path: root/tactics
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authorGravatar msozeau <msozeau@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2012-10-26 01:29:33 +0000
committerGravatar msozeau <msozeau@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2012-10-26 01:29:33 +0000
commit0919391f43729bf172ab00c8dec9438a0a9f59ab (patch)
tree8afd08a9df68b58711da31a14bd2e8ec23b359ba /tactics
parent42bb029c878666a7a897ff615acdc60e7f67dd06 (diff)
Change Hint Resolve, Immediate to take a global reference as argument
instead of a general constr: this is the most common case and does not loose generality (one can simply define constrs before Hint Resolving them). Benefits: - Natural semantics for typeclasses, not class resolution needed at Hint Resolve time, meaning less trouble for users as well. - Ability to [Hint Remove] any hint so declared. - Simplifies the implementation as well. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@15930 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'tactics')
4 files changed, 31 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/auto.ml b/tactics/auto.ml
index 47b89e9af..b20caf450 100644
--- a/tactics/auto.ml
+++ b/tactics/auto.ml
@@ -560,7 +560,8 @@ let make_extern pri pat tacast =
name = PathAny;
code = Extern tacast })
-let make_trivial env sigma ?(name=PathAny) c =
+let make_trivial env sigma ?(name=PathAny) r =
+ let c = constr_of_global r in
let t = hnf_constr env sigma (type_of env sigma c) in
let hd = head_of_constr_reference (fst (head_constr t)) in
let ce = mk_clenv_from dummy_goal (c,t) in
@@ -716,8 +717,9 @@ let add_resolves env sigma clist local dbnames =
(local,dbname, AddHints
- (List.flatten (List.map (fun (x, hnf, path, y) ->
- make_resolves env sigma (true,hnf,Flags.is_verbose()) x ~name:path y) clist)))))
+ (List.flatten (List.map (fun (x, hnf, path, gr) ->
+ make_resolves env sigma (true,hnf,Flags.is_verbose()) x ~name:path
+ (constr_of_global gr)) clist)))))
let add_unfolds l local dbnames =
@@ -772,8 +774,8 @@ let forward_intern_tac =
let set_extern_intern_tac f = forward_intern_tac := f
type hints_entry =
- | HintsResolveEntry of (int option * bool * hints_path_atom * constr) list
- | HintsImmediateEntry of (hints_path_atom * constr) list
+ | HintsResolveEntry of (int option * bool * hints_path_atom * global_reference) list
+ | HintsImmediateEntry of (hints_path_atom * global_reference) list
| HintsCutEntry of hints_path
| HintsUnfoldEntry of evaluable_global_reference list
| HintsTransparencyEntry of evaluable_global_reference list * bool
@@ -813,24 +815,19 @@ let prepare_hint env (sigma,c) =
mkNamedLambda id t (iter (replace_term evar (mkVar id) c)) in
iter c
-let path_of_constr_expr c =
- match c with
- | Constrexpr.CRef r -> (try PathHints [global r] with _ -> PathAny)
- | _ -> PathAny
let interp_hints h =
- let f c =
- let evd,c = Constrintern.interp_open_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) c in
- let c = prepare_hint (Global.env()) (evd,c) in
- Evarutil.check_evars (Global.env()) Evd.empty evd c;
- c in
let fr r =
let gr = global_with_alias r in
let r' = evaluable_of_global_reference (Global.env()) gr in
Dumpglob.add_glob (loc_of_reference r) gr;
r' in
- let fres (o, b, c) = (o, b, path_of_constr_expr c, f c) in
- let fi c = path_of_constr_expr c, f c in
+ let fres (o, b, c) =
+ let gr = global_with_alias c in
+ (o, b, PathHints [gr], gr) in
+ let fi c =
+ let gr = global_with_alias c in
+ PathHints [gr], gr
+ in
let fp = Constrintern.intern_constr_pattern Evd.empty (Global.env()) in
match h with
| HintsResolve lhints -> HintsResolveEntry (List.map fres lhints)
@@ -843,7 +840,8 @@ let interp_hints h =
let ind = global_inductive_with_alias qid in
Dumpglob.dump_reference (fst (qualid_of_reference qid)) "<>" (string_of_reference qid) "ind";
List.tabulate (fun i -> let c = (ind,i+1) in
- None, true, PathHints [ConstructRef c], mkConstruct c)
+ let gr = ConstructRef c in
+ None, true, PathHints [gr], gr)
(nconstructors ind) in
HintsResolveEntry (List.flatten (List.map constr_hints_of_ind lqid))
| HintsExtern (pri, patcom, tacexp) ->
diff --git a/tactics/auto.mli b/tactics/auto.mli
index 094030bea..de1d2ff6b 100644
--- a/tactics/auto.mli
+++ b/tactics/auto.mli
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ type hint_db_name = string
type hint_db = Hint_db.t
type hints_entry =
- | HintsResolveEntry of (int option * bool * hints_path_atom * constr) list
- | HintsImmediateEntry of (hints_path_atom * constr) list
+ | HintsResolveEntry of (int option * bool * hints_path_atom * global_reference) list
+ | HintsImmediateEntry of (hints_path_atom * global_reference) list
| HintsCutEntry of hints_path
| HintsUnfoldEntry of evaluable_global_reference list
| HintsTransparencyEntry of evaluable_global_reference list * bool
diff --git a/tactics/class_tactics.ml4 b/tactics/class_tactics.ml4
index 1fc013496..f2f5417ef 100644
--- a/tactics/class_tactics.ml4
+++ b/tactics/class_tactics.ml4
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ let make_resolve_hyp env sigma st flags only_classes pri (id, _, cty) =
let hints = build_subclasses ~check:false env sigma (VarRef id) None in
(fun (pri, c) -> make_resolves env sigma
- (true,false,Flags.is_verbose()) pri c)
+ (true,false,Flags.is_verbose()) pri (constr_of_global c))
else []
diff --git a/tactics/extratactics.ml4 b/tactics/extratactics.ml4
index c2d5de265..1c9833571 100644
--- a/tactics/extratactics.ml4
+++ b/tactics/extratactics.ml4
@@ -273,9 +273,10 @@ END
open Term
open Coqlib
-let project_hint pri l2r c =
+let project_hint pri l2r r =
+ let gr = Smartlocate.global_with_alias r in
let env = Global.env() in
- let c = Constrintern.interp_constr Evd.empty env c in
+ let c = Globnames.constr_of_global gr in
let t = Retyping.get_type_of env Evd.empty c in
let t =
Tacred.reduce_to_quantified_ref env Evd.empty (Lazy.force coq_iff_ref) t in
@@ -288,24 +289,28 @@ let project_hint pri l2r c =
let c = Reductionops.whd_beta Evd.empty (mkApp (c,Termops.extended_rel_vect 0 sign)) in
let c = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn
(mkApp (p,[|mkArrow a (lift 1 b);mkArrow b (lift 1 a);c|])) sign in
- (pri,true,Auto.PathAny,c)
+ let id =
+ Nameops.add_suffix (Nametab.basename_of_global gr) ("_proj_" ^ (if l2r then "l2r" else "r2l"))
+ in
+ let c = Declare.declare_definition ~internal:Declare.KernelSilent id c in
+ (pri,true,Auto.PathAny, Globnames.ConstRef c)
let add_hints_iff l2r lc n bl =
Auto.add_hints true bl
(Auto.HintsResolveEntry (List.map (project_hint n l2r) lc))
- [ "Hint" "Resolve" "->" ne_constr_list(lc) natural_opt(n)
+ [ "Hint" "Resolve" "->" ne_global_list(lc) natural_opt(n)
":" preident_list(bl) ] ->
[ add_hints_iff true lc n bl ]
-| [ "Hint" "Resolve" "->" ne_constr_list(lc) natural_opt(n) ] ->
+| [ "Hint" "Resolve" "->" ne_global_list(lc) natural_opt(n) ] ->
[ add_hints_iff true lc n ["core"] ]
- [ "Hint" "Resolve" "<-" ne_constr_list(lc) natural_opt(n)
+ [ "Hint" "Resolve" "<-" ne_global_list(lc) natural_opt(n)
":" preident_list(bl) ] ->
[ add_hints_iff false lc n bl ]
-| [ "Hint" "Resolve" "<-" ne_constr_list(lc) natural_opt(n) ] ->
+| [ "Hint" "Resolve" "<-" ne_global_list(lc) natural_opt(n) ] ->
[ add_hints_iff false lc n ["core"] ]