path: root/pretyping/reductionops.ml
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authorGravatar Pierre Boutillier <pierre.boutillier@ens-lyon.org>2014-04-23 10:02:51 +0200
committerGravatar Pierre Boutillier <pierre.boutillier@ens-lyon.org>2014-05-26 15:24:31 +0200
commit0f980482bcde723a5fdea00a511863e88f1284f9 (patch)
treeddbdcc94045f7f9fc0420dede96435e63e5f584f /pretyping/reductionops.ml
parent983798aff23e67007108320e6968603134a4dde3 (diff)
cbn: args list instead of arg number
Diffstat (limited to 'pretyping/reductionops.ml')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/reductionops.ml b/pretyping/reductionops.ml
index 04053c9c8..19fb98b6b 100644
--- a/pretyping/reductionops.ml
+++ b/pretyping/reductionops.ml
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ struct
let rec map f x = List.map (function
| Update _ -> assert false
- | Shift k as e -> e
+ | (Proj (_,_,_) | Shift _) as e -> e
| App (i,a,j) ->
let le = j - i + 1 in
App (0,Array.map f (Array.sub a i le), le-1)
@@ -480,31 +480,63 @@ let betadeltaiotaeta = Closure.RedFlags.red_add betadeltaiota Closure.RedFlags.f
(** Machinery about stack of unfolded constants *)
module Cst_stack = struct
- type t = (Term.constr * Term.constr list * int) list
+(** constant * params * args
+- constant applied to params = term in head applied to args
+- there is at most one arguments with an empty list of args, it must be the first.
+- in args, the int represents the indice of the first arg to consider *)
+ type t = (Term.constr * Term.constr list * (int * Term.constr array) list) list
let empty = []
+ let sanity x y =
+ assert (Constr.equal x y)
let drop_useless = function
- | _ :: ((_,_,0)::_ as q) -> q
+ | _ :: ((_,_,[])::_ as q) -> q
| l -> l
let add_param h cst_l =
- let append2cst (c,params,nb_skip) =
- if nb_skip <= 0
- then (c, h::params, nb_skip)
- else (c, params, pred nb_skip) in
+ let append2cst = function
+ | (c,params,[]) -> (c, h::params, [])
+ | (c,params,((i,t)::q)) when i = pred (Array.length t) ->
+ let () = sanity h t.(i) in (c, params, q)
+ | (c,params,(i,t)::q) ->
+ let () = sanity h t.(i) in (c, params, (succ i,t)::q)
+ in
drop_useless (List.map append2cst cst_l)
let add_args cl =
- List.map (fun (a,b,nb_skip) -> (a,b,nb_skip+Array.length cl))
+ List.map (fun (a,b,args) -> (a,b,(0,cl)::args))
let add_cst cst = function
- | (_,_,0) :: q as l -> l
- | l -> (cst,[],0)::l
+ | (_,_,[]) :: q as l -> l
+ | l -> (cst,[],[])::l
let best_cst = function
- | (cst,params,0)::_ -> Some(cst,params)
+ | (cst,params,[])::_ -> Some(cst,params)
| _ -> None
+ let best_state (_,sk as s) l =
+ let rec aux sk def = function
+ |(cst, params, []) -> (cst, Stack.append_app_list (List.rev params) sk)
+ |(cst, params, (i,t)::q) -> match Stack.decomp sk with
+ | None -> def
+ | Some (el,sk') ->
+ let () = sanity el t.(i) in
+ if i = pred (Array.length t)
+ then aux sk' def (cst, params, q)
+ else aux sk' def (cst, params, (succ i,t)::q)
+ in List.fold_left (aux sk) s l
+ let pr l =
+ let open Pp in
+ let p_c = Termops.print_constr in
+ prlist_with_sep pr_semicolon
+ (fun (c,params,args) ->
+ hov 1 (p_c c ++ spc () ++ pr_sequence p_c params ++ spc () ++ str "(args:" ++
+ pr_sequence (fun (i,el) -> prvect_with_sep spc p_c (Array.sub el i (Array.length el - i))) args ++
+ str ")")) l
(* Beta Reduction tools *)
@@ -635,20 +667,14 @@ type 'a reduced_state =
contract_* in any case .
let rec whd_state_gen ?csts tactic_mode flags env sigma =
- let noth = [] in
let rec whrec cst_l (x, stack as s) =
- let best_state def (cst,params,nb_skip) =
- try
- let s' = Stack.tail nb_skip stack in
- (cst, Stack.append_app_list (List.rev params) s')
- with Failure _ -> def in
let fold () =
- if tactic_mode then (List.fold_left best_state s cst_l,noth) else (s,cst_l)
+ if tactic_mode then (Cst_stack.best_state s cst_l,Cst_stack.empty) else (s,cst_l)
match kind_of_term x with
| Rel n when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fDELTA ->
(match lookup_rel n env with
- | (_,Some body,_) -> whrec noth (lift n body, stack)
+ | (_,Some body,_) -> whrec Cst_stack.empty (lift n body, stack)
| _ -> fold ())
| Var id when Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags (Closure.RedFlags.fVAR id) ->
(match lookup_named id env with
@@ -725,31 +751,31 @@ let rec whd_state_gen ?csts tactic_mode flags env sigma =
| Rel 1, [] ->
let lc = Array.sub cl 0 (napp-1) in
let u = if Int.equal napp 1 then f else appvect (f,lc) in
- if noccurn 1 u then (pop u,Stack.empty),noth else fold ()
+ if noccurn 1 u then (pop u,Stack.empty),Cst_stack.empty else fold ()
| _ -> fold ()
else fold ()
| _ -> fold ())
| _ -> fold ())
| Case (ci,p,d,lf) ->
- whrec noth (d, Stack.Case (ci,p,lf,Cst_stack.best_cst cst_l) :: stack)
+ whrec Cst_stack.empty (d, Stack.Case (ci,p,lf,Cst_stack.best_cst cst_l) :: stack)
| Fix ((ri,n),_ as f) ->
(match Stack.strip_n_app ri.(n) stack with
|None -> fold ()
|Some (bef,arg,s') ->
- whrec noth (arg, Stack.Fix(f,bef,Cst_stack.best_cst cst_l)::s'))
+ whrec Cst_stack.empty (arg, Stack.Fix(f,bef,Cst_stack.best_cst cst_l)::s'))
| Construct ((ind,c),u) ->
if Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fIOTA then
match Stack.strip_app stack with
|args, (Stack.Case(ci, _, lf,_)::s') ->
- whrec noth (lf.(c-1), (Stack.tail ci.ci_npar args) @ s')
+ whrec Cst_stack.empty (lf.(c-1), (Stack.tail ci.ci_npar args) @ s')
|args, (Stack.Proj (n,m,p)::s') ->
- whrec noth (Stack.nth args (n+m), s')
+ whrec Cst_stack.empty (Stack.nth args (n+m), s')
|args, (Stack.Fix (f,s',cst)::s'') ->
let x' = Stack.zip(x,args) in
- whrec noth ((if tactic_mode then contract_fix ~env f else contract_fix f) cst,
+ whrec Cst_stack.empty ((if tactic_mode then contract_fix ~env f else contract_fix f) cst,
s' @ (Stack.append_app [|x'|] s''))
|_ -> fold ()
else fold ()
@@ -758,7 +784,7 @@ let rec whd_state_gen ?csts tactic_mode flags env sigma =
if Closure.RedFlags.red_set flags Closure.RedFlags.fIOTA then
match Stack.strip_app stack with
|args, (Stack.Case(ci, _, lf,_)::s') ->
- whrec noth ((if tactic_mode
+ whrec Cst_stack.empty ((if tactic_mode
then contract_cofix ~env cofix
else contract_cofix cofix) (Cst_stack.best_cst cst_l), stack)
|_ -> fold ()
@@ -767,7 +793,7 @@ let rec whd_state_gen ?csts tactic_mode flags env sigma =
| Rel _ | Var _ | Const _ | LetIn _ | Proj _ -> fold ()
| Sort _ | Ind _ | Prod _ -> fold ()
- whrec (Option.default noth csts)
+ whrec (Option.default Cst_stack.empty csts)
(** reduction machine without global env and refold machinery *)
let local_whd_state_gen flags sigma =