path: root/printing/pptactic.ml
diff options
authorGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2016-04-10 02:24:17 +0200
committerGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2016-04-10 02:28:18 +0200
commit4ebc7c27f04f2bcc3cf7160ae9ec177d1ca11707 (patch)
treed49fca4c7257dd45bb31f4ad55c4c1bd2f65b6dc /printing/pptactic.ml
parentc6a8c4b5fa590f2beecd73817497bd7773a87522 (diff)
Extruding the print_atom primitive.
Diffstat (limited to 'printing/pptactic.ml')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 235 deletions
diff --git a/printing/pptactic.ml b/printing/pptactic.ml
index 4b2dc49a5..1e6c46e75 100644
--- a/printing/pptactic.ml
+++ b/printing/pptactic.ml
@@ -732,247 +732,246 @@ module Make
level :'lev
- let make_pr_tac pr strip_prod_binders tag_atom tag =
- (* some shortcuts *)
- let _pr_bindings = pr_bindings pr.pr_constr pr.pr_lconstr in
- let pr_with_bindings = pr_with_bindings pr.pr_constr pr.pr_lconstr in
- let pr_with_bindings_arg_full = pr_with_bindings_arg in
- let pr_with_bindings_arg = pr_with_bindings_arg pr.pr_constr pr.pr_lconstr in
- let pr_red_expr = pr_red_expr (pr.pr_constr,pr.pr_lconstr,pr.pr_constant,pr.pr_pattern) in
- let pr_constrarg c = spc () ++ pr.pr_constr c in
- let pr_lconstrarg c = spc () ++ pr.pr_lconstr c in
- let pr_intarg n = spc () ++ int n in
- (* Some printing combinators *)
- let pr_eliminator cb = keyword "using" ++ pr_arg pr_with_bindings cb in
+ let rec pr_atom pr strip_prod_binders tag_atom =
+ let pr_with_bindings = pr_with_bindings pr.pr_constr pr.pr_lconstr in
+ let pr_with_bindings_arg_full = pr_with_bindings_arg in
+ let pr_with_bindings_arg = pr_with_bindings_arg pr.pr_constr pr.pr_lconstr in
+ let pr_red_expr = pr_red_expr (pr.pr_constr,pr.pr_lconstr,pr.pr_constant,pr.pr_pattern) in
+ let pr_constrarg c = spc () ++ pr.pr_constr c in
+ let pr_lconstrarg c = spc () ++ pr.pr_lconstr c in
+ let pr_intarg n = spc () ++ int n in
+ (* Some printing combinators *)
+ let pr_eliminator cb = keyword "using" ++ pr_arg pr_with_bindings cb in
+ let pr_binder_fix (nal,t) =
+ (* match t with
+ | CHole _ -> spc() ++ prlist_with_sep spc (pr_lname) nal
+ | _ ->*)
+ let s = prlist_with_sep spc pr_lname nal ++ str ":" ++ pr.pr_lconstr t in
+ spc() ++ hov 1 (str"(" ++ s ++ str")") in
+ let pr_fix_tac (id,n,c) =
+ let rec set_nth_name avoid n = function
+ (nal,ty)::bll ->
+ if n <= List.length nal then
+ match List.chop (n-1) nal with
+ _, (_,Name id) :: _ -> id, (nal,ty)::bll
+ | bef, (loc,Anonymous) :: aft ->
+ let id = next_ident_away (Id.of_string"y") avoid in
+ id, ((bef@(loc,Name id)::aft, ty)::bll)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ else
+ let (id,bll') = set_nth_name avoid (n-List.length nal) bll in
+ (id,(nal,ty)::bll')
+ | [] -> assert false in
+ let (bll,ty) = strip_prod_binders n c in
+ let names =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun ln (nal,_) -> List.fold_left
+ (fun ln na -> match na with (_,Name id) -> id::ln | _ -> ln)
+ ln nal)
+ [] bll in
+ let idarg,bll = set_nth_name names n bll in
+ let annot = match names with
+ | [_] ->
+ mt ()
+ | _ ->
+ spc() ++ str"{"
+ ++ keyword "struct" ++ spc ()
+ ++ pr_id idarg ++ str"}"
+ in
+ hov 1 (str"(" ++ pr_id id ++
+ prlist pr_binder_fix bll ++ annot ++ str" :" ++
+ pr_lconstrarg ty ++ str")") in
+ (* spc() ++
+ hov 0 (pr_id id ++ pr_intarg n ++ str":" ++ pr_constrarg
+ c)
+ *)
+ let pr_cofix_tac (id,c) =
+ hov 1 (str"(" ++ pr_id id ++ str" :" ++ pr_lconstrarg c ++ str")") in
+ (* Printing tactics as arguments *)
+ let rec pr_atom0 a = tag_atom a (match a with
+ | TacIntroPattern [] -> primitive "intros"
+ | TacIntroMove (None,MoveLast) -> primitive "intro"
+ | t -> str "(" ++ pr_atom1 t ++ str ")"
+ )
+ (* Main tactic printer *)
+ and pr_atom1 a = tag_atom a (match a with
+ (* Basic tactics *)
+ | TacIntroPattern [] as t ->
+ pr_atom0 t
+ | TacIntroPattern (_::_ as p) ->
+ hov 1 (primitive "intros" ++ spc () ++
+ prlist_with_sep spc (Miscprint.pr_intro_pattern pr.pr_dconstr) p)
+ | TacIntroMove (None,MoveLast) as t ->
+ pr_atom0 t
+ | TacIntroMove (Some id,MoveLast) ->
+ primitive "intro" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id
+ | TacIntroMove (ido,hto) ->
+ hov 1 (primitive "intro" ++ pr_opt pr_id ido ++
+ Miscprint.pr_move_location pr.pr_name hto)
+ | TacExact c ->
+ hov 1 (primitive "exact" ++ pr_constrarg c)
+ | TacApply (a,ev,cb,inhyp) ->
+ hov 1 (
+ (if a then mt() else primitive "simple ") ++
+ primitive (with_evars ev "apply") ++ spc () ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_comma pr_with_bindings_arg cb ++
+ pr_non_empty_arg (pr_in_hyp_as pr.pr_dconstr pr.pr_name) inhyp
+ )
+ | TacElim (ev,cb,cbo) ->
+ hov 1 (
+ primitive (with_evars ev "elim")
+ ++ pr_arg pr_with_bindings_arg cb
+ ++ pr_opt pr_eliminator cbo)
+ | TacCase (ev,cb) ->
+ hov 1 (primitive (with_evars ev "case") ++ spc () ++ pr_with_bindings_arg cb)
+ | TacMutualFix (id,n,l) ->
+ hov 1 (
+ primitive "fix" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id ++ pr_intarg n ++ spc()
+ ++ keyword "with" ++ spc () ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_fix_tac l)
+ | TacMutualCofix (id,l) ->
+ hov 1 (
+ primitive "cofix" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id ++ spc()
+ ++ keyword "with" ++ spc () ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_cofix_tac l
+ )
+ | TacAssert (b,Some tac,ipat,c) ->
+ hov 1 (
+ primitive (if b then "assert" else "enough") ++
+ pr_assumption pr.pr_constr pr.pr_dconstr pr.pr_lconstr ipat c ++
+ pr_by_tactic (pr.pr_tactic ltop) tac
+ )
+ | TacAssert (_,None,ipat,c) ->
+ hov 1 (
+ primitive "pose proof"
+ ++ pr_assertion pr.pr_constr pr.pr_dconstr pr.pr_lconstr ipat c
+ )
+ | TacGeneralize l ->
+ hov 1 (
+ primitive "generalize" ++ spc ()
+ ++ prlist_with_sep pr_comma (fun (cl,na) ->
+ pr_with_occurrences pr.pr_constr cl ++ pr_as_name na)
+ l
+ )
+ | TacLetTac (na,c,cl,true,_) when Locusops.is_nowhere cl ->
+ hov 1 (primitive "pose" ++ pr_pose pr.pr_constr pr.pr_lconstr na c)
+ | TacLetTac (na,c,cl,b,e) ->
+ hov 1 (
+ (if b then primitive "set" else primitive "remember") ++
+ (if b then pr_pose pr.pr_constr pr.pr_lconstr na c
+ else pr_pose_as_style pr.pr_constr na c) ++
+ pr_opt (fun p -> pr_eqn_ipat p ++ spc ()) e ++
+ pr_non_empty_arg (pr_clauses (Some b) pr.pr_name) cl)
+ (* | TacInstantiate (n,c,ConclLocation ()) ->
+ hov 1 (str "instantiate" ++ spc() ++
+ hov 1 (str"(" ++ pr_arg int n ++ str" :=" ++
+ pr_lconstrarg c ++ str ")" ))
+ | TacInstantiate (n,c,HypLocation (id,hloc)) ->
+ hov 1 (str "instantiate" ++ spc() ++
+ hov 1 (str"(" ++ pr_arg int n ++ str" :=" ++
+ pr_lconstrarg c ++ str ")" )
+ ++ str "in" ++ pr_hyp_location pr.pr_name (id,[],(hloc,ref None)))
+ *)
- let extract_binders = function
- | Tacexp (TacFun (lvar,body)) -> (lvar,Tacexp body)
- | body -> ([],body) in
+ (* Derived basic tactics *)
+ | TacInductionDestruct (isrec,ev,(l,el)) ->
+ hov 1 (
+ primitive (with_evars ev (if isrec then "induction" else "destruct"))
+ ++ spc ()
+ ++ prlist_with_sep pr_comma (fun ((clear_flag,h),ids,cl) ->
+ pr_clear_flag clear_flag (pr_induction_arg pr.pr_dconstr pr.pr_dconstr) h ++
+ pr_with_induction_names pr.pr_dconstr ids ++
+ pr_opt_no_spc (pr_clauses None pr.pr_name) cl) l ++
+ pr_opt pr_eliminator el
+ )
+ | TacDoubleInduction (h1,h2) ->
+ hov 1 (
+ primitive "double induction"
+ ++ pr_arg pr_quantified_hypothesis h1
+ ++ pr_arg pr_quantified_hypothesis h2
+ )
- let pr_binder_fix (nal,t) =
- (* match t with
- | CHole _ -> spc() ++ prlist_with_sep spc (pr_lname) nal
- | _ ->*)
- let s = prlist_with_sep spc pr_lname nal ++ str ":" ++ pr.pr_lconstr t in
- spc() ++ hov 1 (str"(" ++ s ++ str")") in
- let pr_fix_tac (id,n,c) =
- let rec set_nth_name avoid n = function
- (nal,ty)::bll ->
- if n <= List.length nal then
- match List.chop (n-1) nal with
- _, (_,Name id) :: _ -> id, (nal,ty)::bll
- | bef, (loc,Anonymous) :: aft ->
- let id = next_ident_away (Id.of_string"y") avoid in
- id, ((bef@(loc,Name id)::aft, ty)::bll)
- | _ -> assert false
- else
- let (id,bll') = set_nth_name avoid (n-List.length nal) bll in
- (id,(nal,ty)::bll')
- | [] -> assert false in
- let (bll,ty) = strip_prod_binders n c in
- let names =
- List.fold_left
- (fun ln (nal,_) -> List.fold_left
- (fun ln na -> match na with (_,Name id) -> id::ln | _ -> ln)
- ln nal)
- [] bll in
- let idarg,bll = set_nth_name names n bll in
- let annot = match names with
- | [_] ->
- mt ()
- | _ ->
- spc() ++ str"{"
- ++ keyword "struct" ++ spc ()
- ++ pr_id idarg ++ str"}"
- in
- hov 1 (str"(" ++ pr_id id ++
- prlist pr_binder_fix bll ++ annot ++ str" :" ++
- pr_lconstrarg ty ++ str")") in
- (* spc() ++
- hov 0 (pr_id id ++ pr_intarg n ++ str":" ++ pr_constrarg
- c)
- *)
- let pr_cofix_tac (id,c) =
- hov 1 (str"(" ++ pr_id id ++ str" :" ++ pr_lconstrarg c ++ str")") in
- (* Printing tactics as arguments *)
- let rec pr_atom0 a = tag_atom a (match a with
- | TacIntroPattern [] -> primitive "intros"
- | TacIntroMove (None,MoveLast) -> primitive "intro"
- | t -> str "(" ++ pr_atom1 t ++ str ")"
- )
- (* Main tactic printer *)
- and pr_atom1 a = tag_atom a (match a with
- (* Basic tactics *)
- | TacIntroPattern [] as t ->
- pr_atom0 t
- | TacIntroPattern (_::_ as p) ->
- hov 1 (primitive "intros" ++ spc () ++
- prlist_with_sep spc (Miscprint.pr_intro_pattern pr.pr_dconstr) p)
- | TacIntroMove (None,MoveLast) as t ->
- pr_atom0 t
- | TacIntroMove (Some id,MoveLast) ->
- primitive "intro" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id
- | TacIntroMove (ido,hto) ->
- hov 1 (primitive "intro" ++ pr_opt pr_id ido ++
- Miscprint.pr_move_location pr.pr_name hto)
- | TacExact c ->
- hov 1 (primitive "exact" ++ pr_constrarg c)
- | TacApply (a,ev,cb,inhyp) ->
- hov 1 (
- (if a then mt() else primitive "simple ") ++
- primitive (with_evars ev "apply") ++ spc () ++
- prlist_with_sep pr_comma pr_with_bindings_arg cb ++
- pr_non_empty_arg (pr_in_hyp_as pr.pr_dconstr pr.pr_name) inhyp
- )
- | TacElim (ev,cb,cbo) ->
- hov 1 (
- primitive (with_evars ev "elim")
- ++ pr_arg pr_with_bindings_arg cb
- ++ pr_opt pr_eliminator cbo)
- | TacCase (ev,cb) ->
- hov 1 (primitive (with_evars ev "case") ++ spc () ++ pr_with_bindings_arg cb)
- | TacMutualFix (id,n,l) ->
- hov 1 (
- primitive "fix" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id ++ pr_intarg n ++ spc()
- ++ keyword "with" ++ spc () ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_fix_tac l)
- | TacMutualCofix (id,l) ->
- hov 1 (
- primitive "cofix" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id ++ spc()
- ++ keyword "with" ++ spc () ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_cofix_tac l
- )
- | TacAssert (b,Some tac,ipat,c) ->
- hov 1 (
- primitive (if b then "assert" else "enough") ++
- pr_assumption pr.pr_constr pr.pr_dconstr pr.pr_lconstr ipat c ++
- pr_by_tactic (pr.pr_tactic ltop) tac
- )
- | TacAssert (_,None,ipat,c) ->
- hov 1 (
- primitive "pose proof"
- ++ pr_assertion pr.pr_constr pr.pr_dconstr pr.pr_lconstr ipat c
- )
- | TacGeneralize l ->
- hov 1 (
- primitive "generalize" ++ spc ()
- ++ prlist_with_sep pr_comma (fun (cl,na) ->
- pr_with_occurrences pr.pr_constr cl ++ pr_as_name na)
- l
- )
- | TacLetTac (na,c,cl,true,_) when Locusops.is_nowhere cl ->
- hov 1 (primitive "pose" ++ pr_pose pr.pr_constr pr.pr_lconstr na c)
- | TacLetTac (na,c,cl,b,e) ->
- hov 1 (
- (if b then primitive "set" else primitive "remember") ++
- (if b then pr_pose pr.pr_constr pr.pr_lconstr na c
- else pr_pose_as_style pr.pr_constr na c) ++
- pr_opt (fun p -> pr_eqn_ipat p ++ spc ()) e ++
- pr_non_empty_arg (pr_clauses (Some b) pr.pr_name) cl)
- (* | TacInstantiate (n,c,ConclLocation ()) ->
- hov 1 (str "instantiate" ++ spc() ++
- hov 1 (str"(" ++ pr_arg int n ++ str" :=" ++
- pr_lconstrarg c ++ str ")" ))
- | TacInstantiate (n,c,HypLocation (id,hloc)) ->
- hov 1 (str "instantiate" ++ spc() ++
- hov 1 (str"(" ++ pr_arg int n ++ str" :=" ++
- pr_lconstrarg c ++ str ")" )
- ++ str "in" ++ pr_hyp_location pr.pr_name (id,[],(hloc,ref None)))
- *)
- (* Derived basic tactics *)
- | TacInductionDestruct (isrec,ev,(l,el)) ->
- hov 1 (
- primitive (with_evars ev (if isrec then "induction" else "destruct"))
- ++ spc ()
- ++ prlist_with_sep pr_comma (fun ((clear_flag,h),ids,cl) ->
- pr_clear_flag clear_flag (pr_induction_arg pr.pr_dconstr pr.pr_dconstr) h ++
- pr_with_induction_names pr.pr_dconstr ids ++
- pr_opt_no_spc (pr_clauses None pr.pr_name) cl) l ++
- pr_opt pr_eliminator el
- )
- | TacDoubleInduction (h1,h2) ->
- hov 1 (
- primitive "double induction"
- ++ pr_arg pr_quantified_hypothesis h1
- ++ pr_arg pr_quantified_hypothesis h2
- )
+ (* Context management *)
+ | TacRename l ->
+ hov 1 (
+ primitive "rename" ++ brk (1,1)
+ ++ prlist_with_sep
+ (fun () -> str "," ++ brk (1,1))
+ (fun (i1,i2) ->
+ pr.pr_name i1 ++ spc () ++ str "into" ++ spc () ++ pr.pr_name i2)
+ l
+ )
- (* Context management *)
- | TacRename l ->
- hov 1 (
- primitive "rename" ++ brk (1,1)
- ++ prlist_with_sep
- (fun () -> str "," ++ brk (1,1))
- (fun (i1,i2) ->
- pr.pr_name i1 ++ spc () ++ str "into" ++ spc () ++ pr.pr_name i2)
- l
- )
+ (* Conversion *)
+ | TacReduce (r,h) ->
+ hov 1 (
+ pr_red_expr r
+ ++ pr_non_empty_arg (pr_clauses (Some true) pr.pr_name) h
+ )
+ | TacChange (op,c,h) ->
+ hov 1 (
+ primitive "change" ++ brk (1,1)
+ ++ (
+ match op with
+ None ->
+ mt ()
+ | Some p ->
+ pr.pr_pattern p ++ spc ()
+ ++ keyword "with" ++ spc ()
+ ) ++ pr.pr_dconstr c ++ pr_non_empty_arg (pr_clauses (Some true) pr.pr_name) h
+ )
- (* Conversion *)
- | TacReduce (r,h) ->
- hov 1 (
- pr_red_expr r
- ++ pr_non_empty_arg (pr_clauses (Some true) pr.pr_name) h
- )
- | TacChange (op,c,h) ->
- hov 1 (
- primitive "change" ++ brk (1,1)
- ++ (
- match op with
- None ->
- mt ()
- | Some p ->
- pr.pr_pattern p ++ spc ()
- ++ keyword "with" ++ spc ()
- ) ++ pr.pr_dconstr c ++ pr_non_empty_arg (pr_clauses (Some true) pr.pr_name) h
+ (* Equality and inversion *)
+ | TacRewrite (ev,l,cl,by) ->
+ hov 1 (
+ primitive (with_evars ev "rewrite") ++ spc ()
+ ++ prlist_with_sep
+ (fun () -> str ","++spc())
+ (fun (b,m,c) ->
+ pr_orient b ++ pr_multi m ++
+ pr_with_bindings_arg_full pr.pr_dconstr pr.pr_dconstr c)
+ l
+ ++ pr_non_empty_arg (pr_clauses (Some true) pr.pr_name) cl
+ ++ (
+ match by with
+ | Some by -> pr_by_tactic (pr.pr_tactic ltop) by
+ | None -> mt()
+ )
+ | TacInversion (DepInversion (k,c,ids),hyp) ->
+ hov 1 (
+ primitive "dependent " ++ pr_induction_kind k ++ spc ()
+ ++ pr_quantified_hypothesis hyp
+ ++ pr_with_inversion_names pr.pr_dconstr ids
+ ++ pr_with_constr pr.pr_constr c
+ )
+ | TacInversion (NonDepInversion (k,cl,ids),hyp) ->
+ hov 1 (
+ pr_induction_kind k ++ spc ()
+ ++ pr_quantified_hypothesis hyp
+ ++ pr_with_inversion_names pr.pr_dconstr ids
+ ++ pr_non_empty_arg (pr_simple_hyp_clause pr.pr_name) cl
+ )
+ | TacInversion (InversionUsing (c,cl),hyp) ->
+ hov 1 (
+ primitive "inversion" ++ spc()
+ ++ pr_quantified_hypothesis hyp ++ spc ()
+ ++ keyword "using" ++ spc () ++ pr.pr_constr c
+ ++ pr_non_empty_arg (pr_simple_hyp_clause pr.pr_name) cl
+ )
+ )
+ in
+ pr_atom1
- (* Equality and inversion *)
- | TacRewrite (ev,l,cl,by) ->
- hov 1 (
- primitive (with_evars ev "rewrite") ++ spc ()
- ++ prlist_with_sep
- (fun () -> str ","++spc())
- (fun (b,m,c) ->
- pr_orient b ++ pr_multi m ++
- pr_with_bindings_arg_full pr.pr_dconstr pr.pr_dconstr c)
- l
- ++ pr_non_empty_arg (pr_clauses (Some true) pr.pr_name) cl
- ++ (
- match by with
- | Some by -> pr_by_tactic (pr.pr_tactic ltop) by
- | None -> mt()
- )
- )
- | TacInversion (DepInversion (k,c,ids),hyp) ->
- hov 1 (
- primitive "dependent " ++ pr_induction_kind k ++ spc ()
- ++ pr_quantified_hypothesis hyp
- ++ pr_with_inversion_names pr.pr_dconstr ids
- ++ pr_with_constr pr.pr_constr c
- )
- | TacInversion (NonDepInversion (k,cl,ids),hyp) ->
- hov 1 (
- pr_induction_kind k ++ spc ()
- ++ pr_quantified_hypothesis hyp
- ++ pr_with_inversion_names pr.pr_dconstr ids
- ++ pr_non_empty_arg (pr_simple_hyp_clause pr.pr_name) cl
- )
- | TacInversion (InversionUsing (c,cl),hyp) ->
- hov 1 (
- primitive "inversion" ++ spc()
- ++ pr_quantified_hypothesis hyp ++ spc ()
- ++ keyword "using" ++ spc () ++ pr.pr_constr c
- ++ pr_non_empty_arg (pr_simple_hyp_clause pr.pr_name) cl
- )
- )
- in
+ let make_pr_tac pr strip_prod_binders tag_atom tag =
+ let extract_binders = function
+ | Tacexp (TacFun (lvar,body)) -> (lvar,Tacexp body)
+ | body -> ([],body) in
let rec pr_tac inherited tac =
let return (doc, l) = (tag tac doc, l) in
let (strm, prec) = return (match tac with
@@ -1130,7 +1129,7 @@ module Make
| TacId l ->
keyword "idtac" ++ prlist (pr_arg (pr_message_token pr.pr_name)) l, latom
| TacAtom (loc,t) ->
- pr_with_comments loc (hov 1 (pr_atom1 t)), ltatom
+ pr_with_comments loc (hov 1 (pr_atom pr strip_prod_binders tag_atom t)), ltatom
| TacArg(_,Tacexp e) ->
pr.pr_tactic (latom,E) e, latom
| TacArg(_,ConstrMayEval (ConstrTerm c)) ->