path: root/pretyping/find_subterm.ml
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authorGravatar Hugo Herbelin <Hugo.Herbelin@inria.fr>2014-10-26 11:55:56 +0100
committerGravatar Hugo Herbelin <Hugo.Herbelin@inria.fr>2014-10-26 15:26:22 +0100
commit1be28ac589a6affa81b905bbf223bdf520511a44 (patch)
tree10683ea77b925133b59c9f6618a803d6ec865974 /pretyping/find_subterm.ml
parent0397aa549645df23cc50c9018b543e6c0b346d62 (diff)
Dead code + typo.
Diffstat (limited to 'pretyping/find_subterm.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/find_subterm.ml b/pretyping/find_subterm.ml
index 2ffbee4d0..30233cdf9 100644
--- a/pretyping/find_subterm.ml
+++ b/pretyping/find_subterm.ml
@@ -92,75 +92,6 @@ type 'a testing_function = {
(b,l), b=true means no occurrence except the ones in l and b=false,
means all occurrences except the ones in l *)
-type 'a loc_state = {
- hyp_location : (Id.t * hyp_location_flag) option;
- maxocc : bool * int;
- locs : occurrences;
- current : int;
- like_first : bool
-let all_found pos =
- let nowhere_except_in, maxocc = pos.maxocc in
- nowhere_except_in && pos.current > maxocc
-let is_selected pos = Locusops.is_selected pos.current pos.locs
-let incr pos = pos := { !pos with current = (!pos).current + 1 }
-let make_current_pos cl pos = function
- | AtOccs occs ->
- let nowhere_except_in,locs = Locusops.convert_occs occs in
- let maxocc = List.fold_right max locs 0 in
- { hyp_location = cl;
- maxocc = (nowhere_except_in,maxocc);
- locs = occs;
- current = pos;
- like_first = false }
- | LikeFirst ->
- { hyp_location = None;
- maxocc = (false,max_int);
- locs = AllOccurrences;
- current = pos;
- like_first = true }
-let extract pos = (pos.hyp_location,pos.current)
-let like_first pos = pos.like_first
-let replace_term_occ_gen_modulo occs test bywhat cl pos t =
- let nested = ref false in
- let currentpos = ref (make_current_pos cl pos occs) in
- let add_subst t subst =
- try
- test.testing_state <- test.merge_fun subst test.testing_state;
- test.last_found <- Some (extract !currentpos,t)
- with NotUnifiable e when not (like_first !currentpos) ->
- let lastpos = Option.get test.last_found in
- raise
- (SubtermUnificationError (!nested,(extract !currentpos,t),lastpos,e)) in
- let rec substrec k t =
- if all_found !currentpos then (* shortcut *) t else
- try
- let subst = test.match_fun test.testing_state t in
- if is_selected !currentpos then
- (add_subst t subst; incr currentpos;
- (* Check nested matching subterms *)
- nested := true; ignore (subst_below k t); nested := false;
- (* Do the effective substitution *)
- Vars.lift k (bywhat ()))
- else
- (incr currentpos; subst_below k t)
- with NotUnifiable _ ->
- subst_below k t
- and subst_below k t =
- map_constr_with_binders_left_to_right (fun d k -> k+1) substrec k t
- in
- let t' = substrec 0 t in
- (!currentpos, t')
let replace_term_occ_gen_modulo occs like_first test bywhat cl occ t =
let (nowhere_except_in,locs) = Locusops.convert_occs occs in
let maxocc = List.fold_right max locs 0 in