path: root/tactics
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authorGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2014-07-23 15:44:58 +0200
committerGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2014-07-28 22:43:48 +0200
commit4580256452e3652df328d286b526c3c12dca7cae (patch)
tree4d1310871d29360f1d84103a6f40dbc76d4bfdba /tactics
parent88b66654ed4face382cf2c164b6f2f6301fc323d (diff)
CPS-style tactic matching. We use the tactic monad as the target of the CPS.
This allows for tail-rec calls, prevents unwanted capture of closures and results in an overall more efficient evaluation.
Diffstat (limited to 'tactics')
3 files changed, 90 insertions, 122 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/tacinterp.ml b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
index 601176ff6..9fd1b1c82 100644
--- a/tactics/tacinterp.ml
+++ b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
@@ -1233,37 +1233,25 @@ and interp_match_success ist { TacticMatching.subst ; context ; terms ; lhs } =
matching of successes [s]. If [lz] is set to true, then only the
first success is considered, otherwise further successes are tried
if the left-hand side fails. *)
-and interp_match_successes lz ist s : typed_generic_argument GTac.t =
- (** iterates [tclOR] lazily on the stream [t], if [t]gl is
- exhausted, raises [e]. Beware: there is no [tclINDEPENDENT],
- relying on the fact that it will always be applied to a single
- goal, by virtue of an earlier [Proofview.Goal.enter]. *)
- let rec tclOR_stream t e =
- let open IStream in
- match peek t with
- | Nil -> Proofview.tclZERO e
- | Cons (t1,t') ->
- Proofview.tclOR
- (interp_match_success ist t1)
- begin fun e ->
- (* Honors Ltac's failure level. *)
- Tacticals.New.catch_failerror e <*> tclOR_stream t' e
- end
- in
- let matching_failure =
- UserError ("Tacinterp.apply_match" , str "No matching clauses for match.")
- in
- if lz then
- (** lazymatch *)
- let open IStream in
- begin match peek s with
- | Cons (s,_) -> interp_match_success ist s
- | Nil -> Proofview.tclZERO matching_failure
- end
- else
- (** match *)
- Proofview.tclONCE (tclOR_stream s matching_failure)
+and interp_match_successes lz ist tac =
+ if lz then
+ (** Only keep the first matching result, we don't backtrack on it *)
+ let tac = Proofview.tclONCE tac in
+ tac >>= fun ans -> interp_match_success ist ans
+ else
+ let decrease e = match e with
+ | FailError (0, _) -> e
+ | FailError (n, s) -> FailError (pred n, s)
+ | _ -> e
+ in
+ let break e = match e with
+ | FailError (0, _) -> false
+ | FailError (n, s) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ let tac = Proofview.tclBREAK break tac >>= fun ans -> interp_match_success ist ans in
+ (** Once a tactic has succeeded, do not backtrack anymore *)
+ Proofview.tclONCE (Proofview.tclOR tac (fun e -> Proofview.tclZERO (decrease e)))
(* Interprets the Match expressions *)
and interp_match ist lz constr lmr =
diff --git a/tactics/tacticMatching.ml b/tactics/tacticMatching.ml
index bc013e843..0f48db676 100644
--- a/tactics/tacticMatching.ml
+++ b/tactics/tacticMatching.ml
@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ let verify_metas_coherence env sigma (ln1,lcm) (ln,lm) =
let merged = ln +++ ln1 in
(merged, Id.Map.merge merge lcm lm)
+let matching_error =
+ Errors.UserError ("" , Pp.str "No matching clauses for match.")
(** A functor is introduced to share the environment and the
evar_map. They do not change and it would be a pity to introduce
@@ -122,8 +124,8 @@ module PatternMatching (E:StaticEnvironment) = struct
(* spiwack: as we don't benefit from the various stream optimisations
of Haskell, it may be costly to give the monad in direct style such as
here. We may want to use some continuation passing style. *)
- type 'a m = 'a t IStream.t
+ type 'a tac = 'a Proofview.tactic
+ type 'a m = { stream : 'r. ('a -> unit t -> 'r tac) -> unit t -> 'r tac }
(** The empty substitution. *)
let empty_subst = Id.Map.empty , Id.Map.empty
@@ -151,94 +153,55 @@ module PatternMatching (E:StaticEnvironment) = struct
let term_subst_prod = id_map_right_biased_union
(** Merge two writers (and ignore the first value component). *)
- let merge m1 m2 = {
- subst = subst_prod m1.subst m2.subst;
- context = context_subst_prod m1.context m2.context;
- terms = term_subst_prod m1.terms m2.terms;
- lhs = m2.lhs;
- }
+ let merge m1 m2 =
+ try Some {
+ subst = subst_prod m1.subst m2.subst;
+ context = context_subst_prod m1.context m2.context;
+ terms = term_subst_prod m1.terms m2.terms;
+ lhs = m2.lhs;
+ }
+ with Not_coherent_metas -> None
(** Monadic [return]: returns a single success with empty substitutions. *)
let return (type a) (lhs:a) : a m =
- let success = {
- subst = empty_subst ;
- context = empty_context_subst ;
- terms = empty_term_subst ;
- lhs = lhs ; }
- in
- IStream.(cons success empty)
+ { stream = fun k ctx -> k lhs ctx }
(** Monadic bind: each success of [x] is replaced by the successes
of [f x]. The substitutions of [x] and [f x] are composed,
dropping the apparent successes when the substitutions are not
coherent. *)
- type ('a, 'b) acc = Done of 'a IStream.t | Next of unit t * 'a IStream.t * 'b IStream.t
- let (>>=) (type a) (type b) (x:a m) (f:a -> b m) : b m =
- let open IStream in
- let rec make = function
- | Done s ->
- begin match peek s with
- | Nil -> Nil
- | Cons (m, s) ->
- let r = f m.lhs in
- let m = { m with lhs = () } in
- make (Next (m, s, r))
- end
- | Next (m, s, r) ->
- begin match peek r with
- | Nil -> make (Done s)
- | Cons (mf, r) ->
- try
- let ans = merge m mf in
- Cons (ans, (Next (m, s, r)))
- with Not_coherent_metas -> make (Next (m, s, r))
- end
- in
- IStream.make make (Done x)
+ let (>>=) (type a) (type b) (m:a m) (f:a -> b m) : b m =
+ { stream = fun k ctx -> m.stream (fun x ctx -> (f x).stream k ctx) ctx }
(** A variant of [(>>=)] when the first argument returns [unit]. *)
- let (<*>) (type a) (x:unit m) (y:a m) : a m =
- let open IStream in
- let rec make = function
- | Done s ->
- begin match peek s with
- | Nil -> Nil
- | Cons (m, s) -> make (Next (m, s, y))
- end
- | Next (m, s, r) ->
- begin match peek r with
- | Nil -> make (Done s)
- | Cons (mf, r) ->
- try
- let ans = merge m mf in
- Cons (ans, (Next (m, s, r)))
- with Not_coherent_metas -> make (Next (m, s, r))
- end
- in
- IStream.make make (Done x)
+ let (<*>) (type a) (m:unit m) (y:a m) : a m =
+ { stream = fun k ctx -> m.stream (fun () ctx -> y.stream k ctx) ctx }
(** Failure of the pattern-matching monad: no success. *)
- let fail (type a) : a m = IStream.empty
+ let fail (type a) : a m = { stream = fun _ _ -> Proofview.tclZERO matching_error }
+ let run (m : 'a m) =
+ let ctx = {
+ subst = empty_subst ;
+ context = empty_context_subst ;
+ terms = empty_term_subst ;
+ lhs = ();
+ } in
+ let eval lhs ctx = Proofview.tclUNIT { ctx with lhs } in
+ m.stream eval ctx
(** Chooses in a list, in the same order as the list *)
- let pick (type a) (l:a list) : a m =
- let make = function
- | [] -> IStream.Nil
- | x :: l ->
- let s = {
- subst = empty_subst ;
- context = empty_context_subst ;
- terms = empty_term_subst ;
- lhs = x
- } in
- IStream.Cons (s, l)
- in
- IStream.make make l
+ let rec pick (l:'a list) e : 'a m = match l with
+ | [] -> { stream = fun _ _ -> Proofview.tclZERO e }
+ | x :: l ->
+ { stream = fun k ctx -> Proofview.tclOR (k x ctx) (fun e -> (pick l e).stream k ctx) }
+ let pick l = pick l matching_error
(** Declares a subsitution, a context substitution and a term substitution. *)
let put subst context terms : unit m =
- IStream.(cons { subst ; context ; terms ; lhs = () } empty)
+ let s = { subst ; context ; terms ; lhs = () } in
+ { stream = fun k ctx -> match merge s ctx with None -> Proofview.tclZERO matching_error | Some s -> k () s }
(** Declares a substitution. *)
let put_subst subst : unit m = put subst empty_context_subst empty_term_subst
@@ -270,14 +233,21 @@ module PatternMatching (E:StaticEnvironment) = struct
with ConstrMatching.PatternMatchingFailure -> fail
| Subterm (with_app_context,id_ctxt,p) ->
- (* spiwack: this branch is easier in direct style, would need to be
- changed if the implementation of the monad changes. *)
- IStream.map begin fun { ConstrMatching.m_sub ; m_ctx } ->
- let subst = adjust m_sub in
- let context = id_map_try_add id_ctxt m_ctx Id.Map.empty in
- let terms = empty_term_subst in
- { subst ; context ; terms ; lhs }
- end (ConstrMatching.match_subterm_gen with_app_context p term)
+ let rec map s e =
+ { stream = fun k ctx -> match IStream.peek s with
+ | IStream.Nil -> Proofview.tclZERO e
+ | IStream.Cons ({ ConstrMatching.m_sub ; m_ctx }, s) ->
+ let subst = adjust m_sub in
+ let context = id_map_try_add id_ctxt m_ctx Id.Map.empty in
+ let terms = empty_term_subst in
+ let nctx = { subst ; context ; terms ; lhs = () } in
+ match merge ctx nctx with
+ | None -> (map s e).stream k ctx
+ | Some nctx -> Proofview.tclOR (k lhs nctx) (fun e -> (map s e).stream k ctx)
+ }
+ in
+ map (ConstrMatching.match_subterm_gen with_app_context p term) matching_error
(** [rule_match_term term rule] matches the term [term] with the
@@ -291,10 +261,14 @@ module PatternMatching (E:StaticEnvironment) = struct
(** [match_term term rules] matches the term [term] with the set of
matching rules [rules].*)
- let match_term term rules =
- IStream.(concat_map (fun r -> rule_match_term term r) (of_list rules))
+ let rec match_term e term rules = match rules with
+ | [] -> { stream = fun _ _ -> Proofview.tclZERO e }
+ | r :: rules ->
+ { stream = fun k ctx ->
+ let head = rule_match_term term r in
+ let tail e = match_term e term rules in
+ Proofview.tclOR (head.stream k ctx) (fun e -> (tail e).stream k ctx)
+ }
(** [hyp_match_type hypname pat hyps] matches a single
@@ -359,8 +333,14 @@ module PatternMatching (E:StaticEnvironment) = struct
(** [match_goal hyps concl rules] matches the goal [hyps|-concl]
with the set of matching rules [rules]. *)
- let match_goal hyps concl rules =
- IStream.(concat_map (fun r -> rule_match_goal hyps concl r) (of_list rules))
+ let rec match_goal e hyps concl rules = match rules with
+ | [] -> { stream = fun _ _ -> Proofview.tclZERO e }
+ | r :: rules ->
+ { stream = fun k ctx ->
+ let head = rule_match_goal hyps concl r in
+ let tail e = match_goal e hyps concl rules in
+ Proofview.tclOR (head.stream k ctx) (fun e -> (tail e).stream k ctx)
+ }
@@ -374,7 +354,7 @@ let match_term env sigma term rules =
let sigma = sigma
end in
let module M = PatternMatching(E) in
- M.match_term term rules
+ M.run (M.match_term matching_error term rules)
(** [match_goal env sigma hyps concl rules] matches the goal
@@ -388,4 +368,4 @@ let match_goal env sigma hyps concl rules =
let sigma = sigma
end in
let module M = PatternMatching(E) in
- M.match_goal hyps concl rules
+ M.run (M.match_goal matching_error hyps concl rules)
diff --git a/tactics/tacticMatching.mli b/tactics/tacticMatching.mli
index 6889ea0e9..989f07d67 100644
--- a/tactics/tacticMatching.mli
+++ b/tactics/tacticMatching.mli
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ val match_term :
Evd.evar_map ->
Term.constr ->
(Pattern.constr_pattern, Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr) Tacexpr.match_rule list ->
- Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr t IStream.t
+ Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr t Proofview.tactic
(** [match_goal env sigma hyps concl rules] matches the goal
[hyps|-concl] with the set of matching rules [rules]. The
@@ -46,4 +46,4 @@ val match_goal:
Context.named_context ->
Term.constr ->
(Pattern.constr_pattern, Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr) Tacexpr.match_rule list ->
- Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr t IStream.t
+ Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr t Proofview.tactic