path: root/proofs/proof_global.ml
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authorGravatar Pierre Courtieu <Pierre.Courtieu@cnam.fr>2014-07-31 20:51:48 +0200
committerGravatar Pierre Courtieu <Pierre.Courtieu@cnam.fr>2014-07-31 20:58:34 +0200
commit04b28b0c95f15fedb2e5eef26cd87b97b4e2120d (patch)
tree70eeda29cad0dddb6191ba5ed71dbc0a39c6d2b0 /proofs/proof_global.ml
parente4cc086eb69a10ad3360333c2c83f4a59a44c416 (diff)
Making the error message about bullets more precise.
Suggests in some cases the right bullet to use.
Diffstat (limited to 'proofs/proof_global.ml')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/proof_global.ml b/proofs/proof_global.ml
index f8c7d230f..f10b07da3 100644
--- a/proofs/proof_global.ml
+++ b/proofs/proof_global.ml
@@ -374,12 +374,41 @@ module Bullet = struct
type t = Vernacexpr.bullet
+ (* There are two reasons why a bullet may be wrong: *)
+ (* Either because the previous same bullet is not finished.
+ t contains either the unfinished bullet or a deeper unfinished
+ one (better suggestion to the user). *)
+ exception FailedUnfocusBullet of t
+ (* Or there is no more goal at this level of bullet. t is the wrong
+ bullet, looking which one is correct is not implemented yet. *)
+ exception FailedFocusBullet of t
let bullet_eq b1 b2 = match b1, b2 with
| Vernacexpr.Dash, Vernacexpr.Dash -> true
| Vernacexpr.Star, Vernacexpr.Star -> true
| Vernacexpr.Plus, Vernacexpr.Plus -> true
| _ -> false
+ let pr_bullet b =
+ match b with
+ | Vernacexpr.Dash -> str "-"
+ | Vernacexpr.Star -> str "*"
+ | Vernacexpr.Plus -> str "+"
+ let _ = Errors.register_handler
+ begin function
+ | FailedUnfocusBullet b ->
+ Errors.errorlabstrm "Focus" Pp.(str"Wrong bullet: " ++ pr_bullet b
+ ++ str" seems not finished.")
+ | FailedFocusBullet b ->
+ Errors.errorlabstrm "Focus" Pp.(str"Wrong bullet: no more goals under "
+ ++ pr_bullet b ++ str".")
+ | _ -> raise Errors.Unhandled
+ end
type behavior = {
name : string;
put : Proof.proof -> t -> Proof.proof
@@ -417,12 +446,15 @@ module Bullet = struct
has_bullet (get_bullets pr)
- (* precondition: the stack is not empty *)
+ (* precondition: the stack is not empty
+ this function tries to raise a more precise exception than
+ [Proof.CannotUnfocusThisWay]. This exception is then catch and
+ made more precise in function [put] below. *)
let pop pr =
match get_bullets pr with
| b::_ ->
- let pr = Proof.unfocus bullet_kind pr () in
- pr, b
+ (try Proof.unfocus bullet_kind pr () , b
+ with Proof.CannotUnfocusThisWay -> raise (FailedUnfocusBullet (b)))
| _ -> assert false
let push b pr =
@@ -430,10 +462,26 @@ module Bullet = struct
let put p bul =
if has_bullet bul p then
- let rec aux p =
- let p, b = pop p in
- if not (bullet_eq bul b) then aux p else p in
- push bul (aux p)
+ (* goodbullet is used to store a good bullet among the ones we
+ pop, in case the given bullet fails. For better error message. *)
+ let rec pop_until p (goodbullet:t option) =
+ try
+ let p, b = pop p in
+ let newgoodbullet =
+ (* FIXME: is push slow? probably not. And the number of
+ bullet level is generally below 3 anyway. *)
+ try let _ = push b p in Some b (* push didn't fail so b is OK *)
+ with _ -> goodbullet in
+ if not (bullet_eq bul b) then pop_until p newgoodbullet else p,newgoodbullet
+ with FailedUnfocusBullet (b) -> (* replace wrong bullet by valid one *)
+ raise (FailedUnfocusBullet
+ (match goodbullet with
+ None -> b
+ | Some b' -> b'))
+ in
+ let p',_ = pop_until p None in
+ try push bul p'
+ with Proof.NoSuchGoals(1,1) -> raise (FailedFocusBullet bul)
push bul p