path: root/pretyping
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authorGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2018-06-04 13:32:35 +0200
committerGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2018-06-17 11:44:04 +0200
commita4839aa1ff076a8938ca182615a93d6afe748860 (patch)
tree9a68d53f50d7d0411f8950743e915fef78322b35 /pretyping
parent4513b7735779fb440223e6f22079994528249047 (diff)
Remove the proj_eta field of the kernel.
This field was not used inside the kernel and not used in performance-critical code where caching is essential, so we extrude the code that computes it out of the kernel.
Diffstat (limited to 'pretyping')
2 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/inductiveops.ml b/pretyping/inductiveops.ml
index b1ab2d2b7..4ad32fc66 100644
--- a/pretyping/inductiveops.ml
+++ b/pretyping/inductiveops.ml
@@ -454,6 +454,107 @@ let build_branch_type env sigma dep p cs =
+(** From a rel context describing the constructor arguments,
+ build an expansion function.
+ The term built is expecting to be substituted first by
+ a substitution of the form [params, x : ind params] *)
+let compute_projections env (kn, _ as ind) =
+ let open Term in
+ let mib = Environ.lookup_mind kn env in
+ let indu = match mib.mind_universes with
+ | Monomorphic_ind _ -> mkInd ind
+ | Polymorphic_ind ctx -> mkIndU (ind, make_abstract_instance ctx)
+ | Cumulative_ind ctx ->
+ mkIndU (ind, make_abstract_instance (ACumulativityInfo.univ_context ctx))
+ in
+ let x = match mib.mind_record with
+ | None | Some None ->
+ anomaly Pp.(str "Trying to build primitive projections for a non-primitive record")
+ | Some (Some (id, _, _)) -> Name id
+ in
+ (** FIXME: handle mutual records *)
+ let pkt = mib.mind_packets.(0) in
+ let { mind_consnrealargs; mind_consnrealdecls } = pkt in
+ let { mind_nparams = nparamargs; mind_params_ctxt = params } = mib in
+ let rctx, _ = decompose_prod_assum (subst1 indu pkt.mind_nf_lc.(0)) in
+ let ctx, paramslet = List.chop pkt.mind_consnrealdecls.(0) rctx in
+ let mp, dp, l = MutInd.repr3 kn in
+ (** We build a substitution smashing the lets in the record parameters so
+ that typechecking projections requires just a substitution and not
+ matching with a parameter context. *)
+ let indty =
+ (* [ty] = [Ind inst] is typed in context [params] *)
+ let inst = Context.Rel.to_extended_vect mkRel 0 paramslet in
+ let ty = mkApp (indu, inst) in
+ (* [Ind inst] is typed in context [params-wo-let] *)
+ ty
+ in
+ let ci =
+ let print_info =
+ { ind_tags = []; cstr_tags = [|Context.Rel.to_tags ctx|]; style = LetStyle } in
+ { ci_ind = ind;
+ ci_npar = nparamargs;
+ ci_cstr_ndecls = mind_consnrealdecls;
+ ci_cstr_nargs = mind_consnrealargs;
+ ci_pp_info = print_info }
+ in
+ let len = List.length ctx in
+ let compat_body ccl i =
+ (* [ccl] is defined in context [params;x:indty] *)
+ (* [ccl'] is defined in context [params;x:indty;x:indty] *)
+ let ccl' = liftn 1 2 ccl in
+ let p = mkLambda (x, lift 1 indty, ccl') in
+ let branch = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkRel (len - i)) ctx in
+ let body = mkCase (ci, p, mkRel 1, [|lift 1 branch|]) in
+ it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkLambda (x,indty,body)) params
+ in
+ let projections decl (j, pbs, subst) =
+ match decl with
+ | LocalDef (na,c,t) ->
+ (* From [params, field1,..,fieldj |- c(params,field1,..,fieldj)]
+ to [params, x:I, field1,..,fieldj |- c(params,field1,..,fieldj)] *)
+ let c = liftn 1 j c in
+ (* From [params, x:I, field1,..,fieldj |- c(params,field1,..,fieldj)]
+ to [params, x:I |- c(params,proj1 x,..,projj x)] *)
+ let c1 = substl subst c in
+ (* From [params, x:I |- subst:field1,..,fieldj]
+ to [params, x:I |- subst:field1,..,fieldj+1] where [subst]
+ is represented with instance of field1 last *)
+ let subst = c1 :: subst in
+ (j+1, pbs, subst)
+ | LocalAssum (na,t) ->
+ match na with
+ | Name id ->
+ let kn = Constant.make1 (KerName.make mp dp (Label.of_id id)) in
+ (* from [params, field1,..,fieldj |- t(params,field1,..,fieldj)]
+ to [params, x:I, field1,..,fieldj |- t(params,field1,..,fieldj] *)
+ let t = liftn 1 j t in
+ (* from [params, x:I, field1,..,fieldj |- t(params,field1,..,fieldj)]
+ to [params-wo-let, x:I |- t(params,proj1 x,..,projj x)] *)
+ (* from [params, x:I, field1,..,fieldj |- t(field1,..,fieldj)]
+ to [params, x:I |- t(proj1 x,..,projj x)] *)
+ let ty = substl subst t in
+ let term = mkProj (Projection.make kn true, mkRel 1) in
+ let fterm = mkProj (Projection.make kn false, mkRel 1) in
+ let compat = compat_body ty (j - 1) in
+ let etab = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkLambda (x, indty, term)) params in
+ let etat = it_mkProd_or_LetIn (mkProd (x, indty, ty)) params in
+ let body = (etab, etat, compat) in
+ (j + 1, body :: pbs, fterm :: subst)
+ | Anonymous ->
+ anomaly Pp.(str "Trying to build primitive projections for a non-primitive record")
+ in
+ let (_, pbs, subst) =
+ List.fold_right projections ctx (1, [], [])
+ in
+ Array.rev_of_list pbs
+let compute_projections ind mib =
+ let ans = compute_projections ind mib in
+ Array.map (fun (prj, ty, _) -> (prj, ty)) ans
let extract_mrectype sigma t =
let open EConstr in
let (t, l) = decompose_app sigma t in
diff --git a/pretyping/inductiveops.mli b/pretyping/inductiveops.mli
index b0d714b03..506cdd8c9 100644
--- a/pretyping/inductiveops.mli
+++ b/pretyping/inductiveops.mli
@@ -194,6 +194,10 @@ val make_case_or_project :
val make_default_case_info : env -> case_style -> inductive -> case_info
+val compute_projections : Environ.env -> inductive -> (constr * types) array
+(** Given a primitive record type, for every field computes the eta-expanded
+ projection and its type. *)
val type_of_inductive_knowing_conclusion :