path: root/tactics/auto.ml
diff options
authorGravatar Hugo Herbelin <Hugo.Herbelin@inria.fr>2014-10-07 17:26:02 +0200
committerGravatar Hugo Herbelin <Hugo.Herbelin@inria.fr>2014-10-07 18:40:36 +0200
commit38b34dfffcceab7fa7d5ba43c84e414d24cebe43 (patch)
treec5449cf9c02c97586bf8a8edaa52d05d876d3e94 /tactics/auto.ml
parent2313bde0116a5916912bebbaca77d291f7b2760a (diff)
Splitting out of auto.ml a file hints.ml dedicated to hints so as to
being able to export hints without tactics, vm, etc. to come with. Some functions moved to the new proof engine.
Diffstat (limited to 'tactics/auto.ml')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 1190 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/auto.ml b/tactics/auto.ml
index e06c2b7e0..056b781e1 100644
--- a/tactics/auto.ml
+++ b/tactics/auto.ml
@@ -6,1153 +6,24 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
open Pp
-open Errors
open Util
+open Errors
open Names
-open Namegen
-open Term
open Vars
open Termops
-open Inductiveops
open Environ
-open Evd
-open Typing
-open Pattern
-open Patternops
open Tacmach
-open Pfedit
open Genredexpr
-open Tacred
open Tactics
open Tacticals
open Clenv
-open Libnames
-open Globnames
-open Smartlocate
-open Libobject
-open Printer
open Tacexpr
-open Mod_subst
open Locus
open Proofview.Notations
-open Decl_kinds
-(* The Type of Constructions Autotactic Hints *)
-type 'a auto_tactic =
- | Res_pf of 'a (* Hint Apply *)
- | ERes_pf of 'a (* Hint EApply *)
- | Give_exact of 'a
- | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail of 'a (* Hint Immediate *)
- | Unfold_nth of evaluable_global_reference (* Hint Unfold *)
- | Extern of glob_tactic_expr (* Hint Extern *)
-type hints_path_atom =
- | PathHints of global_reference list
- | PathAny
-type hints_path =
- | PathAtom of hints_path_atom
- | PathStar of hints_path
- | PathSeq of hints_path * hints_path
- | PathOr of hints_path * hints_path
- | PathEmpty
- | PathEpsilon
-type hint_term =
- | IsGlobRef of global_reference
- | IsConstr of constr * Univ.universe_context_set
-type 'a gen_auto_tactic = {
- pri : int; (* A number lower is higher priority *)
- poly : polymorphic; (** Is the hint polymorpic and hence should be refreshed at each application *)
- pat : constr_pattern option; (* A pattern for the concl of the Goal *)
- name : hints_path_atom; (* A potential name to refer to the hint *)
- code : 'a auto_tactic (* the tactic to apply when the concl matches pat *)
-type pri_auto_tactic = (constr * clausenv) gen_auto_tactic
-type hint_entry = global_reference option *
- (constr * types * Univ.universe_context_set) gen_auto_tactic
-let eq_hints_path_atom p1 p2 = match p1, p2 with
-| PathHints gr1, PathHints gr2 -> List.equal eq_gr gr1 gr2
-| PathAny, PathAny -> true
-| (PathHints _ | PathAny), _ -> false
-let eq_auto_tactic t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with
-| Res_pf (c1, _), Res_pf (c2, _) -> Constr.equal c1 c2
-| ERes_pf (c1, _), ERes_pf (c2, _) -> Constr.equal c1 c2
-| Give_exact (c1, _), Give_exact (c2, _) -> Constr.equal c1 c2
-| Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c1, _), Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c2, _) -> Constr.equal c1 c2
-| Unfold_nth gr1, Unfold_nth gr2 -> eq_egr gr1 gr2
-| Extern tac1, Extern tac2 -> tac1 == tac2 (** May cause redundancy in addkv *)
-| (Res_pf _ | ERes_pf _ | Give_exact _ | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail _
- | Unfold_nth _ | Extern _), _ -> false
-let eq_gen_auto_tactic t1 t2 =
- Int.equal t1.pri t2.pri &&
- Option.equal constr_pattern_eq t1.pat t2.pat &&
- eq_hints_path_atom t1.name t2.name &&
- eq_auto_tactic t1.code t2.code
-let pri_order_int (id1, {pri=pri1}) (id2, {pri=pri2}) =
- let d = pri1 - pri2 in
- if Int.equal d 0 then id2 - id1
- else d
-let pri_order t1 t2 = pri_order_int t1 t2 <= 0
-let insert v l =
- let rec insrec = function
- | [] -> [v]
- | h::tl -> if pri_order v h then v::h::tl else h::(insrec tl)
- in
- insrec l
-(* Nov 98 -- Papageno *)
-(* Les Hints sont ré-organisés en plusieurs databases.
- La table impérative "searchtable", de type "hint_db_table",
- associe une database (hint_db) à chaque nom.
- Une hint_db est une table d'association fonctionelle constr -> search_entry
- Le constr correspond à la constante de tête de la conclusion.
- Une search_entry est un triplet comprenant :
- - la liste des tactiques qui n'ont pas de pattern associé
- - la liste des tactiques qui ont un pattern
- - un discrimination net borné (Btermdn.t) constitué de tous les
- patterns de la seconde liste de tactiques *)
-type stored_data = int * pri_auto_tactic
- (* First component is the index of insertion in the table, to keep most recent first semantics. *)
-module Bounded_net = Btermdn.Make(struct
- type t = stored_data
- let compare = pri_order_int
- end)
-type search_entry = stored_data list * stored_data list * Bounded_net.t * bool array list
-let empty_se = ([],[],Bounded_net.create (),[])
-let eq_pri_auto_tactic (_, x) (_, y) =
- if Int.equal x.pri y.pri && Option.equal constr_pattern_eq x.pat y.pat then
- match x.code,y.code with
- | Res_pf (cstr,_),Res_pf (cstr1,_) ->
- Term.eq_constr cstr cstr1
- | ERes_pf (cstr,_),ERes_pf (cstr1,_) ->
- Term.eq_constr cstr cstr1
- | Give_exact (cstr,_),Give_exact (cstr1,_) ->
- Term.eq_constr cstr cstr1
- | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (cstr,_)
- ,Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (cstr1,_) ->
- Term.eq_constr cstr cstr1
- | _,_ -> false
- else
- false
-let add_tac pat t st (l,l',dn,m) =
- match pat with
- | None ->
- if not (List.exists (eq_pri_auto_tactic t) l) then (insert t l, l', dn, m)
- else (l, l', dn, m)
- | Some pat ->
- if not (List.exists (eq_pri_auto_tactic t) l')
- then (l, insert t l', Bounded_net.add st dn (pat,t), m) else (l, l', dn, m)
-let rebuild_dn st ((l,l',dn,m) : search_entry) =
- let dn' =
- List.fold_left
- (fun dn (id, t) -> Bounded_net.add (Some st) dn (Option.get t.pat, (id, t)))
- (Bounded_net.create ()) l'
- in
- (l, l', dn', m)
-let lookup_tacs concl st (l,l',dn) =
- let l' = Bounded_net.lookup st dn concl in
- let sl' = List.stable_sort pri_order_int l' in
- List.merge pri_order_int l sl'
-module Constr_map = Map.Make(RefOrdered)
-let is_transparent_gr (ids, csts) = function
- | VarRef id -> Id.Pred.mem id ids
- | ConstRef cst -> Cpred.mem cst csts
- | IndRef _ | ConstructRef _ -> false
-let strip_params env c =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | App (f, args) ->
- (match kind_of_term f with
- | Const (p,_) ->
- let cb = lookup_constant p env in
- (match cb.Declarations.const_proj with
- | Some pb ->
- let n = pb.Declarations.proj_npars in
- if Array.length args > n then
- mkApp (mkProj (Projection.make p false, args.(n)),
- Array.sub args (n+1) (Array.length args - (n + 1)))
- else c
- | None -> c)
- | _ -> c)
- | _ -> c
-let instantiate_hint p =
- let mk_clenv c cty ctx =
- let env = Global.env () in
- let sigma = Evd.merge_context_set univ_flexible (Evd.from_env env) ctx in
- let cl = mk_clenv_from_env (Global.env()) sigma None (c,cty) in
- {cl with templval =
- { cl.templval with rebus = strip_params env cl.templval.rebus };
- env = empty_env}
- in
- let code = match p.code with
- | Res_pf (c, cty, ctx) -> Res_pf (c, mk_clenv c cty ctx)
- | ERes_pf (c, cty, ctx) -> ERes_pf (c, mk_clenv c cty ctx)
- | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c, cty, ctx) ->
- Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c, mk_clenv c cty ctx)
- | Give_exact (c, cty, ctx) -> Give_exact (c, mk_clenv c cty ctx)
- | Unfold_nth e -> Unfold_nth e
- | Extern t -> Extern t
- in { pri = p.pri; poly = p.poly; name = p.name; pat = p.pat; code = code }
-let hints_path_atom_eq h1 h2 = match h1, h2 with
-| PathHints l1, PathHints l2 -> List.equal eq_gr l1 l2
-| PathAny, PathAny -> true
-| _ -> false
-let rec hints_path_eq h1 h2 = match h1, h2 with
-| PathAtom h1, PathAtom h2 -> hints_path_atom_eq h1 h2
-| PathStar h1, PathStar h2 -> hints_path_eq h1 h2
-| PathSeq (l1, r1), PathSeq (l2, r2) ->
- hints_path_eq l1 l2 && hints_path_eq r1 r2
-| PathOr (l1, r1), PathOr (l2, r2) ->
- hints_path_eq l1 l2 && hints_path_eq r1 r2
-| PathEmpty, PathEmpty -> true
-| PathEpsilon, PathEpsilon -> true
-| _ -> false
-let path_matches hp hints =
- let rec aux hp hints k =
- match hp, hints with
- | PathAtom _, [] -> false
- | PathAtom PathAny, (_ :: hints') -> k hints'
- | PathAtom p, (h :: hints') ->
- if hints_path_atom_eq p h then k hints' else false
- | PathStar hp', hints ->
- k hints || aux hp' hints (fun hints' -> aux hp hints' k)
- | PathSeq (hp, hp'), hints ->
- aux hp hints (fun hints' -> aux hp' hints' k)
- | PathOr (hp, hp'), hints ->
- aux hp hints k || aux hp' hints k
- | PathEmpty, _ -> false
- | PathEpsilon, hints -> k hints
- in aux hp hints (fun hints' -> true)
-let rec matches_epsilon = function
- | PathAtom _ -> false
- | PathStar _ -> true
- | PathSeq (p, p') -> matches_epsilon p && matches_epsilon p'
- | PathOr (p, p') -> matches_epsilon p || matches_epsilon p'
- | PathEmpty -> false
- | PathEpsilon -> true
-let rec is_empty = function
- | PathAtom _ -> false
- | PathStar _ -> false
- | PathSeq (p, p') -> is_empty p || is_empty p'
- | PathOr (p, p') -> matches_epsilon p && matches_epsilon p'
- | PathEmpty -> true
- | PathEpsilon -> false
-let rec path_derivate hp hint =
- let rec derivate_atoms hints hints' =
- match hints, hints' with
- | gr :: grs, gr' :: grs' when eq_gr gr gr' -> derivate_atoms grs grs'
- | [], [] -> PathEpsilon
- | [], hints -> PathEmpty
- | grs, [] -> PathAtom (PathHints grs)
- | _, _ -> PathEmpty
- in
- match hp with
- | PathAtom PathAny -> PathEpsilon
- | PathAtom (PathHints grs) ->
- (match grs, hint with
- | h :: hints, PathAny -> PathEmpty
- | hints, PathHints hints' -> derivate_atoms hints hints'
- | _, _ -> assert false)
- | PathStar p -> if path_matches p [hint] then hp else PathEpsilon
- | PathSeq (hp, hp') ->
- let hpder = path_derivate hp hint in
- if matches_epsilon hp then
- PathOr (PathSeq (hpder, hp'), path_derivate hp' hint)
- else if is_empty hpder then PathEmpty
- else PathSeq (hpder, hp')
- | PathOr (hp, hp') ->
- PathOr (path_derivate hp hint, path_derivate hp' hint)
- | PathEmpty -> PathEmpty
- | PathEpsilon -> PathEmpty
-let rec normalize_path h =
- match h with
- | PathStar PathEpsilon -> PathEpsilon
- | PathSeq (PathEmpty, _) | PathSeq (_, PathEmpty) -> PathEmpty
- | PathSeq (PathEpsilon, p) | PathSeq (p, PathEpsilon) -> normalize_path p
- | PathOr (PathEmpty, p) | PathOr (p, PathEmpty) -> normalize_path p
- | PathOr (p, q) ->
- let p', q' = normalize_path p, normalize_path q in
- if hints_path_eq p p' && hints_path_eq q q' then h
- else normalize_path (PathOr (p', q'))
- | PathSeq (p, q) ->
- let p', q' = normalize_path p, normalize_path q in
- if hints_path_eq p p' && hints_path_eq q q' then h
- else normalize_path (PathSeq (p', q'))
- | _ -> h
-let path_derivate hp hint = normalize_path (path_derivate hp hint)
-let rec pp_hints_path = function
- | PathAtom (PathAny) -> str"."
- | PathAtom (PathHints grs) -> pr_sequence pr_global grs
- | PathStar p -> str "(" ++ pp_hints_path p ++ str")*"
- | PathSeq (p, p') -> pp_hints_path p ++ str" ; " ++ pp_hints_path p'
- | PathOr (p, p') ->
- str "(" ++ pp_hints_path p ++ spc () ++ str"|" ++ spc () ++ pp_hints_path p' ++ str ")"
- | PathEmpty -> str"Ø"
- | PathEpsilon -> str"ε"
-let subst_path_atom subst p =
- match p with
- | PathAny -> p
- | PathHints grs ->
- let gr' gr = fst (subst_global subst gr) in
- let grs' = List.smartmap gr' grs in
- if grs' == grs then p else PathHints grs'
-let rec subst_hints_path subst hp =
- match hp with
- | PathAtom p ->
- let p' = subst_path_atom subst p in
- if p' == p then hp else PathAtom p'
- | PathStar p -> let p' = subst_hints_path subst p in
- if p' == p then hp else PathStar p'
- | PathSeq (p, q) ->
- let p' = subst_hints_path subst p in
- let q' = subst_hints_path subst q in
- if p' == p && q' == q then hp else PathSeq (p', q')
- | PathOr (p, q) ->
- let p' = subst_hints_path subst p in
- let q' = subst_hints_path subst q in
- if p' == p && q' == q then hp else PathOr (p', q')
- | _ -> hp
-module Hint_db = struct
- type t = {
- hintdb_state : Names.transparent_state;
- hintdb_cut : hints_path;
- hintdb_unfolds : Id.Set.t * Cset.t;
- mutable hintdb_max_id : int;
- use_dn : bool;
- hintdb_map : search_entry Constr_map.t;
- (* A list of unindexed entries starting with an unfoldable constant
- or with no associated pattern. *)
- hintdb_nopat : (global_reference option * stored_data) list
- }
- let next_hint_id t =
- let h = t.hintdb_max_id in t.hintdb_max_id <- succ t.hintdb_max_id; h
- let empty st use_dn = { hintdb_state = st;
- hintdb_cut = PathEmpty;
- hintdb_unfolds = (Id.Set.empty, Cset.empty);
- hintdb_max_id = 0;
- use_dn = use_dn;
- hintdb_map = Constr_map.empty;
- hintdb_nopat = [] }
- let find key db =
- try Constr_map.find key db.hintdb_map
- with Not_found -> empty_se
- let realize_tac (id,tac) = tac
- let matches_mode args mode =
- Array.length args == Array.length mode &&
- Array.for_all2 (fun arg m -> not (m && occur_existential arg)) args mode
- let matches_modes args modes =
- if List.is_empty modes then true
- else List.exists (matches_mode args) modes
- let map_none db =
- List.map realize_tac (Sort.merge pri_order (List.map snd db.hintdb_nopat) [])
- let map_all k db =
- let (l,l',_,_) = find k db in
- List.map realize_tac (Sort.merge pri_order (List.map snd db.hintdb_nopat @ l) l')
- (** Precondition: concl has no existentials *)
- let map_auto (k,args) concl db =
- let (l,l',dn,m) = find k db in
- let st = if db.use_dn then (Some db.hintdb_state) else None in
- let l' = lookup_tacs concl st (l,l',dn) in
- List.map realize_tac (Sort.merge pri_order (List.map snd db.hintdb_nopat) l')
- let map_existential (k,args) concl db =
- let (l,l',_,m) = find k db in
- if matches_modes args m then
- List.map realize_tac (Sort.merge pri_order (List.map snd db.hintdb_nopat @ l) l')
- else List.map realize_tac (List.map snd db.hintdb_nopat)
- (* [c] contains an existential *)
- let map_eauto (k,args) concl db =
- let (l,l',dn,m) = find k db in
- if matches_modes args m then
- let st = if db.use_dn then Some db.hintdb_state else None in
- let l' = lookup_tacs concl st (l,l',dn) in
- List.map realize_tac (Sort.merge pri_order (List.map snd db.hintdb_nopat) l')
- else List.map realize_tac (List.map snd db.hintdb_nopat)
- let is_exact = function
- | Give_exact _ -> true
- | _ -> false
- let is_unfold = function
- | Unfold_nth _ -> true
- | _ -> false
- let addkv gr id v db =
- let idv = id, v in
- let k = match gr with
- | Some gr -> if db.use_dn && is_transparent_gr db.hintdb_state gr &&
- is_unfold v.code then None else Some gr
- | None -> None
- in
- let dnst = if db.use_dn then Some db.hintdb_state else None in
- let pat = if not db.use_dn && is_exact v.code then None else v.pat in
- match k with
- | None ->
- (** ppedrot: this equality here is dubious. Maybe we can remove it? *)
- let is_present (_, (_, v')) = eq_gen_auto_tactic v v' in
- if not (List.exists is_present db.hintdb_nopat) then
- (** FIXME *)
- { db with hintdb_nopat = (gr,idv) :: db.hintdb_nopat }
- else db
- | Some gr ->
- let oval = find gr db in
- { db with hintdb_map = Constr_map.add gr (add_tac pat idv dnst oval) db.hintdb_map }
- let rebuild_db st' db =
- let db' =
- { db with hintdb_map = Constr_map.map (rebuild_dn st') db.hintdb_map;
- hintdb_state = st'; hintdb_nopat = [] }
- in
- List.fold_left (fun db (gr,(id,v)) -> addkv gr id v db) db' db.hintdb_nopat
- let add_one (k, v) db =
- let v = instantiate_hint v in
- let st',db,rebuild =
- match v.code with
- | Unfold_nth egr ->
- let addunf (ids,csts) (ids',csts') =
- match egr with
- | EvalVarRef id -> (Id.Pred.add id ids, csts), (Id.Set.add id ids', csts')
- | EvalConstRef cst -> (ids, Cpred.add cst csts), (ids', Cset.add cst csts')
- in
- let state, unfs = addunf db.hintdb_state db.hintdb_unfolds in
- state, { db with hintdb_unfolds = unfs }, true
- | _ -> db.hintdb_state, db, false
- in
- let db = if db.use_dn && rebuild then rebuild_db st' db else db
- in addkv k (next_hint_id db) v db
- let add_list l db = List.fold_left (fun db k -> add_one k db) db l
- let remove_sdl p sdl = List.smartfilter p sdl
- let remove_he st p (sl1, sl2, dn, m as he) =
- let sl1' = remove_sdl p sl1 and sl2' = remove_sdl p sl2 in
- if sl1' == sl1 && sl2' == sl2 then he
- else rebuild_dn st (sl1', sl2', dn, m)
- let remove_list grs db =
- let filter (_, h) =
- match h.name with PathHints [gr] -> not (List.mem_f eq_gr gr grs) | _ -> true in
- let hintmap = Constr_map.map (remove_he db.hintdb_state filter) db.hintdb_map in
- let hintnopat = List.smartfilter (fun (ge, sd) -> filter sd) db.hintdb_nopat in
- { db with hintdb_map = hintmap; hintdb_nopat = hintnopat }
- let remove_one gr db = remove_list [gr] db
- let iter f db =
- f None [] (List.map (fun x -> realize_tac (snd x)) db.hintdb_nopat);
- Constr_map.iter (fun k (l,l',_,m) -> f (Some k) m (List.map realize_tac (l@l'))) db.hintdb_map
- let fold f db accu =
- let accu = f None [] (List.map (fun x -> snd (snd x)) db.hintdb_nopat) accu in
- Constr_map.fold (fun k (l,l',_,m) -> f (Some k) m (List.map snd (l@l'))) db.hintdb_map accu
- let transparent_state db = db.hintdb_state
- let set_transparent_state db st =
- if db.use_dn then rebuild_db st db
- else { db with hintdb_state = st }
- let add_cut path db =
- { db with hintdb_cut = normalize_path (PathOr (db.hintdb_cut, path)) }
- let add_mode gr m db =
- let (l,l',dn,ms) = find gr db in
- { db with hintdb_map = Constr_map.add gr (l,l',dn,m :: ms) db.hintdb_map }
- let cut db = db.hintdb_cut
- let unfolds db = db.hintdb_unfolds
- let use_dn db = db.use_dn
-module Hintdbmap = String.Map
-type hint_db = Hint_db.t
-type hint_db_table = hint_db Hintdbmap.t ref
-type hint_db_name = string
-(** Initially created hint databases, for typeclasses and rewrite *)
-let typeclasses_db = "typeclass_instances"
-let rewrite_db = "rewrite"
-let auto_init_db =
- Hintdbmap.add typeclasses_db (Hint_db.empty full_transparent_state true)
- (Hintdbmap.add rewrite_db (Hint_db.empty cst_full_transparent_state true)
- Hintdbmap.empty)
-let searchtable : hint_db_table = ref auto_init_db
-let searchtable_map name =
- Hintdbmap.find name !searchtable
-let searchtable_add (name,db) =
- searchtable := Hintdbmap.add name db !searchtable
-let current_db_names () = Hintdbmap.domain !searchtable
-let current_db () = Hintdbmap.bindings !searchtable
-(* Definition of the summary *)
-let auto_init : (unit -> unit) ref = ref (fun () -> ())
-let add_auto_init f =
- let init = !auto_init in
- auto_init := (fun () -> init (); f ())
-let init () = searchtable := auto_init_db; !auto_init ()
-let freeze _ = !searchtable
-let unfreeze fs = searchtable := fs
-let _ = Summary.declare_summary "search"
- { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
- Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
- Summary.init_function = init }
-(* Auxiliary functions to prepare AUTOHINT objects *)
-let rec nb_hyp c = match kind_of_term c with
- | Prod(_,_,c2) -> if noccurn 1 c2 then 1+(nb_hyp c2) else nb_hyp c2
- | _ -> 0
-(* adding and removing tactics in the search table *)
-let try_head_pattern c =
- try head_pattern_bound c
- with BoundPattern -> error "Bound head variable."
-let make_exact_entry env sigma pri poly ?(name=PathAny) (c, cty, ctx) =
- let cty = strip_outer_cast cty in
- match kind_of_term cty with
- | Prod _ -> failwith "make_exact_entry"
- | _ ->
- let pat = snd (Patternops.pattern_of_constr env sigma cty) in
- let hd =
- try head_pattern_bound pat
- with BoundPattern -> failwith "make_exact_entry"
- in
- (Some hd,
- { pri = (match pri with None -> 0 | Some p -> p);
- poly = poly;
- pat = Some pat;
- name = name;
- code = Give_exact (c, cty, ctx) })
-let make_apply_entry env sigma (eapply,hnf,verbose) pri poly ?(name=PathAny) (c, cty, ctx) =
- let cty = if hnf then hnf_constr env sigma cty else cty in
- match kind_of_term cty with
- | Prod _ ->
- let sigma' = Evd.merge_context_set univ_flexible sigma ctx in
- let ce = mk_clenv_from_env env sigma' None (c,cty) in
- let c' = clenv_type (* ~reduce:false *) ce in
- let pat = snd (Patternops.pattern_of_constr env ce.evd c') in
- let hd =
- try head_pattern_bound pat
- with BoundPattern -> failwith "make_apply_entry" in
- let nmiss = List.length (clenv_missing ce) in
- if Int.equal nmiss 0 then
- (Some hd,
- { pri = (match pri with None -> nb_hyp cty | Some p -> p);
- poly = poly;
- pat = Some pat;
- name = name;
- code = Res_pf(c,cty,ctx) })
- else begin
- if not eapply then failwith "make_apply_entry";
- if verbose then
- msg_warning (str "the hint: eapply " ++ pr_lconstr c ++
- str " will only be used by eauto");
- (Some hd,
- { pri = (match pri with None -> nb_hyp cty + nmiss | Some p -> p);
- poly = poly;
- pat = Some pat;
- name = name;
- code = ERes_pf(c,cty,ctx) })
- end
- | _ -> failwith "make_apply_entry"
-(* flags is (e,h,v) with e=true if eapply and h=true if hnf and v=true if verbose
- c is a constr
- cty is the type of constr *)
-let fresh_global_or_constr env sigma poly cr =
- match cr with
- | IsGlobRef gr -> Universes.fresh_global_instance env gr
- | IsConstr (c, ctx) -> (c, ctx)
-let make_resolves env sigma flags pri poly ?name cr =
- let c, ctx = fresh_global_or_constr env sigma poly cr in
- let cty = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma c in
- let try_apply f =
- try Some (f (c, cty, ctx)) with Failure _ -> None in
- let ents = List.map_filter try_apply
- [make_exact_entry env sigma pri poly ?name; make_apply_entry env sigma flags pri poly ?name]
- in
- if List.is_empty ents then
- errorlabstrm "Hint"
- (pr_lconstr c ++ spc() ++
- (if pi1 flags then str"cannot be used as a hint."
- else str "can be used as a hint only for eauto."));
- ents
-(* used to add an hypothesis to the local hint database *)
-let make_resolve_hyp env sigma (hname,_,htyp) =
- try
- [make_apply_entry env sigma (true, true, false) None false
- ~name:(PathHints [VarRef hname])
- (mkVar hname, htyp, Univ.ContextSet.empty)]
- with
- | Failure _ -> []
- | e when Logic.catchable_exception e -> anomaly (Pp.str "make_resolve_hyp")
-(* REM : in most cases hintname = id *)
-let make_unfold eref =
- let g = global_of_evaluable_reference eref in
- (Some g,
- { pri = 4;
- poly = false;
- pat = None;
- name = PathHints [g];
- code = Unfold_nth eref })
-let make_extern pri pat tacast =
- let hdconstr = Option.map try_head_pattern pat in
- (hdconstr,
- { pri = pri;
- poly = false;
- pat = pat;
- name = PathAny;
- code = Extern tacast })
-let make_mode ref m =
- let ty = Global.type_of_global_unsafe ref in
- let ctx, t = decompose_prod ty in
- let n = List.length ctx in
- let m' = Array.of_list m in
- if not (n == Array.length m') then
- errorlabstrm "Hint"
- (pr_global ref ++ str" has " ++ int n ++
- str" arguments while the mode declares " ++ int (Array.length m'))
- else m'
-let make_trivial env sigma poly ?(name=PathAny) r =
- let c,ctx = fresh_global_or_constr env sigma poly r in
- let sigma = Evd.merge_context_set univ_flexible sigma ctx in
- let t = hnf_constr env sigma (type_of env sigma c) in
- let hd = head_of_constr_reference (head_constr t) in
- let ce = mk_clenv_from_env env sigma None (c,t) in
- (Some hd, { pri=1;
- poly = poly;
- pat = Some (snd (Patternops.pattern_of_constr env ce.evd (clenv_type ce)));
- name = name;
- code=Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail(c,t,ctx) })
-open Vernacexpr
-(* declaration of the AUTOHINT library object *)
-(* If the database does not exist, it is created *)
-(* TODO: should a warning be printed in this case ?? *)
-let get_db dbname =
- try searchtable_map dbname
- with Not_found -> Hint_db.empty empty_transparent_state false
-let add_hint dbname hintlist =
- let db = get_db dbname in
- let db' = Hint_db.add_list hintlist db in
- searchtable_add (dbname,db')
-let add_transparency dbname grs b =
- let db = get_db dbname in
- let st = Hint_db.transparent_state db in
- let st' =
- List.fold_left (fun (ids, csts) gr ->
- match gr with
- | EvalConstRef c -> (ids, (if b then Cpred.add else Cpred.remove) c csts)
- | EvalVarRef v -> (if b then Id.Pred.add else Id.Pred.remove) v ids, csts)
- st grs
- in searchtable_add (dbname, Hint_db.set_transparent_state db st')
-let remove_hint dbname grs =
- let db = get_db dbname in
- let db' = Hint_db.remove_list grs db in
- searchtable_add (dbname, db')
-type hint_action =
- | CreateDB of bool * transparent_state
- | AddTransparency of evaluable_global_reference list * bool
- | AddHints of hint_entry list
- | RemoveHints of global_reference list
- | AddCut of hints_path
- | AddMode of global_reference * bool array
-let add_cut dbname path =
- let db = get_db dbname in
- let db' = Hint_db.add_cut path db in
- searchtable_add (dbname, db')
-let add_mode dbname l m =
- let db = get_db dbname in
- let db' = Hint_db.add_mode l m db in
- searchtable_add (dbname, db')
-type hint_obj = bool * string * hint_action (* locality, name, action *)
-let cache_autohint (_,(local,name,hints)) =
- match hints with
- | CreateDB (b, st) -> searchtable_add (name, Hint_db.empty st b)
- | AddTransparency (grs, b) -> add_transparency name grs b
- | AddHints hints -> add_hint name hints
- | RemoveHints grs -> remove_hint name grs
- | AddCut path -> add_cut name path
- | AddMode (l, m) -> add_mode name l m
-let subst_autohint (subst,(local,name,hintlist as obj)) =
- let subst_key gr =
- let (lab'', elab') = subst_global subst gr in
- let gr' =
- (try head_of_constr_reference (head_constr_bound elab')
- with Tactics.Bound -> lab'')
- in if gr' == gr then gr else gr'
- in
- let subst_hint (k,data as hint) =
- let k' = Option.smartmap subst_key k in
- let pat' = Option.smartmap (subst_pattern subst) data.pat in
- let code' = match data.code with
- | Res_pf (c,t,ctx) ->
- let c' = subst_mps subst c in
- let t' = subst_mps subst t in
- if c==c' && t'==t then data.code else Res_pf (c', t',ctx)
- | ERes_pf (c,t,ctx) ->
- let c' = subst_mps subst c in
- let t' = subst_mps subst t in
- if c==c' && t'==t then data.code else ERes_pf (c',t',ctx)
- | Give_exact (c,t,ctx) ->
- let c' = subst_mps subst c in
- let t' = subst_mps subst t in
- if c==c' && t'== t then data.code else Give_exact (c',t',ctx)
- | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c,t,ctx) ->
- let c' = subst_mps subst c in
- let t' = subst_mps subst t in
- if c==c' && t==t' then data.code else Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c',t',ctx)
- | Unfold_nth ref ->
- let ref' = subst_evaluable_reference subst ref in
- if ref==ref' then data.code else Unfold_nth ref'
- | Extern tac ->
- let tac' = Tacsubst.subst_tactic subst tac in
- if tac==tac' then data.code else Extern tac'
- in
- let name' = subst_path_atom subst data.name in
- let data' =
- if data.pat==pat' && data.name == name' && data.code==code' then data
- else { data with pat = pat'; name = name'; code = code' }
- in
- if k' == k && data' == data then hint else (k',data')
- in
- match hintlist with
- | CreateDB _ -> obj
- | AddTransparency (grs, b) ->
- let grs' = List.smartmap (subst_evaluable_reference subst) grs in
- if grs==grs' then obj else (local, name, AddTransparency (grs', b))
- | AddHints hintlist ->
- let hintlist' = List.smartmap subst_hint hintlist in
- if hintlist' == hintlist then obj else
- (local,name,AddHints hintlist')
- | RemoveHints grs ->
- let grs' = List.smartmap (subst_global_reference subst) grs in
- if grs==grs' then obj else (local, name, RemoveHints grs')
- | AddCut path ->
- let path' = subst_hints_path subst path in
- if path' == path then obj else (local, name, AddCut path')
- | AddMode (l,m) ->
- let l' = subst_global_reference subst l in
- (local, name, AddMode (l', m))
-let classify_autohint ((local,name,hintlist) as obj) =
- match hintlist with
- | AddHints [] -> Dispose
- | _ -> if local then Dispose else Substitute obj
-let inAutoHint : hint_obj -> obj =
- declare_object {(default_object "AUTOHINT") with
- cache_function = cache_autohint;
- load_function = (fun _ -> cache_autohint);
- subst_function = subst_autohint;
- classify_function = classify_autohint; }
-let create_hint_db l n st b =
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inAutoHint (l,n,CreateDB (b, st)))
-let remove_hints local dbnames grs =
- let dbnames = if List.is_empty dbnames then ["core"] else dbnames in
- List.iter
- (fun dbname ->
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inAutoHint(local, dbname, RemoveHints grs)))
- dbnames
-open Misctypes
-(* The "Hint" vernacular command *)
-let add_resolves env sigma clist local dbnames =
- List.iter
- (fun dbname ->
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
- (inAutoHint
- (local,dbname, AddHints
- (List.flatten (List.map (fun (pri, poly, hnf, path, gr) ->
- make_resolves env sigma (true,hnf,Flags.is_verbose())
- pri poly ~name:path gr) clist)))))
- dbnames
-let add_unfolds l local dbnames =
- List.iter
- (fun dbname -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
- (inAutoHint (local,dbname, AddHints (List.map make_unfold l))))
- dbnames
-let add_cuts l local dbnames =
- List.iter
- (fun dbname -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
- (inAutoHint (local,dbname, AddCut l)))
- dbnames
-let add_mode l m local dbnames =
- List.iter
- (fun dbname -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
- (let m' = make_mode l m in
- (inAutoHint (local,dbname, AddMode (l,m')))))
- dbnames
-let add_transparency l b local dbnames =
- List.iter
- (fun dbname -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
- (inAutoHint (local,dbname, AddTransparency (l, b))))
- dbnames
-let add_extern pri pat tacast local dbname =
- let pat = match pat with
- | None -> None
- | Some (_, pat) -> Some pat
- in
- let hint = local, dbname, AddHints [make_extern pri pat tacast] in
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inAutoHint hint)
-let add_externs pri pat tacast local dbnames =
- List.iter (add_extern pri pat tacast local) dbnames
-let add_trivials env sigma l local dbnames =
- List.iter
- (fun dbname ->
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (
- inAutoHint(local,dbname,
- AddHints (List.map (fun (name, poly, c) -> make_trivial env sigma poly ~name c) l))))
- dbnames
-let (forward_intern_tac, extern_intern_tac) = Hook.make ()
-type hnf = bool
-type hints_entry =
- | HintsResolveEntry of (int option * polymorphic * hnf * hints_path_atom * hint_term) list
- | HintsImmediateEntry of (hints_path_atom * polymorphic * hint_term) list
- | HintsCutEntry of hints_path
- | HintsUnfoldEntry of evaluable_global_reference list
- | HintsTransparencyEntry of evaluable_global_reference list * bool
- | HintsModeEntry of global_reference * bool list
- | HintsExternEntry of
- int * (patvar list * constr_pattern) option * glob_tactic_expr
-let default_prepare_hint_ident = Id.of_string "H"
-exception Found of constr * types
-let prepare_hint check env init (sigma,c) =
- let sigma = Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses ~fail:false env sigma in
- (* We re-abstract over uninstantiated evars.
- It is actually a bit stupid to generalize over evars since the first
- thing make_resolves will do is to re-instantiate the products *)
- let c = drop_extra_implicit_args (Evarutil.nf_evar sigma c) in
- let vars = ref (collect_vars c) in
- let subst = ref [] in
- let rec find_next_evar c = match kind_of_term c with
- | Evar (evk,args as ev) ->
- (* We skip the test whether args is the identity or not *)
- let t = Evarutil.nf_evar sigma (existential_type sigma ev) in
- let t = List.fold_right (fun (e,id) c -> replace_term e id c) !subst t in
- if not (Int.Set.is_empty (free_rels t)) then
- error "Hints with holes dependent on a bound variable not supported.";
- if occur_existential t then
- (* Not clever enough to construct dependency graph of evars *)
- error "Not clever enough to deal with evars dependent in other evars.";
- raise (Found (c,t))
- | _ -> iter_constr find_next_evar c in
- let rec iter c =
- try find_next_evar c; c
- with Found (evar,t) ->
- let id = next_ident_away_from default_prepare_hint_ident (fun id -> Id.Set.mem id !vars) in
- vars := Id.Set.add id !vars;
- subst := (evar,mkVar id)::!subst;
- mkNamedLambda id t (iter (replace_term evar (mkVar id) c)) in
- let c' = iter c in
- if check then Evarutil.check_evars (Global.env()) Evd.empty sigma c';
- let diff = Evd.diff sigma init in
- IsConstr (c', Evd.universe_context_set diff)
-let interp_hints poly =
- fun h ->
- let f c =
- let evd,c = Constrintern.interp_open_constr (Global.env()) Evd.empty c in
- prepare_hint true (Global.env()) Evd.empty (evd,c) in
- let fref r =
- let gr = global_with_alias r in
- Dumpglob.add_glob (loc_of_reference r) gr;
- gr in
- let fr r =
- evaluable_of_global_reference (Global.env()) (fref r)
- in
- let fi c =
- match c with
- | HintsReference c ->
- let gr = global_with_alias c in
- (PathHints [gr], poly, IsGlobRef gr)
- | HintsConstr c -> (PathAny, poly, f c)
- in
- let fres (pri, b, r) =
- let path, poly, gr = fi r in
- (pri, poly, b, path, gr)
- in
- let fp = Constrintern.intern_constr_pattern (Global.env()) in
- match h with
- | HintsResolve lhints -> HintsResolveEntry (List.map fres lhints)
- | HintsImmediate lhints -> HintsImmediateEntry (List.map fi lhints)
- | HintsUnfold lhints -> HintsUnfoldEntry (List.map fr lhints)
- | HintsTransparency (lhints, b) ->
- HintsTransparencyEntry (List.map fr lhints, b)
- | HintsMode (r, l) -> HintsModeEntry (fref r, l)
- | HintsConstructors lqid ->
- let constr_hints_of_ind qid =
- let ind = global_inductive_with_alias qid in
- let mib,_ = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
- Dumpglob.dump_reference (fst (qualid_of_reference qid)) "<>" (string_of_reference qid) "ind";
- List.init (nconstructors ind)
- (fun i -> let c = (ind,i+1) in
- let gr = ConstructRef c in
- None, mib.Declarations.mind_polymorphic, true,
- PathHints [gr], IsGlobRef gr)
- in HintsResolveEntry (List.flatten (List.map constr_hints_of_ind lqid))
- | HintsExtern (pri, patcom, tacexp) ->
- let pat = Option.map fp patcom in
- let l = match pat with None -> [] | Some (l, _) -> l in
- let tacexp = Hook.get forward_intern_tac l tacexp in
- HintsExternEntry (pri, pat, tacexp)
-let add_hints local dbnames0 h =
- if String.List.mem "nocore" dbnames0 then
- error "The hint database \"nocore\" is meant to stay empty.";
- let dbnames = if List.is_empty dbnames0 then ["core"] else dbnames0 in
- let env = Global.env() and sigma = Evd.empty in
- match h with
- | HintsResolveEntry lhints -> add_resolves env sigma lhints local dbnames
- | HintsImmediateEntry lhints -> add_trivials env sigma lhints local dbnames
- | HintsCutEntry lhints -> add_cuts lhints local dbnames
- | HintsModeEntry (l,m) -> add_mode l m local dbnames
- | HintsUnfoldEntry lhints -> add_unfolds lhints local dbnames
- | HintsTransparencyEntry (lhints, b) ->
- add_transparency lhints b local dbnames
- | HintsExternEntry (pri, pat, tacexp) ->
- add_externs pri pat tacexp local dbnames
-(* Functions for printing the hints *)
-let pr_autotactic =
- function
- | Res_pf (c,clenv) -> (str"apply " ++ pr_constr c)
- | ERes_pf (c,clenv) -> (str"eapply " ++ pr_constr c)
- | Give_exact (c,clenv) -> (str"exact " ++ pr_constr c)
- | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c,clenv) ->
- (str"apply " ++ pr_constr c ++ str" ; trivial")
- | Unfold_nth c -> (str"unfold " ++ pr_evaluable_reference c)
- | Extern tac ->
- let env =
- try
- let (_, env) = Pfedit.get_current_goal_context () in
- env
- with e when Errors.noncritical e -> Global.env ()
- in
- (str "(*external*) " ++ Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic env tac)
-let pr_hint (id, v) =
- (pr_autotactic v.code ++ str"(level " ++ int v.pri ++ str", id " ++ int id ++ str ")" ++ spc ())
-let pr_hint_list hintlist =
- (str " " ++ hov 0 (prlist pr_hint hintlist) ++ fnl ())
-let pr_hints_db (name,db,hintlist) =
- (str "In the database " ++ str name ++ str ":" ++
- if List.is_empty hintlist then (str " nothing" ++ fnl ())
- else (fnl () ++ pr_hint_list hintlist))
-(* Print all hints associated to head c in any database *)
-let pr_hint_list_for_head c =
- let dbs = current_db () in
- let validate (name, db) =
- let hints = List.map (fun v -> 0, v) (Hint_db.map_all c db) in
- (name, db, hints)
- in
- let valid_dbs = List.map validate dbs in
- if List.is_empty valid_dbs then
- (str "No hint declared for :" ++ pr_global c)
- else
- hov 0
- (str"For " ++ pr_global c ++ str" -> " ++ fnl () ++
- hov 0 (prlist pr_hints_db valid_dbs))
-let pr_hint_ref ref = pr_hint_list_for_head ref
-(* Print all hints associated to head id in any database *)
-let pr_hint_term cl =
- try
- let dbs = current_db () in
- let valid_dbs =
- let fn = try
- let hdc = decompose_app_bound cl in
- if occur_existential cl then
- Hint_db.map_existential hdc cl
- else Hint_db.map_auto hdc cl
- with Bound -> Hint_db.map_none
- in
- let fn db = List.map (fun x -> 0, x) (fn db) in
- List.map (fun (name, db) -> (name, db, fn db)) dbs
- in
- if List.is_empty valid_dbs then
- (str "No hint applicable for current goal")
- else
- (str "Applicable Hints :" ++ fnl () ++
- hov 0 (prlist pr_hints_db valid_dbs))
- with Match_failure _ | Failure _ ->
- (str "No hint applicable for current goal")
-let error_no_such_hint_database x =
- error ("No such Hint database: "^x^".")
-(* print all hints that apply to the concl of the current goal *)
-let pr_applicable_hint () =
- let pts = get_pftreestate () in
- let glss = Proof.V82.subgoals pts in
- match glss.Evd.it with
- | [] -> Errors.error "No focused goal."
- | g::_ ->
- let gl = { Evd.it = g; sigma = glss.Evd.sigma; } in
- pr_hint_term (pf_concl gl)
-(* displays the whole hint database db *)
-let pr_hint_db db =
- let pr_mode = prvect_with_sep spc (fun x -> if x then str"+" else str"-") in
- let pr_modes l =
- if List.is_empty l then mt ()
- else str" (modes " ++ prlist_with_sep pr_comma pr_mode l ++ str")"
- in
- let content =
- let fold head modes hintlist accu =
- let goal_descr = match head with
- | None -> str "For any goal"
- | Some head -> str "For " ++ pr_global head ++ pr_modes modes
- in
- let hints = pr_hint_list (List.map (fun x -> (0, x)) hintlist) in
- let hint_descr = hov 0 (goal_descr ++ str " -> " ++ hints) in
- accu ++ hint_descr
- in
- Hint_db.fold fold db (mt ())
- in
- let (ids, csts) = Hint_db.transparent_state db in
- hov 0
- ((if Hint_db.use_dn db then str"Discriminated database"
- else str"Non-discriminated database")) ++ fnl () ++
- hov 2 (str"Unfoldable variable definitions: " ++ pr_idpred ids) ++ fnl () ++
- hov 2 (str"Unfoldable constant definitions: " ++ pr_cpred csts) ++ fnl () ++
- hov 2 (str"Cut: " ++ pp_hints_path (Hint_db.cut db)) ++ fnl () ++
- content
-let pr_hint_db_by_name dbname =
- try
- let db = searchtable_map dbname in pr_hint_db db
- with Not_found ->
- error_no_such_hint_database dbname
-(* displays all the hints of all databases *)
-let pr_searchtable () =
- let fold name db accu =
- accu ++ str "In the database " ++ str name ++ str ":" ++ fnl () ++
- pr_hint_db db ++ fnl ()
- in
- Hintdbmap.fold fold !searchtable (mt ())
+open Hints
(* Automatic tactics *)
@@ -1233,44 +104,6 @@ let exact poly (c,clenv) =
(* Util *)
-let expand_constructor_hints env sigma lems =
- List.map_append (fun (evd,lem) ->
- match kind_of_term lem with
- | Ind (ind,u) ->
- List.init (nconstructors ind)
- (fun i -> IsConstr (mkConstructU ((ind,i+1),u),
- Univ.ContextSet.empty))
- | _ ->
- [prepare_hint false env sigma (evd,lem)]) lems
-(* builds a hint database from a constr signature *)
-(* typically used with (lid, ltyp) = pf_hyps_types <some goal> *)
-let add_hint_lemmas eapply lems hint_db gl =
- let lems = expand_constructor_hints (pf_env gl) (project gl) lems in
- let hintlist' =
- List.map_append (pf_apply make_resolves gl (eapply,true,false) None true) lems in
- Hint_db.add_list hintlist' hint_db
-let make_local_hint_db ts eapply lems gl =
- let sign = pf_hyps gl in
- let ts = match ts with
- | None -> Hint_db.transparent_state (searchtable_map "core")
- | Some ts -> ts
- in
- let hintlist = List.map_append (pf_apply make_resolve_hyp gl) sign in
- add_hint_lemmas eapply lems
- (Hint_db.add_list hintlist (Hint_db.empty ts false)) gl
-let make_local_hint_db =
- if Flags.profile then
- let key = Profile.declare_profile "make_local_hint_db" in
- Profile.profile4 key make_local_hint_db
- else make_local_hint_db
-let make_local_hint_db ?ts eapply lems gl =
- make_local_hint_db ts eapply lems gl
(* Serait-ce possible de compiler d'abord la tactique puis de faire la
substitution sans passer par bdize dont l'objectif est de préparer un
terme pour l'affichage ? (HH) *)
@@ -1557,31 +390,24 @@ and trivial_resolve dbg mod_delta db_list local_db cl =
(** The use of the "core" database can be de-activated by passing
"nocore" amongst the databases. *)
-let make_db_list dbnames =
- let use_core = not (List.mem "nocore" dbnames) in
- let dbnames = List.remove String.equal "nocore" dbnames in
- let dbnames = if use_core then "core"::dbnames else dbnames in
- let lookup db =
- try searchtable_map db with Not_found -> error_no_such_hint_database db
- in
- List.map lookup dbnames
let trivial ?(debug=Off) lems dbnames =
Proofview.Goal.nf_enter begin fun gl ->
+ let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in
+ let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in
let db_list = make_db_list dbnames in
let d = mk_trivial_dbg debug in
- let hints = Tacmach.New.of_old (make_local_hint_db false lems) gl in
+ let hints = make_local_hint_db env sigma false lems in
tclTRY_dbg d
(trivial_fail_db d false db_list hints)
let full_trivial ?(debug=Off) lems =
Proofview.Goal.nf_enter begin fun gl ->
- let dbs = !searchtable in
- let dbs = String.Map.remove "v62" dbs in
- let db_list = List.map snd (String.Map.bindings dbs) in
+ let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in
+ let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in
+ let db_list = current_pure_db () in
let d = mk_trivial_dbg debug in
- let hints = Tacmach.New.of_old (make_local_hint_db false lems) gl in
+ let hints = make_local_hint_db env sigma false lems in
tclTRY_dbg d
(trivial_fail_db d false db_list hints)
@@ -1647,9 +473,11 @@ let default_search_depth = ref 5
let delta_auto debug mod_delta n lems dbnames =
Proofview.Goal.nf_enter begin fun gl ->
+ let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in
+ let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in
let db_list = make_db_list dbnames in
let d = mk_auto_dbg debug in
- let hints = Tacmach.New.of_old (make_local_hint_db false lems) gl in
+ let hints = make_local_hint_db env sigma false lems in
tclTRY_dbg d
(search d n mod_delta db_list hints)
@@ -1668,11 +496,11 @@ let default_auto = auto !default_search_depth [] []
let delta_full_auto ?(debug=Off) mod_delta n lems =
Proofview.Goal.nf_enter begin fun gl ->
- let dbs = !searchtable in
- let dbs = String.Map.remove "v62" dbs in
- let db_list = List.map snd (String.Map.bindings dbs) in
+ let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in
+ let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in
+ let db_list = current_pure_db () in
let d = mk_auto_dbg debug in
- let hints = Tacmach.New.of_old (make_local_hint_db false lems) gl in
+ let hints = make_local_hint_db env sigma false lems in
tclTRY_dbg d
(search d n mod_delta db_list hints)