path: root/plugins/nsatz/nsatz.ml
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authorGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2017-02-24 12:23:43 +0100
committerGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2017-04-09 22:00:20 +0200
commitba636891121821b4943a0464b49e14de54de8253 (patch)
treed70caf013b7e428f376d48ea018d880b9d36a505 /plugins/nsatz/nsatz.ml
parent2c0287fe8445bd4b599bf8498bcb71b2a7df0d51 (diff)
Academic prescriptivism strikes back: down with baroque programming in Nsatz.
Several cleanups were performed. 1. Removal of dead code lurking around. 2. Removal of global variables used to pass arguments to functions, as well as unnecessary mutable state here and there. We rely on state-passing and encapsulated mutable state. 3. Removal of crazy reference manipulation and its replacement with proper list handling, as well as cleaning up the source and taking advantage of invariants. This should solve algorithmic limitations of the previous code. 4. Opacification of some structures to have a clearer idea of the code requirements. 5. Cleaning of debug printing functions. We thunk the computation of the debugging data, whose computation can be costly for no reason, and we rely on Feedback-based interaction instead of Printf-debugging.
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/nsatz/nsatz.ml')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/nsatz/nsatz.ml b/plugins/nsatz/nsatz.ml
index 36bce780b..8fba92e79 100644
--- a/plugins/nsatz/nsatz.ml
+++ b/plugins/nsatz/nsatz.ml
@@ -257,21 +257,19 @@ let rec parse_request lp =
(parse_term p)::(parse_request lp1)
|_-> assert false
-let nvars = ref 0
-let set_nvars_term t =
- let rec aux t =
+let set_nvars_term nvars t =
+ let rec aux t nvars =
match t with
- | Zero -> ()
- | Const r -> ()
+ | Zero -> nvars
+ | Const r -> nvars
| Var v -> let n = int_of_string v in
- nvars:= max (!nvars) n
- | Opp t1 -> aux t1
- | Add (t1,t2) -> aux t1; aux t2
- | Sub (t1,t2) -> aux t1; aux t2
- | Mul (t1,t2) -> aux t1; aux t2
- | Pow (t1,n) -> aux t1
- in aux t
+ max nvars n
+ | Opp t1 -> aux t1 nvars
+ | Add (t1,t2) -> aux t2 (aux t1 nvars)
+ | Sub (t1,t2) -> aux t2 (aux t1 nvars)
+ | Mul (t1,t2) -> aux t2 (aux t1 nvars)
+ | Pow (t1,n) -> aux t1 nvars
+ in aux t nvars
let string_of_term p =
let rec aux p =
@@ -301,8 +299,8 @@ open PIdeal
varaibles <=np are in the coefficients
-let term_pol_sparse np t=
- let d = !nvars in
+let term_pol_sparse nvars np t=
+ let d = nvars in
let rec aux t =
(* info ("conversion de: "^(string_of_term t)^"\n");*)
let res =
@@ -336,14 +334,8 @@ let polrec_to_term p =
match p with
|Poly.Pint n -> const (Coef.to_num n)
|Poly.Prec (v,coefs) ->
- let res = ref Zero in
- Array.iteri
- (fun i c ->
- res:=add(!res, mul(aux c,
- pow (Var (string_of_int v),
- i))))
- coefs;
- !res
+ let fold i c res = add (res, mul (aux c, pow (Var (string_of_int v), i))) in
+ Array.fold_right_i fold coefs Zero
in aux p
(* approximation of the Horner form used in the tactic ring *)
@@ -355,9 +347,11 @@ let pol_sparse_to_term n2 p =
match p with
[] -> const (num_of_string "0")
| (a,m)::p1 ->
+ let m = Ideal.Monomial.repr m in
let n = (Array.length m)-1 in
let (i0,e0) =
List.fold_left (fun (r,d) (a,m) ->
+ let m = Ideal.Monomial.repr m in
let i0= ref 0 in
for k=1 to n do
if m.(k)>0
@@ -374,45 +368,28 @@ let pol_sparse_to_term n2 p =
p in
if Int.equal i0 0
- let mp = ref (polrec_to_term a) in
- if List.is_empty p1
- then !mp
- else add(!mp,aux p1)
- else (
- let p1=ref [] in
- let p2=ref [] in
- List.iter
- (fun (a,m) ->
- if m.(i0)>=e0
- then (m.(i0)<-m.(i0)-e0;
- p1:=(a,m)::(!p1))
- else p2:=(a,m)::(!p2))
- p;
+ let mp = polrec_to_term a in
+ if List.is_empty p1 then mp else add (mp, aux p1)
+ else
+ let fold (p1, p2) (a, m) =
+ if (Ideal.Monomial.repr m).(i0) >= e0 then begin
+ let m0 = Array.copy (Ideal.Monomial.repr m) in
+ let () = m0.(i0) <- m0.(i0) - e0 in
+ let m0 = Ideal.Monomial.make m0 in
+ ((a, m0) :: p1, p2)
+ end else
+ (p1, (a, m) :: p2)
+ in
+ let (p1, p2) = List.fold_left fold ([], []) p in
let vm =
if Int.equal e0 1
then Var (string_of_int (i0))
else pow (Var (string_of_int (i0)),e0) in
- add(mul(vm, aux (List.rev (!p1))), aux (List.rev (!p2))))
+ add (mul(vm, aux (List.rev p1)), aux (List.rev p2))
in (*info "-> pol_sparse_to_term\n";*)
aux p
-let remove_list_tail l i =
- let rec aux l i =
- if List.is_empty l
- then []
- else if i<0
- then l
- else if Int.equal i 0
- then List.tl l
- else
- match l with
- |(a::l1) ->
- a::(aux l1 (i-1))
- |_ -> assert false
- in
- List.rev (aux (List.rev l) i)
lq = [cn+m+1 n+m ...cn+m+1 1]
lci=[[cn+1 n,...,cn1 1]
@@ -422,49 +399,35 @@ let remove_list_tail l i =
removes intermediate polynomials not useful to compute the last one.
-let remove_zeros zero lci =
- let n = List.length (List.hd lci) in
- let m=List.length lci in
+let remove_zeros lci =
+ let m = List.length lci in
let u = Array.make m false in
let rec utiles k =
- if k>=m
- then ()
- else (
- u.(k)<-true;
+ (** TODO: Find a more reasonable implementation of this traversal. *)
+ if k >= m || u.(k) then ()
+ else
+ let () = u.(k) <- true in
let lc = List.nth lci k in
- for i=0 to List.length lc - 1 do
- if not (zero (List.nth lc i))
- then utiles (i+k+1);
- done)
- in utiles 0;
- let lr = ref [] in
- for i=0 to m-1 do
- if u.(i)
- then lr:=(List.nth lci i)::(!lr)
- done;
- let lr=List.rev !lr in
- let lr = List.map
- (fun lc ->
- let lcr=ref lc in
- for i=0 to m-1 do
- if not u.(i)
- then lcr:=remove_list_tail !lcr (m-i+(n-m))
- done;
- !lcr)
- lr in
- info ("useless spolynomials: "
- ^string_of_int (m-List.length lr)^"\n");
- info ("useful spolynomials: "
- ^string_of_int (List.length lr)^"\n");
+ let iter i c = if not (PIdeal.equal c zeroP) then utiles (i + k + 1) in
+ List.iteri iter lc
+ in
+ let () = utiles 0 in
+ let filter i l =
+ let f j l = if m <= i + j + 1 then true else u.(i + j + 1) in
+ if u.(i) then Some (List.filteri f l)
+ else None
+ in
+ let lr = CList.map_filter_i filter lci in
+ info (fun () -> Printf.sprintf "useless spolynomials: %i" (m-List.length lr));
+ info (fun () -> Printf.sprintf "useful spolynomials: %i " (List.length lr));
-let theoremedeszeros lpol p =
+let theoremedeszeros metadata nvars lpol p =
let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday() in
- let m = !nvars in
- let (lp0,p,cert) = in_ideal m lpol p in
- let lpc = List.rev !poldepcontent in
- info ("time: "^Format.sprintf "@[%10.3f@]s\n" (Unix.gettimeofday ()-.t1));
- (cert,lp0,p,lpc)
+ let m = nvars in
+ let cert = in_ideal metadata m lpol p in
+ info (fun () -> Printf.sprintf "time: @[%10.3f@]s" (Unix.gettimeofday ()-.t1));
+ cert
open Ideal
@@ -507,51 +470,33 @@ let expand_pol lb lp =
in List.rev (aux lb (List.rev lp))
let theoremedeszeros_termes lp =
- nvars:=0;(* mise a jour par term_pol_sparse *)
- List.iter set_nvars_term lp;
+ let nvars = List.fold_left set_nvars_term 0 lp in
match lp with
| Const (Int sugarparam)::Const (Int nparam)::lp ->
((match sugarparam with
- |0 -> info "computation without sugar\n";
+ |0 -> sinfo "computation without sugar";
- sugar_flag := false;
- divide_rem_with_critical_pair := false
- |1 -> info "computation with sugar\n";
+ |1 -> sinfo "computation with sugar";
- sugar_flag := true;
- divide_rem_with_critical_pair := false
- |2 -> info "ordre lexico computation without sugar\n";
+ |2 -> sinfo "ordre lexico computation without sugar";
- sugar_flag := false;
- divide_rem_with_critical_pair := false
- |3 -> info "ordre lexico computation with sugar\n";
+ |3 -> sinfo "ordre lexico computation with sugar";
- sugar_flag := true;
- divide_rem_with_critical_pair := false
- |4 -> info "computation without sugar, division by pairs\n";
+ |4 -> sinfo "computation without sugar, division by pairs";
- sugar_flag := false;
- divide_rem_with_critical_pair := true
- |5 -> info "computation with sugar, division by pairs\n";
+ |5 -> sinfo "computation with sugar, division by pairs";
- sugar_flag := true;
- divide_rem_with_critical_pair := true
- |6 -> info "ordre lexico computation without sugar, division by pairs\n";
+ |6 -> sinfo "ordre lexico computation without sugar, division by pairs";
- sugar_flag := false;
- divide_rem_with_critical_pair := true
- |7 -> info "ordre lexico computation with sugar, division by pairs\n";
+ |7 -> sinfo "ordre lexico computation with sugar, division by pairs";
- sugar_flag := true;
- divide_rem_with_critical_pair := true
| _ -> error "nsatz: bad parameter"
- let m= !nvars in
- let lvar=ref [] in
- for i=m downto 1 do lvar:=["x"^(string_of_int i)^""]@(!lvar); done;
- lvar:=["a";"b";"c";"d";"e";"f";"g";"h";"i";"j";"k";"l";"m";"n";"o";"p";"q";"r";"s";"t";"u";"v";"w";"x";"y";"z"] @ (!lvar); (* pour macaulay *)
- name_var:=!lvar;
- let lp = List.map (term_pol_sparse nparam) lp in
+ let lvar = List.init nvars (fun i -> Printf.sprintf "x%i" (i + 1)) in
+ let lvar = ["a";"b";"c";"d";"e";"f";"g";"h";"i";"j";"k";"l";"m";"n";"o";"p";"q";"r";"s";"t";"u";"v";"w";"x";"y";"z"] @ lvar in
+ (* pour macaulay *)
+ let metadata = { name_var = lvar } in
+ let lp = List.map (term_pol_sparse nvars nparam) lp in
match lp with
| [] -> assert false
| p::lp1 ->
@@ -561,16 +506,16 @@ let theoremedeszeros_termes lp =
lb is kept in order to fix the certificate in the post-processing
let lpol, lb = clean_pol lpol in
- let (cert,lp0,p,_lct) = theoremedeszeros lpol p in
- info "cert ok\n";
+ let cert = theoremedeszeros metadata nvars lpol p in
+ sinfo "cert ok";
let lc = cert.last_comb::List.rev cert.gb_comb in
- match remove_zeros (fun x -> equal x zeroP) lc with
+ match remove_zeros lc with
| [] -> assert false
| (lq::lci) ->
(* post-processing : we apply the correction for the last line *)
let lq = expand_pol lb lq in
(* lci commence par les nouveaux polynomes *)
- let m = !nvars in
+ let m = nvars in
let c = pol_sparse_to_term m (polconst m cert.coef) in
let r = Pow(Zero,cert.power) in
let lci = List.rev lci in
@@ -578,8 +523,8 @@ let theoremedeszeros_termes lp =
let lci = List.map (expand_pol lb) lci in
let lci = List.map (List.map (pol_sparse_to_term m)) lci in
let lq = List.map (pol_sparse_to_term m) lq in
- info ("number of parameters: "^string_of_int nparam^"\n");
- info "term computed\n";
+ info (fun () -> Printf.sprintf "number of parameters: %i" nparam);
+ sinfo "term computed";
|_ -> assert false
@@ -619,7 +564,7 @@ let nsatz lpol =
mkt_app lcons [tlp ();ltterm;r])
(mkt_app lnil [tlp ()]) in
- info "term computed\n";
+ sinfo "term computed";
let return_term t =
@@ -633,5 +578,3 @@ let nsatz_compute t =
with Ideal.NotInIdeal ->
error "nsatz cannot solve this problem" in
return_term lpol