path: root/tactics
diff options
authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2002-12-09 08:40:00 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2002-12-09 08:40:00 +0000
commit18ffccadd1901e666ea3600263454446f52849d8 (patch)
treee7c69b9c82ba2e17ee52e5ff29632c817a76f7b7 /tactics
parentcd4d18cf0de8e8077a9c141a3e825b7647f03f8e (diff)
Ajout Simpl et Change sur des sous-termes
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@3392 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'tactics')
7 files changed, 82 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/hiddentac.ml b/tactics/hiddentac.ml
index 75bcb0d6b..52661952e 100644
--- a/tactics/hiddentac.ml
+++ b/tactics/hiddentac.ml
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ let h_simplest_right = h_right NoBindings
(* Conversion *)
let h_reduce r cl = abstract_tactic (TacReduce (r,cl)) (reduce r cl)
-let h_change c cl = abstract_tactic (TacChange (c,cl)) (change c cl)
+let h_change oc c cl = abstract_tactic (TacChange (oc,c,cl)) (change oc c cl)
(* Equivalence relations *)
let h_reflexivity = abstract_tactic TacReflexivity intros_reflexivity
diff --git a/tactics/hiddentac.mli b/tactics/hiddentac.mli
index 797315d64..9bef1f269 100644
--- a/tactics/hiddentac.mli
+++ b/tactics/hiddentac.mli
@@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ val h_simplest_right : tactic
(* Conversion *)
val h_reduce : Tacred.red_expr -> hyp_location list -> tactic
-val h_change : constr -> hyp_location list -> tactic
+val h_change :
+ constr occurrences option -> constr -> hyp_location list -> tactic
(* Equivalence relations *)
val h_reflexivity : tactic
diff --git a/tactics/refine.ml b/tactics/refine.ml
index d1f380e49..1a360f9ba 100644
--- a/tactics/refine.ml
+++ b/tactics/refine.ml
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ let rec tcc_aux (TH (c,mm,sgp) as th) gl =
let c = pf_concl gl in
let newc = mkNamedLetIn id c1 t1 c in
- (change_in_concl newc)
+ (change_in_concl None newc)
(match sgp with
| [None] -> introduction id
| [Some th] -> tclTHEN (introduction id) (tcc_aux th)
diff --git a/tactics/setoid_replace.ml b/tactics/setoid_replace.ml
index fa62c8dd4..fd57bce87 100644
--- a/tactics/setoid_replace.ml
+++ b/tactics/setoid_replace.ml
@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ and zapply is_r gl gl_m c1 c2 hyp glll = (match ((kind_of_term gl), gl_m) with
let m = morphism_table_find fleche_constr in
let args = Array.of_list (create_args al a m.profil c1 c2) in
- tclTHEN (change_in_concl new_concl)
+ tclTHEN (change_in_concl None new_concl)
(tclTHENS (apply (mkApp (m.lem, args)))
((create_tac_list 0 a al c1 c2 hyp m.arg_types m.profil)@[unfold_constr (ConstRef fleche_cp)]))
(* ((create_tac_list 0 a al c1 c2 hyp m.arg_types m.profil)@[tclIDTAC])) *)
diff --git a/tactics/tacinterp.ml b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
index 214064027..a09bfbd12 100644
--- a/tactics/tacinterp.ml
+++ b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
@@ -387,15 +387,16 @@ let glob_unfold ist (l,qid) = (l,glob_evaluable_or_metanum ist qid)
let glob_flag ist red =
{ red with rConst = List.map (glob_evaluable_or_metanum ist) red.rConst }
-let glob_pattern ist (l,c) = (l,glob_constr ist c)
+let glob_constr_occurrence ist (l,c) = (l,glob_constr ist c)
let glob_redexp ist = function
| Unfold l -> Unfold (List.map (glob_unfold ist) l)
| Fold l -> Fold (List.map (glob_constr ist) l)
| Cbv f -> Cbv (glob_flag ist f)
| Lazy f -> Lazy (glob_flag ist f)
- | Pattern l -> Pattern (List.map (glob_pattern ist) l)
- | (Red _ | Simpl | Hnf as r) -> r
+ | Pattern l -> Pattern (List.map (glob_constr_occurrence ist) l)
+ | Simpl o -> Simpl (option_app (glob_constr_occurrence ist) o)
+ | (Red _ | Hnf as r) -> r
| ExtraRedExpr (s,c) -> ExtraRedExpr (s, glob_constr ist c)
(* Interprets an hypothesis name *)
@@ -544,8 +545,9 @@ let rec glob_atomic lf ist = function
(* Conversion *)
| TacReduce (r,cl) ->
TacReduce (glob_redexp ist r, List.map (glob_hyp_location ist) cl)
- | TacChange (c,cl) ->
- TacChange (glob_constr ist c, List.map (glob_hyp_location ist) cl)
+ | TacChange (occl,c,cl) ->
+ TacChange (option_app (glob_constr_occurrence ist) occl,
+ glob_constr ist c, List.map (glob_hyp_location ist) cl)
(* Equivalence relations *)
| TacReflexivity -> TacReflexivity
@@ -1008,7 +1010,8 @@ let redexp_interp ist = function
| Cbv f -> Cbv (flag_interp ist f)
| Lazy f -> Lazy (flag_interp ist f)
| Pattern l -> Pattern (List.map (pattern_interp ist) l)
- | (Red _ | Simpl | Hnf as r) -> r
+ | Simpl o -> Simpl (option_app (pattern_interp ist) o)
+ | (Red _ | Hnf as r) -> r
| ExtraRedExpr (s,c) -> ExtraRedExpr (s,constr_interp ist c)
let interp_may_eval f ist = function
@@ -1661,8 +1664,9 @@ and interp_atomic ist = function
(* Conversion *)
| TacReduce (r,cl) ->
h_reduce (redexp_interp ist r) (List.map (interp_hyp_location ist) cl)
- | TacChange (c,cl) ->
- h_change (constr_interp ist c) (List.map (interp_hyp_location ist) cl)
+ | TacChange (occl,c,cl) ->
+ h_change (option_app (pattern_interp ist) occl)
+ (constr_interp ist c) (List.map (interp_hyp_location ist) cl)
(* Equivalence relations *)
| TacReflexivity -> h_reflexivity
diff --git a/tactics/tactics.ml b/tactics/tactics.ml
index 7a2014ae1..6f79e9fcb 100644
--- a/tactics/tactics.ml
+++ b/tactics/tactics.ml
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ type tactic_reduction = env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr
certain hypothesis *)
let reduct_in_concl redfun gl =
- convert_concl (pf_reduce redfun gl (pf_concl gl)) gl
+ convert_concl_no_check (pf_reduce redfun gl (pf_concl gl)) gl
let reduct_in_hyp redfun idref gl =
let inhyp,id = match idref with
@@ -151,12 +151,12 @@ let reduct_in_hyp redfun idref gl =
let (_,c, ty) = pf_get_hyp gl id in
let redfun' = under_casts (pf_reduce redfun gl) in
match c with
- | None -> convert_hyp (id,None,redfun' ty) gl
+ | None -> convert_hyp_no_check (id,None,redfun' ty) gl
| Some b ->
if inhyp then (* Default for defs: reduce in body *)
- convert_hyp (id,Some (redfun' b),ty) gl
+ convert_hyp_no_check (id,Some (redfun' b),ty) gl
- convert_hyp (id,Some b,redfun' ty) gl
+ convert_hyp_no_check (id,Some b,redfun' ty) gl
let reduct_option redfun = function
| Some id -> reduct_in_hyp redfun id
@@ -166,34 +166,32 @@ let reduct_option redfun = function
function has to be applied to the conclusion or
to the hypotheses. *)
-let in_combinator tac1 tac2 = function
- | [] -> tac1
- | x -> (tclMAP tac2 x)
let redin_combinator redfun = function
| [] -> reduct_in_concl redfun
| x -> (tclMAP (reduct_in_hyp redfun) x)
(* Now we introduce different instances of the previous tacticals *)
-let change_hyp_and_check t env sigma c =
- if is_conv env sigma t c then
+let change_and_check cv_pb t env sigma c =
+ if is_fconv cv_pb env sigma t c then
errorlabstrm "convert-check-hyp" (str "Not convertible")
-let change_concl_and_check t env sigma c =
- if is_conv_leq env sigma t c then
- t
- else
- errorlabstrm "convert-check-concl" (str "Not convertible")
+(* Use cumulutavity only if changing the conclusion not a subterm *)
+let change_on_subterm cv_pb t = function
+ | None -> change_and_check cv_pb t
+ | Some occl -> contextually occl (change_and_check CONV t)
-let change_in_concl t = reduct_in_concl (change_concl_and_check t)
-let change_in_hyp t = reduct_in_hyp (change_hyp_and_check t)
+let change_in_concl occl t = reduct_in_concl (change_on_subterm CUMUL t occl)
+let change_in_hyp occl t = reduct_in_hyp (change_on_subterm CONV t occl)
-let change_option t = function
- | Some id -> reduct_in_hyp (change_hyp_and_check t) id
- | None -> reduct_in_concl (change_concl_and_check t)
+let change occl c = function
+ | [] -> change_in_concl occl c
+ | l ->
+ if List.tl l <> [] & occl <> None then
+ error "No occurrences expected when changing several hypotheses";
+ tclMAP (change_in_hyp occl c) l
(* Pour usage interne (le niveau User est pris en compte par reduce) *)
let red_in_concl = reduct_in_concl red_product
@@ -213,8 +211,6 @@ let unfold_in_hyp loccname = reduct_in_hyp (unfoldn loccname)
let unfold_option loccname = reduct_option (unfoldn loccname)
let pattern_option l = reduct_option (pattern_occs l)
-let change c = in_combinator (change_in_concl c) (change_in_hyp c)
(* A function which reduces accordingly to a reduction expression,
as the command Eval does. *)
@@ -259,15 +255,13 @@ let id_of_name_with_default s = function
| Anonymous -> id_of_string s
| Name id -> id
-let default_id gl =
- match kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast (pf_concl gl)) with
- | Prod (name,c1,c2) ->
- (match kind_of_term (pf_whd_betadeltaiota gl (pf_type_of gl c1)) with
- | Sort (Prop _) -> (id_of_name_with_default "H" name)
- | Sort (Type _) -> (id_of_name_with_default "X" name)
- | _ -> anomaly "Wrong sort")
- | LetIn (name,b,_,_) -> id_of_name_using_hdchar (pf_env gl) b name
- | _ -> raise (RefinerError IntroNeedsProduct)
+let default_id gl = function
+ | (name,None,t) ->
+ (match kind_of_term (pf_whd_betadeltaiota gl (pf_type_of gl t)) with
+ | Sort (Prop _) -> (id_of_name_with_default "H" name)
+ | Sort (Type _) -> (id_of_name_with_default "X" name)
+ | _ -> anomaly "Wrong sort")
+ | (name,Some b,_) -> id_of_name_using_hdchar (pf_env gl) b name
(* Non primitive introduction tactics are treated by central_intro
There is possibly renaming, with possibly names to avoid and
@@ -278,31 +272,32 @@ type intro_name_flag =
| IntroBasedOn of identifier * identifier list
| IntroMustBe of identifier
+let find_name decl gl = function
+ | IntroAvoid idl -> fresh_id idl (default_id gl decl) gl
+ | IntroBasedOn (id,idl) -> fresh_id idl id gl
+ | IntroMustBe id ->
+ let id' = fresh_id [] id gl in
+ if id' <> id then error ((string_of_id id)^" is already used");
+ id'
+let build_intro_tac id = function
+ | None -> introduction id
+ | Some dest -> tclTHEN (introduction id) (move_hyp true id dest)
let rec intro_gen name_flag move_flag force_flag gl =
- try
- let id =
- match name_flag with
- | IntroAvoid idl -> fresh_id idl (default_id gl) gl
- | IntroBasedOn (id,idl) -> fresh_id idl id gl
- | IntroMustBe id ->
- let id' = fresh_id [] id gl in
- if id' <> id then error ((string_of_id id)^" is already used");
- id'
- in
- begin match move_flag with
- | None -> introduction id gl
- | Some dest -> tclTHEN (introduction id) (move_hyp true id dest) gl
- end
- with RefinerError IntroNeedsProduct as e ->
- if force_flag then
- try
- ((tclTHEN (reduce (Red true) [])
- (intro_gen name_flag move_flag force_flag)) gl)
- with Redelimination ->
- errorlabstrm "Intro"
- (str "No product even after head-reduction")
- else
- raise e
+ match kind_of_term (pf_concl gl) with
+ | Prod (name,t,_) ->
+ build_intro_tac (find_name (name,None,t) gl name_flag) move_flag gl
+ | LetIn (name,b,t,_) ->
+ build_intro_tac (find_name (name,Some b,t) gl name_flag) move_flag gl
+ | _ ->
+ if not force_flag then raise (RefinerError IntroNeedsProduct);
+ try
+ tclTHEN
+ (reduce (Red true) [])
+ (intro_gen name_flag move_flag force_flag) gl
+ with Redelimination ->
+ errorlabstrm "Intro" (str "No product even after head-reduction")
let intro_mustbe_force id = intro_gen (IntroMustBe id) None true
let intro_using id = intro_gen (IntroBasedOn (id,[])) None false
@@ -446,7 +441,7 @@ let bring_hyps hyps =
(fun gl ->
let newcl = List.fold_right mkNamedProd_or_LetIn hyps (pf_concl gl) in
let f = mkCast (mkMeta (new_meta()),newcl) in
- refine (mkApp (f, instance_from_named_context hyps)) gl)
+ refine_no_check (mkApp (f, instance_from_named_context hyps)) gl)
(* Resolution with missing arguments *)
@@ -479,7 +474,6 @@ let apply_with_bindings (c,lbind) gl =
let clause = make_clenv_binding_apply wc (-1) (c,thm_ty0) lbind in
apply kONT clause gl
let apply c = apply_with_bindings (c,NoBindings)
let apply_list = function
@@ -739,23 +733,23 @@ let exact_check c gl =
let concl = (pf_concl gl) in
let ct = pf_type_of gl c in
if pf_conv_x_leq gl ct concl then
- refine c gl
+ refine_no_check c gl
error "Not an exact proof"
-let exact_no_check = refine
+let exact_no_check = refine_no_check
let exact_proof c gl =
(* on experimente la synthese d'ise dans exact *)
let c = Constrintern.interp_casted_constr (project gl) (pf_env gl) c (pf_concl gl)
- in refine c gl
+ in refine_no_check c gl
let (assumption : tactic) = fun gl ->
let concl = pf_concl gl in
let rec arec = function
| [] -> error "No such assumption"
| (id,c,t)::rest ->
- if pf_conv_x_leq gl t concl then refine (mkVar id) gl
+ if pf_conv_x_leq gl t concl then refine_no_check (mkVar id) gl
else arec rest
arec (pf_hyps gl)
@@ -770,7 +764,7 @@ let (assumption : tactic) = fun gl ->
* goal. *)
let clear ids gl = (* avant seul dyn_clear n'echouait pas en [] *)
- if ids=[] then tclIDTAC gl else thin ids gl
+ if ids=[] then tclIDTAC gl else with_check (thin ids) gl
let clear_body = thin_body
@@ -822,7 +816,7 @@ let constructor_tac boundopt i lbind gl =
let cons = mkConstruct (ith_constructor_of_inductive mind i) in
let apply_tac = apply_with_bindings (cons,lbind) in
- (tclTHENLIST [convert_concl redcl; intros; apply_tac]) gl
+ (tclTHENLIST [convert_concl_no_check redcl; intros; apply_tac]) gl
let one_constructor i = constructor_tac None i
@@ -956,7 +950,7 @@ let elimination_in_clause_scheme kONT id elimclause indclause =
[ (* Try to insert the new hyp at the same place *)
tclORELSE (intro_replacing id)
(tclTHEN (clear [id]) (introduction id));
- refine new_hyp_prf])
+ refine_no_check new_hyp_prf])
let general_elim_in id (c,lbindc) (elimc,lbindelimc) gl =
let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gl in
diff --git a/tactics/tactics.mli b/tactics/tactics.mli
index 2e35c1761..29107c32a 100644
--- a/tactics/tactics.mli
+++ b/tactics/tactics.mli
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ val try_intros_until :
(*s Exact tactics. *)
-val assumption : tactic
-val exact_no_check : constr -> tactic
+val assumption : tactic
+val exact_no_check : constr -> tactic
val exact_check : constr -> tactic
val exact_proof : Topconstr.constr_expr -> tactic
@@ -105,10 +105,9 @@ type tactic_reduction = env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr
val reduct_in_hyp : tactic_reduction -> hyp_location -> tactic
val reduct_option : tactic_reduction -> hyp_location option -> tactic
val reduct_in_concl : tactic_reduction -> tactic
-val change_in_concl : constr -> tactic
-val change_in_hyp : constr -> hyp_location -> tactic
-val change_option : constr -> hyp_location option -> tactic
+val change_in_concl : constr occurrences option -> constr -> tactic
+val change_in_hyp : constr occurrences option -> constr -> hyp_location ->
+ tactic
val red_in_concl : tactic
val red_in_hyp : hyp_location -> tactic
val red_option : hyp_location option -> tactic
@@ -128,7 +127,8 @@ val unfold_option :
(int list * evaluable_global_reference) list -> hyp_location option
-> tactic
val reduce : red_expr -> hyp_location list -> tactic
-val change : constr -> hyp_location list -> tactic
+val change :
+ constr occurrences option -> constr -> hyp_location list -> tactic
val unfold_constr : global_reference -> tactic
val pattern_option : (int list * constr) list -> hyp_location option -> tactic
@@ -136,7 +136,6 @@ val pattern_option : (int list * constr) list -> hyp_location option -> tactic
(*s Modification of the local context. *)
val clear : identifier list -> tactic
val clear_body : identifier list -> tactic
val new_hyp : int option ->constr -> constr substitution -> tactic