path: root/proofs/proof_global.ml
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authorGravatar Pierre Courtieu <Pierre.Courtieu@cnam.fr>2015-01-08 16:59:47 +0100
committerGravatar Pierre Courtieu <Pierre.Courtieu@cnam.fr>2015-01-08 16:59:57 +0100
commitb92fff621cce1576c93fab9276fb41ea85e10982 (patch)
treed6e0c1964b274c9b00339452d77468f48ebe2794 /proofs/proof_global.ml
parent448bf4529c5766e98367345076d00e64e25db7bf (diff)
Fixed and extend bullet related info/error messages. + doc.
Had to put some hook in the handler of Proofview.NoSuchgoals. Documentation updated. CHANGE updated.
Diffstat (limited to 'proofs/proof_global.ml')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/proof_global.ml b/proofs/proof_global.ml
index d26a8c487..0c617fb25 100644
--- a/proofs/proof_global.ml
+++ b/proofs/proof_global.ml
@@ -392,23 +392,6 @@ module Bullet = struct
type t = Vernacexpr.bullet
- (* There are two reasons why a bullet may be wrong: *)
- (* 1) because the previous same bullet is not finished.
- t contains the unfinished bullet and optionally the deeper
- unfinished one (better suggestion to the user). *)
- exception FailedUnfocusBullet of t * t option
- (* 2) there is no more goal at this level of bullet.
- t is the wrong bullet, looking which one is correct is not
- implemented yet. *)
- exception FailedFocusUsedBullet of t
- exception ExhaustedBulletStack
- exception FailedFocusUnusedBullet of t
let bullet_eq b1 b2 = match b1, b2 with
| Vernacexpr.Dash n1, Vernacexpr.Dash n2 -> n1 = n2
| Vernacexpr.Star n1, Vernacexpr.Star n2 -> n1 = n2
@@ -421,37 +404,11 @@ module Bullet = struct
| Vernacexpr.Star n -> str (String.make n '*')
| Vernacexpr.Plus n -> str (String.make n '+')
- let _ =
- Errors.register_handler
- (function
- | FailedUnfocusBullet (b,optb') ->
- (match optb' with
- | Some b' ->
- if b = b' then
- Errors.errorlabstrm
- "Focus" Pp.(str"Wrong bullet: The current bullet "
- ++ pr_bullet b' ++ str" seems not finished.")
- else Errors.errorlabstrm
- "Focus" Pp.(str"Wrong bullet: Finish bullet "
- ++ pr_bullet b'
- ++ str" before going back to " ++ pr_bullet b
- ++ str".")
- | None -> assert false)
- | FailedFocusUsedBullet b ->
- Errors.errorlabstrm
- "Focus" Pp.(str"Wrong bullet: no more goals at this level. Try "
- ++ pr_bullet b ++ str" instead.")
- | FailedFocusUnusedBullet b ->
- Errors.errorlabstrm
- "Focus" Pp.(str"No focussed goal. To focus next goal, use bullet "
- ++ pr_bullet b ++ str".")
- | _ -> raise Errors.Unhandled)
type behavior = {
name : string;
- put : Proof.proof -> t -> Proof.proof
+ put : Proof.proof -> t -> Proof.proof;
+ suggest: Proof.proof -> string option
let behaviors = Hashtbl.create 4
@@ -460,11 +417,55 @@ module Bullet = struct
(*** initial modes ***)
let none = {
name = "None";
- put = fun x _ -> x
+ put = (fun x _ -> x);
+ suggest = (fun _ -> None)
let _ = register_behavior none
module Strict = struct
+ type suggestion =
+ | Suggest of t (* this bullet is mandatory here *)
+ | Unfinished of t (* no mandatory bullet here, but this bullet is unfinished *)
+ | NoBulletInUse (* No mandatory bullet (or brace) here, no bullet pending,
+ some focused goals exists. *)
+ | NeedClosingBrace (* Some unfocussed goal exists "{" needed to focus them *)
+ | ProofFinished (* No more goal anywhere *)
+ (* give a message only if more informative than the standard coq message *)
+ let suggest_on_solved_goal sugg =
+ match sugg with
+ | NeedClosingBrace -> Some "Try unfocusing with \"}\"."
+ | NoBulletInUse -> None
+ | ProofFinished -> None
+ | Suggest b -> Some ("Focus next goal with bullet "
+ ^ Pp.string_of_ppcmds (Pp.(pr_bullet b))
+ ^".")
+ | Unfinished b -> Some ("The current bullet "
+ ^ Pp.string_of_ppcmds (Pp.(pr_bullet b))
+ ^ " is unfinished.")
+ (* give always a message. *)
+ let suggest_on_error sugg =
+ match sugg with
+ | NeedClosingBrace -> "Try unfocusing with \"}\"."
+ | NoBulletInUse -> assert false (* This should never raise an error. *)
+ | ProofFinished -> "No more subgoals."
+ | Suggest b -> ("Bullet " ^ Pp.string_of_ppcmds (Pp.(pr_bullet b))
+ ^ " is mandatory here.")
+ | Unfinished b -> ("Current bullet " ^ Pp.string_of_ppcmds (Pp.(pr_bullet b))
+ ^ " is not finished.")
+ exception FailedBullet of t * suggestion
+ let _ =
+ Errors.register_handler
+ (function
+ | FailedBullet (b,sugg) ->
+ let prefix = "Wrong bullet " ^ Pp.string_of_ppcmds (Pp.(pr_bullet b)) ^ " : " in
+ Errors.errorlabstrm "Focus" (str prefix ++ str (suggest_on_error sugg))
+ | _ -> raise Errors.Unhandled)
(* spiwack: we need only one focus kind as we keep a stack of (distinct!) bullets *)
let bullet_kind = (Proof.new_focus_kind () : t list Proof.focus_kind)
let bullet_cond = Proof.done_cond ~loose_end:true bullet_kind
@@ -486,80 +487,75 @@ module Bullet = struct
has_bullet (get_bullets pr)
- (* pop a bullet from proof [pr]. If no more bullet in [pr] then
- raise [Proof.CannotUnfocusThisWay]. Otherwise if pop impossible
- (pending proofs on this level of bullet or higher) then raise
- [FailedUnfocusBullet (b)] where [b] is the bullet that could
- not be popped. Beware that [b] is not the good suggestion at
- this point. *)
+ (* pop a bullet from proof [pr]. There should be at least one
+ bullet in use. If pop impossible (pending proofs on this level
+ of bullet or higher) then raise [Proof.CannotUnfocusThisWay]. *)
let pop pr =
match get_bullets pr with
- | b::_ ->
- (try Proof.unfocus bullet_kind pr () , b
- with Proof.CannotUnfocusThisWay -> raise (FailedUnfocusBullet (b,None)))
- | _ -> raise ExhaustedBulletStack
+ | b::_ -> Proof.unfocus bullet_kind pr () , b
+ | _ -> assert false
let push (b:t) pr =
Proof.focus bullet_cond (b::get_bullets pr) 1 pr
- (* This function pops bullets one by one until [bul] or end
- of stack. If [bul] is found and all pops were ok (no pending
- subgoals in popped bullets) then return the new proof.
- Otherwise raise an exception with a bullet suggestion *)
- let rec pop_or_explain (untilbul:t option) (p:Proof.proof) (suggestbul:t option) =
- try
- let p, b = pop p in
- (* pop went well, see if b is a good suggestion. *)
- let newsuggestbul =
- (* if push does not fail then b is a good suggestion. *)
- try let _ = push b p in Some b (* push didn't fail so b is OK *)
- with _ -> suggestbul in
- (* Check if we found untilbul (if applicable) and recursive
- call if not. *)
- (match untilbul with
- | None -> pop_or_explain untilbul p newsuggestbul
- | Some bul' -> if bullet_eq bul' b
- then p
- else pop_or_explain untilbul p newsuggestbul)
- with FailedUnfocusBullet (b,None) ->
- (* the current bullet is [b] and it cannot be popped. If we
- don't have a suggestion at this point, it means that the
- current bullet is not finished, otherwise suggest. *)
- (match suggestbul with
- None -> raise (FailedUnfocusBullet (b,Some b))
- | Some b' -> raise (FailedUnfocusBullet (b, Some b')))
- | ExhaustedBulletStack ->
- (* bullet stack is exhausted, suggest [suggestbul]. *)
- (match suggestbul with
- None -> raise Proof.CannotUnfocusThisWay
- | Some b' -> raise (FailedFocusUnusedBullet b'))
+ (* Used only in the next function.
+ TODO: use a recursive function instead? *)
+ exception SuggestFound of t
+ let suggest_bullet (prf:Proof.proof): suggestion =
+ if Proof.is_done prf then ProofFinished
+ else if not (Proof.no_focused_goal prf)
+ then (* No suggestion if a bullet is not mandatory, look for an unfinished bullet *)
+ match get_bullets prf with
+ | b::_ -> Unfinished b
+ | _ -> NoBulletInUse
+ else (* There is no goal under focus but some are unfocussed,
+ let us look at the bullet needed. If no *)
+ let pcobaye = ref prf in
+ try
+ while true do
+ let pcobaye', b = pop !pcobaye in
+ (* pop went well, this means that there are no more goals
+ *under this* bullet b, see if a new b can be pushed. *)
+ (try let _ = push b pcobaye' in (* push didn't fail so a new b can be pushed. *)
+ raise (SuggestFound b)
+ with SuggestFound _ as e -> raise e
+ | _ -> ()); (* b could not be pushed, so we must look for a outer bullet *)
+ pcobaye := pcobaye'
+ done;
+ assert false
+ with SuggestFound b -> Suggest b
+ | _ -> NeedClosingBrace (* No push was possible, but there are still
+ subgoals somewhere: there must be a "}" to use. *)
+ let rec pop_until (prf:Proof.proof) bul: Proof.proof =
+ let prf', b = pop prf in
+ if bullet_eq bul b then prf'
+ else pop_until prf' bul
let put p bul =
- if has_bullet bul p then
- let p' = pop_or_explain (Some bul) p None in
- try push bul p'
- with Proof.NoSuchGoals(1,1) ->
- (* raise (FailedFocusUsedBullet bul) *)
- try let _ = pop_or_explain None p None in
- raise Proof.CannotUnfocusThisWay
- with FailedUnfocusBullet (b,Some bsugg) -> raise (FailedFocusUsedBullet bsugg)
- else
- try push bul p
- with
- | Proof.NoSuchGoals(1,1) ->
- (* pop_until should raise an exception with a bullet suggestion,
- but FailedUnfocusBullet should be transformed into
- FailedFocusUnusedBullet. *)
- (try let _ = pop_or_explain None p None in
- raise (Proof.NoSuchGoals(1,1))
- with FailedUnfocusBullet (b,Some bsugg) ->
- raise (FailedFocusUnusedBullet bsugg))
+ try
+ if not (has_bullet bul p) then
+ (* bullet is not in use, so pushing it is always ok unless
+ no goal under focus. *)
+ push bul p
+ else
+ match suggest_bullet p with
+ | Suggest suggested_bullet when bullet_eq bul suggested_bullet
+ -> (* suggested_bullet is mandatory and you gave the right one *)
+ let p' = pop_until p bul in
+ push bul p'
+ (* the bullet you gave is in use but not the right one *)
+ | sugg -> raise (FailedBullet (bul,sugg))
+ with Proof.NoSuchGoals _ -> (* push went bad *)
+ raise (FailedBullet (bul,suggest_bullet p))
let strict = {
name = "Strict Subproofs";
- put = put
+ put = put;
+ suggest = (fun prf -> suggest_on_solved_goal (suggest_bullet prf))
let _ = register_behavior strict
@@ -583,9 +579,19 @@ module Bullet = struct
let put p b =
(!current_behavior).put p b
+ let suggest p =
+ (!current_behavior).suggest p
+let _ =
+ let hook n =
+ let prf = give_me_the_proof () in
+ (Bullet.suggest prf) in
+ Proofview.set_nosuchgoals_hook hook
(* *)
(* Default goal selector *)