path: root/pretyping/evd.ml
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authorGravatar barras <barras@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2005-06-07 21:38:40 +0000
committerGravatar barras <barras@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2005-06-07 21:38:40 +0000
commit9061ea66e66a7fe7ebd299d606d73514abc66d0e (patch)
treeb5c06a3762b8912f056fc28f144494cd2329ff2e /pretyping/evd.ml
parent84d8767bbe195c664e0237f9eaedfaf7a977efa4 (diff)
reparations de quelques petits bugs d\'unification + introduction de la notion de variable de sortes (mais pas encore utilise...
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@7120 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'pretyping/evd.ml')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/evd.ml b/pretyping/evd.ml
index 4cf17fb77..7fd437e87 100644
--- a/pretyping/evd.ml
+++ b/pretyping/evd.ml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ type evar_info = {
module Evarmap = Intmap
-type evar_map = evar_info Evarmap.t
+type evar_map1 = evar_info Evarmap.t
let empty = Evarmap.empty
@@ -126,6 +126,149 @@ let existential_opt_value sigma ev =
with NotInstantiatedEvar -> None
+(* Constraints for sort variables *)
+type sort_var = Univ.universe
+type sort_constraint =
+ | DefinedSort of sorts (* instantiated sort var *)
+ | SortVar of sort_var list * sort_var list (* (leq,geq) *)
+ | EqSort of sort_var
+module UniverseOrdered = struct
+ type t = Univ.universe
+ let compare = Pervasives.compare
+module UniverseMap = Map.Make(UniverseOrdered)
+type sort_constraints = sort_constraint UniverseMap.t
+let rec canonical_find u scstr =
+ match UniverseMap.find u scstr with
+ EqSort u' -> canonical_find u' scstr
+ | c -> (u,c)
+let whd_sort_var scstr t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ Sort(Type u) ->
+ (try
+ match canonical_find u scstr with
+ _, DefinedSort s -> mkSort s
+ | _ -> t
+ with Not_found -> t)
+ | _ -> t
+let rec set_impredicative u s scstr =
+ match UniverseMap.find u scstr with
+ | DefinedSort s' ->
+ if family_of_sort s = family_of_sort s' then scstr
+ else failwith "sort constraint inconsistency"
+ | EqSort u' ->
+ UniverseMap.add u (DefinedSort s) (set_impredicative u' s scstr)
+ | SortVar(_,ul) ->
+ (* also set sorts lower than u as impredicative *)
+ UniverseMap.add u (DefinedSort s)
+ (List.fold_left (fun g u' -> set_impredicative u' s g) scstr ul)
+let rec set_predicative u s scstr =
+ match UniverseMap.find u scstr with
+ | DefinedSort s' ->
+ if family_of_sort s = family_of_sort s' then scstr
+ else failwith "sort constraint inconsistency"
+ | EqSort u' ->
+ UniverseMap.add u (DefinedSort s) (set_predicative u' s scstr)
+ | SortVar(ul,_) ->
+ UniverseMap.add u (DefinedSort s)
+ (List.fold_left (fun g u' -> set_impredicative u' s g) scstr ul)
+let is_sort_var s scstr =
+ match s with
+ Type u ->
+ (try
+ match canonical_find u scstr with
+ _, DefinedSort _ -> false
+ | _ -> true
+ with Not_found -> false)
+ | _ -> false
+let new_sort_var cstr =
+ let u = Termops.new_univ() in
+ (u, UniverseMap.add u (SortVar([],[])) cstr)
+let set_leq_sort (u1,(leq1,geq1)) (u2,(leq2,geq2)) scstr =
+ let rec search_rec (is_b, betw, not_betw) u1 =
+ if List.mem u1 betw then (true, betw, not_betw)
+ else if List.mem u1 not_betw then (is_b, betw, not_betw)
+ else if u1 = u2 then (true, u1::betw,not_betw) else
+ match UniverseMap.find u1 scstr with
+ EqSort u1' -> search_rec (is_b,betw,not_betw) u1'
+ | SortVar(leq,_) ->
+ let (is_b',betw',not_betw') =
+ List.fold_left search_rec (false,betw,not_betw) leq in
+ if is_b' then (true, u1::betw', not_betw')
+ else (false, betw', not_betw')
+ | DefinedSort _ -> (false,betw,u1::not_betw) in
+ let (is_betw,betw,_) = search_rec (false, [], []) u1 in
+ if is_betw then
+ UniverseMap.add u1 (SortVar(leq1@leq2,geq1@geq2))
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun g u -> UniverseMap.add u (EqSort u1) g) scstr betw)
+ else
+ UniverseMap.add u1 (SortVar(u2::leq1,geq1))
+ (UniverseMap.add u2 (SortVar(leq2, u1::geq2)) scstr)
+let set_leq (Type u1) (Type u2) scstr =
+ let (cu1,c1) = canonical_find u1 scstr in
+ let (cu2,c2) = canonical_find u2 scstr in
+ if cu1=cu2 then scstr
+ else
+ match c1,c2 with
+ (EqSort _, _ | _, EqSort _) -> assert false
+ | SortVar(leq1,geq1), SortVar(leq2,geq2) ->
+ set_leq_sort (cu1,(leq1,geq1)) (cu2,(leq2,geq2)) scstr
+ | _, DefinedSort(Prop _ as s) -> set_impredicative u1 s scstr
+ | _, DefinedSort(Type _) -> scstr
+ | DefinedSort(Type _ as s), _ -> set_predicative u2 s scstr
+ | DefinedSort(Prop _), _ -> scstr
+let set_sort_variable (Type u) s scstr =
+ match s with
+ Prop _ -> set_impredicative u s scstr
+ | Type _ -> set_predicative u s scstr
+let pr_sort_cstrs g =
+ let l = UniverseMap.fold (fun u c l -> (u,c)::l) g [] in
+ str "SORT CONSTRAINTS:" ++ fnl() ++
+ prlist_with_sep fnl (fun (u,c) ->
+ match c with
+ EqSort u' -> Univ.pr_uni u ++ str" == " ++ Univ.pr_uni u'
+ | DefinedSort s -> Univ.pr_uni u ++ str " := " ++ print_sort s
+ | SortVar(leq,geq) ->
+ str"[" ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep spc Univ.pr_uni geq) ++
+ str"] <= "++ Univ.pr_uni u ++ brk(0,0) ++ str"<= [" ++
+ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep spc Univ.pr_uni leq) ++ str"]")
+ l
+type evar_map = evar_map1 * sort_constraints
+let empty = empty, UniverseMap.empty
+let add (sigma,sm) k v = (add sigma k v, sm)
+let dom (sigma,_) = dom sigma
+let map (sigma,_) = map sigma
+let rmv (sigma,sm) k = (rmv sigma k, sm)
+let remap (sigma,sm) k v = (remap sigma k v, sm)
+let in_dom (sigma,_) = in_dom sigma
+let to_list (sigma,_) = to_list sigma
+let fold f (sigma,_) = fold f sigma
+let define (sigma,sm) k v = (define sigma k v, sm)
+let is_evar (sigma,_) = is_evar sigma
+let is_defined (sigma,_) = is_defined sigma
+let existential_value (sigma,_) = existential_value sigma
+let existential_type (sigma,_) = existential_type sigma
+let existential_opt_value (sigma,_) = existential_opt_value sigma
type open_constr = evar_map * constr
@@ -235,11 +378,8 @@ let evar_source ev d =
(* define the existential of section path sp as the constr body *)
let evar_define sp body isevars =
- (* needed only if an inferred type *)
- let body = refresh_universes body in
{isevars with evars = define isevars.evars sp body}
let evar_declare hyps evn ty ?(src=(dummy_loc,InternalHole)) evd =
{ evd with
evars = add evd.evars evn
@@ -270,6 +410,22 @@ let get_conv_pbs isevars p =
{isevars with conv_pbs = pbs1},
+(* Sort variables *)
+let new_sort_variable (sigma,sm) =
+ let (u,scstr) = new_sort_var sm in
+ (Type u,(sigma,scstr))
+let is_sort_variable (_,sm) s =
+ is_sort_var s sm
+let whd_sort_variable (_,sm) t = whd_sort_var sm t
+let set_leq_sort_variable (sigma,sm) u1 u2 =
+ (sigma, set_leq u1 u2 sm)
+let define_sort_variable (sigma,sm) u s =
+ (sigma, set_sort_variable u s sm)
+let pr_sort_constraints (_,sm) = pr_sort_cstrs sm
(* Accessing metas *)