path: root/pretyping
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authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2005-02-18 22:17:50 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2005-02-18 22:17:50 +0000
commit7b2a24d0beee17b61281a5c64fca5cf7388479d3 (patch)
tree7df42aa9ea5cf3e5ae6066c0aa73673cd67bc19d /pretyping
parent8c417a6d32e379d9642d6f2ef144f33d7df4832e (diff)
Moving centralised discharge into dispatched discharge_function; required to delay some computation from before to after caching time + various simplifications and uniformisations
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@6748 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'pretyping')
4 files changed, 217 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/classops.ml b/pretyping/classops.ml
index 66ed81d02..6d49baf52 100755
--- a/pretyping/classops.ml
+++ b/pretyping/classops.ml
@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ type cl_typ =
| CL_IND of inductive
type cl_info_typ = {
- cl_strength : strength;
cl_param : int
type coe_typ = global_reference
type coe_info_typ = {
- coe_value : unsafe_judgment;
+ coe_value : constr;
+ coe_type : types;
coe_strength : strength;
coe_is_identity : bool;
coe_param : int }
@@ -92,11 +92,7 @@ let unfreeze (fcl,fco,fig) =
(* ajout de nouveaux "objets" *)
let add_new_class cl s =
- try
- let n,s' = Bijint.revmap cl !class_tab in
- if s.cl_strength = Global & s'.cl_strength <> Global then
- class_tab := Bijint.replace n cl s !class_tab
- with Not_found ->
+ if not (Bijint.mem cl !class_tab) then
class_tab := Bijint.add cl s !class_tab
let add_new_coercion coe s =
@@ -107,11 +103,19 @@ let add_new_path x y =
let init () =
class_tab:= Bijint.empty;
- add_new_class CL_FUN { cl_param = 0; cl_strength = Global };
- add_new_class CL_SORT { cl_param = 0; cl_strength = Global };
+ add_new_class CL_FUN { cl_param = 0 };
+ add_new_class CL_SORT { cl_param = 0 };
coercion_tab:= Gmap.empty;
inheritance_graph:= Gmap.empty
+let _ =
+ Summary.declare_summary "inh_graph"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = init;
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = false }
let _ = init()
(* class_info : cl_typ -> int * cl_info_typ *)
@@ -147,7 +151,7 @@ let lookup_pattern_path_between (s,t) =
(fun coe ->
let c, _ =
Reductionops.whd_betadeltaiota_stack (Global.env()) Evd.empty
- coe.coe_value.uj_val
+ coe.coe_value
match kind_of_term c with
| Construct sp -> (sp, coe.coe_param)
@@ -183,44 +187,6 @@ let subst_cl_typ subst ct = match ct with
to declare any term as a coercion *)
let subst_coe_typ subst t = fst (subst_global subst t)
-let subst_coe_info subst info =
- let jud = info.coe_value in
- let val' = subst_mps subst (j_val jud) in
- let type' = subst_mps subst (j_type jud) in
- if val' == j_val jud && type' == j_type jud then info else
- {info with coe_value = make_judge val' type'}
-(* library, summary *)
-(*val inClass : (cl_typ * cl_info_typ) -> Libobject.object = <fun>
- val outClass : Libobject.object -> (cl_typ * cl_info_typ) = <fun> *)
-let cache_class (_,(x,y)) = add_new_class x y
-let subst_class (_,subst,(ct,ci as obj)) =
- let ct' = subst_cl_typ subst ct in
- if ct' == ct then obj else
- (ct',ci)
-let (inClass,outClass) =
- declare_object {(default_object "CLASS") with
- load_function = (fun _ o -> cache_class o);
- cache_function = cache_class;
- subst_function = subst_class;
- classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x);
- export_function = (function x -> Some x) }
-let declare_class (cl,stre,p) =
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inClass ((cl,{ cl_strength = stre; cl_param = p })))
-let _ =
- Summary.declare_summary "inh_graph"
- { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
- Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
- Summary.init_function = init;
- Summary.survive_module = false;
- Summary.survive_section = false }
(* classe d'un terme *)
(* class_of : Term.constr -> int *)
@@ -257,7 +223,8 @@ let pr_class x = str (string_of_class x)
(* coercion_value : coe_index -> unsafe_judgment * bool *)
-let coercion_value { coe_value = j; coe_is_identity = b } = (j,b)
+let coercion_value { coe_value = c; coe_type = t; coe_is_identity = b } =
+ (make_judge c t, b)
(* pretty-print functions are now in Pretty *)
(* rajouter une coercion dans le graphe *)
@@ -322,49 +289,81 @@ let add_coercion_in_graph (ic,source,target) =
if (!ambig_paths <> []) && is_verbose () then
ppnl (message_ambig !ambig_paths)
-type coercion = coe_typ * coe_info_typ * cl_typ * cl_typ
+type coercion = coe_typ * strength * bool * cl_typ * cl_typ * int
-let cache_coercion (_,(coe,xf,cls,clt)) =
+(* Calcul de l'arité d'une classe *)
+let reference_arity_length ref =
+ let t = Global.type_of_global ref in
+ List.length (fst (Reductionops.splay_arity (Global.env()) Evd.empty t))
+let class_params = function
+ | CL_FUN | CL_SORT -> 0
+ | CL_CONST sp -> reference_arity_length (ConstRef sp)
+ | CL_SECVAR sp -> reference_arity_length (VarRef sp)
+ | CL_IND sp -> reference_arity_length (IndRef sp)
+(* add_class : cl_typ -> strength option -> bool -> unit *)
+let add_class cl =
+ add_new_class cl { cl_param = class_params cl }
+let load_coercion i (_,(coe,stre,isid,cls,clt,ps)) =
+ add_class cls;
+ add_class clt;
let is,_ = class_info cls in
let it,_ = class_info clt in
+ let xf =
+ { coe_value = constr_of_global coe;
+ coe_type = Global.type_of_global coe;
+ coe_strength = stre;
+ coe_is_identity = isid;
+ coe_param = ps } in
add_new_coercion coe xf;
add_coercion_in_graph (xf,is,it)
-let subst_coercion (_,subst,(coe,xf,cls,clt as obj)) =
+let cache_coercion o =
+ load_coercion 1 o
+let subst_coercion (_,subst,(coe,stre,isid,cls,clt,ps as obj)) =
let coe' = subst_coe_typ subst coe in
- let xf' = subst_coe_info subst xf in
let cls' = subst_cl_typ subst cls in
let clt' = subst_cl_typ subst clt in
- if coe' == coe && xf' == xf && cls' == cls & clt' == clt then obj else
- (coe',xf',cls',clt')
-(* val inCoercion : coercion -> Libobject.object
- val outCoercion : Libobject.object -> coercion *)
+ if coe' == coe && cls' == cls & clt' == clt then obj else
+ (coe',stre,isid,cls',clt',ps)
+let discharge_cl = function
+ | CL_CONST kn -> CL_CONST (Lib.discharge_con kn)
+ | CL_IND ind -> CL_IND (Lib.discharge_inductive ind)
+ | cl -> cl
+let discharge_coercion (_,(coe,stre,isid,cls,clt,ps)) =
+ if stre = Local then None else
+ let n = try Array.length (Lib.section_instance coe) with Not_found -> 0 in
+ Some (Lib.discharge_global coe,
+ stre,
+ isid,
+ discharge_cl cls,
+ discharge_cl clt,
+ n + ps)
let (inCoercion,outCoercion) =
declare_object {(default_object "COERCION") with
- load_function = (fun _ o -> cache_coercion o);
- cache_function = cache_coercion;
- subst_function = subst_coercion;
- classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x);
- export_function = (function x -> Some x) }
-let declare_coercion coef v stre ~isid ~src:cls ~target:clt ~params:ps =
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
- (inCoercion
- (coef,
- { coe_value = v;
- coe_strength = stre;
- coe_is_identity = isid;
- coe_param = ps },
- cls, clt))
+ load_function = load_coercion;
+ cache_function = cache_coercion;
+ subst_function = subst_coercion;
+ classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x);
+ discharge_function = discharge_coercion;
+ export_function = (function x -> Some x) }
+let declare_coercion coef stre ~isid ~src:cls ~target:clt ~params:ps =
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inCoercion (coef,stre,isid,cls,clt,ps))
let coercion_strength v = v.coe_strength
let coercion_identity v = v.coe_is_identity
(* For printing purpose *)
-let get_coercion_value v = v.coe_value.uj_val
+let get_coercion_value v = v.coe_value
let classes () = Bijint.dom !class_tab
let coercions () = Gmap.rng !coercion_tab
diff --git a/pretyping/classops.mli b/pretyping/classops.mli
index c1590f6a8..dd51ee970 100644
--- a/pretyping/classops.mli
+++ b/pretyping/classops.mli
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ val subst_cl_typ : substitution -> cl_typ -> cl_typ
(* This is the type of infos for declared classes *)
type cl_info_typ = {
- cl_strength : strength;
cl_param : int }
(* This is the type of coercion kinds *)
@@ -48,9 +47,6 @@ type coe_index
(* This is the type of paths from a class to another *)
type inheritance_path = coe_index list
-(*s [declare_class] adds a class to the set of declared classes *)
-val declare_class : cl_typ * strength * int -> unit
(*s Access to classes infos *)
val class_info : cl_typ -> (cl_index * cl_info_typ)
val class_exists : cl_typ -> bool
@@ -70,7 +66,7 @@ val class_args_of : constr -> constr list
(*s [declare_coercion] adds a coercion in the graph of coercion paths *)
val declare_coercion :
- coe_typ -> unsafe_judgment -> strength -> isid:bool ->
+ coe_typ -> strength -> isid:bool ->
src:cl_typ -> target:cl_typ -> params:int -> unit
(*s Access to coercions infos *)
@@ -85,19 +81,6 @@ val lookup_path_to_sort_from : cl_index -> inheritance_path
val lookup_pattern_path_between :
cl_index * cl_index -> (constructor * int) list
-(*i Pour le discharge *)
-type coercion = coe_typ * coe_info_typ * cl_typ * cl_typ
-open Libobject
-val inClass : (cl_typ * cl_info_typ) -> Libobject.obj
-val outClass : Libobject.obj -> (cl_typ * cl_info_typ)
-val inCoercion : coercion -> Libobject.obj
-val outCoercion : Libobject.obj -> coercion
-val coercion_strength : coe_info_typ -> strength
-val coercion_identity : coe_info_typ -> bool
-val coercion_params : coe_info_typ -> int
(*i Crade *)
open Pp
val install_path_printer :
diff --git a/pretyping/recordops.ml b/pretyping/recordops.ml
index cfccdb5e6..7f557d9b3 100755
--- a/pretyping/recordops.ml
+++ b/pretyping/recordops.ml
@@ -21,17 +21,19 @@ open Library
open Classops
open Mod_subst
-(*s Une structure S est un type inductif non récursif à un seul
- constructeur (de nom par défaut Build_S) *)
+(*s A structure S is a non recursive inductive type with a single
+ constructor (the name of which defaults to Build_S) *)
(* Table des structures: le nom de la structure (un [inductive]) donne
le nom du constructeur, le nombre de paramètres et pour chaque
- argument réels du constructeur, le noms de la projection
- correspondante, si valide *)
+ argument réel du constructeur, le nom de la projection
+ correspondante, si valide, et un booléen disant si c'est une vraie
+ projection ou bien une fonction constante (associée à un LetIn) *)
type struc_typ = {
s_CONST : identifier;
s_PARAM : int;
+ s_PROJKIND : bool list;
s_PROJ : constant option list }
let structure_table = ref (Indmap.empty : struc_typ Indmap.t)
@@ -39,121 +41,177 @@ let projection_table = ref Cmap.empty
let option_fold_right f p e = match p with Some a -> f a e | None -> e
-let cache_structure (_,(ind,struc)) =
+let load_structure i (_,(ind,id,kl,projs)) =
+ let n = (snd (Global.lookup_inductive ind)).Declarations.mind_nparams in
+ let struc =
+ { s_CONST = id; s_PARAM = n; s_PROJ = projs; s_PROJKIND = kl } in
structure_table := Indmap.add ind struc !structure_table;
projection_table :=
List.fold_right (option_fold_right (fun proj -> Cmap.add proj struc))
- struc.s_PROJ !projection_table
+ projs !projection_table
-let subst_structure (_,subst,((kn,i),struc as obj)) =
+let cache_structure o =
+ load_structure 1 o
+let subst_structure (_,subst,((kn,i),id,kl,projs as obj)) =
let kn' = subst_kn subst kn in
- let proj' =
+ let projs' =
(* invariant: struc.s_PROJ is an evaluable reference. Thus we can take *)
(* the first component of subst_con. *)
- (option_smartmap (fun kn -> fst (subst_con subst kn)))
- struc.s_PROJ
+ (option_smartmap (fun kn -> fst (subst_con subst kn)))
+ projs
- if proj' == struc.s_PROJ && kn' == kn then obj else
- (kn',i),{struc with s_PROJ = proj'}
+ if projs' == projs && kn' == kn then obj else
+ ((kn',i),id,kl,projs')
+let discharge_structure (_,(ind,id,kl,projs)) =
+ Some (Lib.discharge_inductive ind, id, kl,
+ List.map (option_app Lib.discharge_con) projs)
let (inStruc,outStruc) =
declare_object {(default_object "STRUCTURE") with
- cache_function = cache_structure;
- load_function = (fun _ o -> cache_structure o);
- subst_function = subst_structure;
- classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x);
- export_function = (function x -> Some x) }
+ cache_function = cache_structure;
+ load_function = load_structure;
+ subst_function = subst_structure;
+ classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x);
+ discharge_function = discharge_structure;
+ export_function = (function x -> Some x) }
-let add_new_struc (s,c,n,l) =
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inStruc (s,{s_CONST=c;s_PARAM=n;s_PROJ=l}))
+let declare_structure (s,c,_,kl,pl) =
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inStruc (s,c,kl,pl))
-let find_structure indsp = Indmap.find indsp !structure_table
+let lookup_structure indsp = Indmap.find indsp !structure_table
let find_projection_nparams = function
| ConstRef cst -> (Cmap.find cst !projection_table).s_PARAM
| _ -> raise Not_found
-(*s Un "object" est une fonction construisant une instance d'une structure *)
+(*s A canonical structure declares "canonical" conversion hints between *)
+(* the effective components of a structure and the projections of the *)
+(* structure *)
(* Table des definitions "object" : pour chaque object c,
c := [x1:B1]...[xk:Bk](Build_R a1...am t1...t_n)
- avec ti = (ci ui1...uir)
+ If ti has the form (ci ui1...uir) where ci is a global reference and
+if the corresponding projection Li of the structure R is defined, one
+declare a "conversion" between ci and Li
+ x1:B1..xk:Bk |- (Li a1..am (c x1..xk)) =_conv (ci ui1...uir)
- Pour tout ci, et Li, la ième projection de la structure R (si
- définie), on déclare une "coercion"
+that maps the pair (Li,ci) to the following data
o_DEF = c
o_TABS = B1...Bk
o_PARAMS = a1...am
o_TCOMP = ui1...uir
type obj_typ = {
o_DEF : constr;
- o_TABS : constr list; (* dans l'ordre *)
- o_TPARAMS : constr list; (* dans l'ordre *)
- o_TCOMPS : constr list } (* dans l'ordre *)
-let subst_obj subst obj =
- let o_DEF' = subst_mps subst obj.o_DEF in
- let o_TABS' = list_smartmap (subst_mps subst) obj.o_TABS in
- let o_TPARAMS' = list_smartmap (subst_mps subst) obj.o_TPARAMS in
- let o_TCOMPS' = list_smartmap (subst_mps subst) obj.o_TCOMPS in
- if o_DEF' == obj.o_DEF
- && o_TABS' == obj.o_TABS
- && o_TPARAMS' == obj.o_TPARAMS
- && o_TCOMPS' == obj.o_TCOMPS
- then
- obj
- else
- { o_DEF = o_DEF' ;
- o_TABS = o_TABS' ;
- o_TCOMPS = o_TCOMPS' }
+ o_TABS : constr list; (* ordered *)
+ o_TPARAMS : constr list; (* ordered *)
+ o_TCOMPS : constr list } (* ordered *)
let object_table =
(ref [] : ((global_reference * global_reference) * obj_typ) list ref)
-let canonical_structures () = !object_table
-let cache_canonical_structure (_,(cst,lo)) =
- List.iter (fun (o,_ as x) ->
- if not (List.mem_assoc o !object_table) then
- object_table := x :: (!object_table)) lo
-let subst_object subst ((r1,r2),o as obj) =
- (* invariant: r1 and r2 are evaluable references. Thus subst_global *)
- (* cannot instantiate them. Hence we can use just the first component *)
- (* of the answer. *)
- let r1',_ = subst_global subst r1 in
- let r2',_ = subst_global subst r2 in
- let o' = subst_obj subst o in
- if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 && o' == o then obj
- else (r1',r2'),o'
-let subst_canonical_structure (_,subst,(cst,lo as obj)) =
+let canonical_projections () = !object_table
+let keep_true_projections projs kinds =
+ map_succeed (function (p,true) -> p | _ -> failwith "")
+ (List.combine projs kinds)
+(* Intended to always success *)
+let compute_canonical_projections (con,ind) =
+ let v = mkConst con in
+ let c = Environ.constant_value (Global.env()) con in
+ let lt,t = Reductionops.splay_lambda (Global.env()) Evd.empty c in
+ let lt = List.rev (List.map snd lt) in
+ let args = snd (decompose_app t) in
+ let { s_PARAM = p; s_PROJ = lpj; s_PROJKIND = kl } = lookup_structure ind in
+ let params, projs = list_chop p args in
+ let lpj = keep_true_projections lpj kl in
+ let lps = List.combine lpj projs in
+ let comp =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun l (spopt,t) -> (* comp=components *)
+ match spopt with
+ | Some proji_sp ->
+ let c, args = decompose_app t in
+ (try (ConstRef proji_sp, reference_of_constr c, args) :: l
+ with Not_found -> l)
+ | _ -> l)
+ [] lps in
+ List.map (fun (refi,c,argj) ->
+ (refi,c),{o_DEF=v; o_TABS=lt; o_TPARAMS=params; o_TCOMPS=argj})
+ comp
+let open_canonical_structure i (_,o) =
+ if i=1 then
+ let lo = compute_canonical_projections o in
+ List.iter (fun (o,_ as x) ->
+ if not (List.mem_assoc o !object_table) then
+ object_table := x :: (!object_table)) lo
+let cache_canonical_structure o =
+ open_canonical_structure 1 o
+let subst_canonical_structure (_,subst,(cst,ind as obj)) =
(* invariant: cst is an evaluable reference. Thus we can take *)
(* the first component of subst_con. *)
let cst' = fst (subst_con subst cst) in
- let lo' = list_smartmap (subst_object subst) lo in
- if cst' == cst & lo' == lo then obj else (cst',lo')
+ let ind' = Inductiveops.subst_inductive subst ind in
+ if cst' == cst & ind' == ind then obj else (cst',ind')
+let discharge_canonical_structure (_,(cst,ind)) =
+ Some (Lib.discharge_con cst,Lib.discharge_inductive ind)
let (inCanonStruc,outCanonStruct) =
declare_object {(default_object "CANONICAL-STRUCTURE") with
- open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_canonical_structure o);
+ open_function = open_canonical_structure;
cache_function = cache_canonical_structure;
subst_function = subst_canonical_structure;
classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x);
+ discharge_function = discharge_canonical_structure;
export_function = (function x -> Some x) }
let add_canonical_structure x = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inCanonStruc x)
+(*s High-level declaration of a canonical structure *)
+let error_not_structure ref =
+ errorlabstrm "object_declare"
+ (Nameops.pr_id (id_of_global ref) ++ str" is not a structure object")
+let check_and_decompose_canonical_structure ref =
+ let sp = match ref with ConstRef sp -> sp | _ -> error_not_structure ref in
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let vc = match Environ.constant_opt_value env sp with
+ | Some vc -> vc
+ | None -> error_not_structure ref in
+ let f,args = match kind_of_term (snd (decompose_lam vc)) with
+ | App (f,args) -> f,args
+ | _ -> error_not_structure ref in
+ let indsp = match kind_of_term f with
+ | Construct (indsp,1) -> indsp
+ | _ -> error_not_structure ref in
+ let s = try lookup_structure indsp with Not_found -> error_not_structure ref in
+ if s.s_PARAM + List.length s.s_PROJ > Array.length args then
+ error_not_structure ref;
+ (sp,indsp)
+let declare_canonical_structure ref =
+ add_canonical_structure (check_and_decompose_canonical_structure ref)
let outCanonicalStructure x = fst (outCanonStruct x)
-let canonical_structure_info o = List.assoc o !object_table
+let lookup_canonical_conversion o = List.assoc o !object_table
let freeze () =
!structure_table, !projection_table, !object_table
diff --git a/pretyping/recordops.mli b/pretyping/recordops.mli
index 7402f74c9..d6f90e11e 100755
--- a/pretyping/recordops.mli
+++ b/pretyping/recordops.mli
@@ -18,36 +18,36 @@ open Libobject
open Library
+(*s A structure S is a non recursive inductive type with a single
+ constructor (the name of which defaults to Build_S) *)
type struc_typ = {
s_CONST : identifier;
s_PARAM : int;
+ s_PROJKIND : bool list;
s_PROJ : constant option list }
-val add_new_struc :
- inductive * identifier * int * constant option list -> unit
+val declare_structure :
+ inductive * identifier * int * bool list * constant option list -> unit
-(* [find_structure isp] returns the infos associated to inductive path
+(* [lookup_structure isp] returns the infos associated to inductive path
[isp] if it corresponds to a structure, otherwise fails with [Not_found] *)
-val find_structure : inductive -> struc_typ
+val lookup_structure : inductive -> struc_typ
(* raise [Not_found] if not a projection *)
val find_projection_nparams : global_reference -> int
+(*s A canonical structure declares "canonical" conversion hints between *)
+(* the effective components of a structure and the projections of the *)
+(* structure *)
type obj_typ = {
o_DEF : constr;
- o_TABS : constr list; (* dans l'ordre *)
- o_TPARAMS : constr list; (* dans l'ordre *)
- o_TCOMPS : constr list } (* dans l'ordre *)
+ o_TABS : constr list; (* ordered *)
+ o_TPARAMS : constr list; (* ordered *)
+ o_TCOMPS : constr list } (* ordered *)
-val canonical_structure_info :
- (global_reference * global_reference) -> obj_typ
-val add_canonical_structure :
- constant * ((global_reference * global_reference) * obj_typ) list -> unit
-val inStruc : inductive * struc_typ -> obj
-val outStruc : obj -> inductive * struc_typ
-val outCanonicalStructure : obj -> constant
-val canonical_structures : unit ->
+val lookup_canonical_conversion : (global_reference * global_reference) -> obj_typ
+val declare_canonical_structure : global_reference -> unit
+val canonical_projections : unit ->
((global_reference * global_reference) * obj_typ) list