path: root/tactics
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authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2000-12-06 11:32:41 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2000-12-06 11:32:41 +0000
commit3beac5ca0090b599e10f36a3a8e847181cb24121 (patch)
treed1365663ea4ef4a19b6c0440d873f1809ae9e139 /tactics
parente9b48da3c42dbec60d23803940c2e0e457d579b6 (diff)
Divers bugs LetTac
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@1064 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'tactics')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/tactics.ml b/tactics/tactics.ml
index b45ba9d79..28e53c058 100644
--- a/tactics/tactics.ml
+++ b/tactics/tactics.ml
@@ -641,13 +641,18 @@ let quantify lconstr =
Sera simplifiable le jour oł il y aura un let in primitif dans constr
- [letin_tac b na c occ_ccl occ_hyps gl] transforms
+ [letin_tac b na c (occ_hyp,occ_ccl) gl] transforms
[...x1:T1(c),...,x2:T2(c),... |- G(c)] into
[...x:T;x1:T1(x),...,x2:T2(x),... |- G(x)] if [b] is false or
[...x:=c:T;x1:T1(x),...,x2:T2(x),... |- G(x)] if [b] is true
- [occ_hyps] and [occ_ccl] tells which occurrences of [c] have to be substd;
- if [occ_hyps] is empty, [c] is substituted in every hyp where it occurs;
+ [occ_hyp,occ_ccl] tells which occurrences of [c] have to be substituted;
+ if [occ_hyp = []] and [occ_ccl = None] then [c] is substituted
+ wherever it occurs, otherwise [c] is substituted only in hyps
+ present in [occ_hyps] at the specified occurrences (everywhere if
+ the list of occurrences is empty), and in the goal at the specified
+ occurrences if [occ_goal] is not [None];
if name = Anonymous, the name is build from the first letter of the type;
The tactic first quantify the goal over x1, x2,... then substitute then
@@ -656,47 +661,44 @@ let quantify lconstr =
the left of each x1, ...).
-let letin_abstract id c occ_ccl occ_hyps gl =
- let allhyp = occ_hyps=[] in
+let letin_abstract id c (occ_ccl,occ_hyps) gl =
+ let everywhere = (occ_ccl = None) & (occ_hyps = []) in
let env = pf_env gl in
- let abstract ((depdecls,marks,occl as accu),lhyp) (hyp,bodyopt,typ as d) =
- try
- let occ = if allhyp then [] else List.assoc hyp occl in
- let newdecl = subst1_decl (mkVar id) (subst_term_occ_decl occ c d) in
- let newoccl = list_except_assoc hyp occl in
- if d=newdecl then
- (accu,Some hyp)
+ let abstract ((depdecls,marks as accu),lhyp) (hyp,_,_ as d) =
+ try
+ let occ = if everywhere then [] else List.assoc hyp occ_hyps in
+ let newdecl = subst_term_occ_decl occ c d in
+ if d = newdecl then
+ if not everywhere then raise (RefinerError (DoesNotOccurIn (c,hyp)))
+ else (accu, Some hyp)
- ((newdecl::depdecls,(hyp,lhyp)::marks,newoccl),lhyp)
+ let newdecl = subst1_decl (mkVar id) newdecl in
+ ((newdecl::depdecls,(hyp,lhyp)::marks), lhyp)
with Not_found ->
- (accu,Some hyp)
+ (accu, Some hyp)
- let (depdecls,marks,rest),_ =
- fold_named_context_reverse abstract (([],[],occ_hyps),None) env in
- if rest <> [] then begin
- let id = fst (List.hd rest) in
- if mem_named_context id (named_context env)
- then error ("Hypothesis "^(string_of_id id)^" occurs twice")
- else error ("No such hypothesis : " ^ (string_of_id id))
- end;
+ let (depdecls,marks),_ =
+ fold_named_context_reverse abstract (([],[]),None) env in
+ let occ_ccl = if everywhere then Some [] else occ_ccl in
let ccl = match occ_ccl with
- | None -> (pf_concl gl)
- | Some occ -> subst1 (mkVar id) (subst_term_occ occ c (pf_concl gl))
+ | None -> pf_concl gl
+ | Some occ -> subst1 (mkVar id) (subst_term_occ occ c (pf_concl gl))
-let letin_tac with_eq name c occ_ccl occ_hyps gl =
+let letin_tac with_eq name c occs gl =
let x = id_of_name_using_hdchar (Global.env()) (pf_type_of gl c) name in
let env = pf_env gl in
let used_ids = ids_of_context env in
- let id = next_global_ident_away x used_ids in
- if mem_named_context id (named_context env) then
- error "New variable is already declared";
- let (depdecls,marks,ccl)= letin_abstract id c occ_ccl occ_hyps gl in
+ let id =
+ if name = Anonymous then next_global_ident_away x used_ids else
+ if not (mem_named_context x (named_context env)) then x else
+ error ("Variable "^(string_of_id x)^" is already declared") in
+ let (depdecls,marks,ccl)= letin_abstract id c occs gl in
let t = pf_type_of gl c in
let heq = next_global_ident_away (id_of_string "Heq") used_ids in
let tmpcl = List.fold_right mkNamedProd_or_LetIn depdecls ccl in
- let args = List.map (fun (id,_,_) -> mkVar id) depdecls in
+ let args = instance_from_named_context depdecls in
let newcl =
if with_eq then
mkNamedLetIn id c t tmpcl
@@ -708,14 +710,26 @@ let letin_tac with_eq name c occ_ccl occ_hyps gl =
[ apply_type newcl args;
thin (List.map (fun (id,_,_) -> id) depdecls);
intro_gen (IntroMustBe id) lastlhyp false;
-(* if with_eq then intro_gen (IntroMustBe heq) lastlhyp false else tclIDTAC;*)
intros_move marks ] gl
+let check_hypotheses_occurrences_list env occl =
+ let rec check acc = function
+ | (hyp,_) :: rest ->
+ if List.mem hyp acc then
+ error ("Hypothesis "^(string_of_id hyp)^" occurs twice");
+ if not (mem_named_context hyp (named_context env)) then
+ error ("No such hypothesis : " ^ (string_of_id hyp));
+ check (hyp::acc) rest
+ | [] -> ()
+ in check [] occl
let dyn_lettac args gl = match args with
- | [Identifier id; Command com; Letpatterns (o,l)] ->
- letin_tac true (Name id) (pf_interp_constr gl com) o l gl
+ | [Identifier id; Command com; Letpatterns (o,l)] ->
+ check_hypotheses_occurrences_list (pf_env gl) l;
+ letin_tac true (Name id) (pf_interp_constr gl com) (o,l) gl
| [Identifier id; Constr c; Letpatterns (o,l)] ->
- letin_tac true (Name id) c o l gl
+ check_hypotheses_occurrences_list (pf_env gl) l;
+ letin_tac true (Name id) c (o,l) gl
| l -> bad_tactic_args "letin" l
@@ -1099,14 +1113,14 @@ let atomize_param_of_ind hyp0 gl =
| IsVar id ->
let x = fresh_id [] id gl in
- (letin_tac true (Name x) (mkVar id) (Some []) [])
+ (letin_tac true (Name x) (mkVar id) (None,[]))
(atomize_one (i-1) ((mkVar x)::avoid)) gl
| _ ->
let id = id_of_name_using_hdchar (Global.env()) (pf_type_of gl c)
Anonymous in
let x = fresh_id [] id gl in
- (letin_tac true (Name x) c (Some []) [])
+ (letin_tac true (Name x) c (None,[]))
(atomize_one (i-1) ((mkVar x)::avoid)) gl
tclIDTAC gl
@@ -1336,7 +1350,7 @@ let new_induct c gl =
Anonymous in
let id = fresh_id [] x gl in
- (letin_tac true (Name id) c (Some []) [])
+ (letin_tac true (Name id) c (None,[]))
(induction_with_atomization_of_ind_arg id) gl