can give a base either by a name of by its full definition
- The definition is an Ast that will find its meaning only in the context
- of a given goal *)
-type hint_base =
- | By_name of identifier
- | Explicit of (Coqast.t * bool) list
-val explicit_hint_base : goal sigma -> hint_base -> rewriting_rule list
-(*AutoRewrite cannot be expressed with a combination of tacticals (due to the
- options). So, we make it in a primitive way*)
-val autorewrite :
- hint_base list -> tactic list option -> option_step
- -> tactic list option -> bool -> int -> tactic
(* Subst *)