path: root/plugins/ssr/ssrfwd.ml
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authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <Enrico.Tassi@inria.fr>2018-02-07 10:59:00 +0100
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <Enrico.Tassi@inria.fr>2018-03-04 18:01:24 +0100
commitf35069aec1847068ecb501244507cb5aa9fa9b81 (patch)
tree7a47940f36cec47c35d9e73812361f12e22c2202 /plugins/ssr/ssrfwd.ml
parent9efd7ac0311f2b55756d7aa2790b0adb75c69579 (diff)
ssr: rewrite Ssripats and Ssrview in the tactic monad
Ssripats and Ssrview are now written in the Tactic Monad. Ssripats implements the => tactical. Ssrview implements the application of forward views. The code is, according to my tests, 100% backward compatible. The code is much more documented than before. Moreover the "ist" (ltac context) used to interpret views is the correct one (the one at ARGUMENT EXTEND interp time, not the one at TACTIC EXTEND execution time). Some of the code not touched by this commit still uses the incorrect ist, so its visibility in TACTIC EXTEND can't be removed yet. The main changes in the code are: - intro patterns are implemented using a state machine (a goal comes with a state). Ssrcommon.MakeState provides an easy way for a tactic to enrich the goal with with data of interest, such as the set of hyps to be cleared. This cleans up the old implementation that, in order to thread the state, that to redefine a bunch of tclSTUFF - the interpretation of (multiple) forward views uses the state to accumulate intermediate results - the bottom of Sscommon collects a bunch of utilities written in the tactic monad. Most of them are the rewriting of already existing utilities. When possible the old version was removed.
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/ssr/ssrfwd.ml')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ssr/ssrfwd.ml b/plugins/ssr/ssrfwd.ml
index 5c1b399a8..d6489e728 100644
--- a/plugins/ssr/ssrfwd.ml
+++ b/plugins/ssr/ssrfwd.ml
@@ -27,12 +27,19 @@ module RelDecl = Context.Rel.Declaration
let settac id c = Tactics.letin_tac None (Name id) c None
let posetac id cl = Proofview.V82.of_tactic (settac id cl Locusops.nowhere)
-let ssrposetac ist (id, (_, t)) gl =
+let ssrposetac (id, (_, t)) gl =
+ let ist, t =
+ match t.Ssrast.interp_env with
+ | Some ist -> ist, Ssrcommon.ssrterm_of_ast_closure_term t
+ | None -> assert false in
let sigma, t, ucst, _ = pf_abs_ssrterm ist gl t in
posetac id t (pf_merge_uc ucst gl)
-let ssrsettac ist id ((_, (pat, pty)), (_, occ)) gl =
- let pat = interp_cpattern ist gl pat (Option.map snd pty) in
+let ssrsettac id ((_, (pat, pty)), (_, occ)) gl =
+ let pty = Option.map (fun { Ssrast.body; interp_env } ->
+ let ist = Option.get interp_env in
+ (mkRHole, Some body), ist) pty in
+ let pat = interp_cpattern gl pat pty in
let cl, sigma, env = pf_concl gl, project gl, pf_env gl in
let (c, ucst), cl =
let cl = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr cl in
@@ -52,57 +59,8 @@ let ssrsettac ist id ((_, (pat, pty)), (_, occ)) gl =
open Util
-let rec is_Evar_or_CastedMeta sigma x =
- EConstr.isEvar sigma x || EConstr.isMeta sigma x ||
- (EConstr.isCast sigma x && is_Evar_or_CastedMeta sigma (pi1 (EConstr.destCast sigma x)))
-let occur_existential_or_casted_meta c =
- let rec occrec c = match Constr.kind c with
- | Evar _ -> raise Not_found
- | Cast (m,_,_) when isMeta m -> raise Not_found
- | _ -> Constr.iter occrec c
- in try occrec c; false with Not_found -> true
open Printer
-let examine_abstract id gl =
- let gl, tid = pfe_type_of gl id in
- let abstract, gl = pf_mkSsrConst "abstract" gl in
- let sigma = project gl in
- let env = pf_env gl in
- if not (EConstr.isApp sigma tid) || not (EConstr.eq_constr sigma (fst(EConstr.destApp sigma tid)) abstract) then
- errorstrm(strbrk"not an abstract constant: "++ pr_econstr_env env sigma id);
- let _, args_id = EConstr.destApp sigma tid in
- if Array.length args_id <> 3 then
- errorstrm(strbrk"not a proper abstract constant: "++ pr_econstr_env env sigma id);
- if not (is_Evar_or_CastedMeta sigma args_id.(2)) then
- errorstrm(strbrk"abstract constant "++ pr_econstr_env env sigma id++str" already used");
- tid, args_id
-let pf_find_abstract_proof check_lock gl abstract_n =
- let fire gl t = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (Reductionops.nf_evar (project gl) (EConstr.of_constr t)) in
- let abstract, gl = pf_mkSsrConst "abstract" gl in
- let l = Evd.fold_undefined (fun e ei l ->
- match Constr.kind ei.Evd.evar_concl with
- | App(hd, [|ty; n; lock|])
- when (not check_lock ||
- (occur_existential_or_casted_meta (fire gl ty) &&
- is_Evar_or_CastedMeta (project gl) (EConstr.of_constr @@ fire gl lock))) &&
- Constr.equal hd (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr abstract) && Constr.equal n abstract_n -> e::l
- | _ -> l) (project gl) [] in
- match l with
- | [e] -> e
- | _ -> errorstrm(strbrk"abstract constant "++ pr_constr_env (pf_env gl) (project gl) abstract_n ++
- strbrk" not found in the evar map exactly once. "++
- strbrk"Did you tamper with it?")
-let reduct_in_concl t = Tactics.reduct_in_concl (t, DEFAULTcast)
-let unfold cl =
- let module R = Reductionops in let module F = CClosure.RedFlags in
- reduct_in_concl (R.clos_norm_flags (F.mkflags
- (List.map (fun c -> F.fCONST (fst (destConst (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr c)))) cl @
- [F.fBETA; F.fMATCH; F.fFIX; F.fCOFIX])))
open Ssrast
open Ssripats
@@ -140,21 +98,23 @@ let basecuttac name c gl =
let gl, _ = pf_e_type_of gl t in
Proofview.V82.of_tactic (Tactics.apply t) gl
+let introstac ipats = Proofview.V82.of_tactic (tclIPAT ipats)
let havetac ist
(transp,((((clr, pats), binders), simpl), (((fk, _), t), hint)))
suff namefst gl
let concl = pf_concl gl in
let skols, pats =
- List.partition (function IPatNewHidden _ -> true | _ -> false) pats in
- let itac_mkabs = introstac ~ist skols in
- let itac_c = introstac ~ist (IPatClear clr :: pats) in
- let itac, id, clr = introstac ~ist pats, Tacticals.tclIDTAC, cleartac clr in
+ List.partition (function IPatAbstractVars _ -> true | _ -> false) pats in
+ let itac_mkabs = introstac skols in
+ let itac_c = introstac (IPatClear clr :: pats) in
+ let itac, id, clr = introstac pats, Tacticals.tclIDTAC, old_cleartac clr in
let binderstac n =
let rec aux = function 0 -> [] | n -> IPatAnon One :: aux (n-1) in
- Tacticals.tclTHEN (if binders <> [] then introstac ~ist (aux n) else Tacticals.tclIDTAC)
- (introstac ~ist binders) in
- let simpltac = introstac ~ist simpl in
+ Tacticals.tclTHEN (if binders <> [] then introstac (aux n) else Tacticals.tclIDTAC)
+ (introstac binders) in
+ let simpltac = introstac simpl in
let fixtc =
not !ssrhaveNOtcresolution &&
match fk with FwdHint(_,true) -> false | _ -> true in
@@ -178,7 +138,7 @@ let havetac ist
let interp_ty gl rtc t =
let a,b,_,u = pf_interp_ty ~resolve_typeclasses:rtc ist gl t in a,b,u in
let open CAst in
- let ct, cty, hole, loc = match t with
+ let ct, cty, hole, loc = match Ssrcommon.ssrterm_of_ast_closure_term t with
| _, (_, Some { loc; v = CCast (ct, CastConv cty)}) ->
mkt ct, mkt cty, mkt (mkCHole None), loc
| _, (_, Some ct) ->
@@ -207,10 +167,10 @@ let havetac ist
gl, ty, Tacticals.tclTHEN assert_is_conv (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (Tactics.apply t)), id, itac_c
| FwdHave, false, false ->
let skols = List.flatten (List.map (function
- | IPatNewHidden ids -> ids
+ | IPatAbstractVars ids -> ids
| _ -> assert false) skols) in
let skols_args =
- List.map (fun id -> examine_abstract (EConstr.mkVar id) gl) skols in
+ List.map (fun id -> Ssripats.Internal.examine_abstract (EConstr.mkVar id) gl) skols in
let gl = List.fold_right unlock_abs skols_args gl in
let sigma, t, uc, n_evars =
interp gl false (combineCG ct cty (mkCCast ?loc) mkRCast) in
@@ -221,7 +181,7 @@ let havetac ist
let gl = re_sig (sig_it gl) (Evd.merge_universe_context sigma uc) in
let gs =
List.map (fun (_,a) ->
- pf_find_abstract_proof false gl (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr a.(1))) skols_args in
+ Ssripats.Internal.pf_find_abstract_proof false gl (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr a.(1))) skols_args in
let tacopen_skols gl =
let stuff, g = Refiner.unpackage gl in
Refiner.repackage stuff (gs @ [g]) in
@@ -245,75 +205,6 @@ let havetac ist
-(* to extend the abstract value one needs:
- Utility lemma to partially instantiate an abstract constant type.
- Lemma use_abstract T n l (x : abstract T n l) : T.
- Proof. by case: l x. Qed.
-let ssrabstract ist gens (*last*) gl =
- let main _ (_,cid) ist gl =
- let proj1, proj2, prod =
- let pdata = build_prod () in
- pdata.Coqlib.proj1, pdata.Coqlib.proj2, pdata.Coqlib.typ in
- let concl, env = pf_concl gl, pf_env gl in
- let fire gl t = Reductionops.nf_evar (project gl) t in
- let abstract, gl = pf_mkSsrConst "abstract" gl in
- let abstract_key, gl = pf_mkSsrConst "abstract_key" gl in
- let cid_interpreted = interp_cpattern ist gl cid None in
- let id = EConstr.mkVar (Option.get (id_of_pattern cid_interpreted)) in
- let idty, args_id = examine_abstract id gl in
- let abstract_n = args_id.(1) in
- let abstract_proof = pf_find_abstract_proof true gl (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr abstract_n) in
- let gl, proof =
- let pf_unify_HO gl a b =
- try pf_unify_HO gl a b
- with _ -> errorstrm(strbrk"The abstract variable "++ pr_econstr_env env (project gl) id++
- strbrk" cannot abstract this goal. Did you generalize it?") in
- let find_hole p t =
- match EConstr.kind (project gl) t with
- | Evar _ (*when last*) -> pf_unify_HO gl concl t, p
- | Meta _ (*when last*) -> pf_unify_HO gl concl t, p
- | Cast(m,_,_) when EConstr.isEvar (project gl) m || EConstr.isMeta
- (project gl) m (*when last*) -> pf_unify_HO gl concl t, p
- | Evar _ ->
- let sigma, it = project gl, sig_it gl in
- let sigma, ty = Evarutil.new_type_evar sigma env in
- let gl = re_sig it sigma in
- let p = mkApp (proj2,[|ty;concl;p|]) in
- let concl = mkApp(prod,[|ty; concl|]) in
- pf_unify_HO gl concl t, p
- | App(hd, [|left; right|]) when Term.Constr.equal hd prod ->
- find_hole (mkApp (proj1,[|left;right;p|])) left
- | _ -> errorstrm(strbrk"abstract constant "++ pr_econstr_env env (project gl) abstract_n++
- strbrk" has an unexpected shape. Did you tamper with it?")
- in
- find_hole
- ((*if last then*) id
- (*else mkApp(mkSsrConst "use_abstract",Array.append args_id [|id|])*))
- (fire gl args_id.(0)) in
- let gl = (*if last then*) pf_unify_HO gl abstract_key args_id.(2) (*else gl*) in
- let gl, _ = pf_e_type_of gl idty in
- let proof = fire gl proof in
-(* if last then *)
- let tacopen gl =
- let stuff, g = Refiner.unpackage gl in
- Refiner.repackage stuff [ g; abstract_proof ] in
- Tacticals.tclTHENS tacopen [Tacticals.tclSOLVE [Proofview.V82.of_tactic (Tactics.apply proof)]; Proofview.V82.of_tactic (unfold[abstract;abstract_key])] gl
-(* else apply proof gl *)
- in
- let introback ist (gens, _) =
- introstac ~ist
- (List.map (fun (_,cp) -> match id_of_pattern (interp_cpattern ist gl cp None) with
- | None -> IPatAnon One
- | Some id -> IPatId id)
- (List.tl (List.hd gens))) in
- Tacticals.tclTHEN (with_dgens gens main ist) (introback ist gens) gl
let destProd_or_LetIn sigma c =
match EConstr.kind sigma c with
| Prod (n,ty,c) -> RelDecl.LocalAssum (n, ty), c
@@ -321,12 +212,12 @@ let destProd_or_LetIn sigma c =
| _ -> raise DestKO
let wlogtac ist (((clr0, pats),_),_) (gens, ((_, ct))) hint suff ghave gl =
- let mkabs gen = abs_wgen false ist (fun x -> x) gen in
+ let mkabs gen = abs_wgen false (fun x -> x) gen in
let mkclr gen clrs = clr_of_wgen gen clrs in
let mkpats = function
| _, Some ((x, _), _) -> fun pats -> IPatId (hoi_id x) :: pats
| _ -> fun x -> x in
- let ct = match ct with
+ let ct = match Ssrcommon.ssrterm_of_ast_closure_term ct with
| (a, (b, Some ct)) ->
begin match ct.CAst.v with
| CCast (_, CastConv cty) -> a, (b, Some cty)
@@ -368,11 +259,11 @@ let wlogtac ist (((clr0, pats),_),_) (gens, ((_, ct))) hint suff ghave gl =
| LetIn(id,b,ty,c) -> EConstr.mkLetIn (id,b,ty,pired c args)
| _ -> CErrors.anomaly(str"SSR: wlog: pired: " ++ pr_econstr_env env sigma c) in
c, args, pired c args, pf_merge_uc uc gl in
- let tacipat pats = introstac ~ist pats in
+ let tacipat pats = introstac pats in
let tacigens =
- (Tacticals.tclTHENLIST(List.rev(List.fold_right mkclr gens [cleartac clr0])))
- (introstac ~ist (List.fold_right mkpats gens [])) in
+ (Tacticals.tclTHENLIST(List.rev(List.fold_right mkclr gens [old_cleartac clr0])))
+ (introstac (List.fold_right mkpats gens [])) in
let hinttac = hinttac ist true hint in
let cut_kind, fst_goal_tac, snd_goal_tac =
match suff, ghave with
@@ -381,13 +272,13 @@ let wlogtac ist (((clr0, pats),_),_) (gens, ((_, ct))) hint suff ghave gl =
| true, `Gen _ -> assert false
| false, `Gen id ->
if gens = [] then errorstrm(str"gen have requires some generalizations");
- let clear0 = cleartac clr0 in
+ let clear0 = old_cleartac clr0 in
let id, name_general_hyp, cleanup, pats = match id, pats with
| None, (IPatId id as ip)::pats -> Some id, tacipat [ip], clear0, pats
| None, _ -> None, Tacticals.tclIDTAC, clear0, pats
| Some (Some id),_ -> Some id, introid id, clear0, pats
| Some _,_ ->
- let id = mk_anon_id "tmp" gl in
+ let id = mk_anon_id "tmp" (Tacmach.pf_ids_of_hyps gl) in
Some id, introid id, Tacticals.tclTHEN clear0 (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (Tactics.clear [id])), pats in
let tac_specialize = match id with
| None -> Tacticals.tclIDTAC
@@ -407,8 +298,8 @@ let wlogtac ist (((clr0, pats),_),_) (gens, ((_, ct))) hint suff ghave gl =
(** The "suffice" tactic *)
let sufftac ist ((((clr, pats),binders),simpl), ((_, c), hint)) =
- let htac = Tacticals.tclTHEN (introstac ~ist pats) (hinttac ist true hint) in
- let c = match c with
+ let htac = Tacticals.tclTHEN (introstac pats) (hinttac ist true hint) in
+ let c = match Ssrcommon.ssrterm_of_ast_closure_term c with
| (a, (b, Some ct)) ->
begin match ct.CAst.v with
| CCast (_, CastConv cty) -> a, (b, Some cty)
@@ -423,4 +314,4 @@ let sufftac ist ((((clr, pats),binders),simpl), ((_, c), hint)) =
let ctac gl =
let _,ty,_,uc = pf_interp_ty ist gl c in let gl = pf_merge_uc uc gl in
basecuttac "ssr_suff" ty gl in
- Tacticals.tclTHENS ctac [htac; Tacticals.tclTHEN (cleartac clr) (introstac ~ist (binders@simpl))]
+ Tacticals.tclTHENS ctac [htac; Tacticals.tclTHEN (old_cleartac clr) (introstac (binders@simpl))]