path: root/proofs
diff options
authorGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2000-06-21 01:15:42 +0000
committerGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2000-06-21 01:15:42 +0000
commit5378cd45ac34551ea4d265f41b489ff386ea1a49 (patch)
tree655fdd402e962863483cdbb40483fcf8b5ab4892 /proofs
parent18ca75a6fbaf2a1238a3a2e36f51f1e1bf1c2c68 (diff)
portage EAuto et Ring
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@513 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'proofs')
5 files changed, 68 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/clenv.ml b/proofs/clenv.ml
index 2ad3f5896..e643f02a4 100644
--- a/proofs/clenv.ml
+++ b/proofs/clenv.ml
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ and w_resrec metas evars wc =
| (lhs,(DOP0(Meta k) as rhs))::t -> w_resrec ((k,lhs)::metas) t wc
| (DOPN(Evar evn,_) as evar,rhs)::t ->
- if w_defined_const wc evar then
+ if w_defined_evar wc evn then
let (wc',metas') = w_Unify rhs evar metas wc in
w_resrec metas' t wc'
diff --git a/proofs/proof_type.mli b/proofs/proof_type.mli
index 9c2ac00ae..a722335d5 100644
--- a/proofs/proof_type.mli
+++ b/proofs/proof_type.mli
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ and tactic = goal sigma -> (goal list sigma * validation)
and validation = (proof_tree list -> proof_tree)
and tactic_arg =
- Command of Coqast.t
+ | Command of Coqast.t
| Constr of constr
| Identifier of identifier
| Integer of int
diff --git a/proofs/tacinterp.ml b/proofs/tacinterp.ml
index 6d999b9c5..af784dcf5 100644
--- a/proofs/tacinterp.ml
+++ b/proofs/tacinterp.ml
@@ -24,37 +24,37 @@ let err_msg_tactic_not_found macro_loc macro =
[< 'sTR"Tactic macro ";'sTR macro; 'sPC; 'sTR"not found" >])
-(*Values for interpretation*)
+(* Values for interpretation *)
type value=
- VTactic of tactic
- |VFTactic of tactic_arg list*(tactic_arg list->tactic)
- |VRTactic of (goal list sigma * validation)
- |VArg of tactic_arg
- |VFun of (string*value) list*string option list*Coqast.t
- |VVoid
- |VRec of value ref
-(*Gives the identifier corresponding to an Identifier tactic_arg*)
-let id_of_Identifier=function
- Identifier id -> id
+ | VTactic of tactic
+ | VFTactic of tactic_arg list * (tactic_arg list -> tactic)
+ | VRTactic of (goal list sigma * validation)
+ | VArg of tactic_arg
+ | VFun of (string * value) list * string option list * Coqast.t
+ | VVoid
+ | VRec of value ref
+(* Gives the identifier corresponding to an Identifier tactic_arg *)
+let id_of_Identifier = function
+ | Identifier id -> id
|_ ->
anomalylabstrm "id_of_IDENTIFIER" [<'sTR "Not an IDENTIFIER tactic_arg">]
-(*Gives the constr corresponding to a Constr tactic_arg*)
+(* Gives the constr corresponding to a Constr tactic_arg *)
let constr_of_Constr=function
Constr c -> c
|_ -> anomalylabstrm "constr_of_Constr" [<'sTR "Not a CONSTR tactic_arg">]
-(*Signature for interpretation: val_interp and interpretation functions*)
+(* Signature for interpretation: val_interp and interpretation functions *)
type interp_sign=
evar_declarations*Environ.env*(string*value) list*(int*constr) list*
goal sigma option
-(*Table of interpretation functions*)
+(* Table of interpretation functions *)
let interp_tab=
(Hashtbl.create 17:(string,interp_sign->Coqast.t->value) Hashtbl.t)
-(*Adds an interpretation function*)
+(* Adds an interpretation function *)
let interp_add (ast_typ,interp_fun)=
Hashtbl.add interp_tab ast_typ interp_fun
@@ -64,24 +64,24 @@ let interp_add (ast_typ,interp_fun)=
"Cannot add the interpretation function for "; 'sTR ast_typ; 'sTR
" twice">]
-(*Adds a possible existing interpretation function*)
+(* Adds a possible existing interpretation function *)
let overwriting_interp_add (ast_typ,interp_fun)=
if Hashtbl.mem interp_tab ast_typ then
(Hashtbl.remove interp_tab ast_typ;
warning ("Overwriting definition of tactic interpreter command "^ast_typ));
Hashtbl.add interp_tab ast_typ interp_fun
-(*Finds the interpretation function corresponding to a given ast type*)
+(* Finds the interpretation function corresponding to a given ast type *)
let look_for_interp=Hashtbl.find interp_tab
-(*Globalizes the identifier*)
+(* Globalizes the identifier *)
let glob_nvar id=
Nametab.sp_of_id CCI id
Not_found -> error ("unbound variable "^(string_of_id id))
-(*Summary and Object declaration*)
+(* Summary and Object declaration *)
let mactab=ref Gmap.empty
let lookup id=Gmap.find id !mactab
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ let (inMD,outMD)=
open_function=(fun _ -> ());
specification_function=(fun x -> x)})
-(*Adds a Tactic Definition in the table*)
+(* Adds a Tactic Definition in the table *)
let add_tacdef na vbody =
if Gmap.mem na !mactab then
errorlabstrm "Tacdef.add_tacdef"
@@ -112,22 +112,22 @@ let add_tacdef na vbody =
let _ = Lib.add_leaf (id_of_string na) OBJ (inMD (na,vbody)) in
if Options.is_verbose() then mSGNL [< 'sTR (na^" is defined") >]
-(*Unboxes the tactic_arg*)
+(* Unboxes the tactic_arg *)
let unvarg=function
VArg a -> a
|_ -> errorlabstrm "unvarg" [<'sTR "Not a tactic argument">]
-(*Unboxes VRec*)
+(* Unboxes VRec *)
let unrec=function
VRec v -> !v
|a -> a
-(*Unboxes REDEXP*)
+(* Unboxes REDEXP *)
let unredexp=function
Redexp c -> c
|_ -> errorlabstrm "unredexp" [<'sTR "Not a REDEXP tactic_arg">]
-(*Reads the head of Fun*)
+(* Reads the head of Fun *)
let read_fun ast=
let rec read_fun_rec=function
Node(_,"VOID",[])::tl -> None::(read_fun_rec tl)
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ let read_fun ast=
|_ ->
anomalylabstrm "Tacinterp.read_fun" [<'sTR "Fun not well formed">]
-(*Reads the clauses of a Rec*)
+(* Reads the clauses of a Rec *)
let rec read_rec_clauses=function
[] -> []
|Node(_,"RECCLAUSE",[Nvar(_,name);it;body])::tl ->
@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ let rec read_rec_clauses=function
anomalylabstrm "Tacinterp.read_rec_clauses" [<'sTR
"Rec not well formed">]
-(*Associates variables with values and gives the remaining variables and
- values*)
+(* Associates variables with values and gives the remaining variables and
+ values *)
let head_with_value (lvar,lval)=
let rec head_with_value_rec lacc=function
([],[]) -> (lacc,[],[])
@@ -164,24 +164,24 @@ let head_with_value (lvar,lval)=
head_with_value_rec [] (lvar,lval)
-(*Type of hypotheses for a Match Context rule*)
+(* Type of hypotheses for a Match Context rule *)
type match_context_hyps=
NoHypId of constr_pattern
|Hyp of string*constr_pattern
-(*Type of a Match rule for Match Context and Match*)
+(* Type of a Match rule for Match Context and Match *)
type match_rule=
Pat of match_context_hyps list*constr_pattern*Coqast.t
|All of Coqast.t
-(*Gives the ast of a COMMAND ast node*)
+(* Gives the ast of a COMMAND ast node *)
let ast_of_command=function
Node(_,"COMMAND",[c]) -> c
|ast ->
anomaly_loc (Ast.loc ast, "Tacinterp.ast_of_command",[<'sTR
"Not a COMMAND ast node: ";print_ast ast>])
-(*Reads the hypotheses of a Match Context rule*)
+(* Reads the hypotheses of a Match Context rule *)
let rec read_match_context_hyps evc env=function
Node(_,"MATCHCONTEXTHYPS",[pc])::tl ->
(NoHypId (snd (interp_constrpattern evc env (ast_of_command
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ let rec read_match_context_hyps evc env=function
"Not a MATCHCONTEXTHYP ast node: ";print_ast ast>])
|[] -> []
-(*Reads the rules of a Match Context*)
+(* Reads the rules of a Match Context *)
let rec read_match_context_rule evc env=function
Node(_,"MATCHCONTEXTRULE",[tc])::tl ->
(All tc)::(read_match_context_rule evc env tl)
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ let rec read_match_context_rule evc env=function
"Not a MATCHCONTEXTRULE ast node: ";print_ast ast>])
|[] -> []
-(*Reads the rules of a Match*)
+(* Reads the rules of a Match *)
let rec read_match_rule evc env=function
Node(_,"MATCHRULE",[te])::tl ->
(All te)::(read_match_rule evc env tl)
@@ -221,18 +221,18 @@ let rec read_match_rule evc env=function
"Not a MATCHRULE ast node: ";print_ast ast>])
|[] -> []
-(*Transforms a type_judgment signature into a (string*constr) list*)
+(* Transforms a type_judgment signature into a (string*constr) list *)
let make_hyps hyps=
let lid=List.map string_of_id (ids_of_sign hyps)
and lhyp=List.map body_of_type (vals_of_sign hyps)
List.combine lid lhyp
-(*For Match Context and Match*)
+(* For Match Context and Match *)
exception No_match
exception Not_coherent_metas
-(*Verifies if the matched list is coherent with respect to lcm*)
+(* Verifies if the matched list is coherent with respect to lcm *)
let rec verify_metas_coherence lcm=function
(num,csr)::tl ->
if (List.for_all
@@ -246,14 +246,14 @@ let rec verify_metas_coherence lcm=function
raise Not_coherent_metas
|[] -> []
-(*Tries to match a pattern and a constr*)
+(* Tries to match a pattern and a constr *)
let apply_matching pat csr=
(Pattern.matches pat csr)
PatternMatchingFailure -> raise No_match
-(*Tries to match one hypothesis with a list of hypothesis patterns*)
+(* Tries to match one hypothesis with a list of hypothesis patterns *)
let apply_one_hyp_context lmatch mhyps (idhyp,hyp)=
let rec apply_one_hyp_context_rec (idhyp,hyp) mhyps_acc=function
(Hyp (idpat,pat))::tl ->
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ let apply_one_hyp_context lmatch mhyps (idhyp,hyp)=
apply_one_hyp_context_rec (idhyp,hyp) [] mhyps
-(*Prepares the lfun list for constr substitutions*)
+(* Prepares the lfun list for constr substitutions *)
let rec make_subs_list=function
(id,VArg (Identifier i))::tl ->
(id_of_string id,VAR i)::(make_subs_list tl)
@@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ let rec make_subs_list=function
|e::tl -> make_subs_list tl
|[] -> []
-(*Interprets any expression*)
+(* Interprets any expression *)
let rec val_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt) ast=
-(* mSGNL [<print_ast ast>];*)
+(* mSGNL [<print_ast ast>]; *)
-(*mSGNL [<print_ast (Termast.bdize false (Pretty.assumptions_for_print []) ((reduction_of_redexp redexp) env evc c))>];*)
+(* mSGNL [<print_ast (Termast.bdize false (Pretty.assumptions_for_print []) ((reduction_of_redexp redexp) env evc c))>]; *)
match ast with
Node(_,"APP",l) ->
@@ -358,12 +358,12 @@ let rec val_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt) ast=
VArg (Clause (List.map (fun ast -> id_of_Identifier (unvarg (val_interp
(evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt) ast))) cl))
|Node(_,"TACTIC",[ast]) -> VArg (Tac (tac_interp lfun lmatch ast))
-(*Remains to treat*)
+(* Remains to treat *)
|Node(_,"FIXEXP", [Nvar(_,s); Num(_,n);Node(_,"COMMAND",[c])]) ->
VArg ((Fixexp (id_of_string s,n,c)))
|Node(_,"COFIXEXP", [Nvar(_,s); Node(_,"COMMAND",[c])]) ->
VArg ((Cofixexp (id_of_string s,c)))
-(*End of Remains to treat*)
+(* End of Remains to treat *)
|Node(_,"INTROPATTERN", [ast]) ->
VArg ((Intropattern (cvt_intro_pattern (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt)
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ let rec val_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt) ast=
|_ ->
anomaly_loc (Ast.loc ast, "Tacinterp.val_interp",[<'sTR
"Unrecognizable ast: ";print_ast ast>])
-(*Interprets an application node*)
+(* Interprets an application node *)
and app_interp evc env lfun lmatch goalopt fv largs ast=
match fv with
VFTactic(l,f) -> VFTactic(l@(List.map unvarg largs),f)
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ and app_interp evc env lfun lmatch goalopt fv largs ast=
|_ ->
anomaly_loc (Ast.loc ast, "Tacinterp.app_interp",[<'sTR
"Illegal application: "; print_ast ast>])
-(*Interprets recursive expressions*)
+(* Interprets recursive expressions *)
and rec_interp evc env lfun lmatch goalopt ast=function
[Node(_,"RECCLAUSE",_)] as l ->
let (name,var,body)=List.hd (read_rec_clauses l)
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ and rec_interp evc env lfun lmatch goalopt ast=function
|_ ->
anomaly_loc (Ast.loc ast, "Tacinterp.rec_interp",[<'sTR
"Rec not well formed: "; print_ast ast>])
-(*Interprets the clauses of a let*)
+(* Interprets the clauses of a let *)
and let_interp evc env lfun lmatch goalopt ast=function
[] -> []
|Node(_,"LETCLAUSE",[Nvar(_,id);t])::tl ->
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ and let_interp evc env lfun lmatch goalopt ast=function
|_ ->
anomaly_loc (Ast.loc ast, "Tacinterp.let_interp",[<'sTR
"Let not well formed: "; print_ast ast>])
-(*Interprets the Match Context expressions*)
+(* Interprets the Match Context expressions *)
and match_context_interp evc env lfun lmatch goalopt ast lmr=
let rec apply_match_context evc env lfun lmatch goalopt=function
(All t)::tl -> val_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt) t
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ and match_context_interp evc env lfun lmatch goalopt ast lmr=
apply_match_context evc env lfun lmatch goalopt (read_match_context_rule
evc env lmr)
-(*Tries to match the hypotheses in a Match Context*)
+(* Tries to match the hypotheses in a Match Context *)
and apply_hyps_context evc env lfun_glob lmatch_glob goal mt lgmatch mhyps
let rec apply_hyps_context_rec evc env lfun_glob lmatch_glob goal mt lfun
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ and apply_hyps_context evc env lfun_glob lmatch_glob goal mt lgmatch mhyps
apply_hyps_context_rec evc env lfun_glob lmatch_glob goal mt [] lgmatch
mhyps hyps []
-(*Interprets the Match expressions*)
+(* Interprets the Match expressions *)
and match_interp evc env lfun lmatch goalopt ast lmr=
let rec apply_match evc env lfun lmatch goalopt csr=function
(All t)::tl -> val_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt) t
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ and match_interp evc env lfun lmatch goalopt ast lmr=
and ilr=read_match_rule evc env (List.tl lmr)
apply_match evc env lfun lmatch goalopt csr ilr
-(*Interprets tactic expressions*)
+(* Interprets tactic expressions *)
and tac_interp lfun lmatch ast g=
let evc=project g
and env=pf_env g
@@ -528,9 +528,9 @@ and tac_interp lfun lmatch ast g=
|_ ->
errorlabstrm "Tacinterp.interp_rec" [<'sTR
"Interpretation gives a non-tactic value">]
-(*Interprets a primitive tactic*)
+(* Interprets a primitive tactic *)
and interp_atomic loc opn args=vernac_tactic(opn,args)
-(*Interprets sequences of tactics*)
+(* Interprets sequences of tactics *)
and interp_semi_list acc lfun lmatch=function
(Node(_,"TACLIST",seq))::l ->
interp_semi_list (tclTHENS acc (List.map (tac_interp lfun lmatch) seq))
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ and interp_semi_list acc lfun lmatch=function
|t::l ->
interp_semi_list (tclTHEN acc (tac_interp lfun lmatch t)) lfun lmatch l
|[] -> acc
-(*Interprets bindings for tactics*)
+(* Interprets bindings for tactics *)
and bind_interp evc env lfun lmatch goalopt=function
Node(_,"BINDING", [Num(_,n);Node(loc,"COMMAND",[c])]) ->
(NoDep n,constr_of_Constr (unvarg (val_interp
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ and bind_interp evc env lfun lmatch goalopt=function
|x ->
errorlabstrm "bind_interp" [<'sTR "Not the expected form in binding";
print_ast x>]
-(*Interprets a COMMAND expression*)
+(* Interprets a COMMAND expression *)
and com_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt)=function
Node(_,"EVAL",[c;rtc]) ->
let redexp=
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ and com_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt)=function
VArg (Constr ((reduction_of_redexp redexp) env evc (interp_constr1 evc
env (make_subs_list lfun) lmatch c)))
|c -> VArg (Constr (interp_constr1 evc env (make_subs_list lfun) lmatch c))
-(*Interprets a CASTEDCOMMAND expression*)
+(* Interprets a CASTEDCOMMAND expression *)
and cast_com_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt) com=
match goalopt with
Some gl ->
@@ -595,12 +595,12 @@ and cvt_unfold (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt)=function
(List.map num_of_ast nums,glob_nvar (id_of_Identifier (unvarg (val_interp
(evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt) com))))
|arg -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc arg,"cvt_unfold")
-(*Interprets the arguments of Fold*)
+(* Interprets the arguments of Fold *)
and cvt_fold (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt)=function
Node(_,"COMMAND",[c]) as ast ->
constr_of_Constr (unvarg (val_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt) ast))
|arg -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc arg,"cvt_fold")
-(*Interprets the reduction flags*)
+(* Interprets the reduction flags *)
and flag_of_ast (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt) lf=
let beta = ref false in
let delta = ref false in
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ and flag_of_ast (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt) lf=
(false,_) -> (fun _ -> false)
| (true,None) -> (fun _ -> true)
| (true,Some p) -> p }
-(*Interprets a reduction expression*)
+(* Interprets a reduction expression *)
and redexp_of_ast (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt)=function
|("Red", []) -> Red
|("Hnf", []) -> Hnf
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ and redexp_of_ast (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt)=function
|("Pattern",lp) ->
Pattern (List.map (cvt_pattern (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt)) lp)
|(s,_) -> invalid_arg ("malformed reduction-expression: "^s)
-(*Interprets the patterns of Intro*)
+(* Interprets the patterns of Intro *)
and cvt_intro_pattern (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt)=function
Node(_,"IDENTIFIER", [Nvar(loc,s)]) ->
IdPat (id_of_Identifier (unvarg (val_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt)
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ and cvt_intro_pattern (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt)=function
errorlabstrm "cvt_intro_pattern"
[<'sTR "Not the expected form for an introduction pattern!";print_ast
-(*Interprets a pattern of Let*)
+(* Interprets a pattern of Let *)
and cvt_letpattern (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt) (o,l)=function
Node(_,"HYPPATTERN", Nvar(loc,s)::nums) ->
(o,(id_of_Identifier (unvarg (val_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt)
@@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ and cvt_letpattern (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt) (o,l)=function
(Some (List.map num_of_ast nums), l)
|arg -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc arg,"cvt_hyppattern")
-(*Interprets tactic arguments*)
+(* Interprets tactic arguments *)
let interp_tacarg sign ast=unvarg (val_interp sign ast)
-(*Initial call for interpretation*)
+(* Initial call for interpretation *)
let interp=tac_interp [] []
let is_just_undef_macro ast =
diff --git a/proofs/tacmach.ml b/proofs/tacmach.ml
index 350b3c1db..ac4287ecb 100644
--- a/proofs/tacmach.ml
+++ b/proofs/tacmach.ml
@@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ let w_add_sign = w_add_sign
let ctxt_type_of = ctxt_type_of
let w_defined_const wc k = defined_constant (w_env wc) k
+let w_defined_evar wc k = Evd.is_defined (w_Underlying wc) k
let w_const_value wc = constant_value (w_env wc)
let w_conv_x wc m n = is_conv (w_env wc) (w_Underlying wc) m n
let w_whd_betadeltaiota wc c = whd_betadeltaiota (w_env wc) (w_Underlying wc) c
diff --git a/proofs/tacmach.mli b/proofs/tacmach.mli
index b27b0b789..0fb2caa34 100644
--- a/proofs/tacmach.mli
+++ b/proofs/tacmach.mli
@@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ val w_hnf_constr : walking_constraints -> constr -> constr
val w_conv_x : walking_constraints -> constr -> constr -> bool
val w_const_value : walking_constraints -> constr -> constr
val w_defined_const : walking_constraints -> constr -> bool
+val w_defined_evar : walking_constraints -> int -> bool
(*s Tactic Registration. *)